vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas

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vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas Page 4

by Jessica McBrayer

  Manda and Aidan show up just after Hannah and Diel. They bring in a sleeping Samuel dressed in white and red. His dark lashes fan across his glowing cheeks.

  “Uncle Aidan,” Mattie says pulling on Aidan’s sleeve. He kneels next to her, balancing Sammy in his arms.

  “Yes, Mathilda?”

  “Can we wake Sammy up? He’s my bestest friend and Finn and Fiona are playing by themselves. They don’t want me to play with them.”

  “My sweet princess, why don’t you help take care of Samuel so he can sleep a little while longer. Then you two can play the rest of the night. Deal?”

  Mattie smiles at him and nods her head. Aidan stands up and reaches for her hand. The two of them head for the unlit fireplace to snuggle on the couch. It warms my heart to see them interact. There was a time when I thought Aidan and Lily would end up together. I love the way the kids all worked their way around all the emotions that floated through them in the beginning. It turned out better than I had hoped and helped Julian’s and my family grow. Lily shares a look with me as she watches her daughter and former beau walk away. I know she loves Sebastian with her whole body and soul yet a small wistful look crosses her face.

  “Everyone, dusk approaches. Let’s turn off the lights and get ready to light our candles,” Julian announces. I shepherd the children to the fireplace. Aidan brings Sammy in his arms. Mathilda chats animatedly to Fiona. Finn sends a small fireball at the yule log but Aidan anticipates him and extinguishes it before it lights the log.

  I get everyone’s attention and start to tell the history of Winter Solstice and Yule. It’s the first time I’ve explained it since Lily was first with us. My soul warms knowing I am passing this along to the next generation. The twins stare at me with rapt attention. Mattie holds her daddy’s hand and I see Sebastian staring at his beautiful daughter and her intense concentration.

  “Auntie Helena, what are all the candles for?” Fiona asks.

  “Those are to represent the light in the darkness. The beginning of the New Year and the ending of the old. Come with me, Fiona, and we’ll light the first candle. Then we pass the light on to everyone else. Can you help me?”

  She nods solemnly and holds the red taper with me as Julian lights it with a lighter. Her eyes widen as she sees the dancing flame. Finn immediately tries to capture it.

  “No Finny, this isn’t a fire that we can play with. Right, Auntie?”

  “That’s right, my love. Let’s light Finn’s candle next.”

  Hannah gets down and helps Finn hold the candle while Fiona touches her wick to his. He grins with his newly acquired flame. Hannah helps him pass it to Sammy who is awake now and he passes it to Mattie. Once all the children’s candles are lit we pass the flame among the adults with “Happy Solstice” greetings.

  I look around the room at the candlelit faces and take a moment to say a quiet prayer before leading everyone in prayer.

  “Finn, can you help me light the yule log?”

  “Yes!” he shouts and everyone chuckles at his exuberance. He sends a little ball of flame at the log and since it’s a really dry piece of oak, it lights up immediately. Soon the log is crackling and spitting. I didn’t have the heart to tell him we were supposed to start it with the candles.

  Mattie takes Sammy’s hand as they stare into the flames. I have a strong feeling about their future. I’ve learned a long time ago to trust my intuitive feelings and know that their paths will continue to be intertwined.

  “Everyone come here and take a twig or acorn. When you throw it on the fire you have to tell everyone your hope for the year or a resolution.” I take an acorn and proceed to throw it on the fire as all the parents explain to the children what a resolution is. “I hope that this year contains as much happiness and peace as this moment.”

  I lead Finn over to the fire and ask him to throw his twig in. He does then claps as it is engulfed in the fire.

  “Finny, you’re supposed to say something,” Fiona admonishes.

  “I wish I had Poppa’s powers,” he says. Diel and Aidan laugh and Hannah laugh-snorts. That gets everyone giggling. “Not funny, I want to play with the fire like Poppa can.” Finn is just short of throwing a tantrum. Hannah realizes this and kneels next to her son.

  “Finn, you will grow into your powers. But it was a nice wish. I would be very proud to have two men in the family who could control fire.” She kisses his wrinkled brow and he eventually smiles as he understands what she says.

