Angelica (The Family Book 1)

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Angelica (The Family Book 1) Page 3

by Jones, Angelique

  Angie could hear Lucca yelling as she walked away, but it wasn’t at her; it was at Dominic, for touching her. Which was strange. She kept waiting for Lucca to come up and throw her out, but he never arrived. Getting up, she went over to the couch in front of the balcony windows, wanting the breeze but also needing to be away from Maria and Nico. Exhausting from her trip and dealing with Maria was setting in, it was the only thing that could explain the mistake she made with Dominic. Normally she would never even consider falling asleep near another person but she knew that she couldn’t leave Maria yet, so she would have to chance it. Sitting down, Angie kept her back to them and her gaze focused outside as she told them, “I need to sleep but I need your word that no matter what you won’t touch me when I’m sleeping,” she could tell by their hesitant agreement that they were confused by her demand. But there were some things that no one needed to understand. Laying down wearily she closed her eyes.

  It was a mistake. She should have known that after listening to what had happened to Maria, it would come….

  One after another, they mounted her. The little girl looked at each of their faces before turning her gaze away. She needed to remember them so they would pay. Eventually, they just looked at what was left of her mother in disgust. She was still alive, though barely. Leaving her there to die, they all went to eat, except for the one who had said she belonged to him. Racing to her Uncle Lorenzo, the little girl threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him as she looked up. “Did Uncle Angelo know?” The child demanded, needing to know if he was to be added to her list.

  Uncle Lorenzo threw her away to the floor. “No, little bitch, he’ll join your daddy, his beloved brother, in death, but not before he knows that I’m going to sell his little bitch daughters to the lowest whorehouse for daring to side with Michael instead of me. I should have been boss; I should have been given your mother, not your father; they’ll all pay for that slight.” He spat at her before turning and going out the door.

  A pair of thick hands picked the little girl up from the ground. Looking up, she hid her disgust at the look he was giving her and held out her hand. Surprise, then pleasure, flashed across his face as he took it and led the child away from her mother. Going to a bedroom, he turned to his guard and told him to go, that he would call him later. Releasing his hand, the little girl went into the empty room and climbed up on the bed. On her knees, she waited as he moved in front of her. The way she was sitting meant that they were the same height. Closing her eyes just enough that they looked like they were closed, she puckered her lips as she’d seen Mommy do with Daddy and watched through her lashes as he did the same, closing his eyes as his lips came toward her. Reaching into the pocket of her dress, the little girl took out what she had grabbed Uncle Lorenzo to get. Patiently she waited until his lips almost touched hers before she struck hard and deep, taking the knife and slicing it across his throat. Blood sprayed at her as he opened his shocked eyes and gripped his throat. Turning, he tried to get to the door, but she jumped onto his back, slamming the knife again and again into his throat until he was unmoving on the ground.

  Wiping the blade across his clothing, the little girl folded it back up and put it in her pocket. Staring down at the body, she should have felt something for what she had just done, but where her emotions should have been was empty, as if that place had been closed off. Going to the door, she checked to make sure the lock was turned, listening for a moment to make sure no one could hear his gurgles. Satisfied, she went to the far wall. Pulling over a chair, she climbed up and turned the light fixture on the wall. Getting down, the little girl walked through the wall where the panel had slid away into a maze of passages. She had found these her first day here, so she knew them well, keeping them a secret so no one could tell her she couldn’t use them. The darkness didn’t bother her; it actually comforted her as she made her way. Stopping, she pressed the button to release the opening, the maid’s cries of pain telling her Lorenzo wasn’t alone. The maid saw the little girl as she approached, her eyes telling the child to run, but the little girl just took out her knife, slicing Uncle Lorenzo’s throat before he realized she was there. Stabbing him once more in the base of the skull to be sure, she pushed him off the maid and cut the ropes that bound her.

