I clicked on my SID and sent, "Staff meeting in thirty minutes." "I'm hungry. Admiral Zhu, would you like to join me for a bite to eat before the staff meeting?" * * * "I wanted to give you a status update and hear any of your concerns. As you are undoubtedly aware, Green Admiral Erdogan arrested Admiral Zhu—on his own initiative or by order of the Imperial Parliament. Apparently, groups within the Imperial Parliament can issue temporary orders in the Parliament's name. This may be what Erdogan is operating under or it could have come from the Emperor. But his attack on the Mnemosyne is a breach of the MSA between the Riss and the UFN, an act of war against the Riss and the SAS, since it is common knowledge that this ship has SAS units aboard," I said and was greeted with silence. "The good news is that the admiral in charge of the red and yellow fleets in the system appears to be taking a neutral position. Green is actively searching the Wave entrance on the assumption we are trying to escape. We are right now moving toward his search area in stealth mode. In a couple of hours, I will initiate Battle Stations, since we are going to engage Admiral Erdogan and his fleet." "Good, Riss and Scorpions died because of his treachery," Seng said, then chocked out a laugh. "Sorry, Leader Reese. My human reaction—get revenge. I've been with you long enough to know that isn't why. But I'm afraid I'm going to enjoy it just the same." Seng gave Byer a wry smile, who gave a sharp nod in agreement. "Getting more killed to avenge those he killed is not the Riss way. We stay to stop Admiral Erdogan from committing an atrocity on Dunn to Riss and Freelanders and to determine if his actions were with the Emperor's approval. We will not leave our people in harm's way." "I haven't heard anything back from the message you sent to the Emperor," Iglis said. "That will be interesting," Zhu said quietly. "I'm afraid I too wish for revenge for Xun, who was like a daughter to me, and the many others who died trying to stop Erdogan's commandos. I can understand why my brother Zhang is so at peace. While killing is killing, killing out of hate or revenge is not the same as for protection. * * * "What do you think, Admiral Zhu?" I asked. We were now within sixty-six thousand kilometers of the nearest of the green squadrons, in the area with Admiral Erdogan's command ship, Golden Tiger. "Amazing, that you can get so close without being detected. He must have fighters in the area. Unfortunately, they are Ghosts thanks to the Riss technology and can't be seen. But to answer your question, fire and skip. Once you fire, they will know your approximate location, and the fighters will eventually stumble upon you." "Yes, we must get Admiral Erdogan stupid mad," I said. Zhu nodded quietly. Fifteen seconds later. The Mnemosyne shuddered twice as twelve Demons streaked toward the unsuspecting four cruisers. They would have only seven to eight seconds notice at this distance. Not enough time for an alert operator to say the words, four incoming missiles, even if his system sensors could have detected some radar activity from the Demons. I turned to face Admiral Zhu. "Thank you, Leader Reese. Without Terril, I couldn't have appreciated what just happened. Salazar would be very unhappy to know the Riss are not only telepathic, but intellectually superior to humans." He laughed. "Byer, Seng, Status is Standby for the next one and one-half hours." * * * The attack went as smoothly as it had on green squadron one. Twelve hits on the four targeted cruisers: one disabled, one with major damage, and two with minor damage, which did not mean men and women hadn't died. We again skipped, this time toward green squadron three, which I expected to be on high alert and anticipating our arrival. * * * I smiled. MIC was an abbreviation for the Maintenance Identification Code that would cause any chips—in this case with an UFN identification number—to begin broadcasting. Instantly, over a hundred tiny blinking white lights appeared. I clicked on Byer's channel. "Yes, Captain." "Captain, I'd like you to send out ten Ghosts and shoot down a few of the UFN fighters." I smiled at the shocked look on his face. "Ma'am, we'll try, but they have stealth fighters...it's going to be difficult to find and target them." "The Riss mechanics have upgraded your fighters. Your monitors will identify them for targeting, and your upgraded missiles will have no problem destroying what you target." "Upgraded—" "You may want to hurry, before one of those hundred swarming around the area bumps into us by accident." "Yes, ma'am. Launching ten Ghosts," he said, still looking dazed. I cut the connection. Ten blue dots appeared on the VTH, streaking away for the Mnemosyne. They wouldn't appear on the fighters' monitors since I had told Riss mechanics only to initiate UFN codes. I thought the addition of the SAS fighters might confuse the Ghost pilots since they hadn't trained with the new system. I watched fascinated as blue dots approached the white dots, entered their area, and the white dots began disappearing. When over half of the white dots had disappeared, I clicked on Byer. "Ma'am," he muttered, but his eyes never left his monitor feed. "Call off your Ghosts, Commander Byer. I want to leave the area," I said, and his gaze jerked back to me. "How? Why? That means—" "That means that Riss technology cannot be used to kill Riss or their friends. I have Admiral Neifeh to thank