New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 29

by Elle M Thomas

  “Excuse me.” She turned away slightly to answer. “Hello.”

  “Hey baby, I hope you are behaving and not leading my sister astray or maybe I should be having this conversation with Sam?”

  Laughing, Eve considered relaying the night's events but decided against it.

  “I am very well behaved, always am,” she told him making him laugh.

  “I remember how well behaved you were the night we met, baby, so I thought I'd call you before you got too drunk and also to let you know that I may not be back until very late tomorrow or possibly even early Saturday.”

  “Oh,” she moaned sadly. “I was looking forward to seeing you.” She almost shouted to be heard above the music.

  “I know and I was hoping to see you too. I've missed you,” he told her, making her smile and want to cry all at the same time.

  “Well, it can't be helped, and we'll still have the rest of the weekend, including date night.” She hoped that thought might lift both of their moods.

  “Mmm, but which scenario will date night be?” he mused. “Baby, on that note, I have to go, but you should still go back to mine after work tomorrow, make yourself at home. I'm getting quite horny thinking of you lying in my bed when I get home.” He seemed a little distant, as if talking to himself as much as her.

  “Nice idea, Skip, but I don't have a key,” she pointed out.

  “Sam does, pass the phone over, please.” He suddenly sounded business-like making her smile as she passed the phone towards Sam.

  “Gray wants to speak to you,” she explained and laughed as Sam immediately took the phone and spoke before he could.

  “It wasn't my fault! Your girlfriend is gorgeous and she is a vision of boobs and ass in black and silver making her a serious man magnet. Even the waiter at Jimmy's gave her his number, but for some reason she only has eyes for you,” she said before coming up for breath. “Oh yeah, okay, yeah, no problem, bye, love you.” She handed the phone back to Eve mouthing a sorry.

  “Hello again, Skipper.”

  “I can't leave you unaccompanied for one night, can I? Waiters and boobs and ass in black and silver. Get as much sleep as you can tonight because it is going to be in short supply this weekend and Sam will sort you a key out. I really, really like the idea of you in my bed,” he said, repeating his earlier sentiment.

  “Maybe I’ll pack a one-handed lady book,” she teased.

  “Oh, baby, you are going to find yourself flat out beneath me and fucked senseless with suggestions like that.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she told him with a grin.

  “You definitely need to get plenty of sleep. Night, Evie,” he said hoarsely making her feel as though his words were stroking her gently, caressing her.

  “Night, Skip, see you tomorrow,” she replied.

  Looking up, the others were all staring at her and laughing while Jamie just stared at her for a second before turning to Sally. “Until Monday, or call me if you're at a loose end at the weekend.”

  Shaking her head at her cousin, Eve got to her feet. “I am going to dance, and you need to tread very carefully with Mr Single No More!”

  It was 2 a.m. when Eve climbed into bed and fell asleep immediately, thankful that her drunkenness hadn't made the room spin and prevented her sleeping or made her sick.

  When the alarm began to ring, Eve groaned, but rather than vow never to drink again she stuck with vowing no more big nights out when she had to get up for work. Gingerly, she climbed out of bed and after brushing her teeth jumped in the shower before sipping a cup of tea and dressing in a grey shift dress, matching jacket with black leather court shoes. Thankfully she looked down at the bag she'd packed for the weekend the previous night and along with her handbag she carried them downstairs and threw them into her car.

  Leon grinned at her as she entered the office and pointed at the rather green Lou who was washing pain killers down with black coffee.

  “Ladies, I am out for the morning so I will see you after lunch, take care of each other.” He laughed as he left them alone to nurse their fragile dispositions.

  Fortunately for them both they had enough work to keep them busy, but the office was quiet with some of the other more senior staff on leave or out on appointments like Leon. Neither Eve nor Lou was really up to consuming lunch until Sam appeared carrying a selection of Danish pastries and expensive take-away coffees from a nearby coffee shop.

