Angelica (The Family Book 1)

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Angelica (The Family Book 1) Page 14

by Jones, Angelique

  Looking at them, Angie could see he was about to blow. If she hadn’t been a woman, he wouldn’t be holding himself back like this. “I believe, Joan, that’s between me and my wife,” he said tightly, which had her rising and going down the stairs before this went any farther.

  “Joan,” She called when she saw her opening her mouth to blast Lucca, “I need your help to start lunch.” Reaching the chair where Joan was sitting, Angie grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

  Moving toward the kitchen with her in tow, Angie had to stop when her little princess screamed, “Mama” at the top of her lungs, running to her at top speed. Letting go of Joan’s arm, Angie leaned down and scooped Alexa up. Squeezing her tight, Angie gave her a big wet kiss until she started wiggling. She set Alexa down, seeing as she was now done with her. Alexa turned and went running back to her new toys, which had been looking all sad-faced at her departure. Recapturing Joan’s arm, Angie took her to the kitchen. Letting go of her arm, she waited for what was to come.

  “I was having a conversation, Angie. It was quite rude, what you just did.”

  I snorted. “What I just did, Joan, was save you from an early grave. If anyone else spoke to Lucca like that, their family would be shopping for caskets right now.” Slamming the cold cuts onto the counter. “I know you mean well, but please don’t interfere between Lucca and me. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Blinking at her words, Joan slowly asked, “Angie, who are these people?”

  Keeping her eyes on Joan, she said, “You know who these people are, or at least what they are; you watch enough documentaries.” Angie watched Joan’s eyes widen. “I told you my family wasn’t like most families.”

  “Yes, yes, you did” she weakly replied, finally realizing what Angie had meant.

  “If you want to leave, I understand. No one will hurt you.” Turning back around, Angie started making sandwiches. It was only a little after eleven, but it was close enough for lunch. Normally, no one would be around at this time. They’d already have gone off to work. But this wasn’t a normal day.

  It was so quiet, Angie thought Joan had left until she stepped up beside her and started helping. “So, is anyone going to give me an offer I can’t refuse?” she drawled, being a smart-ass.

  Angie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, like I’ve never heard that one before.”

  Chapter 23

  Three weeks had passed, and while things were amazing between Lucca and Alexa, between Lucca and Angie they were stuck. They were sleeping in his bed every night, but she still had her own room. Unless it involved Alexa, Lucca didn’t speak to her. Angie had her brother come visit us for a week so he could meet his niece, and that brought them closer than they had ever been. She’d never realized he was a little afraid of her. He opened up enough to tell her that he thought she didn’t love him. She had always been so cold that until he saw her with Alexa, he didn’t think she could love. Unfortunately, he was right; until Alexa, she didn’t realize she could love or forgive. In an effort to heal the family and try again, Angie spoke with her Uncle Angelo, and told him she had forgiven his family and Eva for what they’d done. When she looked at Lucca with Alexa, she knew everything worked out for the best. Angie told Angelo that she no longer objected to them getting married or having children, but if they ever betrayed her again, there would be no forgiveness or second chances.

  It was time to leave the past behind her and move forward, so Lucca was going to have to get over being pissed at her. They were married and had a child, and she wasn’t going to live her life like a nun. Tonight Alexa was going to stay with Joan, and Lucca and her were going to work out there issues.

  Grabbing her purse, Angie rushed down the stairs to meet Maria and Joan. They were all going shopping today. They hadn’t been out in weeks, so they planned to make a day of it and take Alexa to the park. Lucca had assigned double the guards they’d normally have, not wanting to take any chances with his little princess.

  “Come on, Ang, before they don’t let us leave,” Maria said with Alexa in her arms. Most of the time the rest of them had to steal Alexa from Maria. If she didn’t put a stop to it soon, Alexa would forget how to walk with all the time she spent in Maria’s arms.

