The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3)

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The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3) Page 6

by Sam Crescent


  “Renee likes her and is trying to convince her to go out. The last time Renee went out, she ended up hanging out of my truck because she wouldn’t stay the fuck inside it.”

  “When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and claim her?”

  “Probably never,” Bear said. “She’s too good for me.”

  “Bullshit. You’ve always pushed her away. I don’t get it.”

  “Simple. I want her to have whatever she wants. A life filled with love and no heartache. This life, it eats women like Renee. I couldn’t stand to hurt her.”


  “Fuck you.”

  “Have you ever thought that she’s the kind of girl you don’t hurt? That you’re not going to hurt her. What do I know? I buried the mother of my kid after I killed her, so I’m not one to talk.”

  “Your girl know that you put the old lady patch on her?” Bear asked.

  “She knows.”

  “She happy about it?”

  “Fuck no, she’s not. I’m not going to take it away though. Jasmine’s mine.” He laughed. “Jasmine, mine, get it. She’s mine.”

  “You’re getting way too fucking old.”

  “Fuck off.” He stopped Bethany from going onto the path and placed her back on the grass.

  “What are you going to do about that then, Boss? Your woman didn’t exactly look thrilled at the idea of belonging to you.”

  “She’ll get used to it.”

  “You think you’re acting too quickly?”

  “Have you gotten a pussy, Bear? I swear you’re starting to sound like a fucking girl.”

  Bear burst out laughing. “Just got your back, Prez. I know what happened the last time with a woman. Last thing I’d want is for you to get hurt.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Jasmine’s different.”

  “When do you want to do this hit?” Bear asked, changing the conversation.

  “When we know more. We know they’re armed, we just don’t know how much.”

  “Do you want to send a guy in undercover?”

  “No. I don’t want this playing out that long. We’ll keep on checking them out. Wait for some mistakes to shine through and then we’ll handle them.” He had no doubt that within a few weeks he’d know everything there was to know.

  “I don’t suppose you wish to be bait?”

  He looked at Bear.

  “To speed this shit along. You look vulnerable, unprotected. They take you out or they assume they take you out?”

  “It won’t work,” Hawk said.


  “The hit on my house was totally random. If they intended to kill, they’d have come inside. This was a warning to us. Believe me, I got it loud and clear.” Just thinking about that morning and how fucking terrified he’d been for Bethany and Jasmine, filled him with rage. “I don’t intend to be anyone’s bait. We’ll get them, Bear. Patience is all we need. They’re going to fuck up.”

  If it wasn’t for the hit on the house he’d have already attempted to take them out. They had their own weapons to fight back.

  Hawk was being cautious.

  A year ago, he’d have done that hit without a second thought. With a daughter and now a woman in his life, he wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

  Renee made her way outside, and Bear stood just a little taller.

  “Dinner’s nearly ready,” she said.

  “On a scale of one to ten, how pissed is she right now?”

  “She’s quite up there. It looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you in making amends there, biker boy.” Renee smiled at him before turning her weary gaze on Bear.

  These two really needed to fuck and make a decision. Or should he say, Bear needed to.

  “Dinner’s ready,” she said again.

  She didn’t wait around. Turning on her heel, she walked back to the clubhouse. It was the first time Hawk had seen her during this lockdown.

  “You’re drooling,” he said.

  “That ass.”

  “You really need to stop being an asshole and claim that woman.”

  “She’s not—”

  “I get it, right for the club. You ever thought she’s totally right for you? None of the old ladies are right for the club. In some way we’re going to ruin them, but it’s what you feel that makes the difference.” He picked up Bethany and stared at his friend and VP.

  “Now who has the pussy?” Bear asked, smirking.

  “I’ve got the pair of balls. You see, I laid claim to my woman. You’re just panting after yours like a little puppy dog.” He saw Bear’s glare, but he didn’t linger to see what his friend would say.

  Taking his daughter inside, he took a moment to watch Jasmine as she served everyone some food.

  This place would do wonders for her. She liked to be needed, and right now she was needed a whole hell of a lot.


  Lying in bed, Jasmine tried to focus on the murder mystery book she’d found in the top drawer of his nightstand. She loved to read, mostly romance, but every now and then she delved into a book that was a little different from her usual style.

  Bethany was already down for bed and in recent days had been sleeping throughout the night.

  The first thing she’d done when Hawk hired her was to develop a routine with Bethany that included spaced-out naps and times for play and stimulation with activities that meant by the time night came, she was exhausted.

  If he was downstairs, did that mean one of the women that liked to fuck random men was dealing with him?

  The thought of him sitting there as one of the women took care of his needs, filled her with a jealousy she didn’t want to think about.

  “Let him.” She gritted her teeth, hating the feeling that was riding up inside her at the thought of him being with another woman. Of another woman sucking on his cock or riding him to completion.

  Was he the kind of man that held a woman down and fucked her?

  All the dirty thoughts running through her head were not helping.

