Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Dani April

  “I’m charmed.” Aaron took her hand and kissed her. “Derrick brought himself some fine pussy back here. I know what he wants from this lady.”

  Marty gave Aaron a smile and ignored his impolite thoughts. “You two seem like unlikely traveling companions.”

  “I know.” Aaron laughed. “He’s white, and I’m black. He likes rock, and I like rap. We go all the way back to college together. We were roommates back then and just as mismatched.”

  “I’m happy I met you guys.”

  “Marty came out to the concert by herself tonight,” Derrick told Aaron, and the two men exchanged a knowing look. “She’s looking to get laid.” They both had this same thought pass through their minds at the same time.

  “Quiet down you two!” Aaron told them good-naturedly. “The music is starting again. Derrick may not be into it, but it soothes my soul, and that’s why I came here tonight.”

  Marty took her seat between the two men. The seating arrangement was cramped in the crowded front row. She was aware of how small her body was in comparison to their well-developed frames.

  She couldn’t understand any of the music. It was too modern for her. She tried to let it soothe her in the way Aaron had suggested. However, she still felt anxious as the next two hours passed by in a blur.

  The next thing she knew the show was over, and she was headed out into the parking lot with the two guys and the rest of the crowd. She felt safe walking between the two big men and was able to concentrate on blocking out the thoughts of all the strangers passing them by in the parking area outside the amphitheater.

  “I hope I will be seeing you again very soon, Marty,” Aaron told her as he took her hand back up in his for another kiss. Then he excused himself and headed off across the lot to find his vehicle, leaving her alone with Derrick once more.

  “So I take it the concert tonight didn’t make you a convert to that sort of music?” Derrick asked her, making small talk as they walked along.

  “Not at all,” she confided in him. “I’m just too old-fashioned for all of that.”

  “Where are you parked?” he asked her.

  “I don’t have a car,” she told him. “I took a bus.”

  “In that case, please allow me to give you a lift.”

  “I think I’d like that.”

  “You mentioned you were hungry earlier. How about we stop by a restaurant and have dinner, get us a couple of drinks, my treat. It’s the least I can do since you have been nice enough to offer to show us around the city.”

  “Well, okay…” Marty was very unsure about going out to dinner. She knew she would not like the food there no matter where they went. “Where is your car parked at, Derrick?”

  “Actually, I don’t have a car either.”

  “You don’t have a car?” She was confused and was about to inquire into his mind for the answer when he provided a verbal one for her instead.

  “I have a bike. It’s a Harley. She is my pride and joy. Have you ever ridden on top of a Harley before, Marty?”

  “I don’t remember. But I don’t think I have.”

  “You would remember if you’d ridden on a Harley before, trust me.”

  The big, black bike loomed before them at the end of the parking lot, and Derrick motioned to it with pride. “Hop aboard, my lady.” He helped her get on top of the bike.

  Marty was feeling very nervous. This was the moment where she would have to make a decision. She really liked Derrick. But he was not the man she was searching for, and so that made the decision all the more difficult.

  “You know any good watering holes in the area where we could get a bite to eat?” he asked her.

  “No, I don’t,” she admitted.

  He gave her a sidelong glance. “That’s kind of strange. I thought she said she had lived around here for a while.”

  “I don’t think I could eat any of that food anyway.” Marty was honest with him. “Why don’t we just go back to my place instead? We could get to know each other better.”

  Now she had passed the point of no return. She had invited him back to her house. His thoughts at once became lust filled. She ignored them. They were soon speeding off on the Harley, and Marty held on tight for the ride back to her home. She would soon have a decision to make.

  Chapter Three

  Marty’s house was old and in the center of a neighborhood that was even older. The two-story colonial was in disrepair, the chipped and peeling white paint on the outside the first eyesore to catch attention. The big yard surrounding it was weed infested, the lawn a foot taller than it should have been, and now that spring was here, it was in danger of growing into an outright jungle.

  The drive leading to the home had never been paved and was still gravel. There was not a single light on inside or out. Marty knew the place gave the appearance of being abandoned, as if no one had lived there in years. And in a way, that assumption was not far from wrong.

  Derrick glided the bike to a smooth stop out front and helped her to dismount. The moonlight overhead illuminated the old place before them and brought attention to its lack of upkeep even in the dark. Derrick stared at it for a second. She didn’t have to even try and read his mind to know what he was thinking about the house.

  “This is where you live?” he asked her incredulously.

  “Yes. This is my home.” This time, she picked up his hand and led him forward into the dark. “Come with me.”

  “You live here alone?”

  “I have ever since my father died.”

  “You know your house could really do with a coat of paint.”

  “I know. But I don’t have the time or the money for that. Besides, if I keep my house like this, it keeps people away.”

  “You like to keep people away?”

  “Most of the time I do.”

  “You invited me here tonight.”

  “Yes,” she acknowledged. They were on the wraparound front porch. She opened the door for him. The cry of its hinges sang into the night. “Now you are invited inside my home, Derrick.”

