In Case Of Emergency Break Fourth Wall (The Messenger Archive Book 3)

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In Case Of Emergency Break Fourth Wall (The Messenger Archive Book 3) Page 25

by DC Bastien

  Calli is just so, so, so smart. I mean, I get that she's actually more of a linguist than a scientist in real life, but she's still... listening to her talk about her passion is enchanting. She gave us some of her dialogue in different languages and god my pants were on fire. She also has the most adorable laugh you have ever heard. There was a tiny kid cosplaying and she bounced in her seat and blew her kisses. It was also nice to hear how she's struggled being so tall in the industry, and how she's self-conscious about her height. I guess anything that makes you stand out overmuch is a source of ammunition for people. She does a huge amount of charity work so she plugged that and I am so going to do something next year.

  Meg and Sonya – you can't really split them up. I actually wonder if they're a couple in real life. They certainly have no sense of personal space around one another. They talked about how they worked out their past relationship and how well they get on together. Apparently they spent tonnes of time before the pilot aired just hanging out in a trailer to get used to being in close proximity. Yep. Totally ship them and I'm not even sorry (although I won't be writing any RPF, because real people fiction sort of... weirds me out, I guess). Meg told us all about the makeup routine and how hard it is to not melt under the lights. Someone asked Sonya about the change in her bow-strings in the early episodes and if she had any kind of direction about that, and she said it was a wardrobe mishap, but that she likes the fan theory about the major life event stuff. So she said she'd totally push the creators to make that real. Rob said he didn't see any conflict in accepting it as gospel so yey!

  Geoff said to ask any questions they wanted of Timothy and they'd record them and his response and put them up online later, so you'll get to hear the answers as soon as I do for those :)

  Onyeka said she wasn't on set all that much because she's just in a recording booth. She sometimes visits to get a feel for the ship set, but she never goes out on location. She said if she had to pick a body for Mes that she'd totally go with some kind of Swiss Army Knife with lots of bladed edges and bottle openers and a torch. She said she loves doing voices because she has to put so much more in without the face there to put across emotion, it's all in tone and pacing. She said the VR episode was the hardest because she wanted to put as much of the fracturing into her tone before post work, and they kept telling her to just speak normally so they could special-effects it later. I bet that was really difficult. Someone asked her who she ships Mes with and she said BIANN and I was in love all over again.

  Alejandro seemed totally nervous. I wonder if it's because he normally has a character and a mask to hide behind? He tripped over his words a lot and he seemed delighted when anyone asked him anything. He said his favourite episode was the start of season two when we got to really understand why he took a bullet for Kre and that bond that formed. He speaks with his hands so much! If you tied his hands down, he'd be mute. Which is so weird because Loap is very much a man of reserved energy.

  Geoff complained that Henry was only supposed to be in one episode, but he kept calling them up demanding he come back. Henry threw paper at his head and said Geoff loved him really. I think Geoff wrote most of Ithon's dialogue. Geoff also said he prefers writing the tropey, predictable plots but trying to breathe new life into them instead of looking like a rip-off. He also said he'd rather take a gamble on something coming off weird instead of play it safe, and that Lana and Rob try to reel him back in at times. I think I like Geoff.

  Rob seemed a bit... I dunno. He felt a bit forced to me, but that could just be me. Lana was uber-professional. She knew her stuff, but she was less skilled at making that connection with the audience.

  Henry... Ash has turned me into a Henry-loving-monster. At one point he ran into the audience, gave someone his phone and made them come out to the front and take pics of him with all the core cast like he was a fanboy. I guess he is a fanboy! Anyway, he then took a selfie with the photographer and promised to post them all online. He got less questions, but someone did ask him about the Kip thing. He said he worked with Geoff on the character when he got cast, then he asked to make a few tweaks and they came up with it together. I thought that was adorable and I just... I'm Henry-trash, okay? I want to take him home with me.

  After much elbow-to-the-ribs from my lovely Ashroe, I finally plucked up the courage to ask them which crew member they'd ally with, and which they'd kick off the island if they were all stranded together.

  Davey played it safe and refused to kick anyone off and said no way would the Captain ever do that, he'd jump off the island first. He also said if he was going to try to escape he'd ally with Biann, and if he wanted to survive he'd ally with Kre.

  Meg and Sonya both picked the other to ally with. Meg joked that if the Captain wanted to sacrifice himself then she'd let him. Sonya thought about it for a while and said she'd kick the Judge off because he wasn't there to look sad at her and also that she thinks he's an immortal somehow.

  Calli picked Biann to keep. She also called me mean for making her lose anyone. She jokingly said she'd kick Saidhe off so she had Biann to herself that way, and that got a cheer.

