New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 34

by Elle M Thomas

  “She told you?” asked Eve disbelievingly.

  “No! I kind of pieced a few bits together and drew my own conclusion,” he explained.

  “She will never buy that,” laughed Eve, knowing that this was going to be all her fault in her mother's eyes.

  “Sure she will,” he insisted. “I can be very persuasive, and it is the truth.” He grinned confidently.

  Eve stared at him and thought what an attractive man he was and not her mother's usual type. He was well dressed and obviously well off, looking at the cut of his trousers and the expensive Italian handmade shoes he wore which did fall in with her mother's type given the chance, but he seemed different, nice and caring, with a slight ‘Max’ look about him.

  “Well good luck with that but if she doesn't buy it don't worry, I'm used to it being my fault,” Eve revealed possibly sounding a little bitter, but worse than that she’d allowed her guard down and been totally honest with this man, Doug, who was a stranger, to her at least.

  “Sorry,” he said with a genuineness that shocked her.

  “It's fine, it's not your fault,” reassured Eve.

  “Jury's out on that one,” he said mysteriously with a sadness clouding his green and amber flecked eyes now.

  “So, where is my mum?” asked Eve.

  “In bed.” He grinned. “She is not a morning person, is she?” he asked as they both laughed.

  “I think technically it’s afternoon, but no, she’s not. Have you known her long?”

  With a shrug he explained, “We met when we were teenagers and then my family who had come here from Ireland decided to move home and we didn't speak or see each other for about twenty-eight years and then I was over here on business and when I was at a loose end took a trip down to Brighton and who should I bump into but Karen.”

  “Wow, how lovely,” smiled Eve. “Do you still live in Ireland?”

  “Yes, kind of, well, I split my time between Dublin and Oxford, but business takes me to lots of different places.”

  “No regrets about moving back with your family?” Eve was happy making conversation but as her tummy began to rumble hoped Gray would hurry up back with his wallet and male pride that had forced him to go and retrieve it.

  “A couple, but they weren't to know that I'd left things behind,” he replied cryptically and then laughed at Eve's expression. “You're wondering what I left behind?” he asked making Eve shrug.

  “I don't know, although I am a nosey sod,” she admitted making him laugh.

  “Well, from one nosey sod to another, I left your mother behind, not that I could have done anything about that as a boy of sixteen, but I think I could have if I'd known what else I'd left behind,” he said ambiguously, like one of those random crossword clues, my first is in today but not in tomorrow or however they go.

  Her expression obviously betrayed her confusion as he leaned in closer to explain, “You Eve. I think I may have left you behind too.”

  Startled and panicking, Eve leapt to her feet needing to distance herself from him and the implication of what he was saying to her, what it meant. He thought he was her dad and she thought he may be right. They shared some similarities that she and her mother didn’t, the eyes, the height and colouring. Her head was spinning and as he got to his feet apologising and reaching towards her, she was stepping back almost in fear of what might happen next.

  “Eve,” came Gray's voice from behind her before his body filled the space between her and Doug. “You appear to be upsetting my girlfriend,” Gray told Doug with a clear threat before turning to look at Eve with concern on his face. “Baby, are you okay?”

  “Fine,” Eve muttered, breathing hard before Doug replied.

  “I didn't mean to upset you, Eve, and I can see that this is something of a shock, but did she never mention me?”

  Shaking her head as a confused Gray looked on, Eve explained, “No, never. She never mentioned you, as Doug or anything else.”

  “What is going on here?” asked Gray with irritation.

  “This is Doug, my mum's…he's here with my mum and they're old friends, so old that Doug thinks he may be my dad,” exclaimed Eve nervously before adding, “And Doug this is my boyfriend, Gray.”

  “Baby,” said Gray calmly as he turned towards Eve and cupped her face in his hands continued, “Do you want to discuss this further or would you like me to ask Doug to leave us alone?”

  “I don't know,” replied Eve with complete honesty before Doug interrupted.