  She held the door wide-open for him, and he stepped past her into the gloom of the interior. She followed him inside and shut the door behind them. He had already found the light switch, but when he flicked it repeatedly a few times, nothing happened.

  “Sorry,” she told him. “No lights.”

  “You live here without electricity?”

  “I didn’t pay my bill. But don’t worry, we have candles, and they’re more romantic anyway.”

  She had already gone into the heart of the big front room and was lighting a row of candles spread forth on a living room table. The dancing light barely allowed her to see his handsome face from the other side of the room. She realized it had been a long time since she had allowed anyone inside here with her. The place must have looked terrible to him. He was looking all around. She knew he was seeing lots of cobwebs and spiders. She only hoped the family of mice that lived behind the walls would not choose that moment to make an appearance.

  “So how long has your dad been dead, Marty?”

  “A long time now.”

  “Why haven’t you sold this place?”

  “I don’t have anyplace else to go.”

  “Then why haven’t you fixed it up some?”

  “I don’t have the money.”

  “Was it like this when your dad was alive?”

  Marty thought about that question for a moment. She thought back to the happy time of her life before the nightmare had started. She smiled at the memories. “No,” she said. “When my dad was alive, everything shined. He knew how to take care of everything.”

  “Didn’t he leave you any money?”

  “I guess he left me a little, but that was a long time ago.”

  He walked around, and she could sense his vision adjusting to the candlelight. On top of the TV that no longer played, for lack of electricity, was a picture of her and her father when she was only twelve. He picked it up and stared at

  “This is you and your dad?”

  She nodded.

  He paced about the room some more. She could almost see the dusty old room as he was seeing it, as if she was seeing it for the first time through his eyes. The television was a relic from the nineteen fifties and would not have even been operable with electricity in the house. The furniture was antique and as worn-down as the house it sat inside of. The picture he had picked up from the top of the television was weathered with age. The cars in the backdrop of the photo were all as ancient as was the furniture in the house, and the clothes she and her father had been wearing were from another era.

  “May I sit down, Marty?”

  “Yes.” She motioned him to a love seat. She took the seat right next to him. His body so near to her on the cushions of the sofa felt warm and nice, and his skin was beautiful as it was illuminated by the candlelight.

  “You know, I have a motel room out on the highway. We could go there.”

  “No. I want to be with you here in my home.”

  “Do you have anything to drink?” he queried her. “Wine or beer? Anything?”

  “Afraid not. I don’t have electricity. I don’t have any food or anything in the house.”

  “Why do you live like this?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “We have all night. I’m not going anywhere.” He put his arm around her, and she relaxed into his embrace. This was the best she had felt, the safest she had felt in she could not remember how long.

  “Tell me something about you?” She abruptly changed the subject. “Why are you traveling across the country with Aaron? Did the two of you rob a bank or something?”

  Derrick laughed. “Nothing of the kind,” he assured her. “I sold my company last year. I’d worked twelve hours a day, seven days a week for the last ten years. I decided I needed to take some time off and live a dream.”

  “What about Aaron?”

  “His dad was wealthy. He died a few years back and left him a ton of money. I hooked up with him again, and we decided we’d each buy a bike and ride across country. Seemed a hell of a lot more interesting than a vacation to France or somewhere.”

  “That sounds nice. You guys have your freedom. You can go anywhere you want and do anything you want. I envy you.”

  “Enough about me. You know my life story now, back to you, Marty. Why do you live alone in this creepy old house?”

  She didn’t answer him. Instead, she just basked in the fact that she had him with her. She closed her eyes and smelled his manly scent in the darkness. After a few minutes had passed, she felt him stroking her face gently. It felt nice.

  “You’re a beautiful and young woman, Marty. I’m sure you must have a relative or a friend around somewhere. Someone who can take care of you, maybe do some work on your house for you.”

  “I’m all alone.” Her voice betrayed the sadness she felt.

  “Why are you alone? You didn’t seem to have any trouble picking me up tonight.”

  “A pickup? Is that what you call this?”

  He brushed the hair out from behind her ear and was caressing the back of her neck, his breath hot against her skin. “Yes, that’s what I would call this. What would you call it?”

  She thought about it a moment and then purred at the feel of his hands on her. “Yes, I picked you up to bring you back to my home,” she admitted breathlessly. “I guess I didn’t feel shy around you because I felt such a need for you. Now that I have you here with me, I’ve never felt that need stronger than right now.”

  Now he was kissing the nape of her neck. She arched her back into him and gloried in the feel of his hands as they reached around her body and began fondling her breasts through her shirt.

  “I didn’t know how lonely it would be when I set out on the road,” he told her. “I miss women. I miss touching them.”

  “I miss things, too, about my life,” she told him. When she looked back at him, his face was only inches from hers.

  Their lips locked in a quiet kiss. “This kooky woman is amazing. I think she could make me give up my trip across the country. I would just like to spend time here with her. Maybe I could fix this old place up for her. Or maybe she would even want to come with me on my bike out on the road. She certainly doesn’t seem to have anything to hold her down here.”