  The little girl placed her finger to her lips, and the maid nodded her head to show she understood as she scrambled to get her clothes on. Checking the door, the little girl came back to her. “Are any of the guards who came with us alive?” she asked. Though she knew the answer before the maid shook her head no. “You’re coming with me; we’re leaving this place.” Not waiting to see her agreement, the little girl turned and went back into the passage. “Silence,” she whispered harshly, grabbing the maid’s hand, leading her to their next stop. Standing there, the little girl waited, making sure she was alone before exiting….

  “Angie, Angie,” Marie screamed frantically. Opening her eyes, Angie looked at Maria, and she paled. Sitting up, she avoided Maria’s gaze, knowing what was in her eyes. Standing up, Angie went into the bathroom, ignoring Maria and Nico. Careful to avoid the mirror, she splashed water on my face before turning on the shower. Leaving the bathroom, she grabbed her bag and rushed back in. She was throwing off her clothes before the door clicked shut. Jumping into the shower, she let the water stream over her, chasing away the cold darkness within, pushing it back into that corner where she could lock it away and pretend she was like everyone else.

  The click of the door told her she wasn’t alone anymore. “I’m fine, Maria. I’ll be out in a minute,” Angie called hoping that she would leave. When Maria didn’t answer or leave, she hurried through her shower, needing to get away before she hurt someone. Opening the door, she stepped out and stopped. For once her memories were forgotten as she stared at Lucca, who was leaning against the counter, looking at her. His hot gaze traveled over Angie’s body before searing into her eyes. Taking the towel from the counter behind him, he slowly unfolded it before straightening and holding it open for her. Reaching out to grab it, he pulled it back closer to his body, letting her know without words that it was the only way she was getting it. Hardening her eyes, she stepped forward, allowing him to wrap it around her. Shivering as his fingers grazed her body, she forced herself not to react as he tucked the edge into her breasts to hold it up. “Get out,” she managed, proud that her voice only shook a little.

  Instead of listening, his arms snaked out, capturing her, pulling her into his body. She freaked, trying to get away as memories washed over her, threatening to drown her. He whispered his name into her ear, forcing Angie to acknowledge that it was he who held her in his arms, all the while rubbing her back in soothing motions. Beating back the past, she concentrated on his heartbeat. Her ear was pressed to his chest, her head tucked under his chin. Keeping her eyes open, afraid that if she closed them the darkness would pounce. Angie counted one hundred beats of Lucca’s heart before she was able to gain control.

  Before she could tell him to get out again, he spoke. “We heard Maria screaming all the way downstairs. When we came in, Nico told us you were having a nightmare and she was trying to wake you up. She was yelling because you told them not to touch you when you were sleeping.” Stiffening, Angie tried to move away, but Lucca tightened his arms to stop her. “Do you need another room to sleep in?” he asked, completely throwing her off.

  Shaking her head into his chest, afraid to speak. Angie thought that if she could still feel, she would have been grateful that he didn’t pry. Her hands were trapped between their bodies so she curled her fingers into his chest. Hearing a sharp hiss move past his lips as his heart began to beat faster made her brave. She had never been touched by choice, and for some reason she wanted to touch Lucca, was actually loathed to leave his touch. For once she wanted to know what it was like not to be touched in anger or to cause pain. Moving her head, she turned and pressed her forehead into his shoulder, soaking in the feel of another human being, letting herself be weak
for one moment. To be normal and embrace the heat forming between her legs at his touch, his scent. Christ, what was she doing? Flattening her hands, she gave a slight push. She was a little surprised when he released her without a word and left. Standing there looking at the door, Angie knew that she had to leave as soon as she could.

