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Her Dream Come True [Blackwood Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Sarah Blake

  Blackwood Falls 2

  Her Dream Come True

  Despite her dream of finding her true mate, Trish Shipley would never actually mate with him because of her past. That was before she meets Luke Pointer, her true mate and dominant wolf. He turns her world around and refuses to let her run from him.

  Luke can’t believe his mate feels he would leave her and is willing to use all forms of erotic torture to prove her wrong. When rouge wolves try to overtake the pack and Trish is attacked, all he wants to do is hide her away and protect her, but she has other ideas.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Interracial, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 51,652 words


  Blackwood Falls 2

  Sarah Blake


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Sarah Blake

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-274-2

  First E-book Publication: February 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For my good friend Donna, who gave me the courage to start writing and without who Blackwood Falls may never have come to be. Thank you so much.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author


  Blackwood Falls 2


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Trish Shipley sighed as she leaned against the door to her apartment after locking it. Thank god that’s over, she thought, making her way into the kitchen. Sitting at the small table, she took her sneakers off and rubbed her feet. She was so tired she thought about going straight to bed. The amount of hours she was working at the clinic were starting to take its toll. Since Brax, her Alpha, had taken over the Water Sun pack to the south of their own, the number of her colleagues at the clinic finding their mates and taking time off was growing almost every day. She would never begrudge the happy couples the time off, but soon, the patients were going to suffer. Brax had brought medically trained staff from the Water Sun pack in to help, but it wasn’t enough.

  She grabbed a quick shower, and then headed back to the kitchen in search of food. She was too tired to be really hungry, but she knew food would help her energy levels tomorrow. Making a simple cheese sandwich, she headed to her living room, all but collapsing on the soft, brown, leather sofa. She flicked on the TV, but only for background noise.

  As she ate, she thought of her friends and how happy they now were, finally being mated. Trish thought about what it would be like, finding that one, or more, special person who completes another. She would love to feel that kind of love and happiness, but knew it would never happen for her. For a number of reasons, Trish would never mate with anyone and had come to terms with the fact years ago. She wouldn’t risk mating her true mate, even though she dreamed of it. The first reason was due to her parents. A werewolf, or any were-animal, loved children more than anything, especially their own. It’s a shame no one told that to her parents though. In all her sixty-three years, Trish had never once heard of a werewolf abandoning its child, apart from her own. Trish was found on the outskirts of the Blackwood pack lands when she was only a few days old. After weeks of searching, the sentinels at the time had found no trace of whoever left her. She was taken in by a young couple, but a few years later was handed to another. The young couple moved on to another pack and felt taking her would be wrong, as she really belonged to all the Blackwood pack. She had a wonderful upbringing, surrounded by the pack and loving friends, but deep down, she continually thought about why her parents gave her up. As an adult, she now was too afraid to mate with someone in case they, too, abandoned her. She hadn’t told a soul about these fears and wanted to keep it that way.

  Another reason she wouldn’t mate was because, knowing her luck, her mate would be a submissive like herself. At work, Trish was the hard-working doctor, not afraid of pulling people up on their mistakes, bad attitudes, or the like. But when away from work, she longed to be taken control of by a strong, dominant wolf. She had spent hundreds of dollars on books where the hero took control of the woman, and Trish dreamed of the stories almost nightly. She had also spent many a time with her battery-operated boyfriend, thinking of a man, strong and handsome, bending her to his will in all
sorts of erotic encounters.

  Trish turned the TV off and returned her empty plate to the kitchen, annoyed with herself for thinking of these things. They always put her in a bad mood that sometimes lasted for days. She was cranky enough as it was at the moment. She didn’t know why, but for weeks now, her wolf had been acting up, and mostly when she was at work. Just two days ago, after giving her good friend Sarah a scan on her large, baby-filled belly, her wolf had tried to break free. Trish’s nails had even shifted into claws. The only thing she could think of for her wolf’s behavior was the extra shifts she was doing and how tired she was. Making her way into her bedroom, she dug out fresh scrubs for her shift in the morning and crawled into bed, falling asleep seconds later.