  Rolling her eyes at Maria’s dramatics, she followed them out. Once in the car, Joan and Maria started talking a mile a minute. The two of them could be found together at most times because one or the other had Alexa with them. The only time she got her angel to herself was when she locked the two of them in her room. The funniest part was that Maria was a shopaholic who would knife you for a pair of shoes. Now she wasn’t talking about what she wanted but what she was going to buy for Alexa. They were all spoiling her rotten. Whenever any of them left the house, they always came back with something for the baby, Lucca being the worst. When Angie said anything about it, he told her that he was making up for the time he’d missed, which promptly had her shutting her mouth. She really had to get the shit between them straightened out.

  Three hours into their day out, Angie was ready to drop. Joan had over twenty years on her and she kept up with Maria better than Angie did, and Alexa was no better. If she so much as touched something, Maria was buying it, and no amount of arguing made a difference. When the hell did she lose control? By hour four she’d had enough. They were all loaded down like pack mules with their purchases; even the guards couldn’t carry another thing. Telling them it was time for lunch, Angie marched them to the cars. She swore, she heard our escorts saying, “Thank God.” They drove them to a little family restaurant and they went in and got a table in the back. After ordering their food, all hell broke loose.

  “Joan, mash that up better for her,” Maria said, just itching to steal the spoon from her.

  “Now, listen here, I’ve been feeding children for almost forty years. I know what I’m doing,” Joan said. The two of them began bickered back and forth. Angie was so busy watching them, she missed it. She missed the group who walked in and began shooting. Throwing the table up, Angie pulled Maria, who had Alexa on her lap, down, then Joan. Keeping them behind her, she pulled out the knife on her thigh and gripped it tightly in her hand.

  How could I fuck up like this? Looking out, she saw most of their men had been hit, and they’d be on their own soon. Sliding out from behind the table, Angie grabbed the discarded gun from one of the dead guards. Letting none of her worry show, Angie pulled Alexa from Maria. Giving her to Joan, Angie gave Maria the gun. She knew Maria could use it. “When I tell you to run, follow me out the back and then keep going. Don’t stop; don’t look back. Shoot to kill anyone in your way. Don’t wait for me; just get Alexa away.” Fuck, there was only one still standing. “Go now.” She kept them behind her, pushing them into the kitchen, which would lead them to the door out the back. Once they were through, Angie went forward and grabbed a gun. She’d give them as much time as she could; her life didn’t matter. Taking aim, she took down three. The others, realizing who was shooting, dove down, obviously unable to shoot back. They must have been told to take her alive. “Hey, guys, now that you’ve got my attention, want to tell me why you’re here?” She yelled out when the last of their guards went down. She needed them only thinking about her.

  “Come out now and we won’t kill the child,” one of them yelled back, causing her to see red.

  Trying to keep cool, she listened for her baby. She’d kill them all if they hurt her daughter. She knew in her heart they escaped but she couldn’t take the chance. “Show her to me.” Peeking out at them, Angie gave them what they were waiting for. Instead of her child being there for her to see a face she recognized and hoped never to see again stared back at her, causing the darkness to rise. Too late, she realized he was just a decoy as something slammed into the back of her head and everything went black.

  Chapter 24

  Angie was disoriented when she finally came to. At first she thought Enzo had her. The chains wrapped around her wrists hung her from a hook, and the ones on her ankl
es tethered her to the floor, one of his favorite positions for her. It gave him access to her front and back. As her mind cleared, she remembered having killed him, so she knew it couldn’t be him. As if he had been waiting for her to awaken, a man rose from a chair in the corner of the darkened room that she hadn’t seen. Moving into the light, Angie got a good look at her jailer. He smirked at her. “No hello for me, Angelica?”

  Giving him a bored look, she let nothing show. “Is this the only way you can get a woman, Nicholas? I would have thought a handsome man like you wouldn’t have to resort to having to chain one in the basement. Glad I stood your ass up for that date,” She retorted, giving him a little smirk of her own.

  Anger flashed on his face before he concealed it. “I was so looking forward to our date. Imagine my surprise when I was told you had married Lucca Salvatici.” Putting his hand on her face, he gripped her chin. “I had such plans for you.”

  “Sorry to ruin your plans.” Her voice said she was anything but.

  “My plans weren’t ruined, my love, only delayed. They were supposed to grab your daughter along with you, but you outsmarted them.”