  Diel scoops up Fiona and plops her down in front of him next to the fire. She takes an acorn and closes her eyes before throwing it into the fire.

  “I want to get along with Finny better. Momma doesn’t like that we fight.”

  “That’s my girl. Love you, baby,” Diel says.

  “My turn! My turn!” Sammy yells as he runs to the basket of twigs and acorns. “I’m going to marry Mattie!” he says and then tosses his twig in.

  I hear Sebastian draw in a breath and I shake my head at him, silently telling him not to say a word. He grimaces and nods reluctantly. I stifle my laugh at his discomfort.

  Aidan swings Sammy up and whispers into his ear. No one hears what he says but we see Sammy nod solemnly. Aidan kisses his cheek and sets him back on the ground. Sammy takes Mattie’s hand and grins. Sebastian scowls and Lily smiles. This should be interesting once she’s a teen.

  All the children finish and then the adults go. It’s a warm and loving moment with lots of goodwill resolutions.

  “Let’s decorate the yule tree,” I say and am soon enveloped in children. I lead them over to the tree and Julian is ready with a box of ornaments. Diel and Aidan lift the kids up to place the ornaments evenly through the tree. Lily and Hannah can’t stop themselves from helping. Julian wraps his arm around my waist and I lean into him, enjoying the closeness.

  The children sit together on the floor in front of the tree while Aidan magicks lights onto it. The kids’ beautiful faces light up with the lights. I’m filled with so much love right now. If I was still human I would have tears in my eyes. We watch as the parents help the children decorate. All of them laugh and joke. Andrew and Liam sneak in and I notice that their clothes are a bit ruffled. I grin knowing that with their wedding coming up in two days that they can’t keep their hands off each other. I give Liam a wink. He tucks his head down with embarrassment. Andrew takes it all in and laughs while he pulls Liam into him and kisses his cheek as he leaves for the kitchen.

  “Snack time,” Andrew calls out when he gets back. He’s made some mulled wine and mulled apple cider. He’s got a few glasses of blood for the children who want it over the cider. A plate of cookies for Finn, Fiona, and Diel complete his tray. The children converge on him like ghouls. Liam chuckles and rushes to help Andrew hand treats out.

  My life is so complete right now. As I look on my family, I have a sense of peace descends on me and I couldn’t be happier. This is the best Winter Solstice ever.

  9. Lily

  We are all getting ready to listen to Julian tell a story when there is a smell of sulphur and a screech that precedes a hand popping out of nowhere. Diel jumps up with Aidan and Bast at his back. They are ready for battle from whatever is rending a hole in reality.

  “Dad?” Diel asks. He’s totally surprised. We all are. None more so than Hannah. She scoops up Finn and Fiona with vampire speed. Diel notices and nods his approval at her.

  “Diel, my boy. Don’t you have a Merry Holiday for me and your new step-mom? Come here Celine, show my boy your ring,” Doxie says as he helps his OMG wife through the portal.

  “Married? When did you marry her?” Diel asks.

  “Yesterday. A quiet little ceremony at City Hall. Just Josephine’s parents to be witnesses. Wanted to share with you and spend the holidays topside. Aren’t you surprised?” Doxie chuckles and smacks a chubby hand onto Diel’s back. Diel looks green. Hannah looks pissed. Her jaw is clenching and her hands are fisted. Hades barks and barks. He’s in a frenzy trying to get
to Celine. Aidan keeps zapping his fireballs to keep them from setting the house on fire.

  “Yesterday? I don’t understand. Mom just died.” Diel is obviously having a hard time catching up to the rest of us.

  “Boy, you look a little pale. You need a stiff drink. As for your mom, well you just know when you’ve found your better half. Isn’t that right, Ce-Ce?”

  “You’re right, Pooksie. You’re so smart,” Celine says as she grabs Doxie’s arm. Her voice is high pitched and sounds like fingernails on a chalk board. I’m not going to survive.

  I look at Hannah again and rush to her side just as she’s about to lose it. Her face is actually red. Something that is nearly impossible for a vampire. Her hands are now shaped like claws and she is inching closer to Doxie. Celine sees her and grins. She then winks and I have to grab Hannah as she leaps for Celine. Diel finally wakes up and takes her. Bast has the twins and Aidan is getting Diel a drink.