  Just as she was about to throw the book at the damn door, it opened and Hawk walked in. He didn’t look like he’d been with another woman. He closed the door behind him.

  He’d already told her before she walked upstairs that he’d be joining her tonight in this bed.

  She didn’t exactly know what that meant, but she was intrigued. Was he just going to snuggle in? Were they going to fool around? Have sex?

  Fool around?

  How old are you?

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Interesting book.”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “What part are you at?”

  “Erm, part?”


  “You’ve read it?”

  “I do read.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “I’m at the start.”

  He chuckled.

  “I am reading it.”

  “Sure you are.”

  She ignored him, watching as he removed his leather cut. The shirt he wore clung to his muscular arms. He’d not let himself go at forty-five years old. Every single inch of him was pure, hard steel. Whoever thought to take a hit out on him were idiots as far as she was concerned. There’s no way he’d ever let that kind of thing stand.

  “Did you have fun downstairs?” she asked. She gritted her teeth after she spoke since she didn’t want to draw attention to the fact she was a little pissed at him for being downstairs with those other women.

  She didn’t want to call them whores or skanks as that just felt so rude.


  “You know? Partying and stuff.”

  He smirked as he pulled his shirt off, showing all of his ink. Biting her lip, she tried to ignore her own arousal at seeing him get naked.

  Hawk stood at the edge of the bed, hands on hips, smiling down at her.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

nbsp; “I just … you took your time. You must have been … you know, busy.” She lifted up the book so she wasn’t tempted to stare at his perfect body anymore.

  He moved and suddenly the book was out of her hands and he pulled her from the bed. She didn’t fight him as she stared into his green eyes. There wasn’t anything about him that she didn’t find attractive. She loved how shockingly green his eyes were, the fact he had grey hair at his temples, and even all of his ink.

  “You jealous, baby?” he asked.

  “No. Of course not.” She scoffed at the mere idea of it, feeling like such a fucking liar as she spoke.

  He smiled. “So, you don’t have a problem with the thought of another woman touching me.” He placed her hand on his chest. “Or another woman getting me hard.” He moved her hand to his dick.

  He wasn’t small by any means.

  Gripping his length, she knew he was going to hurt her when he entered her. She hoped he fit.

  Licking her dry lips, she was mesmerized by his voice.

  “Do you like the idea of another woman stripping me naked? Taking my cock in her mouth? Sucking it to the back of her throat so she gags on it?”

  “Stop it,” she said.

  He banded an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, trapping her hand between their bodies. She couldn’t look away from him though.

  “I’m a lot of things, Jasmine. I’ve done a lot of shit to protect me and mine. But I can promise you, I’ll never, ever step out on you. No other woman will suck my cock or ride my dick. The only mouth, pussy, and ass I’m going to know is yours.” His other hand cupped her cheek. He ran a thumb ran across her bottom lip and slid it inside. “Fuck me, baby, I’m going to love every second of this.”

  She held onto his cock, rubbing him.

  This was so wrong.

  She could lose her job.

  It had been so long since she’d felt a man’s touch.

  As he claimed her lips, she gave in to this need curling inside her. She didn’t want to fight him or these feelings anymore.

  It had only been a day, not even a full twenty-four hours, but from what Renee had told her about those other women, she wasn’t happy with him being alone with them. She didn’t want him to find his pleasure there, but to come to her.

  He broke the kiss, and she whimpered, not wanting him to stop. His lips were at her ear, and she moaned.

  “I’m going to stop now, but remember, I won’t unless you tell me otherwise.” He pressed a kiss to her head and took a step back.

  Staring at him, she couldn’t stop panting.

  Her pussy was on fire and her nipples so hard.

  “What’s it going to be, Jasmine?”

  She loved her job so much.

  They don’t have to know.

  This was so wrong.

  She wasn’t a naughty girl.

  Never had been.

  All of her life, she’d followed the rules. Done everything by the book.

  Hawk was everything that went against the book. He didn’t follow any rules.

  It was all his own way or no way.

  Biting her lip, she stared down the length of his body. Even in a pair of jeans, she saw the ridge of his dick. How hard he was pressing against the front of his jeans. It was too much temptation.

  Staring into his eyes, she gripped the edge of her shirt, ignoring the bite of pain in her shoulder as she lifted it over her head and put it to the floor. Wriggling out of his boxer briefs, she stood before him naked.

  He was the first man to see her completely naked in a very long time.

  She was so nervous.

  This was incredibly wild for her.

  Stepping close to him, she placed a hand on his stomach.

  “This doesn’t mean I’m your old lady,” she said.

  He gripped her hips before running his hands up and down her back.

  “You want to be my whore for the night?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “No, I want to belong to you. I just … I’m scared of what it all means. I want this with you, Hawk. I’m just don’t want you to throw me away when you realize I’m no good at this.”

  “There’s no way you’re not good at this. I’m ready to fucking explode now,” he said. He gripped her ass and thrust his cock against her stomach. “You feel that. There’s no way that anyone who makes me that hard is going to be bad at it.”

