Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Dani April

  “Goes with the territory. That’s what vampires do.” He reached down to her, and their lips met. They were warm and soft.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I’m very hungry and don’t have much self-control right now. You could end up getting killed.”

  He was already unbuttoning her blouse, so she guessed he must have been pretty sure. “You’re hungry, and I’m horny. Seems like a fair exchange.”

  “You want to do it here?” She looked around at the basement they were in. This was not a romantic place. “We’re both a mess, and this place is filthy.”

  “I hate to tell you, baby, but your pretty white uniform is ruined. I think you’d look a lot better out of it than in it right about now.”

  She took off her blouse and folded it neatly down onto the table. Aaron was right. It had gotten dirty and had been ripped down the side. Then she looked around the big room.

  “Perfect, I keep ruining all of my work clothes.” She jumped down off the table and took Aaron’s hand, motioning him to follow her. “If we’re going to do this, let’s at least find a clean place to do it.”

  “Hey, we’ve got everything we need except for a bottle of wine.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t drink wine.”

  “Then you’ll have to settle for my blood.”

  She led them out of the boiler room and down a long hallway. They came to an area that must once have housed some basement offices. Things were better in there. The bats and the rodents were left behind them, and only the cobwebs remained. The light from the furnace was cut off, and they were immersed in complete dark once again. Marty took the lead and was their eyes in the dark. She opened a door and found an office with old furniture still remaining inside. The big desk in the middle would serve their purpose nicely.

  Without preamble, Marty began to undress. She saw Aaron grimace in the dark as he began to remove his clothes. He couldn’t see in the dark and was fumbling with each move he made.

  “Poor Aaron.” Marty sighed. “This just hasn’t been your day. First you’re hit by a car, and now you’re about to get bitten by a vampire.”

  “It isn’t a total loss, I’m about to get laid by a beautiful woman.” He smiled at her. “It’s been worth it. I did it all for a lady.”

  “I’m not a lady.”

  He reached out and took hold of her breast in the dark. “You feel like a lady.”

  “Um, you feel like a man.” She fondled his giant erection in her palm.

  “It would be nice if I could see your beautiful body.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll do the seeing for both of us.”

  He was strong. He took her hard and long in the dark. Her screams were louder than ever before. She was climaxing for the third time when she bit into his flesh and began to drink. After it was over, they rested in each other’s arms on top of the old-fashioned desk of the office.

  “Now you have three men to love you, Marty,” he whispered in her ear and gently cradled her breast in his large palm, provoking her nipple and sending shivers down her spine.

  “I’m lucky I met you guys. I care about you all. I couldn’t stand it if any of you ever got hurt because of me.”

  “Nobody’s going to get hurt. We’re going to take care of you now. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “But what about my maker?”

  “Don’t waste your time thinking about him, Marty.”

  “But I love him. I’ve always loved him, even when I was a human.”

  “No, you don’t love him, Marty. You don’t even know who he is.”

  “What happens when he comes back?”

  “He’s going to have to share you with three human men who are crazy about you.”

  “He might not be the sharing kind,” she warned him.

  Marty fell asleep against Aaron’s chest. She had dreams about her maker and felt somehow guilty about them, as if she was betraying her human lovers by bringing a vampire into her dreams instead of them. Normally the dreams she had about her maker made her feel good, and as if there was a bright future to look forward to. But today, her dreams about him troubled her. He was still out there somewhere, waiting to be found. She was confident that she would find him. However, she was suddenly unsure as to whether there would be a happy outcome when that day arrived.

  In the middle of the day, Marty woke up screaming in the throes of a nightmare. Aaron was still with her and was there to soothe her with his touch. She clung to him tightly and felt some better. Her life was approaching a crossroads, and she had no idea what she would do when it finally got there.

  She had three human lovers now. What would happen to them when the male vampire who had been responsible for turning her came back?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Marty rode back to her house on Aaron’s bike as soon as the sun went down. It felt good to escape the confinement of the abandoned warehouse. However, all things considered, she had shared a rather blissful day inside it with her new lover.

  She had been unable to find her blouse in the clutter of the basement, so he let her take his shirt. The two of them made an odd couple as they rode back through the city streets. His shirt went flying behind her in the breeze, and he was forced to ride home without one.

  When they got back, Marty realized that Aaron hadn’t been kidding about the surprise the men had planned for her. The first thing she noticed that was different, standing out as a stark contrast to the many years that had passed in this house, were the lights emanating from the front windows. Derrick had paid her electric bill and had power restored.

  Inside, she found that Derrick and Aaron had taken it upon themselves to move out of their motel rooms and set up inside her house. There were plenty of bedrooms in the big, old home for all of the men, and of course, Marty didn’t need one herself, so there was plenty of room for all to live comfortably.

  Derrick and Aaron had also purchased a TV to take the place of the relic in the living room that no longer worked. It had been so long since Marty had watched TV. She stayed up all night with the men, channel surfing the cable system they had hooked her up to.

