Her Dream Come True [Blackwood Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Her Dream Come True [Blackwood Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Sarah Blake

  “No problem. I’ll get everything ready now.” After hanging up, Luke made his way to the kitchen to boil pans of water. As he was filling his second, Zoe or Sky came running into the kitchen. “Hey, Trish is on her way. Can you get some towels ready near Sarah?” he asked the twin, still not sure which was who. She seemed in as much of a panic as Conner had been.

  “Towels? Yeah, I’ll get them right now,” she said, turning around. She only made it two steps before turning back to Luke. “Water, Sarah needs water. Bottled water. Where’s the bottled water?” she asked him in a complete panic. He would have laughed if he didn’t hear Sarah shouting at her mates from all the way in the kitchen. The twin seemed to jump out of her daze and ran to the small fridge under the breakfast bar. He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips at what she took back upstairs with her. She took not one, but four bottles of water along with several different kinds of soda.

  When both pans were boiled, Luke turned the gas off and headed upstairs. He stayed on the first landing and shouted for someone to bring a large bowl. He had more sense than to get too close to Sarah right now. Her mates would be too close to the edge, and if a male, mated or not, went too close to their female, he would find himself ripped apart limb from limb. Sarah’s mother Marie emerged from the master bedroom, closing the door behind her. When Luke asked for a large bowl, she ran back into the room. A few minutes later, she returned with a baby bath.

  “It’s the only thing I could think of getting. It will be better than a bowl anyway.” She smiled.

  Luke was just about to ask if there was anything he could do to help when Sarah’s voice came through the bedroom door.

  “I don’t give a fuck what I said back then, Conner Parker. You’re never touching me again. And I don’t know what you’re laughing at, oh big bad Alpha. You’re not coming near me either.” Her shout of anger at her mates had both Luke and Marie laughing before they heard Sarah’s shout of pain.

  “Could you do me a favor, hun?” Marie asked Luke. When he nodded his head yes, she continued. “Can you pop outside and let the soldiers on patrol around the house know what’s going on? And warn them not to come too close. God knows what Brax and Conner would do if they smelled one of them coming too close to Sarah right now. Also, call Jackson and Lux. Let them know. Kirstie and Donna as well, they’ll want to be here to meet the little one when she gets here.”

  “Sure, that’s no problem. But I thought the baby was a boy?” Luke asked. Marie laughed and shook her head.

  “We don’t know yet. We just call it he or she, depending on what we think it’s going to be. Guess we’ll find out soon enough.” The excitement coming off the soon-to-be gran caused Luke to smile as he headed back to the office to make the calls.

  Once he was finished with his calls, he went outside to talk to the soldiers. He noticed they were already further away from the house than normal. He guessed they had heard what was going on and moved back. Once he told the fourth one, he heard a car pulling up to the front of the house. He hoped it was the doctor and he could hear her voice again. Not thinking, he started heading back to the house before finishing his job. Shaking his head, he turned back around, now in a greater rush to finish his task. Fifteen minutes later, he finally tracked all the soldiers down and told them to keep themselves away and anyone apart from the Sentinels, Jackson, Donner and Kirstie from coming to the house.

  When he walked back through the front door, the scent of raspberries and cream hit him full force. She’s here. My mate’s here, he thought as his wolf went wild inside of him. Mine. He knew that second that his mate was Trish. He forgot everything that was going on around him and headed to the stairs where her scent was getting stronger and stronger.

  The next thing he knew, Luke was being pulled back by both his arms. He lashed out, snarling and snapping his teeth at whatever was keeping him from his mate. He fought harder and harder as the arms holding him pulled him further and further away from the stairs. Tyler moved in front of him and the last thing he saw was his fist heading for his face. His world went blank as he imagined what Trish looked like.

