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Angelica (The Family Book 1)

Page 10

by Jones, Angelique

  Shaking her head as Angie looked over at Joan, who now had Alexa standing between them, giving her kisses, I knew that without Joan’s unwavering support, they might not have this now. This openness. While it was only for Joan and Alexa, it was still a step forward.

  The ringing of the phone stopped Angie’s musing. Getting up, she went to her purse and grabbed it. Seeing the number that flashed on the screen, she swiped her finger and answered it while opening the door and stepping outside. “Hello, Eva.”

  “Angie, I have a favor to ask.” Angie was smiling because Eva understood and was always direct when she spoke to her. “Your cousin Anna wants you to attend her wedding next week. The bridal shower will be on Thursday and the wedding on Saturday. Michael also wants to see you. It’s been over a year. He’s never gone this long, and he thinks it’s because he did something to make you not want him any longer.”

  Squeezing the phone, she looked out into the darkness. Even if she refused the wedding, she would never refuse Michael. “I’ll be there” was all she said before disconnecting the call. Going back inside, Angie looked at her daughter. No one knew Alex existed and she planned to keep it that way. Which meant that she couldn’t take Alexa with her. She had never been away from Alexa for more than a few hours, and the thought of not seeing her for at least a week left her cold. “Joan, I need you to watch Alexa for a little while,”

  “That’s fine, dear; for how long?” Joan asked distractively, playing a tickle game with the baby.

  “A week.” That got Joan’s attention. Looking up at her sharply; she knew Joan was shocked. Angie owed her an explanation. “I have to go to see my family.” Joan was taken aback by her words, and she knew why. In all the time they had known each other, she’d never mentioned her family, and there was nothing in her home to suggest that she had one; not a picture, not a card. Walking over, Angie sat next to Joan who was silently waited for her to continue. “My cousin is getting married and wants me to attend. My younger brother also misses me and is worried that I’m mad at him. I’ll leave on Wednesday and be back by the following Wednesday. Is that all right, or do you want me back sooner?”

  Setting Alexa down to play, “That’s fine, dear. Take as long as you need.” Joan seemed to choose her words carefully, which told Angie how shocked she was. “Do they know about her?”

  No need to ask who her was. “No, they don’t, and I plan to keep it that way.” There was no way she was ever going to take the chance that anyone would use her baby as a pawn against her. Getting up, Angie went into the kitchen to start dinner.

  Chapter 17

  After three flights and drives to two different airports between states, so if anyone tried to search for her they wouldn’t have a shot, she was finally there. The closer she had come to this place, the quicker the woman that she had become receded. Going so deep that it was like she never existed, leaving what Angie had once been now free to resume control. Driving to the gate in her rental car, the guard took one look at her and hurried to open it. Parking the car, she got out and went to the door, going in without knocking. The mass of cars she’d passed told her that the bridal shower had begun. Men and women attended the bridal shower, making it one of those joint parties that were the current fade. Most of the people she passed stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her. Silence began to descend the farther in she went, making it easy to tell where the main party was outside.

  Going through the doors, Angie ignored the people who followed her out and went straight for the bride-to-be. Shock stole into her cousin’s expression, followed by a squeal of delight as she jumped up and raced to Angie, throwing her arms around her. “Thank you, thank you,” Anna whispered before releasing her. Grabbing her hand, Anna pulled Angie with her back to the rest of the family. Smiles and watery hellos greeted Angie as they all came forward to hug her. Finally finished, Angie stepped back as Anna sat down and dug into her gifts with gusto. Excusing herself, Angie walked toward the yard where a racing Michael had broken away from the other children when he realized she was there. Launching himself at her, he gripped Angie in a tight hug, his head now coming to her shoulder. He had gotten so tall in the last year; soon he’d be taller than her.