  “Well, Enzo’s main lackey was never too smart.” Angie wanted to know how the fuck they wound up together.

  “No, Joe was never too bright, but he is mean and loyal. You see, Enzo and I shared let me say the same preference for pain. A hobby, if you will. Though I never knew about you. He kept you well hidden. I guess I can understand why he didn’t want to share.” Rubbing his hand down her naked body, he used it to graze her breast. Holding back her shudder of disgust, Angie kept her bored look, which seemed to amuse him. “Your cousin Sophia was the reason I figured out about you and Enzo. She was so eager to tell me how you killed Enzo and what you were worth after the wedding. She’d heard her father and cousin talking about it. Joe filled me in on the rest, once I knew the right questions to ask. An angry woman is a dangerous thing. The information I’ve gathered about your family through her…He rubbed his fingers across his lips as he watched her. “She’s the reason I knew where you were eating today. All it took was a little conversation with your brother to find out your plans. You see Sophia has been gently guiding Michael with questions to ask you to feel more involved with your life and daily activities.”

  The little fucking whore. Angie knew she should have killed her. She was right all along; when you’re soft and forgiving, you get fucked over. This time nothing was going to save her. If she lived, Sophia died; it was that simple. “What’s the plan now, Nicholas? Are you going to rape me? Even Enzo had more class than that, but then again, I suspect Enzo was the better of you two.” Angie smirked, earning her the back of his hand.

  Watching as he fought back the monster that lurked beneath the charm, she could feel blood falling from the lip he’d just busted. “Oh, no, my dear; it won’t be that simple.” The crazy still hadn’t completely left his eyes. “You will scream and beg first. You will scream and beg me to fuck you; only then will the beatings end.” He heaved, turned on.

  This was bad. She guess she really was going to die this time because she’d rather die than fuck him. It wasn’t in her to beg for mercy. Looking at him, Angie laughed softly, earning a confused frown. “I’ll never beg, Nicholas. Even Enzo knew he wouldn’t get that from me. Then again, you’re not a real man like him; he knew how to do it without leaving a permanent mark, something I’m sure a novice like you wouldn’t begin to know. So, little boy, let’s see what you’ve got,” She said in a condescending tone, causing his anger to rise. Maybe if he wasn’t in control it would be over quickly.

  She should have known better. She should have known the type of crazy Enzo had would rub off on his little buddy.

  Day one not a part of her wasn’t bruised. Day two not an inch of her didn’t feel blood. Day three her laughter and smiles drove him insane, though he wouldn’t kill her. Day four there was no day, no night, in her windowless room, just pain. Day five she laid slumped in her chains, but she smiled at his rage. Opening the one eye that wasn’t swollen shut, Angie watched Nicholas pace the room. He stared at her with lust and disbelief, calling her a goddess, the sick fuck. She swore, his dick got bigger with each hit he gave her. A few times he pulled it out to relieve his problem, while he stared at her bloody form, coming as quick as a teenager who had never seen a tit.

  Reaching for the ringing cell phone in his discarded jacket, he answered it distractedly, never taking his gaze from her. “Yes,” he said. A few moment passed before a sadistic smile graced his lips. “Very good, my pet. You’re sure they’ll be out of the house?” He stopped again to listen to the other person. “You’ve done well, my love. Now do as we planned and I’ll see you tonight.” Closing the phone, the sadistic smile grew. Walking forward, he ran his hands down her body. Each touch was an agony that she locked behind the door that hid all her pain, which only made his lust grow. Kissing her stomach, he shuddered in pleasure before pulling his now blood-covered lips and chin back. Licking his lips, she thought he’d come in his pants before he got control. “You, my beautiful pet, are amazing. I would have killed Enzo myself to possess you.” The crazed light Enzo always had entered his eyes. When he captured Angie’s good eye with his gaze it was like looking into Enzo’s. “You’ll die before I can break you. I see that now. I can’t allow that, I won’t allow that. You were born to be mine. You’ll be my wife and the mother of my children.” Fuck, he was just as crazy as Enzo now. What was it about her that drew these psychos to me?

