Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

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Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) Page 4

by Brair Lake

  Stiffening slightly, I glance over at him and see that he is looking at me, watching carefully for my answer.

  “Twenty four is pretty old to be a virgin still.”

  Aiming for indifference, “While working my way through college and studying, I didn’t have much time to date much. As I got older I was embarrassed about still being a virgin.” I tell him in a cold voice, hoping this would close the issue.

  Kissing me “I’m glad you waited for me,” he whispers.

  Throwing him a dirty look from below my half closed eyes. “Conceited bastard aren’t you.”

  “You bet baby, your mine and no fucker is allowed near or in your pussy.”

  As I hurl one of the pillow at him, Inferno picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. Stepping into the shower as he switches the water on.

  “Your turn now babe.”

  I sink against him, on legs that are unstable, from all the loving that my body has received.

  “Think I’m going to have to take a rain check. There’s no way I can take you again.”

  Smiling as he reaches for the shower gel and sponge. He begins to wash my super sensitive body. With his head bent, Inferno begins his task in earnest and all I can do is look at him. For the umpteenth time I wonder how we got here and how I had got so lucky. My body is humming with satisfaction and I am wearing an asinine grin, watching Inferno, leisurely stroking his arms as he washes me.

  As he starts with my neck, he begins to massage the sponge over my sensitive skin causing the nerves to tingle. Moving down to my breasts, taking an inordinate long time to wash them. Between the friction of the sponge and the feel of his kisses, soon my flesh is covered in goose bumps. Soon I become breathless and wet with a different kind of fluid. Holding on to his shoulders for balance, before I fall to the floor in a crumble mess.

  Lost to the sensation of pure pleasure, he is giving me, it took a moment for it to register that Inferno had gone still, and was stepping back from me. Not comprehending what the problem could be, I look to him with a puzzled frown. Worried that I must have done something wrong without realizing it. Its then that I notice the concern look on his face. As his hands skim over my body, they come to rest on the puckered round scars that mar my flesh. I feel myself starting to panic, dreading what Inferno is about to ask.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” he questions, with what sounds like a frightened voice.

  Unable to meet his eyes, although I have nothing to be ashamed of. I know he is referring to the three bullet scars, two on my lower stomach, the other near my shoulder.

  “I was shot.”

  With his fingers, gliding over the scars “I can fucking see that! What I want to know is how you fucking got shot, and when you fucking got shot!”

  Stepping out of the shower, all of my passion has evaporated in to the steam filled room. I snatch the towel off the rack and wrap it round my body, covering two of the scars. Wanting to escape, but unable to.

  “Oh no you don’t babe. We’re going to discuss this now”

  Spinning back to him, I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes.

  “It was a college shooting ok,” I inform him, wanting to get away, not wanting to talk about it. For me it had been a difficult period in my life.

  “Tell me the fuck about it.”

  Glossing over the facts “There is not must to tell. It was just one of those typical college shooting. Towards the end my first year, one of my fellow student’s was having problems. He had a break down, came into class one day and fired a gun, killing some people. I was just in the way, it wasn’t anything personal, before he shot himself.”

  What I didn’t mention was that I knew the guy, and that my best friend had died in my arms. The shooting had led to a dark time in my life. A period which I had managed to crawl out of, and now I am making a new life for myself.

  Smiling “its not the first time you’ve seen a bullet scar, is it?” I tease, wanting to move away from the subject.

  As he wraps me in his arms, brushing my back with his fingers, he gives me a tight squeeze. For the first time, since the shooting, I feel safe and secure.

  “We need to talk about your issues, honey; you need to talk to me, so I know what to do. Skimming over facts is not the way babe” Kissing me on my forehead he reaches for the towel and dries me off, the sexual heat drying, along with my skin. Sorrow settles around my heart, have I lost Dante “Inferno” Page I ask myself.

  “There’s not much you can do Inferno, it happened a long time ago and the shooter is dead.”

  “Yeah,” he mutters, leaving the bathroom.


  Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

  I just cannot get my head round the fact, that I had nearly lost Baby Blu. That she had being shot and may have died. If she had died, would they have told me or would I have found out reading about it. I am having trouble processing this information. My body is coiled tight and I just want to strike out at someone. That someone namely been Baby Blu’s father, Ted Jenson for keeping me in the fucking dark. He must have been aware that my family cared for Baby Blu. What the fuck, she had looked after Trax for four years before going away to collage.