  Taking Michael to a bench, away from the party, they sat together, and he told her about everything that had been going on since the day she had left, seeming to forget that she spoke with him on the phone weekly. Ignoring all the speculative and leering looks being thrown her way, Angie stayed with Michael as long as she dared before telling him to go play with his friends and they’d talk more that night. Getting up, she went back to join the party. Most of those who were starring had the good taste to pretend they weren’t, but many of the men couldn’t even do that.

  Moving across the patio, Angie grabbed a small plate of food and a glass of wine before finding an empty table in the shade, off to the side. The vultures were circling. This wasn’t a group of just family but of the entire wedding party, friends, and the groom’s family. People who didn’t know she was off-limits. A few brave souls were downing their drinks, ready to take their shot, but were stopped by the icy glare she could feel coming from behind her.

  “Wondered how long it would take you to show up.”

  Turning her head, Angie looked up and smiled. “Have you missed me, Al?” Laughing loudly, she drew even more stares as he bowed his head in defeat. “Sit with me”

  Moving out from behind her, Al took the seat next to her so he could keep an eye on the others. “Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I’ve been about you?”

  “I’ve just been traveling, and I’m a big girl now. You don’t have to worry about me anymore,” Angie said gently before changing the subject. “So, how has my boy been? Has he been driving you as crazy as I used to?”

  “You and Eva spoiled that boy; he’s a monster. I never thought a child could be as much trouble as you were until that boy. He drove the golf cart into the pool last week, and that wasn’t even the worst thing he did in that month alone,” Al growled

  “And just think, he hasn’t even reached puberty yet,” She choked out through her laughter.

  He shuddered at the thought. “I’ll get myself shot before I get put on guard duty for that. Death is preferable to dealing with that boy once he takes a real interest in girls.”

  Looking up as a presence fell over them, her eyes connected with a pair of deep gray ones. Letting the smile die on her lips, she boldly met his gaze as he stared at her. “May I?” The man asked, indicating the seat across from her. Bowing her head in agreement, Angie watched as he folded himself into the chair and nodded his head in acknowledgment of Al before turning those eyes back to her. “Forgive me. I’m Nicholas Cingolani, Jonathan’s brother.” Smiling at her raised eyebrow, he added, “The groom’s brother.”

  “I’m—” She started before he interrupted me, smirking one of those male smirks.

  “Angelica; yes, I know. I think everyone in this room is well aware of who you are.”

  “Ah, my infamy has preceded me. So, to what do I owe the honor of your exalted presence? Did you draw the short straw and were sent in first as the sacrificial lamb?” She drawled, ignoring Al’s snort of laughter.

  Leaning back with new interest in his eyes and a smile playing on his lips, he said, “The other men in attendance would rather put a bullet in me than give me first chance to talk to you, but I think you’re well aware of that.” Tipped her head in acknowledgment because she wasn’t going to play coy. She knew what he saw. “In fact, I can feel them staring at my back right now, looking for a good spot to place their knives.”

  “I’d say don’t worry, but with this group it’s a possibility.” Angie smiled, enjoying herself.

  He looked stunned for a moment before he shook it off. “Christ, that’s dangerous. I’d say don’t smile because you’re signing my death warrant, but I think I’ll risk it.”

  “It’s only dangerous when there’s oncoming traffic.” Angie l
ooked over at Al, who was snorting with laughter. “So, Nicholas, now that you have my attention, what do you do? Tell me about yourself so I can tell you when you’re finished how completely unsuited I am for you and send you on your way. When you rise from this table and join the others to boast how you had the courage to speak to me and be dazzled by my charm.”

  Splaying his fingers over his lips, he stared into her dancing eyes. “You know, I’ve been hearing about you for the last year. In whispered tones, they spoke of you. Most never even having seen you, never mind spoken with you. Now I know why.” He shook his head in wonder. “I’m the CEO of a multimillion-dollar acquisition company that’s been in my family for the past fifty years. My father stepped down last year to enjoy retirement with my mother. I’m a workaholic and love the thrill of the chase and the moment of victory, when I finally get what I’m after. Now tell me something about yourself.” Seeing her eyes twinkle, he tapped his finger on the table before shaking it. “Besides the obvious.”