  “Eve, I didn't mean or want to cause you any upset or distress and I did wonder whether she had told you anything about your father, but I can see not. Will you take this, my card, with my numbers on and when you've had time to think, call me, please.”

  Eve nodded as she shakily accepted the card in Doug's hand.

  After eating about half of her lunch Eve suddenly asked, “Do you think we could bail on Sam and Tim tonight?”

  “Sure thing. I'll call Tim in a minute and make our excuses,” he reassured her with a concerned smile.

  “Thank you. I'm not really up for being sociable,” Eve explained unnecessarily.

  “Eve, it's fine, really. We can just go home and spend the night together in front of the TV with a bottle of something and a takeaway,” suggested Gray.

  “Would you mind if we postponed. I think I'd like to be alone for a while.”

  “Yes, yes I would mind,” snapped Grayson angrily. “Shit!” he cried as he saw Eve's expression crumbling before him. “Sorry, baby, I am being a dick. I don't want you to be alone and I don't want to be alone. I want to be with you, always, but if you need some alone time, then I respect it, even if I don't like it.”

  “Thank you,” replied Eve with a wobble to her voice.

  “But if you need me, call me and I will be there in a flash.”

  “Thank you,” repeated Eve. “I love you very much and really don't know how I ever got so lucky to find you.”

  “I'm the lucky one and I love you too, I’ve told you, still falling,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. “Now please eat some more lunch if you're going to skip my offer of a takeaway tonight.”

  Eve lay in her own bed alone and rolled over for the umpteenth time, still unable to sleep. She had insisted that she would be better staying alone tonight but was seriously doubting it now. Even if Gray had been there her mind would have still been in turmoil as she considered her possible parentage, a subject she had long since resolved in her own mind and put to bed, but without him, the comfort and reassurance that the feeling of his body next to hers gave her was missing.

  Rolling back the other way she reached for her phone and considered calling Gray for a chat, or to allow him to offer to visit her, but at half past one on a Monday morning it would be unfair of her to do that.

  Leaping out of bed, Eve grabbed an overnight bag from her wardrobe and threw some clothes into it; underwear, an outfit for work, a casual outfit and a nightie. Her phone followed, complete with charger and some shoes. Throwing the bag on the bed she found a fleece jacket and a pair of trainers to go on over her long-sleeved pyjamas. Running into the lounge Eve grabbed her handbag that contained her purse, keys and Doug's card.

  Without further ado she was locking her front door behind her and heading down to her car where she fumbled in her bag trying to find her key but managed to retrieve the plastic ring Gray had given her first, making her laugh. She was still laughing as she found her car key and drove away from her home towards Grayson's.

  The roads were deserted and allowed her to make good time and before she knew it, she was pulling into the parking space next to Gray's car. Reaching for her bag and finding her phone she composed a quick text.

  Hey Skipper, sorry it's late. Just wondering if ur awake. I can't sleep & thought u may be free to chat. x

  Waiting for a reply Eve wondered what she would do if he didn't answer. Would she end up sleeping or not sleeping but still in her car? Jumping as her phone vibrated into li
fe she looked down at the reply.

  Hey baby, always awake & free to chat with you. Can't sleep either, am missing you lying next to me. x

  Grinning at his admission, Eve admonished her own reaction but got out of her car with her bags and crossed the road as she dialled Gray.

  “Hello there, Evie,” he said, answering his phone on the first ring.

  “Hello yourself,” replied Eve as a gust of wind swirled around her distorting the sound of her voice on the phone.

  By now she was just entering Gray's building and smiled at the man on the desk as he looked up and nodded his recognition from her previous visits.


  “Where are you?” Gray sounded worried about her.

  “Sorry,” she started. “I was outside, hence the wind blowing down the line.”

  “Outside, what the bloody hell are you doing outside? Get inside, now. It's the middle of the night!” he cried making her laugh. “Eve, I am not laughing,” he stated unnecessarily.

