The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3)

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The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-792-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The Nannies, 3

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “Putting that whore to ground was the best thing I ever did,” Hawk Dark said, even as his nine-month-old baby girl screamed. He didn’t know what else to fucking do. He’d changed her shitty diaper. How could a baby release so much crap? He’d fed her. Burped her. Hugged her, and he wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight. She just wasn’t settling down.

  “What about right now?” his club brother and VP, Bear, asked. He leaned up against the doorframe to the nursery.

  “Especially right now. Bitch was a traitor.”

  “Should you be swearing like that in front of her?”

  “It’s not like she can fucking tell.”

  Bear held his hands up. “She’d be able to deal with this problem and you could get your dick wet.”

  “Seriously, shut the fuck up.”

  “Don’t you have, like … Prospects for this?”

  “This is my little girl. I’m not going to leave her alone with just anyone.” He’d been tempted to, but seeing as he happened to love his baby girl, he wasn’t about to let just anyone take care of her.

  He knew how shit the world was, and he wasn’t going to allow anything to hurt his baby. She’d be protected, which was why he removed her mother from the equation. She’d been ready to sell club secrets, and no one put anything before the Satan’s Rulers MC, not in his club. No one betrayed his club.

  They were loyal ’til death.

  There was no way out.

  She’d crossed a line, and no matter how much she begged, she’d ended up six feet under. Now though, he had to deal with a screaming kid, and that just wasn’t good.

  “Why don’t you come in here and help a guy out?”

  “Exactly how would I do that?”

  “I don’t know. Taking her for five minutes so I can take a leak.”

  “Nope, not happening. I’ve heard those things are like a virus. They spread faster than wildfire, and I have no interest in being a daddy.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “To go over the plans for the next run, but you’re not going to be able to make it. You’re going to have to find someone to take care of her, or order one of the women at the club.”

  Hawk thought about the club whores that were always hanging around. Some of them were good women. Had a lot of kids of their own but they weren’t exactly motherly. Most days he saw them screwing one club member or all of them. Trains were pretty popular at the club, and some of the whores just loved to get fucked. They didn’t even have to be one after the other. A couple of the women just loved to have all their holes filled and even wanted it uploaded onto the internet.

  Whatever was a person’s kink, it was completely up to them.

  He wanted nothing to do with any of that. His ass was not going to be viewed on some cheap porn site for all to see.

  “Not happening,” Hawk said.

  “You’re saying that a lot. You’re going to have to cave or something. A babysitter. A nanny? A fucking foster family.”

  “I’m not giving up my kid, and if you were anyone else, Bear, I’d fucking shoot you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you tell me that all the time. I’m out of here. Enjoy your … baby.”

  He heard Bear leave and looked at his screaming daughter. Her face was red, and tears ran down her cheeks.

  She was the first child he’d ever had. At forty-five years old, he was finally a daddy. The woman who’d given him that honor he despised, but he couldn’t have everything he wanted.

  “We’re going to get through this. I’ll figure something out.”

  Her cries faded to a whimper as he started to hum. Carrying her downstairs, he locked the front door, then went to the back door where he locked that as well.

  Being the Prez of the Satan’s Rulers MC didn’t exactly offer him a lot of protection. He pissed off a lot of people and normally he was fine with that, but he didn’t want to take any chances with his little girl.

  “So, we’re going to have to figure out what to do now. It’s just the two of us, and believe me, you’ll hate me for taking out your momma but one day you’ll thank me. She was a no-good waste of air. She just left you home all day anyway. Yeah, I found that out. She’d leave you in your crib, then come home and pretend she’d been here all day. One of the Prospects at the club let me in on her game, so one day I came home and found you all by yourself. You were crying so bad. Worse than you are now.” He sighed. His voice had taken on a playful tone. If his boys could see him now, they’d all be fucking laughing at him.

  As the hour rolled on, Bethany slowly fell asleep, and he hummed to her, sitting in the living room with her resting against his chest.

  Grabbing his cell phone, he took a quick selfie, wanting to remember this moment for when she was a pain-in-the-ass teenager.

  He wasn’t going to let her go near boys, or have anything to do with them. She was going to stay the pristine little virgin.

  Finally relaxing, he closed his eyes and hoped that she didn’t wake up any time soon. He had lost track of the last time he’d actually slept for more than an hour or two.

  She was going to be the death of him.

  He tensed up as she wriggled, her hands moving on his chest. He waited to see if she’d woken up, but she didn’t. She let out a sigh, and sleep once again had hold of her.

  Breathing out a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.


  The following morning Hawk sat in his clubhouse kitchen, drinking some nasty coffee and eating rubbery pancakes. Casey, for all of her talents with her mouth, couldn’t cook for shit, but at least she tried.

