Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

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Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) Page 17

by Brair Lake

  As we turn to leave, there is a scuffle and the sound of a first connecting with flesh, looking in the direction of Cassie, I see Linc thrashing the hell out of the guy, who had been dancing with Cassie, and then his friend joins in. Soon there is a free for all and Inferno has joined in the ruckus. Our guys are whipping the crap out of the other guys, and a crowd was starting to gather round. Coming across the room are a couple of mean looking bouncers, and with Cassie’s help, we try to pull the guys apart before the bouncers arrive, which was neither the safest or best idea either of us has ever had, as Inferno’s elbow lands in my stomach and I bend over in double.

  “Fuck babe, why did you do that” he asks when he sees me clutching my stomach.

  “Thought…… I’d……help.” I try to joke while winded from the blow.

  “Fuck baby you don’t come between men when there having a little scuffle, it’s like coming between two fighting dogs, you could get hurt”

  As I am bent over in pain and he is giving me a lecture, does he not realize I know that now?

  Cassie has Linc by the hand and is smoothing his ego now.

  “Come on lets go” she says, dragging Linc towards the exit.

  “Yeah, listen to the little lady” one of the bouncer’s sneer.

  This is the reason Inferno got his name, no sooner had the words come out of the man’s mouth than he was flat on his back and Linc had the other bouncer by the scruff of his neck punching him. The bouncer that Linc had a hold of got a few punches in and soon all four of them were fighting, not sure, who was punching whom, tables getting broke in the scuffle. As the fight progressed, three more bouncers joined and they were finally able to break the fight up. With a split lip and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, Linc spat at the bouncers “Keep your filthy mouth shut”

  Taking hold of our men’s’ arms, we drag them away, lucky that the no one had contacted the local law enforcement officers, or that charges where being pressed.

  True to his word, It was nearly a week before I could sit down, but my man sure knows how to spank until you orgasm without causing any damage or bruising my skin.

  Chapter 23

  Now that we had the final hearing date for Tommy’s guardianship, things at home were very intense. Tempers were short, Tommy was in a constant mood, slamming doors and if we attempted to talk to him, he would snarl his answer or just ignore who ever spoke to him. The only time we saw him was at meal times preferring to spend the majority of his time in his room, I assumed he was spending most of his time either playing games on the computer or surfing the internet as he wouldn’t have access to a television. He was also having trouble at school and had been in a scuffle with a fellow classmate, coming home with a black eye. Not wanting to use my position at the school, I waited until he came home on Monday evening. This did not go down to well and when I tried to speak to him, he just shrugged his shoulders and went to his room.

  Dad was nearly as bad; however, he was handling the situation a little better. Spending his time on his hobby, dad was a train buff, and the room that should have been the dining area was set up with a complex train track, miniature towns and industrial yards, all complete with tiny people and scenery sets. He was also painstakingly compiling a video and would put short films on you tube along with a commentary. Standing by the door, watching him, I wonder about the women in his life and if he was seeing anyone. In all the time that I have known him, he has never brought a woman home. I did a mental check of the single women in the area, wondering if any of them would be suitable for him.

  “Hi Dad”

  “Hi sweetheart”

  “How’s it going?”

  “I’ll just be glad when tomorrows over”

  “Yeah, me too”

  As dad turns back to the train set, I again become lost in my thoughts. I was happy, and I did not want dad to be on his own.

  “You seeing anyone dad” This is the first time in ten years that I have ever asked that question.

  Jerking his head towards me, he tilts it to his left; his eyes are intent on me. Rising up from the position he was in, he holds his arms out to me and I go into them willingly. Offering me the comfort that he knew I needed, stroking my hair.

  “Baby Blu, I love you” pulling me into his chest “everything is going to be ok, you’ll be bringing Tommy home tomorrow”

  Wrapping my arms round his body, I felt stronger, drawing from his strength, regrettably, this does not but my fears at ease, I am still scared about what was going to happen tomorrow.

  Giggling into his shirtfront, which now had a damp spot on it “Don’t be avoiding the question, that wasn’t what I asked” giving him a small swat with the palm of my hand.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, there’s been women, I haven’t actually lived like a monk and like you with Inferno, I’ve never brought any of them back here”

  “Have you ever been serious about any of them?”

  “Once, but that’s for another time, go soak in the bath and relax, its going to be a long twenty four hours”

  Letting me go with a kiss on my forehead, he pushes me gently out of the room before retuning to his trains.

  When I’ve reached the top of the stairs, I stop before heading for my room and the bath and look directly at Tommy’s closed door, knocking before I go in, I find Tommy lying on the single bed with his boots still on and headphones on his head, eyes shut.