  “Afternoon ladies,” she called cheerfully. They both winced slightly.

  “How are you not hung over and as fragile as us?” asked Lou.

  “Ah, well, my very lovely husband had coffee waiting for me when I got in and then a large glass of water to wash down two paracetamol and then he took me to bed and sobered me up a little more.” She grinned, making Eve laugh.

  Lou threw in a token, “TMI Sam.”

  “Whatever! Anyway, I thought as I was bringing these down for Eve…” She threw her some keys on a keyring, “I could provide afternoon tea.”

  Eve took a raisin whirl before looking at the keys.

  Sam reached over and took them from her then proceeded to explain which key was which. “I will text you the alarm code, unless Gray has already given it to you.”

  “No. Thanks, Sam, and I'll let you have these back on Monday, or Saturday. I could give them to you on Saturday,” replied Eve.

  “What? Oh, yes, mother's garden party. Thank you for encouraging Gray to come along tomorrow.”

  “I didn't, I mean I told him to do what he wanted and that I'd come along if he wanted me to, but I think it was more about you. About Gray looking out for you,” revealed Eve, hoping she wasn't being indiscreet.

  “He does worry, but thank you anyway, and please disregard anything our mother says. She is a bitch, but she is our mother.”

  Sam’s blunt reply made Eve stare at her slightly.

  “Give the keys back to Gray. Right, just an apple and custard Danish for me and then I’d better get back to my own office.”

  Chapter 24

  Eve was impressed that she had managed to follow the directions on her sat nav and made it to Grayson's flat with no unexpected detours. She found a woman on the reception or security desk, whatever it was, who viewed her suspiciously.

  “Can I help you, miss?” she asked getting to her feet, intimidating Eve slightly as the woman towered over her, in height and width.

  “My boyfriend lives here, and he's given me a key, to meet him here.”

  “Which apartment miss?” She smiled a little now.

  “Eight.” Eve wondered if this woman had the authority to refuse her access to Gray's flat.

  “Name?” She glanced down at papers in front of her.

  “Eve Mariner, oh, unless you mean his. Sorry. Grayson Sharp,” stammered Eve nervously, “I can call him if you'd rather, or you can,” she offered making the other woman laugh.

  “That won’t be necessary, Miss Mariner. Are you familiar with the lift?”

  “Yes,” replied Eve thinking she'd been in it a few times with Gray.

  “If you need anything, just ring down,” she replied to Eve who was glad to be heading for the isolation of the lift if not the loneliness of the flat until Gray returned home.

  By half past nine Eve was wondering where Gray was and when he'd be home. She also thought that she may go to bed as she was very tired, courtesy of last night's lateness and the drinking involved.

  She quickly text Gray.

  Hi Skip. Not hassling u but as ur not home yet thought I would go 2 bed, last night was a late 1. x

  On my way shortly baby. Go to bed, can't wait to find you there waiting for me. Have missed you like you wouldn't believe. x

  U say the nicest things. I have missed u 2. Is it really lame that I am genuinely excited about date night? x

  Not lame. How excited? Wet pants excited? x

  Eve laughed as she read his message and giggled as she composed her reply.

  Yup u really do say the
nicest things! C u bed. x

  Later. x

  Standing in Gray's bedroom freshly showered and wrapped in a fluffy white towel Eve looked down at the selection of nightwear on his bed and considered what to wear. She picked each item up in turn and then decided to go with nothing, after all she didn't want any barriers between them when he got home. She wanted skin on skin. She'd missed the feel of his touch and was desperate to feel it again when he climbed into bed next to her. She folded the items on the bed and put them away, deciding that tomorrow was a different matter. Maybe very small, but incredibly expensive night dresses were appropriate for date night. Eve climbed into bed grinning inanely as she turned the lamp off thinking that when she woke up Gray could be there next to her.

  It was after 1 a.m. when Gray pulled into his parking space next to Eve's car and smiled as a warm feeling flooded his senses; he really had missed her.