  Bowing her head to him. He was smarter than most, but she didn’t share the real her with anyone. “There’s not much to tell. I’ve spent the last year plus traveling. I’m a free spirt who doesn’t like to be tied down in one place,” She said, tapping her nails across the glass in her hand because she saw what was coming in his eyes.

  “You know, there’s nothing about you that would have given you away, but I just know that’s not true.” He looked at her for a long moment before he continued. “I think this image right here is what you show the world. A beautiful, sophisticated woman who has a flighty personality and no one looks deeper because what’s on the outside distracts them. What I think you are is a very complex puzzle that could take years to figure out, and each piece that’s slowly pried from you would be worth the wait.” He lit a cigarette. “Now, before you try to distract me, which I’m sure you could do with very little effort, I want to ask you a question. Will you have dinner with me?”

  “How do you know I’m not seeing someone?” Angie countered.

  Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on the table. “If you belonged to someone, he would be here with you. I think we both know that.”

  Leaning forward, she mimicked his pose, taking the cigarette from his hand she took a drag. “Hand me your phone.” Taking it from the breast pocket of his jacket, he put in the code and handed it to me. Typing in the number of the throwaway phone she’d brought with her, she said, “You may take me to dinner Monday night.” Keeping her eyes glued to his, she added, “Your time is up. I believe you’re wanted.”

  Looking over his shoulder, he saw his brother and her Cousin Anna approaching, both looking nervous that he was with her, though they tried to conceal it. Leaning back, Angie brought the cigarette to her mouth. Something was off, though she couldn’t put her finger on it. Al even seemed slightly off. “Nicholas, man, we’ve been looking all over for you.” That was bullshit; everyone at the party would know he was at her table. It wasn’t conceit but the truth. “You’ve got best man duties to perform.”

  Looking at them, Nicholas must have seen it, too. “Sorry about that. I just got distracted talking to Anna’s cousin, Angelica. Have you had the pleasure?”

  Bringing his eyes to hers, the groom to be was stunned for a moment until Angie released him. Blinking, he was careful not to make eye contact again. Holding out her hand, she said, “Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.” Quickly shaking it, he released it as if it were a snake and stepped closer to Anna, as if for protection.”

  “Thank you so much for coming, I know it means a lot to Anna. I don’t want to be rude, but we have to steal Nicholas.” Reaching down, Anna gripped Nicholas’s hand, gently tugging with a fake smile on her face.

  Standing up, Nicholas’s kept his eyes on Angie’s. “It was a pleasure.”

  Nodding her head with a smile, she watched them walk away. Getting up from the table, Angie began to wander, being stopped at almost every step by men and woman who were dying to speak with her. Who, after seeing Nicholas’s triumph, thought they had a chance. After about an hour of chitchat and fending off the oncoming advances, she headed to her room, her mind still on the odd behavior of Anna. Stopping at her door, Angie turned to Al. “Send Eva to me.” she told him before climbing the stairs. Her bags had already been brought up and sat in the middle of the floor. Going to the window of her tower room, she looked down at the party and watched as Al found Eva, who was with Anna and Camilla. After Al walked away, she watched the three of them go to the side and have a whispered conversation.

  Fifteen minutes later, Angie heard a small hesitant knock and her door opened. “Al said you wanted to see me.” Eva said stepping in.

  Keeping her gaze out the window, Angie watched Camilla and Anna look up, only to freeze and look away quickly when they saw her watching them. “I haven’t seen you since I arrived. I just wanted to make sure everything was all right.”

  Nothing in her voice gave Eva away as she told Angie about what had been going on, but she knew something was wrong. Telling Eva to go back to the party, Angie left the window and got her phone.

  Joan picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Joan, it’s me. I just called to see how my angel was doing.”

  “The little monster is fine. Right now we’re on our way to the bathroom to get the chocolate cake she’s wearing off of her.”