  The three men were fast becoming like family to her. It felt good to have people she could rely on again after so many years, others to share the challenge and the joy of living with. She was starting to get a warm feeling for each man in her heart. She recognized it was a feeling separate from the lust she felt for their bodies and the need she had for their blood. The emotion they inspired in her was born out of a deep caring for each man, and it was growing with every night she spent with them.

  One evening she came back from the hospital to find the guys had modified her daytime sleeping quarters under the floor. It was still the only safe place in the house during the day for her, so they could not move it entirely, but what they had attempted to do was make it luxurious. Apparently, Barry was a pretty good carpenter, and with Derrick and Aaron’s money to buy him tools and equipment, he had expanded the crawl space. The expansion allowed the guys to move a king-size mattress down there for her. They even moved a small TV down there so she could watch all day long if she could not sleep. Aaron bought her a tablet computer so she could lie in bed and watch movies. Derrick bought her a laptop so during the evening hours she could search the Internet without having to rely on the network at the hospital.

  Now that she had more reliable Internet access, she tried to send several more e-mails to Peter von North, but she got no response from him. She was disappointed because when she first met him online, he had held out such hope for her. At the moment it was as if he had dropped off the face of the earth. She wondered if the wicked female vampire she had met had anything to do with his disappearance.

  As time went on, the men altered their sleep schedules for her and started sleeping in the daytime and staying awake at night so they could spend more time together with her. The men quickly gave up their bedrooms upstairs and used them only for changing clothes. During the day, they would take
turns coming down to her sleeping hole and sleeping with her, holding her in their by-now-familiar embraces. They would sleep naked on top of the big mattress and at true peace with the world. Marty found she never had to be alone again.

  Barry was set to work to clear the brush off her land and perform much needed fix-it-up work to the house. Derrick and Aaron paid him for his labor since he did not have a job after getting fired from the hospital. He argued with them at first, saying he did not want to take money for working on Marty’s house. But in the end, the two older men won out and convinced him to take the money since he was the most talented one of the three in performing the labor about the house.

  The days went by, and Marty almost could have said she was happy. This was the first time she had felt anything close to happiness in years. As odd as their little family was, it seemed to be working.

  The sex arrangements were difficult at first. The men wanted Marty constantly. Every time she was around them she had to hold back a smile as she watched erections tent their trousers. But she also knew that she drained them each time they made love, and the responsibility rested with her to see to it that they all took it slow. This was not easy for her at first because her ferocious appetite was always threatening to get the better of her common sense. She forced them to adhere to a schedule where she would feed off a man once per week.

  Since there were three men living with her now, more options were open. She could feed off one man while the other two took her body. It wasn’t an ideal situation, and she was still unable to feed about half the time. However, her self-control was getting much better, and she was soon able to force the men away from her when she knew they couldn’t take anymore.

  Many erotic nights ensued. When Marty would get off work, her men would be waiting for her. They would jump on her and have her nude and beneath their exploring hands in minutes.

  While going through some old cards in the attic, the guys had discovered the date of her birthday. She barely remembered the date herself. The year of her birth was a point of embarrassment to her, as it had been when World War II was being fought.

  She had the night off work, and they surprised her by taking her out shopping and then to a movie and dinner. Marty enjoyed the movie and even enjoyed watching the guys eat their spaghetti at the restaurant they ended up at afterward.

  “Thank you all,” she told them with tears in her eyes. “You have made me so happy.”

  “When we get you home we’re going to make you even happier,” Derrick assured her and squeezed her hand, giving her a wink.

  Back at the house, Marty took a quick shower and then met the guys in one of the big bedrooms upstairs. They still had hours of night left to them, hours in which to make love.

  Barry took her in his arms, and they leaned back in bed together. Marty was on top of him and let his big cock slide into her moist and ready pussy. Barry cradled her in his arms and brought her down to his chest. She raised her butt in the air, and Aaron was behind her. His cock was glistening with lubricant, and he slowly entered her bud from behind as Barry stroked inside her pussy. Two cocks in her at once and she felt like she was going to explode. She had to relax her muscles from behind to allow Aaron deeper penetration, and it was not easy with Barry’s angry erection pumping her pussy wildly. Then Derrick came and stood before her. He placed his cock up to her mouth and forced her to swallow him deep.

  While the other two were thrusting inside her body without mercy, Derrick’s cock was sliding effortlessly down her throat. She felt sandwiched between the meat of her three men’s muscles. She began crying out as Barry started his climax deep inside her womb. This started a powerful string of contractions in her pussy muscles. She closed her eyes and let the ecstasy sweep over her, and was ready to swoon from the sensation until Aaron’s thrusting behind her started provoking a whole new set of muscles in her body, and another powerful spasm started building in her.