  Bethany had allowed him to have three hours’ sleep last night and that was a world record. He was starving and tired.

  “You know, you could use one of those nanny services.”

  “I’ve seen the shit that some of those nannies do,” Red said from down the table. He was his soldier at arms and another man he trusted with his life. “You’re better giving your daughter to a pack of wolves.”

  “They’re not all bad. Besides, some places actually vet the women or men that come here.”

  “It’ll have to be a girl,” Hawk said, finishing off his pancake and quickly taking a swallow of his coffee as the food seemed to scratch his throat on the way down.

  “How come?” Casey asked.

  “It’s too much of a clash. We don’t need him trying to prove shit to us,” Hawk said.

  “Seriously? What if she responds better to guy nannies?” Casey pointed at his daughter.

  “Not going to happen.”

  “I can’t believe you’re being sexist.”

  “I want a woman to care for my kid, not a dude. How is that sexist?”

  “Because you believe taking care of kids is women’s work. Don’t even try to tell me differently. I’ve heard yo
u say it one too many times.”

  “What can I say? I think women have different places in this world. The kitchen is one of them, for the kids.”

  Casey rolled her eyes. “You won’t be getting any blowjobs any time soon.”

  “Again, for me, that is a woman’s job.”

  Casey was tapping away at her mobile, and suddenly it dinged. “You’re very welcome, by the way. They’re the best service around. I know because my sister needed one, and she totally raved about them.”

  “What was wrong with your sister having them?” Bear asked.

  “She and her hubby needed some time alone, and seeing as he didn’t like me taking care of his kids, they organized a nanny for the entire week. It was so good she decided to stay with them.”

  “Yeah, ’cause he’s not banging the nanny,” Red said.

  “No, he’s not.”

  “Please, all guys bang the nanny,” Bear said. “They’re young and want to have a daddy to teach them how things go.”

  “You’re fucking gross,” Hawk said.

  “Come on, Hawk, you’re telling me you wouldn’t bang your nanny?” Red asked.

  “I won’t bang any woman that’s taking care of my kid.”

  “Okay, I’ve got to have a wager on this,” Red said. “Bear, you in?”

  “On if Hawk will bang the nanny. I’m not parting with my money until I see the nanny. She could have missing teeth, stink, and have a cackle for a laugh. Not doing that shit. I know Hawk, and he’s picky about who he has on his dick.”

  None of them mentioned Bethany’s mother.

  That had been an accident, but he wasn’t in the habit of sleeping with vermin. Not anymore.

  “You can bet all you want. It’s not going to happen.”

  “Just try the number. Even if she’s able to get Bethany down at night, I’m sure it’ll be worth it.”


  Jasmine Clark had a meeting in two hours. She had to get some groceries, head to the post office, and of course make sure she wore something presentable as she’d been asked to go on an interview. Not her personally. She worked for an agency that had nannies in four different areas. Those nannies that had finished a job or been let go had gotten the notification, and seeing as she was nearest to the proposed job, then she’d been the one to be asked.

  She didn’t know who it was for, only the where.

  That was another thing; her GPS was totally down, so now she was having to use a good old out-of-date map to find the location. She lived close, but not that close to where her next job was. She was running so behind.

  This was why she should never ever drop toys off at the children’s wing of the hospital. Time just sucked right out of her, and now she was running behind. The bank was going to have to be on the list of things to do today. She may not even make it to the post office as it was only open half a day on Wednesdays.

  “Come on, Jasmine. You’ve got this.”

  She ran through the produce department and passed the meat section. Deciding against beef, she grabbed some chicken for half-price; so yay, freeze some for later. She’d just gone down the section for baking when she heard a whimper and then a cry. Babies crying always broke her heart and not for any reason other than she hated to hear babies cry. It was the worst thing in the world.

  Well, maybe not the worst thing, but it was something she couldn’t stand.

  Rounding the aisle, she came to a stop when she saw a huge man bending over looking at different kinds of baby food and diapers.

  He wore one of those MC cuts, but from the look of it, it wasn’t merchandise from a TV show. This was the real deal.

  MCs were all violent, weren’t they?

  She didn’t know many of them.

  She froze as he lifted a hand and placed it on the baby, softly shushing the sound. The baby didn’t like that.

  Jasmine expected him to lose his temper or something like that as the baby wasn’t doing what he wanted. Instead, he stood and smiled at the baby.

  Slowly walking past, she offered him a smile.

  “I’m sorry for the noise,” he said, his voice dark and deep.

  She nibbled her lip and shrugged. “It can’t be helped most of the time. Boy or girl?” she asked.

