The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3)

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The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3) Page 8

by Sam Crescent


  “I want you bare. Will you let me do that to you, baby?”

  He stared up at her, waiting.

  She bit her lip, looking so nervous.

  “I’ll do a good job.”


  He pressed a kiss to her leg and grabbed the soap and his razor. He’d put a fresh blade into his razor, and he soaped up the fine hairs of her pussy before running the blade across her tender flesh. She tensed the moment he touched her skin, but after the second stroke, he watched as she relaxed against his touch.

  Hawk wasn’t in a rush, and with the final sweep, she was bare to the touch. Cupping her pussy lips, he slid a finger between her slit, watching her open up, and he disappeared within her.

  Latching onto her clit, he sucked it into his mouth.

  She cried out, her hands on the tile behind her as he brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Her screams echoed around the room, and when she finally came, he pushed three fingers inside her and felt every pulse.

  Afterward, he kissed her clit and stood up.

  “I can’t believe I let you do that,” she said, running her fingers over her wet slit.

  “You taste good.” He licked his lips. He was about to turn the shower off when her fingers gripped his length.

  “You’re hard as rock, and I’m not about to let you leave this bathroom without dealing with you first.” The smile on her lips was tempting as fuck.

  The way she sank to her knees, he wasn’t about to protest. When her lips wrapped around the head of his cock, he knew he wasn’t going to last long. This woman was so fucking amazing. A true lady to the world and a whore in his bedroom. Only, she belonged to him. No one was going to know just how good she was.

  He wasn’t going to let anyone else know.

  There’s no way he’d ever allow her to get away.

  If she really thought the whores downstairs were any competition, she was so damn wrong.

  Her head bobbed up and down on his length. Tangling his fingers in her blonde hair, he wrapped the length around his fist and began to thrust into her mouth. The tip of his cock slid to the back, and she swallowed him down, taking as much of him as she could. When she gagged on him, he pulled out of her mouth, and she flicked her tongue across the vein before taking him again.

  She was so close to swallowing his cock.

  Whenever it was too deep, she’d pull off him and bob her head up and down on his length. He couldn’t handle it.

  The pleasure was out of this world.

  He patted her head, warning her that he was about to come. She didn’t stop though. She kept on sucking him until he filled her mouth, and she swallowed him down.

  He saw her throat working his length until she’d milked him dry.

  “Fuck, baby, that was the best wake-up call ever.”

  Before she could respond, they heard the knocking on the door. Bethany was awake, and it was time for church.

  Playtime was over.


  “Your rage didn’t last long,” Renee said, taking a seat with her on the grass.

  Jasmine had set up a blanket beneath the tree. Bethany was asleep, her arms up and her body spread. She’d been crawling all over the grass for well over an hour when exhaustion had hit.

  The weather was too nice to take her back up to that room, so she sat with her, reading the book that she’d been trying to last night.

  Closing the book, she watched Bethany. The young girl was in the shade, so Jasmine didn’t have to worry. Once she was awake, she intended to feed them both lunch.

  “It’s hard to stay mad at him.” Especially when he gave her a nighttime and morning filled with amazing orgasms.

  How could a woman have a problem with that?

  She couldn’t recall ever being so aroused or so needy.

  “Ah, I know that face.”

  “What face?”

  “He got to your woman parts and made them his bitch.”

  Jasmine laughed, trying to smother the sound so Bethany didn’t wake up.

  “He has not.”

  “Please, you’ve got that look on your face that says you had a damn good time last night.”

  Jasmine heard something in the other woman’s voice.

  “What’s up?”

  “Why does there have to be anything up?”

  “Because you sound upset?”

  “I’m not upset.”

  “You’re not?”



  “I mean, what do I have to be upset about? It’s not like my life is on hold while I wait for Bear to get his head out of his ass?” Renee shrugged. “I can’t go on dates. I can’t have random sex with men that I don’t even know, but he can do whatever the hell he wants to.”

  “You know about last night?” Jasmine asked.

  “It doesn’t even matter, really. I mean, I don’t even know why I let him get away with this. I could sleep with anyone here, to be honest. That would teach him.”

  “You’re hurt.”

  Renee had tears in her eyes. “I’m not hurt.”

  “What is it then?” she asked.

  “I’m angry that I let him have this power over me. That I believed for even a second we could have a chance.”

  Jasmine didn’t like seeing her new friend unhappy. Wrapping her arms around her, she pulled her close. “Please don’t let him do this. He’s not worth it. No man is worth it.”

  “I look at those skanks and I wonder what it is that they have that I don’t, you know?”

  “You shouldn’t think that way.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  She’d never been in this position before. She didn’t know what advice to offer.

  Tucking her hair behind her ears, she looked out over the garden. This was off the main clubhouse.

  Several of the other women were dressed in bikinis, showing off a great deal of their bodies.

