Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

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Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) Page 2

by Brair Lake

  As I pop into the grocery store, to buy some last minute provisions, it is not long before I become engrossed in browsing the shelves. Due to my oblivion of others, I had been unaware of the store door opening and to the new shoppers, who had arrived. It wasn’t until my trolley bumped in to one of them, that I realized the group had stepped in front of me. Surprised by their arrival, I glanced up to apologize and found myself looking into a set of green eyes that I have not seen since leaving six years ago. Only this time these eyes are grown up and belong to an eighteen-year-old Trax.

  The last time I had seen him, he had been a scrawny twelve years old, a smaller replica of his father. Now, he reached six foot or more. Although he is a replica of his father, he was missing that little something which Inferno has. Trax is a gentler version of his father. He does not possess the same element of danger that his father projects. Nor does he possess his father’s sexuality which draws me to Inferno.

  As he stands before me in jeans that ride low on his hips. Black leather motorcycle boots, a T-shirt with a reaper and scythe printed on it. Over the T-shirt he is wearing a black leather cut. I know, If he was to turn his back to me, I would find the words prospect on the lower bottom. Proclaiming his apprenticeship before becoming a full pledge member of Devils Comfort. As a boy, he always admired his father, and now it looks as if he is following his father’s choice of career.

  “Hi Trax.”

  As he squinted his eyes, trying to place me, I believed he was going to speak to me. His mouth opening, only to close again. After a moment’s hesitation, it appears he has changed his mind about speaking to me. Instead, he looks straight through me, putting down whatever he had been holding, he turns on his heals, walking up the aisle and out of the shop. For some unfathomable reason, it registers in my mind the object in his hand, is a can of deodorant.

  Unsure as to what had just occurred, think, maybe Trax didn’t recognize me. I quickly run over my appearance in my head. I am older, however, apart from that, everything else is the same. At eighteen I reached my final height, a little over five feet. The only rebellion I ever did and continue to do, is to color my hair blue and white, which I wear to my shoulders. I may have lost or gained some weight, but if I have, it is not by much.

  As I turn my attention back to the rest of the bikers, an uneasy silence has descended on them. Faces that I do not recognize, yet they must be members of Devils Comfort, as they are wearing the cut. As they stare awkwardly at me, unsure at what has just happened, they too, begin to shovel their way to the door, as they follow Trax out of the store, to their bikes, where he is waiting for them.

  After the bikers leave the shop, I release the breath that I was holding. As I realize how shaken I am from the encounter, to steady myself I take a deep breath, finishing my shopping in a rush.


  As I lean over the pool table to position myself, for the shot I am about to take. Trax comes storming into the room

  “You’ll not guess who I should fucking run into?”

  Without moving the angle of my body, I raise my eyes over the cue which I am holding. Watching Trax has he makes his way over to the club’s bar. His shoulders are tense, confirming that who ever they are, he wasn’t happy with them, with a shrug of my shoulders, I return to my game.


  “Miss high and fucking mighty Baby Blu. Grinning at me, as though all was well in the fucking world. Who the hell does she fucking think she is waltzing fucking back here?”

  This piece of news got my attention.

  Fuck, I knew Trax had being upset with Baby Blu leaving the way that she had. At the time of Baby Blu’s leaving, Trax had been twelve. His love for her was unconditional, only in the way a child’s love can be. Fuck, to listen to him then, she had been perfect, Baby Blu did this, Baby Blu did that, Baby Blu had said that. At the time she had being the one constant person in his life. Only to leave and break his heart. Hell, if I was honest she had broken mine too.

  As I lay the cue on the pool table, I cannot resist smirking at his ire. Slapping his shoulder as I snatch a beer for myself, from behind the bar.

  “Guess you’ll be throwing her a welcome home party this weekend then?”

  With a look of disgust crossing his face, Trax gives me a hand salute, picking up a beer from the bar. As he makes his way towards one of the spare room, he collects one the whores, who hang round the clubhouse.

  “I’m off for a run,” I inform the club’s Vice President, Linc, who is in the process of resetting the balls on the pool table.

  With thoughts of Baby Blu clouding by brain, I mount the Harley and head out on the open roads of Louisiana, to find some clarity.

  Shit, Shit, Shit. Baby Blu is back and I am unsure how I fell about that. When I drank a lot, I would fuck one of the girls, fantasying myself deep in Baby Blu. Yep, I am man enough to admit I have it bad for the girl. It has never bothered me that I am ten years older than she is. When she had turned sixteen, she had still been a little young for me. However that had not stopped me from starting to plan. Knowing that one day she would grace my bed. Sure, I had to wait a couple of years for her to grow up, I am not quite a pervert. Then the bitch ups and leaves and that is after she has given me a case of blue balls. Smiling, yeah, she owed me and it was time to pay.