  “I can hear that. I am back inside now but you may lose me once I'm in the lift,” she revealed as the lift arrived.

  “You don't have a lift,” replied a confused Gray.

  “No, but you do,” she teased as the reception was lost until the lift reached its destination.

  As the doors opened, Gray's front door was flung open to reveal a worried and angry looking Grayson looking back at her.

  “What the fuck are you playing at?” he asked startling her. “Turning up here in the middle of the night alone. Driving here when you're tired and have things on your mind.”

  “Sorry,” Eve said, suddenly confused and tearful. “Do you want me to go home?” she asked with a tremble to her voice.

  “What? No, of course not. I was worried about you and now worried and pissed off that you came here like this. You should have called me, and I would have come to you. I should put you across my knee, young lady,” he threatened making her smile at the thought of it. “Fucking hell, Evie!” Gray pulled her against him and dragged her and her bags into his flat where she found herself raised and pressed against the back of the door.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist she used her toes to flick her shoes off as he found her mouth with his and kissed her with lust and desperation.

  “I missed you,” she told him when he came up for breath. “I don't think I can sleep alone very well anymore,” she admitted making him smile.

  “You and me both.” He slipped a hand down the front of her pyjama trousers and seemed shocked to find her bare beneath them.

  “You came here without any underwear on,” he stated more than asked as his fingers separated her soft, delicate folds and found her wet and warm already. “We may both have to consider revising our working hours at this rate, baby.”

  “Grayson, take me to bed,” she moaned.

  “Are you tired now?” he asked with an arched brow making her worry her bottom lip slightly.

  “No. I was hoping you'd take me to bed and fuck me until you're coming inside me.”

  “God, Eve, that is seriously fucking horny when you say that,” groaned Gray as he pulled her closer against him and carried her towards the stairs.

  “My bags!”

  “They can wait til morning, you won’t need them tonight, I have everything you need,” he told her as he began his ascent of the stairs to the bedroom.

  Waking wrapped tightly in Gray's embrace Eve smiled at just how at home she felt here, not in Gray's flat, but here, with him, in his arms.

  “Any chance of you phoning Leon and making a late start?” asked Gray's voice as his breath did a dance across Eve's shoulder that brought her whole body to life.

  “I wish, but we're meeting with Jamie Lewis,” Eve explained.

  “I really don't like that man,” replied Gray as he released Eve from his grip and tensed suddenly.

  “You don't have to like him, but he is a client of Frontiers.”

  “Maybe I should speak to Leon.”

  “About what?” Eve knew exactly what the topic of conversation would be; Jamie Lewis and her working with him.

  “About your role and your worth to the company and the fact that dickheads like Jamie bloody Lewis shouldn’t be allowed within fifty feet of you.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” Eve fumed.

  She knew what he’d say to Leon, the gist of it, but hearing it aloud incensed her. How dare he even consider this as an option?

  “And don’t fucking swear at me!” Clearly Gray’s anger was on the rise too if his reddening face and raised voice were anything to go by.

  “Then don’t be such a bloody idiot.”

  “Evie.” Her name was a warning in itself. “You are on dodgy ground here.”

  “Me? I’m the one on dodgy ground? I’m the one in the wrong? You are un-fucking-believable, Gray.”

  “Evie!” he repeated through gritted teeth.

  “Jamie is nothing. I am not interested in him or anyone else. Strangely enough, the only person I am interested in is you, and you might just be the worst choice ever.”

  “Baby, don’t say that. This, us, it’s right and the best choice.”

  He looked sad, but Eve knew he still wouldn’t be moved on his irrational dislike, maybe fear of Jamie.

  “Grayson, this is madness. We can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”

  “What? I can’t keep defending and protecting you from people who want to come between us?”

  Eve stared at him, unsure how this was ever going to get resolved when all Gray could see in other people was a threat.

  “You’re the biggest threat here.”

  She’d had enough and refused to pull her punches.