for reminding me the technology doesn't have a conscience and doesn't care who created it or for what reason." "A timely lesson. I've recalled the Ghosts, Captain," he said and clicked off. "I would imagine you have made Admiral Erdogan very angry. He's losing face with his people," Zhu said. "And it could cause his allies in the Parliament to turn against him." "Stupid mad?" I asked. Zhu didn't answer for a while. "You're waiting, hoping he will do something against logic," he said, stroking his chin. "I don't know. Erdogan is an excellent tactician..." The Bridge faded, and we turned into ghosts, and just as suddenly solidified. Blue lights flashed, and SIDs broadcasted the change in status. "Tradition and your strong fear of failure. It wouldn't work against the Riss since they don't punish failure or reward success. Success or failure may get you another position, but since all positions are equal..." I laughed. Zhu closed his eyes, which I thought meant he was digesting what I had said and the ramifications. Nothing happened for the next six hours. * * * "I never realized how much Si'jin is like war," Terril said as we sat eating. It was like a mini staff meeting, with Byer, Seng, and Iglis there along with Terril and Zhu. "You and Erdogan are two masters trying to get into each other's mi nds." "Whoa!" Iglis said, looking down at her SID. She turned it toward me. "Emperor Okuda has ordered a ceasefire. He's arriving tomorrow." "What do you think, Captain?" Seng asked. "I think the waiting is over," I said smiling. Unless I was wrong, Admiral Erdogan had gone too far to back down now. Better it was only him to relate what happened. Sure enough, I had just finished my kaffa when my SID lit with r-Galene's face. "Leader, a message from the Golden Tiger," his voice box said. The recorded message played. "Admiral Erdogan is demanding a ceasefire, but you must make your cruiser visible to show good will. If you do not, he will begin killing the Riss on board the Riss certified units." "The endgame is about to begin. I will be calling Battle Stations when I reach the Bridge." "Stealth mode?" Byer asked. "No. Weapons hot. The Emperor has just pushed Admiral Erdogan into stupid-mad." I rose, with Terril, Zhu, and Cobras following. At the Bridge, I took my seat, my eyes misty. I sent with my heart pounding in my chest as if it wanted out. Thalia sent with a warm understanding that I felt from everyone on the Bridge. Red lights flashed, and klaxons sounded as the Mnemosyne came to life—radar, weapons, fighters, combat shuttles. My eyes—dripping with tears—went to the monitor I had started when we went active. Forty seconds later, it happened. One Heavy from each of the green squadrons, plus two lights—obviously those with Riss certified crews—had skipped. Admiral Erdogan had needed us visible for his certified crews to compute an accurate skip close enough so we couldn't avoid them. Zhu interrupted the silence with a laugh. "Yes, stupid-mad. So mad, he would order the Riss to do the one thing they would logically never do—put their Leader in danger." Blue lights flashed, and notice went out over SIDs. "Now we wait," I said, wondering who would replace Erdogan and what surprises the Emperor would bring. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN UFN - Dunn: Emperor Okuda R-Galene's alert stopped my speculating about what was going on within the red, yellow, and green fleets. I had expected to hear from someone, but not so soon. It had only been four hours since the Golden Tiger had disintegrated as the six cruisers collided into a gargantuan explosion that looked like a miniature supernova. Immediately, Captain Hang appeared. "Greeting, Leader Reese. I apologize for lying to you last time. Admiral Erdogan's commandos had control of the Dynasty and threatened to kill Admiral Zhu if I didn't. I'm afraid my allegiance to Admiral Zhu was greater than to you. The senior captains in the green fleet have conceded command to me as the senior captain on Dunn. The Admirals of the red and yellow fleets have always been loyal to Admiral Zhu. If you would permit, I would like to bring Admiral Zhu up to date," Hang said. I nodded and put Zhu on one monitor. "Captain Hang, what is the situation on the Dynasty?" Zhu asked. "Colonel Machi has surrendered the Golden Tiger's commandos and agreed to confinement by Red Admiral Quan until an Imperial Inquest can be convened. He believes he acted appropriately under orders by Admiral Erdogan. I thought it best that he and his troops were confined on another ship." "Very good, Captain Hang." Zhu turned toward me. "Leader Reese, I'd like to return to the Dynasty in preparation for the Emperor. What do you suggest?" "I'll drop you off, if we can agree on a ceasefire," I said. Zhu might have trusted Hang; however, I couldn't after his lies, although I understood his reasons for them. But I trusted Zhu and thought he would know who he could and couldn't trust. "Thank you, Leader Reese." Zhu looked back to the monitor. "Leader Reese has agreed to drop me off. Captain Hang, make sure all weapons systems are offline." * * * It took most of the day in stealth mode to reach the Dynasty, transfer Zhu, and get several light-seconds away from all UPN ships. Zhu thought it best I stay out of sight until he met with the Emperor, since neither of us knew who or what had provoked Admiral Erdogan, nor the Emperor's position. While we waited, I called a staff meeting to keep everyone