  She knew Hawk and several of the men weren’t at the club today. After their church meeting, they’d taken off. He’d stopped her and Bethany in the kitchen. His only comment was to say he had a few errands to run and he’d be back as soon as they were done.

  Jasmine didn’t have a clue what errands he had to run.

  “Maybe when all this is over with the lockdown and stuff like that we can go out. You know, have that girly day you talked about?” she asked.

  She’d never been much of a drinker or a partier. Just one look at Renee and she knew her friend needed some help.

  “You’d do that with me?”

  “Of course. I’d have to get Hawk to agree because of Bethany, but I’ll go out with you.” She had no intention of finding a date for herself. “Have you ever thought about asking the other old ladies if they want to go and have some fun?” An idea was forming inside her head. It would be fun for all of them to get out. Get to know each other.

  “I haven’t.”

  Bethany gave a little moan. “Why don’t you go and ask them while I deal with the little angel?”

  “Sure. Sure.”

  She watched Renee go and turned her attention on Bethany. The young girl gave a bit of wiggle and a stretch, making her laugh at her antics. She did find her to be so adorable. Once she was sure she was awake, she picked her up and settled her between her legs.

  Glancing off toward Renee, she saw the other woman was talking it out with several of the old ladies.

  When Bethany started to fuss, she knew it was time to get some food.

  “Are you hungry, little baby? Yeah, you hungry? I’m hungry too.” She carried her into the kitchen, putting her in the high chair as she found some berries that she could start to feed her.

  Bethany was no longer happy with mushed-up banana, and finding food that she actually liked was proving rather difficult. She was used to picky eaters, but Bethany was a challenge for sure.

  She had tried mashed potatoes, but that hadn’t worked, a
nd neither had any other mashed fruits.

  Putting some of the berries into a blender, she pureed them up with a tiny bit of Greek yogurt. Giving the mixture a taste, she added some maple syrup to sweeten it up, and then served.

  With the bowl full, she sat down before Bethany, and let the girl have a try.

  She had that cute look on her face that said she wasn’t happy.

  “When you’re much older I’ll make you all the cheeseburgers you could want.”

  That seemed to appease her.

  Bethany took a couple of spoons of the whizzed-up fruit just as Renee entered the kitchen.

  “We’ve got a girls’ night planned. One week after lockdown. They’re already getting babysitters on standby.”

  “I’m going to have to clear it with Hawk first, but I don’t see it being a problem.” She gave a little shrug. “This could be a lot of fun. Will we go dancing?”

  “We’re going where there’s lots of booze and men. I don’t care about the dancing.”

  “We must find somewhere that has dancing. I refuse to not dance. I want to go dancing.”

  “Fine. Fine. We’ll find some place that has dancing.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” She offered Renee a smile.

  The plan of it sounded like a lot of fun. She, however, doubted that Hawk would be happy about it.

  Chapter Nine

  Hawk drew his fist back and slammed it against the Prez of the MC that had been planning on taking him down. This morning, they’d gotten the intel from his lookouts that they were on the move.

  The abandoned garage had been completely empty, and with one of his boys tailing the crew, they discovered it was just ten men.

  It hadn’t taken much in the way of planning to catch up with them. They’d created an ambush and been close enough to this abandoned barn that he didn’t even have to worry about doing too much in the way of cleanup. One of his boys had already disposed of the bikes down a damn cliff.

  Now he was getting his revenge on the men that nearly took his woman and kid away from him.

  This had all been for turf. The Satan’s Rulers MC had the turf, and these pieces of shit wanted what belonged to him.

  There was no way he was going to let that stand. Not on his watch.

  Just thinking about Jasmine passed out on the doctor’s table filled him with a rage he wasn’t accustomed to.

  Over and over, he slammed his fist against the Prez.

  When the other man was down for the count, Hawk stepped back.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, boss?” Bear asked.

  “I’m fine, Bear. I’ve never been better.” He paced the length of the barn, coming back to stare at the piece of shit.

  The drive-by was supposed to have led him to Stones’s crew so they’d fight each other, only it hadn’t worked out like that. They’d left the garage and intended to flee when they realized their plan wasn’t working.

  Five of the ten men were already dead.

  The other four were strung up in the barn, most of them knocked out. Red had already taken a piss on all four men while some of Hawk’s other men had used them for punching bags.

  “This is personal to him,” Red said. “Jasmine got shot, and if she’d been holding Bethany any other way, he could have taken out the girl.”

  Grabbing an old wooden rake, he drew it up and slammed it against the man’s skull.

  No one, fucking no one, hurt his woman and kid.

  Simple as that.

  By the end of the beating, no one would ever be able to recognize the Prez.

  The two Prospects that had been tailing them finished dousing the barn in gasoline. Flicking his lighter on and off, he stared at the barn. All the bodies were inside. The five dead ones and the five alive ones. The four men strung up couldn’t break free, and the Prez was still alive.

  This was payback because no one took from him, not like this.

  Throwing his lighter onto the gasoline, he stood back and watched as the barn started to go up in flames.