  Smiling at the image. “I thought we agreed not to give her any more cake.”

  “Now, darling, she’s wearing more of the cake than she ate.”

  She shook her head; Joan would do whatever she wanted. “All right, I’ll deal with you when I get home; now put my little monster on.” Little screeches met her ear. “Are you being a good girl for nanna?” Hearing her voice, Alexa screeched louder, babbling into the phone. For the next five minutes Angie listened to Alexa tell me about her day. Even though she didn’t understand a word, the tone told her that Alexa was having a ball.

  “All right, give that to me, you little monster,” Angie heard in the background before Joan got back on. “As you can hear, she’s fine, so go enjoy yourself and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Saying good-bye to Joan, Angie went back to the window and looked down. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted to go home to her daughter. Something was going on here and she had a bad feeling that if she didn’t leave, she might never be able to.

  Chapter 18

  It was finally Saturday, and her feeling of something being wrong had grown. Camilla, Eva, Anna, and the youngest daughter, Sophia, who had become Eva’s best friend, were all acting strangely around her. They avoided her whenever they could, and when they couldn’t, they stayed in groups so no one could be caught alone with her. Angelo had been away on business and would only be getting back a few hours before the wedding. By then we would be gone to get ready before going to the church. The reception was going to be held here, so there were people everywhere preparing. Taking her dress, Angie went downstairs to join the others. They were leaving in five minutes to go to the salon; they’d insisted she come. Though she was taking her own car so she wouldn’t be stuck in the limo with them and could leave right after the service.

  Nodding to everyone, Angie grabbed a coffee, downing it before she followed them out. When they got to the salon, it was filled with the bridesmaids and the women of both families. Doing her own makeup and hair, Angie put her dress on, a fitted, off-the-shoulder black lace gown that fell to her feet. When she came out into the salon it got quiet as everyone stared at her, she heard a “Christ, how can anyone look like that?” and another muttered, “You’re not supposed to outshine the bride,” before the music was turned up. Ignoring everyone, Angie sat waiting for them to finish.

  Two hour later, she was getting close to the end of my patience, though it didn’t show. Rising up, she followed everyone out and got into her car and followed them to the church. They were fifteen minutes late already. Finding a spot to park, she walked in ten minutes after everyone else.
The service was about to begin. Taking a seat at the back, away from the family, Angie saw her uncle’s consigliere do a double take when he saw her and turn pale. Trying to get out of his row, he was stopped as the music started. Michael and a little girl were the first to enter. Smiling at him, Angie watched the rest of the wedding party follow. Fifteen bridesmaids and groomsmen later, the bridal march began. Anna looked beautiful and nervous when she entered on Angelo’s arm. Angelo looked like the proud father until he saw her. Horror flashed in his eyes before he covered it and continued down the aisle. What the hell was going on?

  After a little over an hour it was finished. Anna and Jonathan walked down the aisle as man and wife. As soon as the wedding party had cleared out, Angie followed, leaving the church and going to her car. She knew that Angelo had to take pictures before leaving the church, so Angie planned on waiting and speaking with him as soon as he arrived back home for the reception. She didn’t count on the flat she got twenty minutes after she left the church. Lucky for her, standing outside her car in the gown she was wearing brought along a few good Samaritans. Unlucky for her, the gown she was wearing also made them take their sweet-ass time, so it was forty minutes before she was back on the road. If she hadn’t been worried about ruining the dress, she would have done it herself.

  Handing her keys to the guys who were parking the cars, Angie got out and went inside. The backyard was already filled with guests who had been invited to the reception but not the church. Stepping outside, she was the center of attention; everyone she passed gawked at her. This was going to be a problem. It looked like many of the families from all across the country had been invited. These were the type of men who took what they wanted, especially a woman. A few of these men she knew on sight, having studied their families before she tortured and executed some of their members. Keeping her cold mask in place was usually enough to discourage anyone from approaching her. She grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and kept moving.


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