  “I like the way you think,” she whispered to him between the kissing.

  “Do you know what I’m thinking, Marty?” he teased her.

  “Yes, I do. Your thoughts are beautiful. I only wish they could come true.”

  He held her back at arm’s length, abruptly breaking off their foreplay. She knew he wanted some answers from her.

  “Before we go any further tonight, Marty,” he began, and seemed frustrated by her lack of earnestness with him, “will you tell me why you are alone, and why you live here in this haunted house?”

  “I’m not for sure of the reason why myself,” she told him honestly. “I don’t have my full memory of everything that’s happened in my life, and that frightens me.”

  “Like you have amnesia or something like that?”

  “Yes. I have my memory up until I started to get sick, and then there is just nothing. I think I was with a man when I got sick, but I can’t remember his name or even what he looked like. Only it is more complex than amnesia…a whole lot more complex than that. I don’t think you will understand.”

  “Will you let me try and help you anyway, Marty? I promise I’ll understand whatever it is.”

  “I don’t think you can help me, and I know you can’t understand what my problem is.” She hesitated one last time then looked back up into his eyes. “When I first met you tonight, I thought maybe you were the guy I was looking for.” She looked back down. “I know you’re not him. But will you please stay here with me tonight? I feel safe when I’m with you, like maybe things could get better one day. I’m so tired of being alone.”

  “I am going to stay with you tonight.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve made love.” She looked back up at him. “I may be a little rusty.”

  He laughed. “I think I’ve got you covered there, baby. I know how to make you feel good. I know what your body needs tonight.”

  This time, she was the one to take him in her embrace, and she was kissing him again. The depth of her need was causing her to move quickly. The fire inside of her was coming to the surface.

  “I didn’t bring you here to fix up my house or to figure out my life for me. I only brought you here for one thing, Derrick. I need you tonight.”

  “Where’s your bedroom, Marty?”

  She got up and held out her hand for him to follow her. “This way,” she told him and led him up the rickety old staircase to her bedroom.

  Chapter Four

  Dust flew off the neatly made bed as their bodies fell down on top of it. She already had her shirt off and was helping him unbutton his. The angry erection under his jeans was pressing with savage urgency against her thigh.

  “I thought this was your room?” he asked her quietly as he slipped the straps of her bra from her shoulders.

  “I haven’t slept in this bed in a long time.”

  “Then where do you sleep?”

  “Tonight I’m going to sleep in here with you,” she said but didn’t really answer his question.

  When he revealed her nipples to the moonlit room, he attacked them ravenously with his mouth. She fell back onto the mattress and let him have his way with her body. It felt so good. This was exactly what she needed to feel tonight. She pressed him down against her chest as he suckled her, and moaned into the night as he nipped her erect nipples with his teeth.

  Next, his hands were moving aggressively down her body and inside of her skirt. He yanked it down her squirming hips without preamble. He threw the skirt off the bed and down to the floor. Soon her panties joined it there as well.

  She spread her legs for him, and he ducked between her thighs
. He began lapping at her moist pussy lips with his mouth, eating her and devouring her. She pushed against him, bringing more friction between them. He used his fingers to part her lips, and his tongue went inside her.

  As she read his mind, she could feel what he was feeling, and she could taste her own saltiness on the top of his tongue. She could feel her clit as he sucked it between his hungry lips. She closed her eyes tightly shut and waited until the first orgasm had washed over her.

  Then he had crawled off her and was standing next to the bed, removing the last of his clothes. She got back to her knees and helped him to lower his jock shorts. His erection sprang to life in front of her.

  She took him in her mouth and greedily wolfed him down her throat. From beneath, she cupped his balls. Her saliva mixed with his pre-cum, and now she could taste his sex with her tongue as vividly as she had tasted her own through his mouth moments before.

  He was moaning and tensing up, and she knew she was driving him to the edge. He pulled her head off his cock by her hair and shoved her back onto the mattress. He crawled over her, his enormous cock dangling in front of him. Her saliva glistened on top of the angry, red head in the moonlight of the bedroom.

  She spread her thighs for him, and he reached between them to pinch out her clit once again and prepare the way for his entrance. Taking his cock carefully in one hand, he aimed it down at her opening. She felt it as the head parted her lips. Then, in a giant lunge of his hips, he had gone inside of her and started to thrust.

  He held her knees up high in the air to allow for deeper penetration as he fucked her expertly. She reached out to his magnificent, nude body and took him in her arms, and he fell on top of her. This brought his plunging cock even deeper inside her body.

  She could not contain herself anymore. As he pounded her with thrust after terrific thrust, she cried out loud and long into the night. A second and more powerful orgasm built inside her pussy. She tensed her muscles and allowed it to claim her.

  His thrusting was coming faster and more desperate now. She knew he wouldn’t last much longer, yet she was greedy and did not wish to relinquish him so soon. She reached around from behind his thrusting buttocks and down to his tightly wound ball sac. This brought a cry of ecstasy from him.


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