  The baby suit was white and she could never tell the sex in neutral colors, not that it mattered.

  “This is a girl. Bethany. She’s a screamer.”

  “You’ve got to shop too. She’s so adorable.”

  “You really think that when she’s crying.”

  “I’m weird. I find kids, puppies, dogs, rabbits, and rainbows beautiful.”

  “Not kittens?”

  “Oh, them too, but I didn’t want to sound too weird.” She chuckled. “You have got a beautiful set of lungs on you.” She smiled at Bethany.

  Slowly, as if by some miracle, Bethany’s cries stopped, and she watched her.

  “Wow, okay, I’m taking you back with me because that is some miracle you’ve worked there. How the fuck did you do that?”

  “I don’t know. I love kids.”

  “Do you have your own?” he asked.

  A sharp pain slashed through her heart. “No, I don’t have any babies of my own. I’ve not been that lucky.”

  “That is the first time she’s been quiet all day.”

  “Would you like me to, I don’t know, stand with her while you shop? Would you like that?”

  “You’d do that?” he asked.

  “Sure, I’ve not got anything else to do.” She could do the post office another day and she can finish off her shopping.

  “You can put your stuff into my cart, and we can separate it.” He lifted up a huge chunk of beef and placed it down the middle. “See?”

  “I’ll be back.” She put her few items in her section, took her trolley back, and then returned to find him waiting.

  “The name’s Hawk.”



  “Yeah, my mom loved the name, so she wanted me to have it.” She gave a shrug.

  “It’s a pretty name.”

  She was not some schoolgirl that wasn’t used to taking a compliment. At thirty years old she’d met her fair share of charmers.

  “I really like Bethany.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Where’s your wife or your girlfriend?” Real smooth, Jasmine. Just go right ahead and find his marital status? She didn’t even know why she was curious. It’s not like she was interested in the guy.

  He was a biker.

  She wouldn’t have anything to do with bikes.

  Bikes were not her thing. Gripping the trolley, she followed Hawk down the aisle, picking up some chocolate chips and vanilla and putting them in her section of the trolley. She had a baking addiction, and it was her mission that every time she baked, she did something a bit different. This week she intended to make peanut butter brownies. Yum. Just the sound of it put on ten pounds, not that she minded at all.

  She’d long given up on worrying about being a slender woman. At a size eighteen, she was more than happy with her figure.

  From a young age she’d had to deal with large tits and hips, along with thick, chunky thighs. She was done with all kinds of diets. She’d tried most of them, failed them all. Dieting held no interest to her.

  Five years ago, she’d learned the hard way that life can take unexpected turns and that it was only a short time they were here on earth. She intended to live her life to the fullest. The only thing missing was sex.

  Glancing toward the man on her right, who looked relieved to have his little girl quiet, she wondered what he was like in bed.

  “I don’t have one,” he said after a long pause.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him why, but she held herself back. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself and just ask him to fuck her.

  Not that she’d ever be able to ask him that.

  She dreamed about it though.

  Imagined and fant
asized about what it would be like to have a man worship her. To take her, to use her, to fuck her. Part of her wanted to be treated like a whore, to be well and truly taken but afterward to be held. That was something she was never going to have, so she decided to use her trusty fingers and a very good imagination. She’d even tried porn a few times, but that didn’t do it for her.

  She tried not to laugh at some of the scenes she’d watched, but she was sure she saw one of the women making a list in between being taken in the ass and pussy. There was just nothing there for her to enjoy in that kind of lovemaking. What was the appeal with that kind of stuff?

  They made their way down to canned soup section; she just loved cream of mushroom and cream of celery. They worked wonders in casseroles if she didn’t have the chance to make it from scratch. There was only so much she could make after coming home from a really long day.

  She pushed the trolley with her arms while she let Bethany play with her fingers. The little girl kept squeezing them. She wanted to ask more questions about her mother and stuff like that but decided against it.

  Once they rang up their purchases, they made their way out to the car.

  Hawk followed her to hers and then she helped him by putting Bethany in the car seat as he loaded up his truck.

  She closed the door as quietly as she could.

  “Thank you for that. It’s been some time since I was able to think while shopping.”

  “No problem. I was happy to help. You’ve got a beautiful daughter.” She shook his hand and felt completely weird about doing that.

  It wasn’t a shaking of the hand kind of deal or anything other than being nice.

  “Have a nice day.” She pulled her hand back and walked away. Glancing over her shoulder once, she saw him staring back at her.

  Caught looking at him, she bit her lip but couldn’t help but smile. She liked that look in his eyes, especially as she was kind of into him too.

  But there was no “kind of” about it.

  She was into him.

  If she didn’t have a job to go to this afternoon she may have even asked for his phone number.


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