  Still smiling, he entered the building and stepped into the lift for the short journey upstairs to his home where he knew Eve was, sleeping in his bed, waiting for him.

  Opening the front door, it dawned on him that he usually found returning home from business trips an irritant, disorientating slightly, like returning from holiday. Returning to your real life in your real world. Gray deactivated the alarm and thought that although business trips were necessary, he didn't like them as a rule, but if coming home to Eve after one gave him this rush, then maybe they would be worth it. He reactivated the alarm before heading upstairs where the bedroom was in darkness but casting a glance across it, he couldn't take his eyes off his bed, the obvious shape and outline of a body on the opposite side of the bed to his own. With an overwhelming urge to perform some kind of victory, 'I love the sight of my girlfriend sleeping in my bed' dance he retreated to the dressing room. He hung his suit bag up and placed his weekender bag on the floor before getting undressed down to his boxers. He decided that they too would be surplus to requirements so cast them aside before returning to the bedroom where Eve lay in exactly the same position he'd first found her in.

  Pulling back the duvet, he carefully slid in next to her and toyed with the idea of rolling her over and draping himself across her. He could pull her into his arms and kiss her until she woke and then he would make love to her, or maybe in his desperation it would actually be more sex than love because he would fuck her hard until she was shaking and writhing beneath him, crying out his name. As his arousal at these thoughts throbbed against his belly in a firm, pulsing erection he admonished himself for ensuring that he wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon.

  He smiled as Eve rolled over so that her back was towards him and thought that maybe if he rolled onto his side and moved a little closer her proximity may be enough for him. As Gray moved closer to her she shuffled back slightly but was presumably still asleep as she didn't react to his body behind hers, almost against her. Throwing caution to the wind, Gray draped an arm across Eve's waist and inhaled her scent deeply as if he needed his lungs full of her to survive. He became aware of Eve fidgeting slightly and considered unhanding her, but she suddenly moved against him, wriggling her hips against his groin increasing the level of torture he felt he was being subjected to. With his erection leaping towards her behind as if it had a life of its own Gray debated the option of getting up and going downstairs to the guest bedroom, but he really didn't want to leave her.

  The feel of Eve's hand linking with his that still rested over her body made him smile, a smile that broadened further when she pressed her behind into his body more firmly now and rotated her hips slightly, signalling that she was awake too. Pulling her against him Gray began to place gentle kisses against her shoulders and neck making her breathe more loudly, but still she said nothing.

  The hand that was resting on her waist made its way up her body, first to her right breast and then her left, gently arousing her, with tiny, delicate strokes around her breasts until he was teasing the nipples into tight peaks. Gray's other hand was pulling the hair off her neck, shoulders and back leaving him a greater expanse of flesh to savour.

  Still neither of them spoke but they probably had no need for words. Eve moved one leg back until it was between Gray's legs leaving her exposed to him, for him, an invitation he accepted immediately. His expert fingers opened her delicate folds of flesh to reveal her hot and wet core that he probed, first with one finger and then a second that made her gasp as his thumb found her clitoris fully exposed. Gray's satisfied sigh was the only sound either of them heard before he began to circle her clitoris triggering a series of tremors to course through her. Still she said nothing but reached behind and gripped his exposed erection that was already leaking his own arousal.

  Using his legs that still held hers Gray pulled her open a little more before picking up the pace of his fingers until Eve had no choice but to climax, shuddering from head to toe coated in a sheen of sweat.

  “I've missed you, baby,” whispered Gray as he licked the shell of her ear.

  Eve's leg was still gripped between Gray's and he showed no sign of releasing it as he brought her crashing down with another climax that had her crying out loudly and gripping his erection so tightly that she wondered if she'd hurt him, but apparently not.

  “I've missed making you come, Evie,” he told her as he released her, rolling onto his back.

  Attempting to roll back to him, Gray stopped her. “No, stay like you were while I get a condom,” he told her.