  He knew he’d have his revenge on the men who tried to kill him.

  If it had just been him, he’d have shown them some mercy and killed them quickly.

  They didn’t just put his life at risk though, so there was no mercy and it wouldn’t be fast either.

  He didn’t climb on his bike and ride away. He stood there waiting, listening as the men who were still alive screamed for help.

  This was why he was Prez.

  He made the decisions none of the boys were willing to make.

  Finally, after the screams died down and the barn was raging, he straddled his bike and headed back to the clubhouse.

  He was covered in blood, and he hoped that he got to sneak in and take a quick shower before Jasmine caught sight of him. She wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to see him covered in another man’s blood.

  Arriving back at the clubhouse, the night was still quite young, and he saw several of the whores dancing naked in the back yard.

  A couple of old ladies were not impressed and were glaring at them.

  He wasn’t interested in dealing with bitch drama. Looking at Red and Bear, he nodded to the action.

  “Clean that shit up.”

  This was another thing that he loved about being Prez. He didn’t have to deal with shit jobs like that.

  Heading inside, no one rushed toward him, or even stopped him as he went straight toward the bedrooms. Taking them two at a time, he hoped to avoid Jasmine, only she was wrapped in a towel as he entered the room.


  “Hawk?” Her eyes widened when she took him in. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “You don’t have to worry about this. It’s not my blood.” He closed the door and was about to brush past her, but she stopped him with her hands on his jacket.

  “Not your blood? What happened? Whose blood is it? What is going on?”

  “This is one of those moments when you don’t get to ask me questions, babe. I can’t give you an answer. Let me go and clean up.”

  She nibbled her lip, and he watched as she nodded.

  This was going to cause a shitstorm.

  He didn’t look at his reflection as he knew it was bad.

  The state he left the Prez in, it had to be bad. Removing his leather cut, he dropped it to the floor. Next, he tossed his clothes onto the floor. He’d set fire to them and clean his jacket in a moment.

  Climbing into the shower, he turned the water on.

  The cold hit his flesh. He didn’t try to warm it. He took the cold until it finally warmed up. Closing his eyes, he saw the pummeled face and body of the man he’d left close to death but allowed the fire to finish off.

  He’d wanted that son of a bitch to suffer, and he had.

  The water running down into the drain finally stopped being red and turned clear. Soaping up his body, he saw his knuckles were decorated in cuts that would heal in time.

  Turning off the shower, he opened the curtain and there on the toilet sat Jasmine, his leather cut on her lap.

  “You killed a man today?”

  “I killed several men today.”


  “Do you really want to know this, or is this just going to make it easier for you to come up with a lame-ass excuse to not fuck me anymore?” After going on a run or doing something like this, he was used to being left alone. This was all new to him, having to deal with the fallout. Having a woman who looked so sad as she held his leather cut.

  “You think this is easy for me?”

  “You don’t get to look at me with those judgey eyes and think you know shit about me. Yes, I killed a lot of men today in retaliation. You think I was just going to let them get away with harming you? Not going to happen. No one hurts me and mine. You can’t handle that, then you’re fucked because I’m not letting you go.”

  He gritted his teeth, hating this moment.

  The last thing he wanted to see was tears in her eyes.

  “This is who I am. I’m not going to change it. If I didn’t do what I did today, then other clubs would come. More men. They won’t just stop at shooting shit up. They’ll hurt. They’ll kill. This is about protecting you and mine. I’m not willing to risk your safety or my daughter’s life.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ears, and he waited for whatever was about to spill from her lips.

  “You look tired. I made a nice, big pot of beef casserole. I’m going to warm up your biscuits. If you want to get dressed, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  In the next second she was gone, and he had to wonder if he’d been talking to himself. Running fingers through his wet hair, he glanced over at the mirror. He looked dazed.

  In a way he was.

  He expected Jasmine to scold him or to tell him he shouldn’t have done the shit he had done.

  This was even more confusing to him.

  He didn’t know what to make of it, and that was irritating him.

  Leaving the bathroom, he got dressed and decided against making her wait.

  He checked in the nursery to see his baby girl already asleep. With the danger gone, lockdown would be over tomorrow. All the families could go home, and life could get on as normal.

  Several of his men nodded at him as he moved through the main clubhouse. He didn’t stop to have a beer or to shoot the shit.

  They all knew he liked to be alone during these times.

  Entering the kitchen, he saw it was empty, apart from him and Jasmine. She’d put out a large bowl of beef casserole. The scent of freshly-baked bread filled the air, and his mouth watered.

  His stomach growled as he took a seat.

  He scooped up the first mouthful and moaned as the flavors exploded on his tongue. He’d finished his first bowl as she brought over a cup of coffee. She took his empty bowl and refilled it.

  The second portion he ate slower, his hunger easing.

  She sat down across the table from him, and he waited to look at her.

  Neither of them spoke for so long he wondered if she’d fallen asleep.


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