  Onyeka picked Loap, but I think she just wanted to make sure he felt loved. I don't know. She kicked off Kre because Kre could swim the best. Alejandro then picked Mes, and kicked off Kre because he saved her life and she didn't pick him.

  Henry kicked everyone off the island except Mes and said there'd be more supplies for him that way so he could live longer. Mes wouldn't use up his food and could be used to signal the world to rescue him.

  I probably missed, like, tonnes of important things, but there'll be videos up of the panel I'm sure. I mostly just wanted to die for most of it because I still love them and I was so worried I would end up not liking one of them but I do! I love them even more. And I can't wait for our photo ops tomorrow. I may actually black out if any of them TOUCH me. We only have Davey, Henry and Calli, but that's more than enough. I never even thought I'd meet any of them, let alone see them here!

  Okay, signing off. Ash wants to eat and I'm starving too.


  Chapter Thirty – Mission: Deflation

  "We still sure they'll be out here?" Saidhe asked. "I mean, their secret base isn't really a secret anymore."

  "Well, if it ain't here, we gotta hope they've got some relay station picking up on people coming out all this ways."

  Loap clucked over his teeth a few times before plucking up the courage to ask: "Why did we not just go to a normal Bank?"

  "...'cause... they might have... tried to deny all knowledge? If we... went... into a branch that could be monitored?" Vadim answered. "And 'cause I didn't think about it at the time but I assume my subconscious came up with that answer as it was on the tip of my tongue? And no one questioned me about my plan beforehand?"

  "You do realise that, as Captain, we're all sort of honour-bound to follow your lead?" Saidhe asked. "And we assume when you stride in and yell at us to plot a course and fly that you thought things through?"

  "If I told you to fly into a brick wall, would you?"


  "There you go, then. You're as honourably bound to listen to everything I say without question as if I told you to fly in a brick wall. But I still think this is the best option in this case."

  "We're about to find out," Saidhe replied.

  The Whale flew ponderously into that space they'd been to before and Loap flipped on the broadcast signal identifying them and asking for peaceful discussion. There was an uncomfortably long pause before any sign of life responded. No broadcast, but another one of those long ships moved out towards them.

  "It's not firing, so I'm taking that as a success."


  "You sure you don't want your chance at this?" Kip asked Loap.

  "I'm perfectly happy not going onto the Banker ship. It is an experience I can live without," the Roq confirmed.

  "Even when we're all telling our – well, someone's – future kids all our w
ar stories? You're gonna be like: 'And every time they went on the super secret hidden Banker ships I lurked in the background'?"

  "The first time was your tactical decision. I lived perfectly happy without boarding with you then. I'm sure this time will be no different."

  "Suit yourself."

  Kip nodded to the Judge, and they went into the airlock ready. The large ship had quietly docked with them in preparation and the two Humans waited for things to equalise before boarding the other ship.

  The Banker who met them was as faceless as any other, and he – it? – nodded very vaguely at them.

  "We've come to discuss terms of a new agreement," Vadim said. "Hoping we can come to some mutually agreeable solution."

  "You have brought someone else to our location."

  "...the Judge? Yeah, well, he's here to act as officiate, or something. Plus, he's part of my crew. Couldn't well leave him behind."

  "I also swear by my office not to divulge your location unless there is a breach in contract."

  "This is a breach in contract," the Banker said, faceless face moving from one to the other and then back.

  "Well, we came to discuss some possible infringement on your side, too. So why don't we all sit down and thrash out the details like good businessm—uh, entities?"

  The Banker turned, letting the two men follow.




  "Would you walk with me?"

  Walking was not accepting or approving of someone's illegal actions. Walking was walking. You could walk with someone you were angry with, just for the stretch of legs. Just to... just to get some company. Even of someone who annoyed you.

  "Very well."

  Also he could scope out the ship some more. He subtly stretched out as he rose, waiting to be allowed out of the room.

  "Your career has gone far since we parted ways," Baudeline said.

  "It did, until I confessed to crimes and had my title stripped from me."

  "You were also the leader of the Sianar, though. Not many can claim that honour. Especially not Humans."

  "It was a technicality, no more. And it did not do me much good except for freeing Kre from your machinations."

  "A clever move, even so."

  He wasn't going to thank the man for complimenting things done to undo his tricks and wheels within wheels. No.

  "You have been busier than I have."

  "I need to keep busy, or I... become frustrated, Ithon."

  Then he did laugh. "And what did you think you were doing to me, then? Or is it deliberate? Keep me in isolation so that I hang from every crumb of contact that falls from your lips?"

  Baudeline's long legs stopped, then, and Ithon was forced to whirl on heel and toe to face him. "You're the one revelling in your isolation. I offered you my company."