  Chapter Two

  “She’s beautiful, Sarah,” Trish said as she looked at the new mother and baby. The birth went just as well as Trish had hoped, although a little longer than expected. When Trish had arrived, Sarah was almost five centimetres dilated. Trish had thought the baby would be here in twenty minutes or so. Boy had she been wrong. It took another three hours for the baby to make her first appearance to the world. Trish had let Brax and Conner cut the umbilical cord while she cleared the little girl’s nose and throat. After doing so, she had placed her on her mother’s chest. While Sarah, Brax and Conner had cried at the sight of their daughter, Trish had cleaned Sarah up and checked she didn’t need any stitches. Next, she took the little girl back, and with Kirstie’s and Donna’s help they washed the baby and gave her a good check over. When they found all was well, they wrapped her in blanket. Brax and Conner took turns holding her while Trish, Kirstie and Donna helped clean and change Sarah whilst the twins changed the bedding. Someone had had the sense to place a mountain of towels under Sarah and it had saved the mattress.

  Trish left mother and baby on the bed with Brax and Conner. She made her way round the room, cleaning her medical supplies and putting them away. She took a number of items into the bathroom to rinse and for a moment to herself. She had to get her wolf under control. From the moment she had entered the house, her wolf had gone crazy, chanting “He’s here, he’s here” over and over. At first, Trish thought her wolf meant the baby and it sensed it would be a boy. When the baby turned out to be a girl, Trish didn’t have time to soothe her wolf. She did now.

  “Shh, it’s okay. Calm down, sweetie. It’s a girl, not a boy.” No matter what she said, her wolf continued to pace and chant. Trish could also feel the excitement coming from her wolf. Deciding she would let her out for a run, Trish finished her jobs and went back to the bedroom. Sarah was asleep cuddling into Conner. Brax was in a rocking chair by the large bay window with the baby in his arms. He was looking down at his little bundle with awe.

  “Hi. Any idea on names yet?” She asked, lowering her voice so not to disturb Sarah.

  “Yeah, we all put our favorite name in a hat. Conner’s name was picked. Her name’s Star. God, I can’t believe how much I love her already.” Trish smiled at her Alpha. It wasn’t very often he showed his softer side. Just then, Star woke up crying. Brax looked like he was about to panic until she opened her eyes. “Oh, look at that. She’s got Sarah’s eyes.” He smiled up at Trish.

  Trish leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “Congratulations, Alpha. I’m so happy for you. I have to leave now though. I start work at the clinic at seven in the morning. Bring both your girls in about eight. I’ll give them another check over there.” She tried to keep her emotions to herself and not let on that her wolf was going crazy. But Brax saw and asked her what was wrong. “It’s nothing, honestly. Just my wolf needs a run. She got so excited about the baby. And I haven’t been for a run in ages. I’ll see you in the morning.” She all but ran out the room. She didn’t know what was going on, but she was getting worried.

  She made her way downstairs to the crowd that had gathered. Lux, Jackson, Joshua, Liam, Danny and Tyler were all talking in the dining room. The women were busy in the kitchen. Sitting on a chair with his back to Trish was a man she didn’t know but guessed to be the new Sentinel, Luke. She heard he was a mountain of a man and the rumours were true from what she could see. Just then, he stood and turned to look at her. The air left her lungs in a rush. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

  Almost seven feet from the look of it, he was, built indeed like a mountain, muscles on top of muscles. His chest was so wide she thought he might have to go through doors sideways. Looking back to his face, she saw his slightly parted lips. They were full and thick. She licked her own lips, wishing they were on his. His nose was a little large and flat, bu
t went with his face perfectly. His eyes were the deepest brown she had ever seen. She spotted flecks of gold in them as well. She bet his eyes could hold anyone captive if he wanted them to. His skin was a beautiful color that reminded her of favorite milk chocolate and she wanted to lick every inch of it.

  Then his scent hit her. A mixture of her favorite cotton candy and pure raw male. Her panties were soaked just looking at him. That’s when it hit her. This man was her mate.

  She had to leave. She had to go before he touched her. She could hear the other men in the room calling her name. But she couldn’t look away from Luke. Just when he was about to take a step forward toward her, Brax came up behind her holding the baby. All the other men and women crowded round Brax, cutting off her view of her mate and gave her the chance to slip away. She turned on her heels and ran out the door while she had the chance.