  Moreover, on top of all that, she had been a fucking virgin. Until last night, she had been carrying the V-card. That thought gave me a bit of a strut. I had known six years ago. when I had planned to take her to bed that weekend. That she was a virgin, I just had not been expecting it last night. Nope, thought that boat had sailed.

  Being the only one to possess that body, gave me more purpose. That the only cock ever to be inside her, was going to be mine.

  The clubhouse is busy and soon I will be re-introducing Baby Blu to everyone. Looking over at Trax, I was not sure how he was going to take the news. What the hell, he is a big boy and he will have to get over himself.

  “Trax, find Linc and the others. we need a quick sit down.”

  Soon the meeting room has filled with the brothers. As they settle themselves round the table. I looking over them, like lord and master. Now, there is a thought that would get me an ass kicking, if they ever thought I was lording it over them. No, every member of the club has a major role to play in the function of ensuring everything runs smoothly.

  Linc runs and manages the Tattoo Studio. He is a great Artist and the studio brings in a nice healthy profit to the club. With new clients coming from all over the state. Trax, who is not attending the meeting due to his prospect status, is doing an apprenticeship with him. According to Linc; he shows immense talent and great potential. As President of the MC and his dad, I am proud of my son.

  “Any problems at ‘Link the Ink’ this week”

  “Nah, busy week, more clients from out of state have made appointments. All thanks due to that magazine article, so it looks that we will properly be busy for the next month or so.”

  The garage is ticking over nicely according to Fudge; however, he was looking for a receptionist to cover the desk, due to the high volume of new work coming our way.

  Since taking over as President of Devils Comfort two years ago, we have been divesting our talents, growing our profits on both sides of the law.

  With a smirk Dec piped up, “I might have someone, Ivy’s looking for a new job.”

  All those at the table groaned. For the last six months he has been chasing this piece of skirt, who had no interest in him.

  The club according to Tabby has been busy. There has been a few problems with a couple of dancers. One of whom quit, going back home. A couple of punters had gotten out of hand, but that too has being rectified. However, regardless of the problems we still made money and no damaged to the property had occurred. Which made us all happy.

  Next up is Dec, the SAA of the club, Sergeant at Arms. He is responsible for keeping in touch with the main players, in the drug and gun running side of our business. The intermediary, whose job it is, to keep everyone sweet.

  “Anything to report Dec?”

The boys on the west side, aren’t too happy with the guns that they’ve received. Also there’s been talk of another gang moving in, trying to sell drugs. We need to take a look and see what’s going on. Maybe clear out any drugs, that might be trying to get into Comfort Springs?”

  This was not a surprise to me, as we had already spoken on the quiet about the situation, before bringing it to the table.

  “Ok, set up a sit down with those involved and let’s see if we can cut this crap ASAP.

  “Done Prez.”

  “Sundance, I need you to check some information out for me. Find out as much as you can about a college shooting, which happened in Washington, about five years ago.”

  “On it Prez.”

  Sundance is a whiz with the computer, and if you need information, he is the guy to go to. He also has a resemblance to Robert Redford, with his strawberry blonde hair, blue colored eyes and dimpled chin. This is what had gotten him the name Sundance, which also made him popular with the whores.

  “One last thing before the meeting closes, Baby Blu and I are now an item, that means she’s off limits to you lot. Got It.”

  “Got it,” the crew cheers as one.

  “Its weekend boys, lets go have some fun”

  “Tabby, I’m heading to the club, you and Linc as well.” I motioned to them as I head out the door.

  Tie me Down, is a great little club. It is a combination of exotic dancing and escorting, offering extras I required. Some of the girls, did not do the escorting, and I did not see that as a problem. They just had to do a couple of extra shifts, which appeared to suit them fine.

  As we sit in the VIP area, watching one of the dancers’ as they performed their routines, I discussed a few things with Tabby and Link. As I continued to watch the dancers, nursing a beer, I began wondering what Baby Blu was up to and if she is missing me. Big sap that I am. Yet I know none of this show on my face.

  Tabby, who is of Irish descent and twin to Dec, is about six - three with red hair, and is as broad as they come. Beckons over one of the dancers, Amber, who has now finished her act and has being relieved by the next girl, Lacey.

  When Amber reaches us, Tabby, has her straddling him and encourages her to give him a lap dance. His one weakness has to be the dancers of the club, however, he handles it well. Linc shakes his head, giving a small laugh, while watching Lacey as she does her routine.

  As I watch Linc, I find myself looking for something; I am not sure what it is, that I am missing.