  Reverting to her earlier position Eve waited expectantly as she heard him rummage in the bedside cabinet and then smiled as she heard the familiar rustle of the foil condom wrapper that was opened hastily.

  Once sheathed, Gray positioned himself so that he could enter her from behind and did so with ease, but the angle meant that he was deep inside her, exciting and arousing her quickly and although she usually held him tightly, this position increased the tightness of her around him without any help from the clenching of her internal muscles. He was struggling to hold back but he wanted more than a quick rutting. He wanted to really make love to her, gently and slowly so rather than fondling her he held her. One hand rested on her mound with just one finger drooping low enough to tease and stroke her while his other hand smoothed her hair as he kissed her ear, neck and shoulders with no words until she was on the verge of falling apart for him again.

  “That's it, Evie. I love the way you come for me. I love you being here waiting for me to come back, in my home. I love seeing you lying in my bed, naked, ready for me. I love you, Eve,” he told her as she came with a loud cry that made her feel as though she was being completely torn apart physically and emotionally.

  Her whole body trembled, on high alert while her mind tried to order her thoughts, deciphering how she felt about what he'd said. He had just told her he loved her, but she knew he may have been carried away by the intensity of the moment and she wasn't that girl who needed to hear those three words and then to use them to beat her poor unsuspecting victim over the head with at every opportunity.

  Gray's pace was less leisurely now and as he twitched and pulsed inside her Eve began to tense around him, but was unsure how much was involuntary and how much deliberate.

  “I'm coming, Eve, oh fuck, yes,” he moaned but as he moved more quickly she was crying out with him and clawing at the sheets and her pillow as she was rocked by another orgasm that was almost too much, leaving her breathless, hoarse and dizzy.

  Kissing Eve's ear, Gray gently and slowly withdrew from her and briefly disappeared into the bathroom where he disposed of the condom and then eyed himself suspiciously in the mirror and asked his own reflection, “So, you love her?”

  With a shake of his head, he turned the light off and returned to Eve in bed where she had rolled over so was now facing him.

  “Hello,” she said, sounding almost nervous.

  “Hello, yourself,” he replied with a grin making her laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You have about ninety seconds to roll bac
k over and go to sleep before I need to fuck you again, and I dunno about you but I am knackered, and we have a very full weekend ahead.”

  “Whatever you say, Skip.” She grinned before planting a kiss on his lips and then rolled over allowing them both to fall into a deep and content sleep.

  Sitting outside on the terrace, lounging on Gray's steamer Eve closed her eyes and smiled as she cast her mind back to when he'd returned home and how after making love to her he'd fallen asleep almost immediately and was still fast asleep when she'd woken. Part of her regretted her decision to come downstairs and leave him alone, but as he was sleeping so soundly, she knew he needed the sleep more than anything else. The late summer sun was gently warming the large expanse of skin that was on show courtesy of the denim shorts and cotton, fitted, button through bustier top she was wearing that left her midriff exposed.

  “Room on there for one more?” came Gray's voice, bringing her back to the present.

  “Always,” she replied, moving over to make room for him.

  Gray squeezed into the space next to Eve, holding his cup of tea carefully so as not to spill any on her. Leaning into his embrace Eve inhaled deeply and smiled at the familiar aroma she'd missed while he'd been away.

  “I think I may need to invest in another one of these,” he told her quite seriously.

  “I quite like the tight fit of the two of us squashed on here together.” Eve rested a hand on Gray's t-shirt covered chest.

  “Me too, but for comfort one each may be the way to go, although…” replied Gray laughing at the recollection of his previous thought.

  “What?” asked Eve, laughing with him, but unsure why.

  “I have to admit to having thought about us out here together, but you were straddling my lap rather than lying next to me.” He grinned.

  Sitting up and watching Gray's wistful expression, Eve stretched across him until she was indeed straddling him making him smile as he pushed her loose hair behind her ears.


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