  * * * *

  Luke Pointer was one pissed-off werewolf. He had spent weeks working in the hospital in Blackwood Falls, which was simply known as the clinic. He wasn’t a fully trained nurse or doctor, but had enough medical training from his days as a Navy SEAL to help out while the hospital was so short staffed. What pissed him off, however, was knowing his mate was somewhere in the building but unable to find her. He had searched and searched, but so far hadn’t found her. He guessed she worked opposite shifts from him. He had talked to the other staff, and had a few names, but still was no closer. He planned on going to the clinic on his days off and finding her, but so far, hadn’t had a moment to himself. It had been a rough few months for him and the Water Sun pack. Just when he and a few others planned on killing the Alpha, Mark, and his little followers, Brax came in and did the job for them. As Luke was the most dominate Sentinel of the pack left, Brax had asked if he would act as temporary Alpha to the remaining wolves until things settled down and everything could be sorted. Since then, Luke had moved to Blackwood Falls and became a Sentinel for Brax. Promising the job at the hospital would only last a week or two, Luke had agreed, knowing it would be a good way to get to know the area he would now be working in and the people. Most of Water Sun had visited the town since the takeover and a large number had found their mates. Now it was Luke’s turn, if he ever found where the little she-wolf was hiding.

  He had spent the last few weeks when not at the clinic either patrolling his new lands or talking to his new Alpha and the Sentinels, telling them all the ins and outs of Water Sun’s, now Blackwood’s, lands and pack members. That’s where he was heading now, to meet with Brax. Even though it was almost midnight, he had been called to go over and discus some things with Brax. As he pulled up to the Alpha’s house and got out of his black Escalade, he heard shouting coming from the inside of the house.

  “So help me, Sky, if you ever try to sneak a boy into this house again, I’ll…”

  “You’ll do what, Brax? I’m eighteen, for crying out loud. And it’s not like we were gonna do anything. And it’s not like Adam’s a stranger. You know him. You’ve even been giving him jobs that soldiers are meant to do.”

  “I couldn’t give a shit what job he’s doing. There’s no way in hell I’m letting the two of you…Don’t you dare walk away from me, young lady!”

  Luke laughed as he heard Brax following his little sister up the stairs. He knocked on the door, thinking he was grateful his own sister was older than he was and happily mated. He didn’t have the same problems as Brax. The door was opened by one of Brax’s mates, a very heavily pregnant Sarah. “Hey, come on in, Brax should be down in a minute. He’s a bit busy tearing into Sky right now,” she said, trying to smile, but not quite managing.

  “Yeah, I heard,” Luke replied with a little laugh. Then he noticed the strain around Sarah’s eyes. “You okay?” he asked the tiny woman who was rubbing her stomach.

  “Oh yeah, just this little fella. He can’t seem to stop moving tonight. And I can’t get comfy.” She led him to the office then went to try and lie back down. Ten minutes later, Brax came into the office.

  “Thanks for coming so late, man,” he greeted Luke.

  “No problem. So what’s up?” Luke asked, thinking that the man looked like he hadn’t slept in a while.

  “I was hoping to ask a favor. I need some in-depth info on one of the pack members from Water Sun. A Mr. Clint Stevens. I know you already filled us in on him, place in the pack and that, but Danny came by earlier, said Clint’s been hanging round him, asking questions that don’t need to be asked. Stuff like security and the Sentinels that were already members of Blackwood. Could be nothing, but Danny got a bad vibe from the guy so he came to me. Is there anything you can think of that we need to be worried about?”

  Luke thought about the man before answering Brax. “I’m not sure at the moment. Clint was always an ass-licker. He crawled up the behind of whoever was in power, real brownnoser. He didn’t cause any problems in Water Sun that I’m aware of, but he was the little pet of Mark. He ran round after the Alpha like a little lap dog. He was also a two-faced son of a bitch. Sucked up to anyone and everyone, but tried to cause trouble behind people’s backs if they said one wrong word about the Alpha or his little cronies. I can’t really picture him having the balls or brains to cause trouble, but I’ll have a word with him, see what I can sniff out. He might open up to me, but probably not as I’ve never been his most favorite pack mate. I’ll let you know if I find anything and, also, I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  “Thanks, man, really appreciate it. And I wanted to give you this.” Brax rummaged in the top drawer of his desk. When his hand came back out, he was holding a set of keys and a piece of paper. “This is a thank-you for all the help you’ve given me during the last few months. We wouldn’t have been half as far forward in merging the two packs if it wasn’t for you. I’ve also been getting reports on you from staff at the clinic and other Sentinels. All singing your praises.”