  “I’ll have whatever Diel is having and champagne for Ce-Ce,” Doxie bellows at Aidan like he is the hired help. Aidan is a good sport. He summons their drinks and hands them to the uninvited guests before taking Finn from Sebastian and pulling Sammy to Manda. Julian has Mattie so all the kids are safe. I really don’t think he would hurt one but you can’t be too careful.

  Celine looks around at the manse unabashedly. Her fake red hair and knock-off designer dress and shoes all complete her look as a washed-up hooker. I do notice a sizable diamond on her finger, though. It’s too large and tacky. Just like her.

  “How dare you show up here after you tried to kill me,” Hannah says in a voice more like a growl then her normal pleasant tones. Diel immediately takes her hand. He stares daggers at his Dad.

  “I have to agree with Hannah, Dad. You’ve endangered, insulted and harassed my wife and children. You’ve got a lot of nerve.”

  Doxie looks a little less sure of himself. He pulls Celine into his side. He clears his voice and pulls at his tie. He looks uncomfortable, finally.

  “Well, dear boy, can’t we let bygones be bygone? I was pushed by your mother to do all those things. I never wanted to do them.”

  “But you still did. You need to grow a backbone Dad. What the hell are you doing with this gutter trash of a Demon? Dammit, Hades, enough.” Hades quiets down.

  “Hey now, don’t talk about your step-mom that way. Especially not in her condition.”

  “WHAT! I can’t believe this. You brought this pregnant trailer trash to our homes? How dare you! Don’t you dare call her Diel’s step-mom. Although she’s probably an improvement on the original,” Hannah shouts. Diel is forcibly holding her back now.

  “Easy, babe. Don’t let him rile you up. It’s not worth it,” Diel whispers in her ear.

  “That’s right, miss. Nothing to get you in such a foul mood,” Doxie says frowning.

  “I didn’t say she didn’t have reason, Dad. How could you have gotten her pregnant? I can’t believe it. At your age you should know better. Do you really want children now?”

  “I don’t have much choice now do I? It wasn’t planned but we’ll welcome the little Demon when he comes.”

  “Do you know it’s a boy? She’s not even showing yet,” I say.

  Celine gives me a cold look and grimaces. I think she is actually trying to smile but fails.

  “I have the top OB/GYN and they did an ultrasound,” Celine says tartly.

  “Oh, you’re using Dr. Hildebrand then?” I ask.

  “I don’t know who that is,” she says.

  “He is the top OB/GYN in Hell. He delivered every child in this room. I’m surprised you didn’t know that or that you aren’t far enough along to determine the sex. Are you even pregnant?” I ask.

  “Of course she is. What is this the Inquisition? I refuse to be treated like this. Diel, take us to your home. I’ve had enough of this,” Doxie stutters. Celine gives me a calculating look. I don’t think she expected us to see through her scam. I highly doubt she is pregnant. More likely she is trying to take Doxie for everything he is worth.

  “You will not be staying in my home. No way, Diel. No freaking way,” Hannah says as she shakes her head.

  “I know, babe. I don’t want it either. We can’t put him in a hotel. They would give themselves away in about ten minutes. He doesn’t look like he’s leaving either.”

  “That’s right, son. We’re staying. I promised Ce-Ce a honeymoon topside and she wanted to meet you.”

  “No, Diel. I just can’t. I wouldn’t be able to sleep under the same roof as them. Plus the children wouldn’t be safe.”

  “Hannah, I understand but I don’t know what to do either.”

  “Diel, why don’t you let Doxie and Celine stay with us? We have plenty of room and they would still be close to you. Is that acceptable, Doxie?” Sebastian asks. My mouth is hanging open. I can’t believe he just did that. I glare at him but he just shakes his head slightly. I’ll stay quiet for now but he better have a good reason.

  “Well, uh, I don’t know. You won’t try to eat us, will you?” Doxie asks Sebastian. Aidan and Diel roll their eyes.

  “Dad, vampires have control of themselves. Sebastian and Lily have bagged blood too if you’re really worried. They always have a supply on hand for Mattie. You’ll have a nice room there and we will be just a few houses away. You can come visit or we can visit you.”