  This is my first week at Comfort Springs High School, and I find that I have settled in quicker than I expected. The promise I made myself, when I chose this career, I was going to do everything possible for the kids, in my care.

  Making the most of the pleasant weather, I decide to eat my lunch in the schoolyard. Strolling down the path, I spot a vacant bench and settle down eat the sandwiches I have brought. As I bite into the apple, I scan the yard, noticing Tommy as he makes his way across the field.

  Tommy, one of the problem cases that I inherited from my predecessor, had visited the office earlier in the week for a chat. As I watch him, he reminds me of the promise that I have made. The promise where I will fix the world. After the week I have had, I know I am kidding myself.

  Studying Tommy as he ambles across the field, I notice he has a new bruise on his arm, the one on his cheek fading. Everyone knows he is being mistreated at home, but no one is helping him. How could these people turn a blind eye and not help him? Unable to stop myself I grind my teeth. My thoughts continuing down the same path they have been going down since our first meeting.

  ‘He is fourteen and I refuse to sit back and do nothing. His father was not going to get away with treating Tommy like this any longer.’

  “Hi Tommy” waving him over to me. I am well aware that he wont be eating today.

  “Join me for lunch and help yourself to one of my soggy cheese sandwiches as you can see I’ve made too many.” I tease him, “Eyes bigger than my belly and all that”

  Dragging his feet along the ground, Tommy meanders his way over to where I am sitting. Checking the area to see if anyone is watching.

  “Thanks Miss Jenson,” he mummers, sitting himself next to me. Tommy, for all his size, is a softly spoken person. Taking his time as he helps himself to a sandwich. “I forgot my lunch”

  I let the lie slip by as I continue to study Tommy through hooded lids.

  Tommy is a lanky teenager; still growing into himself. One day, he will be a fine specimen of a man. With his dirty blond hair, blue eyes, eyes which at the moment are empty.

  How do you talk to a teenager, I wonder. Aside from school, it has been a long time since I have anything to do with teenagers, especially boys.

  “How are classes going?”


  “Any problems?”

  “Nope, all is ok.”

  How banal could this conversation be? I wonder

  Before I approach the subject that is bothering me, I take a deep breath. “What happened to the arm?” I finally ventured

  With cheeks changing to a dark red “I fell,” he mumbles, covering the bruise with his hand.r />
  As I look at Tommy, I raise my head, hoping he understands, that no matter what, I am here for him. Thinking back to Trax, I ask myself am I taking an inordinately interest in Tommy because I feel as though I failed Trax by leaving him when I did.

  “Thanks for the sandwich Miss Jenson.” As Tommy raises himself off the bench to return to class, I want him to understand that no matter what, he can come to me.

  “Tommy, if you need anything I’m always here” He carries on walking as though he has not heard the words.

  As I clear away out lunch, I make my mind up. Something has to be done about Tommy.

  Chapter 2

  Raising from the President’s chair I stretch the kinks out of my body. A body which is aching due to the workout, I had received at the hands of Fudge, Devils Comforts Road Captain, earlier today. After another successful week for Devils Comfort, both the legit and non-legit business running smoothly, bringing in a healthy profit for us. With this week’s business taken care of and church concluded, it is time to relax and party.

  Linc and his old lady Cassie, are on the excuse of a dance floor, closely nestled in each other’s arms. No one was more shocked than I had been when my hard partying Vice President had got married three years ago after a whirlwind relationship. When I say whirlwind, I mean within twenty-four hours they had tied the knot. Not that I blamed Linc for acting fast. Cassie is hot with her toffee brown hair. It baffled me, what she saw in the Vice President, with his cleanly shaved head and a body covered in Ink. Whatever it was, the bond between them appeared to strengthen each day.

  Connor, or as he is otherwise known as Tabby, the club’s number one man whore and the M.C. Treasurer. Is doing what he does best, getting down and dirty with a couple of the club whores.

  Dec, the M.C. Sergeant At Arms, is to be found drinking shots of Tequila off Silver. Who is one of the club whores and a dancer / stripper at Tie me Down, an exotic dance club owned by Devils Comfort, managed by Tabby.

  Fudge, the bastard who had given me the work out from hell. Is having his own personal lap dance performed by Lacey, another dancer from Tie me Down.

  “For fucks sakes it’s a work night, is no one working at Tie me Down,” I question Tabby, sitting myself next to him.

  Without removing his hands away from the whore’s skirt, or lifting his lips from her nipple, he mutters, “Its in control. Twiggy’s managing tonight and there’s plenty of girls, besides I’m calling in later”

  Fuck, Twiggy was more bouncer than manager material. Sometime, I would question my sanity at Tabby being manager for Tie me Down however he did have a way with the girls that kept them in line.