  She wanted to believe him.

  “Are you sure about this? Once I start, there’s no backing down.”

  “I don’t want you to back down.” She was ready for this. “I’m all yours, Hawk. Do whatever you want with me.”

  To Jasmine, that sounded so incredibly dirty, and she was ready. So ready.

  Chapter Seven

  Jasmine was so fucking curvy and ripe, her tits so large they filled his hands and spilled over. She had a curved-in waist, flared hips, and thick thighs that were designed to have a man fuck her hard.

  Gripping her ass cheeks, he spread them open before releasing them and giving them a little slap.

  She let out a gasp.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  “I do.”

  Running his hands up to her face, he cupped her cheeks and took the kiss he couldn’t seem to get enough of.

  There was no way he was going to be able to stop once he got started. He fucking craved her more than anything else in the world.

  No woman had ever made him feel like this. So possessed with need that he couldn’t think straight.

  He couldn’t believe that she thought he was downstairs being fucked by one of the club whores. Since meeting her, he’d not played with any of them. It’s why he knew they were going to be pissed with Jasmine because he’d made a claim and now they all knew they didn’t have a chance with him.

  They never would have a chance with him.

  Jasmine was all he wanted and all he needed. She thought she didn’t have what it took to satisfy him. He was going to prove her wrong. She was everything as far as he was concerned.

  She attacked his belt, pulling it out of the loops as he walked her backward until she hit the wall.

  Kissing down to her neck, he sucked on her pulse before trailing his lips down her body. His jeans were partly open, and as he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on the bud, he wriggled them off.

  They fell to the floor with a thud. Kicking them aside, he licked across her chest, circling the other bud. Moving his hands down her body, he cupped between her thighs, finding her wet cunt.

  The lips of her pussy were covered in small curls that were damp from her arousal. Sliding a finger between her slit, he pushed inside.

  She was so tight, and she moaned.

  As far as he was concerned, she wasn’t wet enough for him. Dropping to his knees before her, he lifted up her thigh and stared at her slit. Her clit was already swollen, and her cunt looked so tight.

  He grabbed a chair and pulled it toward them. “Keep your foot on there.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m looking at what is mine.”

  He stared between her thighs at the same time he placed a finger on her slit. Moving down, he slid it inside her, watching her pussy.

  She tightened around him and released a moan, so he added a second digit, stretching her.

  Leaning forward, he sucked on her clit, and the cries coming from her were so damn hot.

  His cock stood out, and he wrapped his fingers around the length, rubbing in the pre-cum that was already spilling out of the tip.

  Up and down, he worked his length.

  She was so damn tight around his two fingers he was surprised he even fit at all.

  Adding a third finger, he flicked his tongue back and forth, arousing her even more.

  He felt her release building, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He didn’t want her to come so quickly.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he stood up. Staring into her eyes, he sucked his digits clean.

saw her gaze widen.

  “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” he asked. “Has any man ever made you come so hard?”

  “Please,” she said.

  He moved her this time to the bed. “Lie down. Spread those legs.”

  She moved to the center of the bed, opening her thighs wide. Staring at her body, he saw her pussy open, slick, and ready.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll treat you like a lady out there, but in here, I don’t want you to be prim and proper. I want you to be dirty, to be horny, and to be begging for what you want.”

  Her cheeks were on fire.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want you.”

  “No, tell me exactly what you want.”

  She licked her lips. She took several deep breaths.

  “I want your cock inside me. I want you to fuck me and then make me suck you off. Tasting us both.”

  He wrapped his fingers around his dick, running his hand up and down the length. Crawling on the bed, he straddled her waist. Gripping the back of her neck, he smiled. “Then have a taste now.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She leaned forward, taking his cock into her mouth, moaning as her tongue flicked across his pre-cum.

  He didn’t know how he got so lucky, but as she took his cock to the back of her throat and gagged on it just a little before pulling up, he knew he’d scored with this woman. She was so fucking hot as he pumped his hips.

  She didn’t touch his cock.

  Hawk held his dick, feeling her lips brush his fingers as she sucked on him.

  He was so close to coming, but he held himself back, counting to ten in his mind to have some kind of control.

  When he knew he couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out of her mouth, and she pouted.

  “When we’re here together, I want this woman,” he said, cupping her face, slamming his lips down on hers.

  She moaned.

  Moving between her thighs, he slid his cock against her pussy, pressing against her clit. Thrusting back and forth, he heard her cry out, and he moved down, poised at her entrance. He stopped the kiss so that he could stare into her eyes.

  With her gaze on him, he started to push inside her. Inch by inch, he stretched her tight cunt.

  She gasped, and he slammed to the hilt inside her, feeling her warm pussy squeeze him.

  “Oh, fuck, Jasmine. I’m never going to want to leave.” He pulled out only to slam inside her. He did this several times as she wrapped her legs around his waist.


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