  “Doxie, I promise you we will not take your blood. We would love to host you and your, uhm, wife. Right, Lily?”

  “Uh sure. I mean we would love to have you,” I say and give them my biggest smile.

  “We’d appreciate that,” Celine says in her helium voice. Ugh, I’m not going to be able to get used to that.

  “Aidan, can you stock the fridge with real food for them? I don’t think I can find a grocery store open tonight,” I ask my friend.

  “Done. I also took the liberty of making sure you have fresh bag blood in there, too.”

  “Thank you, my friend,” Sebastian says.

  “No problem. It’s the least I can do considering your contribution,” Aidan says and winks at us behind Doxie’s and Celine’s backs.

  “Well, we should get home. It’s been a long night for everyone and we should get Celine and Doxie set up in a spare room. I’m thinking the Paris room? Sebastian?”

  “I think they would love that, cherie. I’ll gather Mattie and her things. Why don’t you go ahead of us and let Annie know what’s happening and check on the room?”

  “Bien sur, mon amour. I’ll see you all in a few minutes.” I leave casually and then race home. It helps that it’s only next door.

  I find Annie looking in the fridge with a questioning expression from the suddenly-appeared provisions. I smile at her and explain.

  “So Diel’s parents are staying here.”

  “Diel’s dad and new stepmother. Aidan blew up his mother in the act of trying to kill Hannah when Hannah was pregnant.”

  “Right… And you want them here why?”

  “Good question. I think Bast was trying to make things easier for Diel and Hannah. She absolutely refused to let him in her home. I don’t blame her after Doxie and Millicent tried to have her kidnapped and killed. It was nasty business.”

  “I’ll be super vigilant while they’re here.”

  Aidan pops in and scares us both.

  “I love doing that. The look on both your faces.” I smack him on the arm. “Sebastian asked me to put the same safety features on Mathilda’s room as you have on the safe room. He wants it programed to you, Annie, and himself. Just a precaution with Doxie and Celine staying here. Not sure what he is thinking but he’s the better man for doing it,” Aidan says shaking his head.

  “I’m so glad he thought about the added precautions. I’ll sleep better with this. I wish I didn’t have to sleep at all. It makes me nervous knowing I can’t do anything to protect my little girl.”

  “With all of us awake she will have lots of protection, Lily. Don’t worry. I would lay my life
down for that little girl,” Annie says. She gives me a brief, reassuring hug.

  “Thank you, Annie.”

  “Let’s get Annie’s fingerprints registered on the door. I have yours and Sebastian’s memorized. Haven’t got there yet with you, Annie. Sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Aidan. I’m kinda glad I have some mystery left.”

  Aidan laughs loudly and tugs on her hand. We end up at Mattie’s door.

  “I’m going to make this hard to find so that with the help of a camera…” he points and one appears above the door and then fades into hiding. “…we will know if they try to get into her room. There, done.”

  “How do we find the lock?” Annie asks.

  “When you get in front of the door, you whisper Mathilda Mae St. John and it will glimmer. Even if they figure out the password it’s fingerprint guarded. As a last defense I will put a button on the inside of the door for Mathilda to trigger if she is scared. It will bring me here in a flash.”

  “Thank you, Aidan. I really will sleep better now knowing you are a part of the protection. Will you wait in Mattie’s room and explain it to her?”

  “I will. That way Doxie and tramp will not know about any of it. I’ll just let myself out after I talk to her.”

  “Talk to you soon, Aidan,” I say and stand on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. He throws his arms around me to keep me from falling and to kiss me back on the forehead.

  “Anytime, Lilith,” he whispers.

  I leave with Annie and go to make some food for our guests.

  10. Sebastian

  I’m not sure what I was thinking. I know I didn’t want to see Hannah’s family miserable and scared for the holidays. I knew we wouldn’t enjoy Doxie’s stay but at least he hadn’t tried to kill us.

  I gently and then not so gently herded them next door to our house. I heard Helena let out a deep sigh after they closed the door. She had spent so much time getting the house cleansed for Solstice and now a couple of Demons burst through the dimensions to foul it up. It was a beautiful celebration until they came. At least we got to complete it before their arrival. That would have ruined everything.


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