  “Everything ok with you and Cassie?” I enquire.

  He turns his head towards me and gives me a big soppy smile.

  “Yeah, I’ll be heading off soon to a nice warm bed. You?”

  “It’s early days yet, but it’s what I want. She ain’t Lizzie.”

  Lizzie is Trax’s mum, who had been unable to cope with been a mum at sixteen. We both had been innocent then. The first time for the both of us, neither of us knew what we were doing, or what to expect. We may not have parted the best of friends, but she is the mother of my son and I have no hard feelings for her. I am also very much aware of the fact that recently, she contacted Trax.

  “I’ve got to tell Trax, just not sure how he’s going to take it.”

  “He’ll be fine, he loves that girl, always has.”

  “Yeah, I know. You and Cassie ever thought about having kids?” Raising the beer to my mouth, I shake my head, not believing the kind of conversation we are having.

  “It’s being mentioned a couple of times, shit, no that’s not true” Hunching forward Linc looks directly at me “We’re having problems in that area. Cassie would love to have children, at the moment, it is not happened for us. We’ve got an appointment at some specialist to get us both checked out”

  “Fuck man; hope it all works out for you.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  As I glance away from Linc. Tabby stands up, and heads off towards one of the private rooms. Which are situated on the next floor with Amber. Giving us both a wink.

  “See you old pussy whips, tomorrow.”

  “Think I’ll be heading off as well” Linc grunts as he stands to leave.

  “Sure see you tomorrow. I’ll just hang around a little longer, seen as my manager as fucked off”

  Giving me a serious look. “Don’t do anything fucking stupid,” Linc says, before heading out.

  Saluting him with my beer “No chance of that, I got nice pussy waiting for me at home” Well I was hoping she is there waiting for me.

  Chapter 5

  “See you later,” I whisper whilst kissing Inferno on the cheek as he lies back on the bed.

  “Not so fast babe” he mumbles into my mouth. Turning my peck on his cheek into a full-blown wet your pants, come back to bed kiss on the mouth.

  Laughing, as I pull away. “I don’t have time, I’m meeting Tommy at dad’s this morning.”

  Flinging the covers back, Inferno, heads for the bathroom. “Spoilsport, I’ll see you later. I’m off to the clubhouse this morning. I’ll be taking you to the clubhouse later tonight, to introduce to the brothers and their old ladies. so wear something sexy.”

  Frowning, It has only been a couple of weeks since, I returned to Comfort Springs, and I am unsure, If I am ready to meet the rest of Devils Comforts members.

  Although I have been in Inferno’s bed for the last two nights, and yes it has been great, although I am a little sore. However did I really want to become involved with everyone and everything associated with Devils Comforts MC, so quickly. On top of that, there was still the problem between Trax and myself, which needed to be sorted out.

  “Do you have Trax’s number” I enquire, as I make my mind up to contact him

  “What for?”

  Feeling slightly irritated by the question, “Oh let me see, maybe to ring him?”

  “Fuck, sorry babe, I’ll text it to you later.”

  It has been another crap week for Tommy, as he showed up at school with more fresh bruises on his body. During our weekly meeting on Wednesday, I had finally managed to talk Tommy into taking the gardening and odd mans job.

  Tommy is supposed to be her for 8.30am, and it was now 9.15 am. Perhaps, I should have arranged to have collected Tommy from his home. However, he had said he would come, and I had to show my faith in him. Even after my pep talk to myself, I still kept glancing at the clock and walking to the back door. Worried for him, thinking the worst had happened, as he made his way here, or he had changed his mind, about accepting the job.

  As I am emptying my cup into the sink, there is a loud know at the backdoor. As I go to let Tommy in, I smile to myself as the tension leaves my body. Opening the door, I find a disheveled looking Tommy and strewn on the path is a bike which had seen better day.

  “Hi, have you had breakfast yet?”

  Looking at me sheepishly, “No, I overslept and did not have time for any.”

  Not wanting to know why he had overslept, I dropped the matter of his lack of breakfast.

  “Come in, I am just making some toast. Would you like a piece? You are going to need some fuel, If you are to tackle the garden.” Ten minutes later he is tucking into poached egg on toast and a glass of blackcurrant juice.

  While I show Tommy round the garden, and explain what needs doing, we are joined by my dad. With one look at Tommy, dad shakes his head in disgust and takes him under his wind. Soon they begin tackling the urgent jobs. As I stand back, I listen as they both discuss their plans for the garden.


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