  Three-way sex with the men was something she could never get used to. The sensations that it produced in her body even made her forget the terrible hunger that plagued her. Her world spun around, and stars danced before her eyes. She whimpered, and she moaned. She begged for mercy and then she begged for them to never stop.

  Soon, Aaron was at the brink and beginning his climax up her rear cavity. His hot seed exploding in her forced her to orgasm yet again, and then again. Sweat poured off her face, and her spinning mind went blank save for the thrusting pleasure inside her loins.

  She worked on Derrick with her mouth, cupping his balls underneath and alternating between sucking his cock and kissing his hardened sack. She had to have her nourishment, and tonight it was Derrick’s turn. She had not tasted him in a week. She let her hand do the work and finish him, and she moved to his upper thigh and bit down with all of her might. Just as she started to taste him, his white, voluminous seed came spraying from his cock head, and he gave a cry of pure pleasure from above her.

  After it was over that night, all four of them moved down into her sleeping spot beneath the floor in the living room. Naked and thoroughly spent, she fell asleep on top of all three men after having just spent the happiest birthday of her life. For one beautiful evening, the three men had made her forget about her search for her maker.

  However, it was about to continue in full force the following night.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Drink this, Nurse Williams, and tell me what you think.”

  “I can’t drink your human beverages.”

  Marty was inside Dr. Bradon’s office. She saw him for either an examination or just a talk almost every night that she worked now. The other nurses were beginning to talk. Marty could read their thoughts. They were thinking of all sorts of inappropriate behavior going on behind that closed office door.

  “I assure you, this is not a beverage meant for a human to drink, nurse.” He handed her a small, plastic cup filled with a dark-red liquid. “I made it for you. It’s a combination of human blood type B-negative and your own blood. I don’t know if it will be helpful or not, but I shouldn’t think it will hurt. Please give it a try.”

  She took the cup from him reluctantly. “You made this for me?” she asked.

  “I’ve been spending a lot of time on your case. I can’t get you out of my mind, nurse. You’ll have to admit, you are an unusual patient. The most unusual patient I am ever likely to have.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to bring up her courage to taste the liquid. She faltered on the way to her mouth with the cup and shut her eyes. The concoction looked vile even to her vampire eyes. She did not want to disappoint the doctor, so she tipped the cup to her lips and let a tiny amount of the liquid spill into her mouth.

  “Not bad,” she said and swallowed it down her throat as soon as she realized it wasn’t going to gag her or make her nauseated.

  “I apologize about the unappetizing appearance. If we find this works, I’ll add a food coloring to it that will make it more pleasing to the eye.”

  She took another, longer swallow. “This is amazing, doctor. I can actually feel it working in my system already. It’s like I’m drinking vitamins. If I drank enough of this, it just might curb my appetite. My boyfriends would really appreciate that.”

  Dr. Bradon shrugged and looked away from her. Because he was aware of her mind-reading ability, they had developed a routine where he would break off their conversation and look out the window of his office if his thoughts turned private, and he did not want her inside them. She could have still read his mind, but she was learning to control her mental ability now and knew it would be very rude to pry inside the doctor’s mind unbidden. Still, at times like these, she was curious what went on inside that handsome forehead of his.

  “Thank you very much, doctor. I really appreciate this drink.” She felt a little awkward talking to his back. She drained the rest of the cup and could hardly wait to get home and tell the guys about it. “I hope you will be able to make more of this for me.”
  “You don’t have to worry, nurse. It is easy enough to make. All we had to do is find the right blood type for you and mix a little of your own blood in with it. By next week, I’ll have a month’s supply made up for you. And don’t worry about the color. I’ll make it attractive for you.”

  “Oh, that would be so wonderful!” His back was still to her, and she wondered if she should just leave him alone.

  “One more thing before you leave tonight, nurse.”

  “Yes, doctor?”

  He turned back to her and cleared his throat. Apparently he had gotten his thoughts under control, because when she tried to go inside them, all she could find was a focus on his work and nothing more. But even though she couldn’t read it in his thoughts, she felt she could detect sadness in the set of his face.

  “Have you been able to recover any more of your memory?”

  “No.” She sighed. “The past years, and especially the time leading up to my illness, are still a complete blank to me.”

  “I think it’s important that we try and provoke your memory. If you could remember the circumstances that led to you having this condition, it would be enormously helpful in your treatment.”

  “I agree, but how?”

  “I was hoping you would let me try another type of treatment on you.”

  “I trust you completely, doctor. If you think it will help then I am willing to try.”

  “I would like to perform a type of hypnosis on you, only I can’t guarantee that we’ll get any results.”

  “I’m certainly willing to try anytime you want.

  “How about right now?”

  Marty checked her watch. “I’m on my lunch hour now. I am supposed to be back on the floor in a few minutes.”

  “I already called the charge nurse and asked if it would be okay if you returned from lunch late today.” He smiled at her and seemed happy that he had enough authority at the hospital to help her on the job. He motioned her over to the couch. “Please lie down over here for me.”


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