  When Angie felt that she had gotten herself together enough, she left the bathroom. Maria was sitting on the bed, her face as white as the sheets. Nico was gone. Pushing back her wet hair, Angie walked over and grabbed Maria’s hand, pulling her off the bed. Keeping her grip tight, she pulled Maria toward the door with her, ignoring Maria’s struggles and pleas. Without stopping, she pulled Maria down the hallway, down the stairs than past the wide-eyed people who looked as if they had seen a ghost. At the sight of them Maria stopped fighting Angie and huddled into her back. So busy trying to hide from them Maria gave Angie no more struggles as she led her into the kitchen.

  Telling Maria to sit, Angie grabbed a bag of potatoes from the counter, a bowl, and a peeler, setting them in front of her. With a confused look on Maria’s face that might have been funny if it wasn’t so heart breaking Angie told her to. “Peel those for me while I start dinner” before turning her back and going to the fridge to take out steaks. Watching Maria from the corner of her eye, Angie was worried she’d pushed her too hard until Maria opened the bag and took out a potato. Letting out a little breath, Angie put everything she needed on the counter before turning and leaving the room. Muttering, “Stay out of the kitchen,” to the men loitering around the living room Angie grabbed Nico, who was staring at the floor, refusing to look at her. Pulling him along with her back to the kitchen, she sat him next to his sister with a peeler, rolling her eyes when he looked at it as if it were a snake, and went back to marinate the steaks.

  Taking her phone out of her pocket, Angie turned on the music, watching from the reflection of the glass pane in the cabinet as Maria showed Nico how to use the peeler. After some grumbling, they started talking and laughing, her poking at him while he grumbled that the guys would never let him live it down if they saw him. Pretty soon it was the old Maria, smacking her little brother and holding on to him as he tried to escape and leave her with the huge bag. Their laughter became so loud that it filled the kitchen.

  Chapter 5

  By the time dinner was ready and the table was set, Maria seemed like her old self. Well, at least with Nico. Angie hated what she was about to do, but she knew that if she was going to get Maria comfortable in her own house again, it had to be done. “Nico, go tell everyone that dinner is ready and to sit down. Maria, start taking everything out and putting it on the table.” And there it was; she froze.

  She was looking down at the floor as tears began to gather in her eyes. “I’m not really hungry. I think I’m going to go to my room,” she mumbled

  Seeing his sister upset, Nico looked as if he was going to panic. “How about I eat in the kitchen with you?” he blurted out, earning a watery smile from his sister.

  As sweet as that was, there was no way that was going to happen. Keeping her voice bland and her gaze on Maria, Angie said, “Nico, go do what I told you,” The kid was gutsy, she’d give him that; he even took a step toward his sister, but Angie’s “Now” had him sighing and doing what he was told. Grabbing a bowl on the counter, Angie took it and walked over to Maria. If everyone kept babying her, she’d stay locked in her room forever. Someone was going to have to be hard on her. ”Maria, take this to the table and come back. Angie barked knowing that she wanted to say no, but she couldn’t. Angie knew Maria had never seen this look in her eyes before. It scared grown men, so a broken girl like her stood no chance. Dragging her steps, she went through the door. Angie knew that Maria was trying to be defiant, but she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that Maria went through.

  Angie had no more than turned back to plate the rest of the food before Maria rushed back in, with Nico hot on her tail. She was hyperventilating. Grabbing two more bowls, Angie handed one to Nico and one to Maria. She had to smack Nico’s hand when he tried to take Maria’s. She needed to do something before Maria passed out. “So, Maria, I forgot to ask what’s your real last name,” It was said so causally that it took her a moment to understand.

  Looking at Angie with wide eyes, Maria’s mouth worked like a fish, but a least she didn’t look as if she was going to pass out. When she saw Nico open his mouth to answer Angie’s question, Maria grabbed Nico’s arm, practically dragging him out of the kitchen with her. It took her a lot longer to come back this time, and when she did, she rushed to the counter and grabbed a bowl and tray, no longer needing any prodding.