up to date. "Iglis, anything new?" I asked when everyone had been seated. "I've gone from knowing everything that was happening to blind and deaf. I don't have access to SAS Comstat here in Dunn, and the UFN Comstat is eerily quiet since the Emperor said he was going to Dunn. Even the chatter between ships has decreased. It feels like the entire UFN is holding its collective breath, waiting to see what the Emperor is going to do—and anticipating it won't be good." "We are all sorry about the Riss killed on those ships," Seng said. "I understand why you have always been so reluctant to put Riss on foreign ships. Not only are they isolated from friends and family, but they're potential hostages." "And thus your...concern over Riss technology being used to kill Riss and Riss allies," Byer said. "Those UFN fighters would have been better off without the Riss technology." His face frowned with concern. "I've been with you and the Riss for many years, yet it's still a bit creepy knowing what your technology could do to us in a war." "That is the trouble with technology and weapons; it doesn't care who developed it, who it's used against, or the reason. Maybe it's time for technology to care—Riss technology should not be used to kill Riss or Riss allies." I said, liking the concept: the Riss would share its technology to repel Aliens, to defeat an invasion, and for protection, but not to harm Riss. "What now?" Byer asked. "We wait for the Emperor. He will determine the next move." Terril sent with a strong sense of condemnation. I laughed. I sent with an amused smile. Thalia sent with a tinkling of laughter. * * * Eight hours later, the Emperor's Heavy cruiser, the Imperial Dragon, arrived along with a fleet of forty-eight cruisers: six squadrons consisting of two Heavies and six lights each. Four hours after that, Fleet Admiral Zhu was invited to the Imperial Dragon. The meeting lasted three hours. Zhu's face appeared. "Leader Reese, the Emperor would like to talk with you. I cannot know what is in his mind, but I believe he is interested in resolving the current issue. He has expressed a willingness to ensure your protection." I looked to Terril, who frowned, then nodded. "The meeting will be aboard the Dynasty. I will be allowed armed security and will be in communication with the Mnemosyne at all times. Those are my conditions, Admiral Zhu." I said. After a long pause, Zhu nodded. "I will discuss them with the Emperor," he said and cut the connection. I took another hour arranging the proximity of other cruisers, the Mnemosyne remaining in stealth mode, transfer protocol, size of security... "I wonder if it would cause a lot of paperwork if I shot an Emperor," Terril quipped as my shuttle approached with four Ghosts as escorts. "None. At least for you and me. Others might find their days busy writing the historical version." I smiled. "Good, I hate paperwork," Terril said as the door-light turned green and we rose. The two Cobras were the first out, with Terril standing watch in the doorway. After a long look, she nodded, and I followed down the steps. When I reached the bottom step, a bugle sounded and twenty plus commandos came to attention. "Welcome aboard the Dynasty, Leader Reese," Captain Hang said after a snappy salute. "I hope the Emperor, Fleet Admiral Zhu, and you have a productive meeting. There has been enough killing of friends." He stepped back, and Zhu stepped forward. "Welcome, Leader Reese. If you don't mind waiting, the Emperor will be arriving in the next few minutes," he said and handed me a SID-like device. "This has been connected to the Mnemosyne." I looked at the screen and saw r-Kharis's face. "If we lose contact, you are in command of the Mnemosyne, Sister Kharis," I said, and clipped the unit to my belt. A few minutes later, one of the Bay's locks opened and a luxury shuttle entered bearing the Emperor's seal, one golden and one silver dragon inside a circle, facing each other. Ten imperial guards exited first, then a thin, frail man a head taller than me. When he stepped off the stairs, a bugle sounded, the commandos braced to attention, and everyone else bowed low. His eyes locked on me as he approached Zhu and me with four Imperial guards following. "Emperor Okuda, welcome to the Dynasty." "Thank you, Fleet Admiral Zhu." His eyes turned toward me. "We are living in interesting times: discovering the Riss are an intelligent race, invasion by robotic Aliens, and now a power grab by the JPU. People are scared and driven to do foolish things." "Leader Reese, I'd like to introduce you to the Emperor Okuda, Imperial Head of the United Free Nations," Zhu said. "I'm pleased to meet you, Emperor Okuda." I gave a small bow out of respect for his position. "Emperor, since it will only be the three of us, I thought my quarters would be comfortable. The servants await your approval to deliver refreshments," Zhu said. When Okuda nodded, Zhu spoke into his SID and waved for us to follow him. Okuda motioned for me to walk with him. "You are not what I expected, Leader Reese," Okuda said as we walked. "Your uniforms are unique. Most want their uniform to proclaim their...accomplishments, importance." "The Riss believe each position is essential for the success of the people; therefore, all positions are equal. Our uniforms don't indicate our importance, only our current position: two stars a Riss captain, and three stars Leader."
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