  Luke felt a blush rising to his cheeks. He might be a former SEAL and a six-foot-eight badass, but when people praised him like that, he still blushed. He took the paper and keys off Brax and looked down to what appeared to be directions. “What’s this about?” he asked his Alpha.

  “It’s a cabin. Not very big or filled with luxuries, but it’s yours now. I’ve had the basic furniture sent up there, with an extra-large bed. Should be big enough for your ass.” He laughed before continuing. “Like I said, it’s nothing special at the moment, but when you get up there, you can decorate however you want and get whatever you want for it. All on the pack credit card I gave you.” Before he could say any more, Luke interrupted him.

  “Brax, you didn’t need to do this. I would have sorted something when I got some time.” He tried to go on, but it was Brax cutting him off this time.

  “I won’t take no for an answer. It’s a gift, a thank-you and welcome-to-the-pack present. I’ll make it an order if I have to,” he added with a smile. “Plus, this will get you off Jackson’s sofa. You can’t tell me it’s comfy.”

  Luke exhaled loudly. He had never been good at accepting gifts, and this was way more than a normal thank-you present. Just as he was about to thank his Alpha, the office door burst open and Brax’s other mate, Conner, came rushing in, panic in his face and scent.

  “Brax, you need to get upstairs right now. It’s Sarah, her water just broke. She said she’s been having contractions since about seven but didn’t bother telling us.” He ran out the room as he finished talking.

  “Shit. Holy shit. The baby can’t come now, it’s too early. We still need things. Fuck, I still haven’t baby-proofed the house.”

  As Brax sat stunned at his desk, talking to himself about things that didn’t need doing for months yet, Luke decided he needed to help the shocked-white man out.

  It took three times before the man heard his name being shouted by Luke. “Brax, come on, buddy, you need to get up there and see to your mate.”

  “Trish. We need Trish here now.” Brax snapped out of his shock and jumped over his desk to the door. “Luke, call Trish. Her number’s speed dial six. Tell her to get here now. I’m gonna be a dad, Luke, a dad. Can you believe it?” The smile of his fa
ce was infectious.

  “Congrats, man. But I think you should get up there.” Brax took off, leaving Luke to call Trish, who he knew to be a doctor at the clinic. Luke had yet to meet the woman, but had heard lots of good things about her.

  Once the call was connected, Luke waited for an answer. He waited and waited some more, listening to the ringing on the other end. Just when he thought the woman wasn’t going to pick up, a sleepy voice answered.

  “Brax, you know I love you, but if you’re calling in the middle of the night again because Sarah has the hiccups or gas and you think it might hurt her or the baby, Alpha or not, I’m gonna kick your ass.” Her voice went straight to Luke’s cock along with all of his blood. It was the sweetest voice he had ever heard, even when half-asleep. “Brax? You there? What’s going on?”

  The questions brought Luke out of his daydream of the woman’s voice and made him realize she was waiting for a reply. “Trish, hi. My name’s Luke, I’m a new Sentinel to Blackwood from Water Sun. Listen, I’m at the Alpha house and it seems Sarah’s gone into labour. Brax told me to call you to come over,” he told her, desperate to hear her voice again. It took a few seconds, but he was finally rewarded by the heavenly sound.

  “Is he sure? He thought she went into labour last week when all she had was gas.”

  “Yeah I’m sure. Conner came into the office in a panic. Said her water broke.”

  “Shit. Okay, I’m on my way. Give me twenty minutes. Get some things ready for me, towels and warm water, but make sure it’s been boiled first.”


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