  Her mouth was laced with her own blood and her throat was dry, so her voice was hoarse when she spoke. “Never,” she whispered, leaning forward to let her lips touch his before pulling back.

  Ecstasy filled his expression at the touch. “Always,” he breathed out heavily. “Always, my love, if you want to see your daughter stay alive.” He was not one bit discouraged at her bored expression. “Your uncle Angelo has come to help search for you, and he brought his family. Right now Sophia is with your little bastard.” She finally pissed him off; when she showed no reaction other than amusement, his hand shot out and gripped her chin. “Tonight, most of the men will be gone, having been given a tip on where you’re being held, and Sophia will drug everyone left in the house. Tonight, my little princess, I will get your bastard and you’ll have a choice: Either watch me kill her or submit to me. Tonight you will beg me to fuck you.” He kissed me hard before releasing me. “In a few hours I’ll own you completely. Lucca will be dead and we’ll be married.” Going to the door, he threw it open, calling to his men. They kept their eyes adverted from her because, like Enzo, he’d kill them for staring at her. “Take her down and have her cleaned, than dress her in her wedding gown.” Pulling out his gun, he shoved it under the guard’s chin. “Make sure no one tries to take what is mine.”

  Before he could walk out the door, “Nicholas,” Angie called, stopping him. “Tonight you will die.”

  Instead of heeding her warning, he smiled. “Tonight, my love, I will sink into heaven.” He sighed, turning and leaving, with the guards following behind him. He was so wrong about that; tonight he would go to hell and she would be the one sending him there. No one threatened her child. Closing her eyes, she released the monster that was caged within, letting it crouch behind her lids, silently waiting to strike.

  Chapter 25

  Nicholas was gone after coming to say good-bye first. Fifteen minutes later, the two beefy guards came to take her down from her chains. Letting her body fall to the ground in a heap, she forced them to carry her. Bringing her to a bathroom, they set her in a tub, where two timid woman came forward to wash her while the guards watched. They must have been told not to leave her alone for a second. All her shackles were off. She was surprised Joe hadn’t warned them better, or maybe Nicholas just didn’t think she was strong enough to do anything. His mistake. Taking her from the red water, the women had them bring her to the shower to rinse her. The younger one got in with her, holding her up as the water fell on b
oth of them. Stumbling a little, Angie forced her to change position so she could get to the rosary that was in her pocket. Hiding it in her tight grip as she was taken out and dried, Angie could tell that the women were trying to be gentle and not hurt her more than they had to. For that alone, she’d let them live if they didn’t interfere.

  Signaling for the guards, they had them place her on the bed in the adjoining room. Cleaning and wrapping her wounds so they wouldn’t bleed on the dress took about ten minutes, which told her that they were experienced at this. Finally finished, the women began to dress her, putting on her undergarments before telling the guards to lift her so she could step into the sweetheart dress. Staying slumped. Angie let them pull it up and lace it before she struck. She fell into one of the guards, and the other released her, giving her the freedom to sink the cross into his neck while she pulled his gun free and shot the other one. Turning quickly, Angie put a bullet into the other bleeding guard’s head before turning the gun on the women. “How many guards are there left?” She demanded, even as she heard the shouts and the running.

  The younger one had hope in her eyes when she looked at her. “Four,” she whispered. Nodding her head that she understood, Angie motioned for them to go to the bathroom while she got the other guard’s gun and waited. It didn’t take long. Like untrained fools, they all burst into the room, not stopping to check the threat. Their mistake. Four bullets, four head shots, four dead bodies. Dizzy, she slumped against the bed, raising the gun when she heard the bathroom door open.

  Absolute relief filled both women’s eyes when they looked at the bodies. Angie didn’t have time for this; she needed their help. She was in worse shape than she thought. “If you help me, I’ll make sure they’re all dead and can never come for you,” she said. Resolve entered the women’s eyes as they moved to the dead men to get their guns. “Get their keys, too; we have to go.” Pushing herself up, Angie stopped when she saw the two of them trying to drag one of the dead men. “What are you doing?”


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