  "You seriously think I'd want to leap into your bed? After everything you've done?" He wanted to pull the gun that wasn't there just to smack him upside the head with it. "Like a whore?"

  "I didn't say my bed, Ithon. Though you'd be welcome in it. I said my company."

  "We're walking, aren't we?"

  "And you're yelling at me."

  Ithon turned his back on Baudeline and carried on down the corridor. His normally quiet footfall turned into stomping little presses of boot to metal, and he didn't care what anyone thought.

  He was still attracted to him, physically, of course. He couldn't suddenly switch off how he felt about the other man's frame, voice, face. Worst by far was that he couldn't quite get the disgust in his head to register fully in his heart, or at all in his dick. His dick, which kept trying to get his attention by rubbing into his slacks like an overly-affectionate lap-kitten. He wanted him, probably always would. Wanted the feeling of his hands on his waist, the whispered 'I love you's down the side of his neck and the rough, slow fucking that...

  No. No. He had to stop thinking about it. Stop remembering those nights they'd stolen away into his office after hours. A hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming and a dick so far inside he was sure he could taste it at the back of his throat. Touches he'd known were wrong and wanted anyway. Love – or what felt like love – that was so insane he'd risk everything for it.

  Of course he wanted that again. Who wouldn't?

  They could do it, now. He could slam Baudeline into that view screen wall and make him take it. Hands pressed into the clear screen, fuck him in sight of the universe. Bite his shoulder and tell him he was a bastard, a villain, an asshole. Fuck him raw and then leave him humping the wall like the bitch he was...

  (Or worse, the opposite. Strong hands on his hips. Whispers in his ear that he'd known all along and fallen in love anyway. That he knew and loved it. An arm around his throat choking him all but unconscious as Baudeline thrust up and in. Telling him he was just as evil, just as bad. Telling him there was no getting out of here, so he might as well learn to love it. And... actually loving it. Loving the loss of control. Loving feeling like someone else's property. Loving the freedom of finally giving in...)

  Fingers touched his elbow and he reacted on instinct: no knife, but the straight line of his palm up against the man's throat. He had a knee between Baudeline's, his other hand slamming the man's fist into the wall.

  So close. So very, very close.


  "I hate you."

  He could kiss him. Worse? He wanted to.


  [Sianor: I can't believe we have to stop there.]

  [Ashroe: We do. I can't believe we got up early enough to get there.]

  [Sianor: I couldn't sleep.]

  [Ashroe: So you decided to get me horny with a promise that will last all day?]

  [Sianor: Be glad you don't actually have a dick, or it would show up all bonerified through our photo ops.]

  [Ashroe: Hehehe.]

  [Sianor: You're thinking about having a dick again, aren't you?]

  [Ashroe: Having one, giving one... oh yes.]

  [Sianor: Pervert.]

  [Ashroe: GET. DRESSED.]


  "We cannot tell you where he is."

  "...why not?" Kip asked, getting irritated. It was already hard enough making a deal with them, but this was beyond a joke. It had taken how many hours to agree to get the information on Baudeline from them?

  How many? Or was it days? Because it felt like days. And the damned beings didn't need to eat or drink or anything, so they didn't factor that in to their negotiations, either.

  "We are prepared to anonymously provide all the information we have on Baudeline's specifically illegal activities, but we cannot tell you where he is."

  "Is this, perhaps, because you don't know?" the Judge asked, his Voice Of Reason back on.

  Kip hated the Voice Of Reason. It meant he was close to acting very irrationally. It also worked, but that was way beside the point.


  "Can you at least give us a clue?"

  "We... cannot. We have the details of crafts and establishments we believe are under his purview, but as he has many shell corporations and interested third parties, it is impossible for us to divulge everything. Many of the third parties only deal in fully legal work, or are otherwise innocent and the information is commercially sensitive. As we cannot filter out on what locations are or are not involved or aware of the illegal activities, it is immoral for us to divulge this. If we knew for certain where he was, we would volunteer it."


  "I have to agree with the Bankers on this one. We cannot hold a witch hunt against anyone with ties to Baudeline. We will need to find him by some other means."

  "Alright. Okay." Kip wasn't happy with that, but he'd have to concede the point. They'd accused the Bank of supporting illegal activity, after all, so pushing them into more was sort of hypocritical. They'd need to find some other way to track him down. "I think everything else is fully agreed upon?"

  "We have created a document as we ha
ve been discussing our mutual needs," the Banker said. "We will allow you to peruse it before signing it."

  "Mighty grateful," Kip said, taking one of the two tablets he was offered. Peters took the other, and they started the fun process called Make Sure There's No Fine Print That Screws Us.


  [Ashroe: Have you nearly finished your con report on the side?]


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