  Hoisting the skirt up of the other whore, exposing the plum ass to my view as she has her mouth wrapped around Tabby’s cock, I start stroking it. Spreading the checks wide, reaming her, as I push my thumb into the small whole. A movement which causes her to push further on to Tabby’s cock, forcing her to take more of him in to her mouth. Her moans of pleasure, becoming louder. Smiling as I smack the ass and drop the skirt back into place. Leaving them to their game, as I make my way over to the bar for a drink.

  Although public sex does not bother me, after all it is an activity in which I have participated in on a number of occasions. Having my son watch me, just doesn’t seem right to me, and there he is, leaning against the bar.

  As I come along side Trax, slapping him on the back, in acknowledgment. “How’s it going son?”

  He appears a little pissed off, and I try not to think that Baby Blu, could be the cause of his mood. Since Trax informed my of her return, I have yet to run into her. Although I have rode past her old home a few time, on the pretext of calling in to see my parents, who live next door. I’m not even sure if that is where she is living, since my parents have not mention her either.

  “Linc, needs me to practice some more before he’ll let me do any tats on anyone, unless you want to volunteer?” Trax asks, looking me straight in the eye.

  Swiping him across the head. “Not a chance pup,” I inform him with a laugh

  “No harm in asking.”

  Although, I am unsure if Trax is aware of my interest in Baby Blu. I am aware that at one time he had wished we had got together. As I attempt to appear casual, there is something I need to ask him. Taking a mouthful of beer.

  “Have you seen any more of Baby Blu”

  Even though the question does not appear to have thrown him. It is a while before he answers, as he stares in to the beer bottle that he is cupping. “Nope”

  When Trax’s wasn’t going to be any more forthcoming, I saunter off to where the club whores are dancing, selecting one before heading off to my room. I do not require a name, all I need is a whore for a night of oblivion.


  Avoiding the debris which is scattered on the unkempt path, I knock on the battered house door, waiting for someone to answer it. It’s Saturday afternoon and I as hear movement inside, I am aware there is someone home. There isn’t anything special about this house to set it apart from all the others. Garbage covered the patch worn grass, on what you would call the yard; the exterior of the house exposing rust spots, from lack of care. The windows covered in thick grime from the dust caused by the wind.

  As I am about to give up and leave, Tommy eventually answered the door.

  “Hi Tommy, is your dad about?”

  With a jerk as he pulls the door behind him, preventing me from seeing inside the darken hallway.

  “Hi Miss Jenson” with a curl to his lip, “What do you want with my dad, I ain’t done anything.”

  “I know, but still, I’d like a word with your father Tommy.”

  “Who’s at the fucking door boy?”

  Hauling his body away from the door. “Miss Jenson, she wants to speak to you” with those words Tommy slouches off. Leaving me to face is father.

  “Mr Bale, I’m Miss Jenson, Tommy’s councilor from the school.” I inform as I show him my credentials. Trying not to crinkle my nose at the odor that is emitting from both the house and Eddie Bale.

  Eddie Bale is around the same age as Inferno and still, there is no comparison between the two men. His mousy brown hair in need of attention, as it looks as if it hasn’t seen water in months. Blue watery eyes, stare at me out of a sunken face which has a ruddy hue to his complexion due to the drink.

  “What’s the kid done now?”

  “He hasn’t been at school for a couple of days and no-ones reported why. As I am in the area, I thought I’d check that he’s ok.”

  “Nothing wrong with the kid. He just had a couple of errands to run for me.”

  As I am about to speak, I hear the sound of motorbike engines approaching. My body goes on alert, expecting trouble.

  “Everything ok” a voice asks from behind me. Without looking, I know that voice the low drawl always reaching straight down to my toes, making them curl. A voice which causes me to clench my pussy as it triggers the pulse there, to come alive.

  “Everything’s ok, thanks Inferno,” I mutter, without removing my eyes from Eddie Bale, not too sure, which of the two of them it is safer to stare at.

  Treading up to the house softly “You sure Baby Blu” he whispers into my ear, placing a hand on my arm. At his touch, my heart skips a beat. The contact of his warm flesh, against my bare skin, brings out the goose bumps.

  Honest, how am I supposed to concentrate, when Inferno’s body is almost touching mine, his breath caressing the flesh on the back of my neck? Dam, I think I have just soaked my panties. I am unprepared for what his appearance and touch does to me. Closing my eyes as I take a deep breath, counting slowly in my head. I hate this man, due to what he can do to me. He shouldn’t be able to make me lose my equilibrium. This just does not happen. I know this as it never happens to me, unless Inferno is in the vicinity.


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