  “Tommy” he does not acknowledge me “Tommy” still he lays with his eyes closed, fingers drumming against the bed. I am not sure if he cannot hear or if he is just ignoring me, so I climb on to his bed beside him and place my arms round his shoulders, he does not flinch or move away from me. I remove his headphone, even though, he has now opened his eyes, he continues to stare at the ceiling, but he has not moved away from me so I take this as a good sign.

  “Tommy, I can’t make you any promises. I will do everything that I can to make sure that you come back with us tomorrow and that you do not return to your father. Just tell them the truth when asked” It scares the hell out of me that they will return Tommy back to a violent environment. He still has not acknowledged me, when I get up to leave; he reaches his hand out to mine squeezing it.


  The clubhouse was noisy, music playing loudly from the fifties retro style jukebox. I am here with the intensions of getting drunk. A half-drunk bottle of Jack Daniels rests in my hands. It is Tommy’s’ hearing tomorrow and Baby Blu was not coming over tonight, I hate being away from my girl, especially when I know it is unnecessary. Tommy was hers and he is coming home with her tomorrow, Devils Comfort had made sure of that, but I have not told her this.

  “Everything’s in place” Linc informs me swinging on to a chair his front against the backrest.

  Lengthening my body with a bone crackling stretch to remove the kinks out of my back and neck I give a nod. He’s not referring to the case, but to our retaliation against Black County Stewards, they are going out of business, I’m seeing to that and several steps have already been put into motion, Benefiting Devils Comfort, all our issues will be resolved by the end of week.

  This unfortunately means I will be spending more time away from Baby Blu, leaving a sour taste on my tongue, I reach for the bottle of Jack Daniels, Linc has his own bottle and does not intend to go home to Cassie, fuck, what the hell is going off there, this is unusual behavior for Linc. It is going to be a long night and a fucking long week.


  Dad, Tommy and I arrive at the courthouse a half hour before our case is due before the judge. We have a pre-hearing meeting with the solicitor, to go through the case file one last time. My stomach is in knots and I vomited a couple of times before leaving home, I feel another bout coming on and try to swallow the bile that is in my throat.

  Tommy is looking smart in his black slacks and shirt and although he is giving the impression that he is fine and relaxed, he paces the corridor, chewing on his thumbnails. Dad sits next to me holding my hand,
giving me the strength that I need. He has always been there for me when the shit has hit, mum dying, the shooting and now this and never has he complained. He may have been absent in my first fourteen years but now he never lets me down.

  As we are motioned to go in the courtroom, kissing him on the cheek “I love you dad”

  Tommy and I take our seats at one of the tables at the front; Eddie Bale sits at the other with his solicitor. For once, he has made an effect with his appearance; his hair brushed back, wearing a cheap suit, ignoring me as he looks at Tommy. Next to me, I feel Tommy’s body tremble, his fingers drumming on his knees, a sign that he is nervous.

  Dad sits just behind us, smiling; beside him is Inferno, Linc, Cassie who also offers me a smile of encouragement, Dec, Fudge, Tabby, Trax and other members of the MC. I was not sure if Id wanted Inferno to attend but he had insisted and so I had relented. He smiles and throws me a kiss which I return, blushing as I remember the phone sex we’d had the night before, I’d missed being in his arms and knew that he needed an answer soon about us moving in with him.

  When we are settled, the judge, who was in his mid forties, looks us over and the case began. Both sides have to put forward their argument.

  Eddie’s solicitor is basing his argument, against me, on my relationship with Inferno and Devils Comfort MC.

  “My client feels that Ms Jenson is unsuitable to be the legal guardian of his son due to her relationship with Mr Page. He is a well-known member of a local gang, known to take park in illegal activities and to be violent. Ms Jenson is known to have left Thomas Bale on several nights, while she parties at a motorcycle gang’s clubhouse, not coming home until the next day. For these reasons, we believe Ms Jenson is immoral and that this may have diverse affects on Thomas Bale”

  I am now very red in the face; my solicitor strokes my hand and offers me a comforting smile, which has not helped.

  When Eddie’s solicitor has finished it is the turn of mine to begin arguing our side for custody of Tommy.

  “My client took Thomas Bale in, after being called to the emergency rook one evening after Mr Bale had repeatedly beaten his son, breaking his nose and in need of medical attention. She has a steady job and holds a professional respectful position in our local education system. Thomas Bale never goes without food or shelter and is now a member of the local high school football team. Since moving in with my client, there has been an improved attitude with Thomas Bale, both socially and educationally. His attendance at school has also improved remarkably; my client has and will continue to be a good influence on Thomas Bale. I therefore believe he should remain in her custody and that this should be permanent”

  “Thomas, do you have anything to say” The judge enquires.

  Standing up, Tommy turns his gaze down to me.