  Grabbing the last platter, Angie followed her out, placing it on the table. Getting a tight grip on Maria’s arm so she wouldn’t escape Angie guided her to sit between herself and Nico. Unfortunately for Angie this meant that she was forced to sit next to Lucca. Everyone just stared at Maria as she kept her head down and pushed her chair as close to Angie’s as she could. Maria was practically sitting on her lap. Grabbing the platter in front of her, Angie looked around the table and nodded to the food. Luckily, they understood. It was quiet as a tomb, as if everyone was afraid to speak. Filling Maria’s plate than her own plate Angie turned to Nico to get the conversation rolling. “So, Nico, where do you go to school?”

  Smiling at him encouragingly to let him know it was OK to speak, he seemed to finally understand what was needed. He almost looked relieved. “Truman’s Preparatory School on West Boulevard. This is my second year there. All of us go there, and most of the kids in the family who went there think it’s a good school.”

  Leaning over, Angie began to cut Maria’s steak. “What’s your favorite subject?” She asked as she took Maria’s fork and speared a piece of meat. Grabbing Maria’s hand, she wrapped it around the fork, murmuring, “Eat,” while giving Nico her attention.

  Seeming more relaxed, he began to cut his own steak. “I guess gym. I’m pretty good at basketball.”

  “Pretty good? The kid’s great,” Sal put in, causing Nico to shrug and look down at his plate, but she knew he was happy about the compliment. “This kid right here made the varsity team his freshman year. The only reason he’s not captain is because he wanted to wait until the current one graduated this year.”

  And that seemed to do it; everyone started talking.

  Nudging Maria a little, Angie got her to sit up straight and begin eating. Now that everyone was talking, Maria didn’t seem to feel as if they were staring at her, so she began to relax, even smiling at some of the things people said. No one tried to talk to her, sensing she might bolt if they did. This was what she needed to feel normal. Turning back to her own plate, Angie began to eat, her mind already on what she had to do that night. She knew it was early for dinner—not even five—but she had a lot to do, and leaving Maria at night would be hard. Angie was so turned inward that she was a little surprised when Maria touched her arm. “My father’s talking to you,” she whispered before ducking her head and moving toward her again.

  Raising her eyes, Angie looked directly into his. “I’m sorry; I was woolgathering,” she apologized, holding his gaze. Which seemed to amuse and interest him. It’s doubtful that many men could hold his gaze, never mind a woman.

  Antonio smiled a little at her, as if she were a puzzle. “That’s fine, my dear. I was just saying that the food is delicious,” which led to a round of agreements.

  “Thank you,” She said and waited. He wasn’t through. To tell the truth, she was surprised they’d waited this long, but perhaps they’d only now finished running the check on her.

  “Did your mother teach you how to cook?”

  “Yes,” Angie replied, playing the game, knowing that her one-word answers were going to piss him off. She knew that hardened men would be spilling their guts from his stare alone. Unfortunately, Maria started whimpering. Looking into her pleading gaze that was begging not to piss her father off. “You’re a pain in the as
s,” she told Maria on a sigh, loud enough so that everyone heard her. “Eat your food,” Angie ordered before turning back to Maria’s father and giving him a smile that would make most men forget every thought in their head. “My parents are dead. I’m an only child. I moved in and out of the foster system most of my life, and I currently attend college. I like to cook and enjoy a good book. I’m bossy and a bitch,” She finished, turning back to her plate, ignoring the wide-eyed look of horror on Maria’s face and the snickers going around the table. “Oh, and I’m an Aquarius,” she added before putting a piece of steak in my mouth.

  Now the table roared with laughter; even Maria’s father’s mouth was twitching when she brought her gaze back to his as she chewed her steak. He bowed his head to her and she winked at him, which caused him to put a hand over his mouth to hide his smile.

  “Nico, what are you doing tonight?” Angie asked.

  “Um, nothing,” He got out, choking a little on his water as his face heated up.

  Smiling at the little shit who thought she was hitting on him. “That’s great, darling; then you and your brothers can keep Maria company while I run out,” she said.


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