  She left all her supplies and jumped into her little Toyota. Luke was out the door coming after her though. She shoved the key into the ignition, slammed the car into gear and sped out of the drive. She didn’t know what she was going to do. All she did know was that she had to stay away from the man that could make her whole and happy.

  * * * *

  Luke was one pissed-off werewolf. She ran. His mate actually ran from him. He was going to tan her hide when he found her. She was so beautiful he could barely breathe. She was tall for a woman, but still tiny compared to him. He couldn’t believe her eyes. They were truly mesmerizing. They were large and the most amazing green he had ever seen. Her skin was pale with a few freckles he couldn’t wait to count and find out if she had any more hidden beneath her clothes. His cock jerked in his pants when he thought how red the skin on her ass would turn at his hands when he spanked her. He also couldn’t wait to see his dark skin running over her pale body. The long, flaming-red hair called to him to wrap his fingers around. Her body, while slim, had major curves that he couldn’t wait to trace with his hands, lips and tongue. She’s fucking perfect, he thought as he felt his cock rising in his pants. Then he remembered the expression on her face. He didn’t know what was going on, but he would find out and very soon. He made his way to his Escalade, determined to track her down. Just as he was closing the door, it swung back open. Brax stood there, looking pissed and ready to kill.

  “What’s going on, Luke? What’d you do to Trish?” he asked in a deadly voice. Luke didn’t care. He would fight his Alpha if the man tried to keep him from his mate.

  His voice when he was able to speak was just as deadly. “I didn’t do a fucking thing. She’s my mate, Brax, and if you don’t let go of the door, I will fight you.” He liked Brax and didn’t want to fight the man. But he would if he needed to.

  “Awww shit. Look, Luke, I’m not gonna keep you from her, but I do need to tell you something about her. I know why she ran from you. And I know she’s gonna fight the mating tooth and nail. Come on back inside. We need to talk.” Brax walked off, leaving Luke torn between going after Trish and talking to his Alpha.

  Wanting to know why she ran and might fight the mating, he got back out of his car and followed Brax back into the house. He found Brax at his desk in the office and took a seat on the sofa. His Alpha wasted no time and talked as soon as Luke sat down.

  “The reason she will fight the mating and ran from you just there is because she’s scared. She thinks she hides her fear, but I can sense it.”

  “What’s she scared of?”

  “It’s because of her parents. They abandoned her when she was a few days old on the boarder of Blackwood territory. They weren’t from this pack. We searched for weeks and weeks but never found a thing. She sees everyday how much people love and adore their children and I can see how much it hurts. Because of her parents leaving her, she feels that if she mates, he will leave her as well.”

  “That’s bullshit. I’d never leave her.”

  “You know that, so do I. But she doesn’t. She feels she’s unlovable. It’s gonna take a strong man to break her down, Luke. And time. She’s gonna fight you tooth and nail. You’ll need to show her. Show her how great you are and that no matter what, you’re not gonna leave her. I’ll help out. Just let me know if you need me. Good luck, buddy, and congratulations. She’s a great woman. I know you’ll treat her well.”

  “Thanks, man,” he said, rising from the sofa and shaking his Alpha’s hand.

  Heading back to his SUV, he thought of a way to win her over. He didn’t want to force her into mating, but he wouldn’t let her fear push him away.

  Chapter Three

  Trish was panicking and didn’t know what to do. She never expected the mating bond to be so powerful. She had to get away, leave Blackwood until she gained control. She parked her car in the apartment’s parking lot, but instead of going inside she walked the short distance to the edge of the forest. Not bothering to strip, she shifted and ran. She didn’t give her wolf much control, knowing the other half of her would head straight back to Luke. She spent the early hours of the morning thinking of a way to stay away from her mate. By six o’clock, she had finally thought of what to do and made her way back to her apartment. Gathering her shredded clothes, she quickly entered her home with her plan set.

  She would head to the hospital and sort out a replacement for herself, then would hide until Sarah and the new baby arrived. Once she had checked them over, she would talk to Brax about taking some time away, a vacation. Then she would head home, pack some things and leave. She had always wanted to visit South America and Europe, and this would be the perfect opportunity.