  “I know Ms Jenson has a relationship with Mr Page and that he is a member of the local motorcycle club. However, when I come home from school or football practice, she is there, when I get up in the morning she is there. I want to stay with her and her dad,” he says looking towards my father.

  After some deliberation and more questioning and a favorable report from the Children’s Protection Services, the judge looks at us all; his eyes seem to linger on Inferno and his brothers, before giving his final decision. Tommy was coming home with us, I had been granted full permanent custody.

  On hearing these words, there is a cheer from Devils Comfort and I hug, Tommy, my dad and the solicitor.

  As he is passing, Eddie Bale, whose face is now a blazing red, leans into me.

  “Don’t think this is over girl, because its not” Eddie Bale snarls, before leaving the room.

  Chapter 24

  We decided to celebrate our victory at Comfort Springs best restaurant, “Golden Star”. What had started as an intimate family meal, soon turned into a Devils Comfort rowdy affair, with us taking over nearly half of the restaurant?

  Tommy and Dad are in high spirits behaving like juveniles, someone had sneaked Tommy a beer, my money is on Trax and I was too ecstatic to care and let it slip. I was delighted with the verdict, yet I still had to pinch myself to ensure that I was not dreaming and Tommy would be living with us permanently. I would find myself looking over at him, watching as he goofed about with Trax. Trax’s arm hanging over his shoulder, ribbing him, his laugh more free and louder, a sound I came to realize that even in all the time that Tommy has been living with us, hadn’t been there. Soon I found myself laughing with enthusiasm, from the belly, tears watering my eyes. Not even knowing why I found funny what I did.

  Cassie came over giving me a tight hug, wow that girl knows how to hug, as I feel my bones been crushed.

  “Easy girl” I laugh

  “Congratulations momma.” even though she is smiling and I know is genuinely happy for me; I hear the sorrow underlining her voice. Knowing how much Cassie, would love a child of her own I say a small prayer asking them to give Cassie what she wants, hoping that soon she would be holding her own child.

  Squeezing her back with a quick kiss “Thank you, shit, Cassie, he doesn’t have to go back” I respond in amazement.

  “I know” As we continued to chat, Dad rises up and with a spoon taps his beer glass, a little worst for wear, turns to look at Tommy and with a satisfied smile he officially welcomes Tommy into our family

  “Tommy, welcome to the Jenson household, we may not be the best, and we may not be perfect. When Baby Blu first brought you to our home, I have to admit I was a little apprehensive, you where an unknown commodity and it reminded me that ten years, previously I had taken in another fourteen year old, and she’s turned out ok, if I do say so myself. Over the last months, you have become a part of my heart. I only have one request” after a slow deliberate pause, his look going from Tommy to me. “Please don’t bring me any more stray teenagers into our fold”

  “Can’t promise that Ted” a voice pops up, it belongs to Inferno and with a Cheshire cat smile, his eyes hooded and aimed at me “Might need you to change a nappy or two soon”

  My body goes hot, and I feel the flush gallop from my chest to my forehead turning me scarlet as both my dad and Inferno parents give me speculative looks.

  “Shush Inferno” and to the room “I’m not pregnant,” I shout in mortification.

  “And not from trying, we need thicker walls at the clubhouse” winks Fudge to the audience. Sinking into my chair, wishing the floor would open and swallow me. Anna is as nearly as red as I am, at that remark. Shortly afterwards, Anna, Jack and dad leave, taking Tommy home with them. I was going back to Inferno’s for our own private celebration, one that I was eager for; it has been nearly thirty-six hours since I have been in Inferno’s bed.

  The next couple of days go without incident as we settle down now that Tommy’s guardianship had been finalized. We are definitely more relaxed, knowing that Tommy is here to stay.

  On Thursday, Tommy has football practice and I am to collect him afterwards. Deciding to stay behind at school and catch up on some paperwork, as it is considerably easier than driving home, then back again.

  “Hi Tommy, how did it go”

  “Great, thanks” slinging his kit and school backpack into the boot of the car, Tommy climbed in beside me and we head off home.

  “Fancy a pizza”


  Pizza is one of Tommy’s favorite foods, and as I do not normally cook after practice, we go for pizza, before returning home.

  By the time we leave the restaurant, we are both relaxed. I love the change in Tommy. He has become more confident and outgoing and I know he is going to be a player where the female population is concerned, going by the girl fan base that are already following him about.

  Tommy switches on the car stereo system and soon we are singing to some seventies classic rock. As we are approaching the oncoming traffic signals, the vehicle behind us suddenly switches on its full beam, causing the headlight to reflect strongly into my rear view mirror. Blinking, I have a monum
entally moment of unfocused vision, nearly failing to stop at the light signals which are now red and slam on the brakes, wrenching both Tommy and me forward.


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