  “Jamie is nothing, only in your head. I don’t want him, even if he wants me—”

  She got no further as Gray leapt upon that. “He wants you. I have known it all along and now you admit it. What the fuck has he said? Did he touch you? I swear to God if his hands or lips have been anywhere near you…”

  Gray leapt from the bed and began to pace the room naked, which in different circumstances would have amused Eve, but right now she was unsure if a full comedy routine would be capable of raising a laugh from her.

  “You are being ridiculous. You are pacing the floor stark bollock naked over a man I am working with, who was attracted to me and is now pursuing my cousin. The same man I have no interest in, and never have.”

  “Please stop swearing.”

  Eve rolled her eyes but shuffled up the bed so that she was sitting up. “That is your issue in all of this, my swearing. Gray, I meant what I said, you are the biggest threat to us with this ridiculous jealousy and your keeping of secrets.”

  He seemed to ignore her words except for his jealousy which was far from ridiculous in his mind.

  “You’re jealous too.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” she muttered and ignored his chastising glare and utterance of her name again. “I’m jealous, yes, but I don’t forbid you from being near anyone who meets the criteria of your type. I hate that you had a type and that type is the complete opposite of me. I hate more the fact that everyone who knows you must know that too. I see them everywhere I go and all I can think is that you want to fuck them, or that you have fucked them.”

  “Evie.” Gray lay back down on the bed and attempted to brush Eve’s loose hair back of her face.

  “No! And no telling me not to swear. I am in a constant state of doubt about how long it will be before you revert to type and tire of the novelty of me and that is made worse by your refusal to talk about your past. I love you, but I’m scared that loving you is hurting me.”

  Gray looked stunned. He opened his mouth to speak several times, but no words came out. Eventually he found his voice. “I love you, too, more than anything ever. The past is just that and we shouldn’t worry about that. We need to look to the future and that means dealing with the present.”

  Eve got up from the bed, shaking her he
ad at his stupidity and stubbornness in refusing to see the importance of him needing to open up a little more.

  Gray looked at her, his glance lowering down the length of her body and back up to her sad and frustrated face, focusing on her worried eyes. He knew she was right about him opening up about his past, but he doubted she’d stay with him if he did; he was broken and beyond unworthy of someone like her. She spoke again, breaking his thoughts.

  “The present? And exactly what is it we need to deal with at this present time?”

  “Jamie Lewis looks at you as if he's undressing you and seeing you naked. He wants to see you naked and shag you, it's obvious,” cried Gray as he sprawled on his back across the bed with his arms thrown above his head.

  “This is getting us nowhere. You are fixated on something that doesn’t exist and at the same time you refuse to deal with the real issue that is going to drive a wedge between us.”

  “The past doesn’t matter.” He insisted.

  “You are a fucking idiot.”

  “And you need to watch your mouth.”

  Eve smiled but there was no warmth or happiness in it. This was pointless. They were only going around in circles. “I really need to get showered and dressed.”

  Sitting at the dining table eating a banana and a yoghurt in the absence of her cereal, Eve jumped as the front door opened to reveal a pretty, blonde woman of about thirty, a petite woman, another one of Gray's type. They stared at each other, both of them as confused and intrigued as each other at the sight of another woman in Gray's home. Eve could feel irrational jealousy rising in her at another of his type being here, in his life at all, especially after that morning. Still staring, Eve was unsure what to say to this stranger who had a key to her boyfriend's home, but the other woman seemed a little more collected and very sure of herself as she closed the door behind her and entered the flat.

  “I'll put Gray's coffee on then, shall I?” The other woman spoke far too confidently as she entered the kitchen that seemed totally familiar to her.

  Eve got to her feet, unsure what she was going to do, although a near overpowering urge to run washed over her until Gray's familiar scent wafted through the room before he appeared doing battle with a cuff link. Finally, he glanced up and appeared concerned by Eve's expression until he looked at where she was staring and laughed.


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