  With her mind set, she had a quick shower, dressed and left for work. She put her wolf’s sense of smell to use when she arrived and was relieved to find Luke nowhere. She talked to the doctors already on shift but it was no good as they all had good reasons not to be able to cover her shifts over the next few weeks. Next, she called the staff that was off, praying one of them could help her out.

  Twenty minutes later, she hung up the phone harder than necessary. After all the help she gave her colleagues, covering their shifts when they found their mates, not one of them could help her out. She felt like leaving right then and never coming back. Just when she finished writing a letter to the manager of the hospital, explaining that she was leaving for a few weeks, Brax knocked and opened her door.

  “Doc, we’re here,” he said with a smile. She grumbled a reply saying she would be there in a minute. “You okay? You seem a bit pissed.”

  “Sorry, didn’t sleep well. Come on, let’s go see how they’re doing.” She had to keep her emotions to herself. If Brax caught on to what she was planning, he would make her stay.

  Half an hour later, Trish was in a slightly better mood. Both mother and baby were fine and Sarah was managing to breastfeed with no problems. Trish called a nurse to give Sarah advice on problems she might face over the next few weeks, and made her escape.

  She put her letter under the manager’s door and made her way to her car. She checked around every corner for Luke and was pleased he was nowhere to be found. She guessed he wasn’t interested in mating her, otherwise he would be pursuing her with the determination males were known for. His not chasing her only confirmed something else, Trish thought. He was a submissive. She was completely shocked at the thought, considering his job as sentinel and being a former SEAL. But she guessed these were what made him a submissive in the bedroom. He needed a lot of control every day in his jobs, and wanted to release it at home.

  Halfway home, as she was thinking about what she would pack and where she would go first, her car started making strange noises and then came to a bumpy stop. “Great, just great,” she muttered, getting out and popping the hood. She didn’t have a clue about cars but decided to look anyway.

  Just as she thought, she couldn’t even begin to guess what was wrong. Less than a minute after opening the hood, Trish heard a car pulling up behind her own. Grateful for the help, Trish stepped back to thank the person for stopping. Her words caught in her throat, h
owever, when she saw Luke getting out of his car to help.

  * * * *

  Luke hid his laugh at the look of panic on his mate’s face. It was harder than anything he had ever done before, but he got himself under control and acted as though the two weren’t in fact mates but just friends. “Hi, need a hand?” he asked her as he came to the side of her broken-down car. When she didn’t reply, he continued to the front of her Toyota and looked under the hood. It was hard to concentrate with her scent and heat so close by and he was glad there wasn’t anything really wrong with the car. When she had entered the hospital this morning, Luke had put his Plan A into motion by attaching a small device to her car, which would cut the engine with the press of a button on the remote, which was hidden in the glove compartment of his own car. He then followed her when she left. He guessed Brax and Jackson’s idea was right. The two brothers had come to Jackson’s house an hour after Luke had gotten there and the three had spent hours planning how Luke could woo the good doctor. The brothers had also warned Luke that Trish would more than likely run.

  “Can you fix it?” came Trish’s soft, sweet voice. He could hear the nervousness in her tone and covered a laugh with a cough.

  “Afraid not, Red.” He liked his nickname for her and planned on using it. A lot. “Looks like the engine needs looking at. I’ll call Mick at the garage and have him pick the car up and have a look.”

  She seemed unsure what to do or say for a minute. Then she took a deep breath and sealed her thoughts. “That’s okay, I’ll do it myself. Thank you. And my name’s Trish, not Red.” She walked a few feet away and pulled her cell phone out of her pocket, no doubt to call Mick. Luke closed the hood and leaned on the car, waiting for Trish to hear the news that Mick was too busy at the moment and it would be late afternoon at the earliest to get her car. Luke knew the mechanic would say this as it was what the two had agreed to earlier this morning. “Damn it. Can’t one thing go right today?” Trish shouted into the trees she was facing after hanging up the phone. That was Luke’s clue to be her knight in shining armor.


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