Book Read Free

Stay the Night

Page 7

by Scarlett Parrish

  Ah. He had me there. I was a shitty actor and an even worse liar, but my cock told the truth.

  “If I turned you off, I wouldn’t be doing this now, but…” He shrugged, went back to fiddling with my belt. I didn’t help him. He did all right on his own.

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this.”

  “Simple.” He shot me a glance before turning his attention to my buckle which eventually—thank God—gave. “I want to. And you want me to.”

  “No, I…” But I stopped. The look in his eyes asked me, Do you really want me to stop?

  and anything further would have put doubt in his mind as well as my own. “Gary. He could come back—” Ah, Kit, what did you have to go and say that for?

  “You just told me they weren’t due back ‘til half ten.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Fuck no.”

  Steven grinned and leaned into me, his weight pushing me against the settee back, making me slump down even farther. “Thought not.”

  “God, you’re—” I couldn’t continue. The feel of his palm, his skin on my cock, and I was undone. “You’re, oh Jesus, I can’t…” I had no idea what it was I couldn’t, but Steven ignored me anyway. His knees hit the floor and I realised, no, he hadn’t got me close with a hand-job first—he’d barely kissed me, gone straight for the good stuff, but why the hell did that matter? It was what I wanted, wasn’t it?

  I couldn’t see his lips around my cock but I felt them even as that curtain of black hair fell in front of his face.

  I had to heave in a breath, gripping the seat cushions on either side of me, just to stay grounded. At first he just made contact, let me feel his mouth on me. Then his tongue ran up the underside of my cock and I shuddered, back bowing so sharply the burst of sensation at the base of my spine hurt.

  Steven raised his gaze and I craned my neck, let him think it was lust that made me look away, rather than embarrassment at being seen to lose control. Even this soon I wasn’t sure I could keep it together.

  Groping around for his curls to wind around my hands, I managed to twist strands of his hair in my fingers and pull him closer. His head sank farther, giving me the courage to look again. I could watch him, but he couldn’t watch me.

  “Oh. Oh—” I wanted to tell him how warm his mouth felt, what his tongue did to me, but couldn’t do anything more than gasp, hoping the way my fingers tightened in his hair would tell him that felt fucking perfect. Whatever he did with his lips or tongue was perfect.

  Wherever this had come from, the reason he was doing this, I had no idea. Wasn’t even sure I cared. If Steven was trying to seduce me he was doing a pretty damn good job of it and I’d worry about the consequences tomorrow.

  “Fuck. Don’t…” I gulped back air. There was something I needed to say, but Steven’s mouth on me meant the English language was beyond my usual control. “Stop.”

  He hesitated, his lips still on me, but not moving.

  “I meant don’t stop.” My voice was breathless but at least I’d managed to articulate the words, and I let out a long, slow, heavy sigh when Steven dipped his head again. A sigh that became a moan. “Oh God.” I let go with one hand, steadied myself against the seat cushions and tried to push myself deeper into his mouth, but he laid one hand on my hip to stop me.

  That was all it took. My other hand, still tangled in his hair, contracted, but didn’t push down. No matter how desperate I was to come, I couldn’t bring myself to break the rules of blowjob etiquette.

  I sank back, almost laughing. Blow job etiquette, Blackman? Really? At a time like this?

  Then all thought, all of my twisted sense of humour, was gone. Just the sensation of Steven’s palm curved against my balls as his mouth tightened on me. Not enough to cause any discomfort—God, no—but my breath caught somewhere in the back of my throat and no matter which words I mouthed, no sound emerged.

  Steven sucked me so deep I thought I was going to come then and there but just as he got me to the edge, he loosened his grip and the only sound in the room was the wet suction as he pulled back, and my heavy breathing.


  He looked up and I screwed my eyes shut. This, I hadn’t wanted. But I’d said his name so what else could he do? So I threw my head back and said it.

  Come on, Blackman. Don’t freak out now. Not when you’re this close. “Please.”

  I nearly came when he flicked the tip of his tongue over the head of my cock. I couldn’t stop my hips lifting off the settee; I just wanted his mouth on me, but Steven eased me back with that one hand on my hip. The other, he wrapped around the base of my cock and covered me with his mouth.

  I managed to swallow back enough air to just breathe, because what Steven did with his tongue cut off all ability to speak. I still had my fingers tangled in his hair, but I just followed his movements—I had no control over what he did. Steven moved at whatever speed he pleased, bringing me close to the edge a number of times before drawing back so that every time the voice in the back of my mind said don’t let him stop, don’t let him stop, please don’t let him stop, I half-expected him to do just that.

  And when I came—when he made me, or let me, whatever—the only warning I got was the way my hand contracted in his hair, pulling at him. My hips jerked up but he didn’t stop sucking or working at me with his tongue until my silent gasps found something of a voice and I whimpered. My spine melted and I fucking whimpered.

  Blackman, you pussy. I could have laughed.

  Steven lifted his head. Licked his lips. If I hadn’t come already, that gesture alone would have made me.

  I loosened my grip on him then dug the heels of my hands into my eyes, taking a deep breath. “Fuck.”

  “I take it that was a compliment?” Steven pulled himself up onto the settee again.

  “Yeah.” Lifting my hands from my face, I widened my eyes and sniffed. Nope. My eyes weren’t watering. Definitely not. But it had been a spectacular blowjob.

  “Hadn’t you better…” He leaned closer, grinning. And the bastard ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth, still maintaining a superior smirk as he did so. “Tuck yourself in?”

  “Yeah. Gimme a chance to…”

  “Come back down to Earth?”

  I righted myself, zipped up my jeans, fiddled with my belt. Tried to convince myself my hands weren’t shaking, but I caught Steven’s eye and he smothered a laugh, having seen my unsteadiness. “You cocky shit.”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  “No, I wouldn’t, would I? That was…”

  He lifted his eyebrows in expectation.

  I decided to say nothing. Didn’t want to stroke his ego any more than I had already.

  And that thought sparked off a whole series of images in my brain I really didn’t need to think of.

  “Whadaya wanna do now?”

  I glanced sideways.

  Steven grinned. Looked like he was thinking the very same things we shouldn’t. “Still got plenty of time.” The grin stayed plastered to his face, even as he winked.

  I glanced at the clock. “Hmm,” was all I said, and I looked back at him. I could have asked what he had in mind, but it was pretty damn obvious.

  Fuck it, I decided, knowing I’d regret it later. I’ll worry about the consequences tomorrow.

  Chapter Six

  My back thudded against the wall, forcing my breath out of me in a painful whoosh. I barely had time to register an old coffee mug full of pens and pencils on the bookcase beside me rattle with the impact before Steven was on me again. Hands on my neck, cradling my jaw and panting in between desperate kisses.

  “Glad to see you don’t have a problem kissing a guy who’s just sucked your cock,” he growled against my jaw, in between nipping at me. It didn’t hurt. It made my skin tingle.

  “Doesn’t seem”—and my hands were in his hair again—”like I’ve got much choice.”

“No, you don’t.” Steven’s breath warmed the skin on my neck and managed to make me shiver at the same time. “Be a shame to waste the fact we have the house to ourselves for another…” He looked over his shoulder at the wall clock. “Hour. Hour and a quart—”

  We both jumped when the phone rang.

  Steven shrugged it off and turned back to me, while I remained tense. “Ignore it,” he said, and leaned in to kiss me again.

  “But it might be…” I pulled away so I could take a breath, always essential when trying to speak. “Important.”

  “As important as—?” Steven groaned when I pushed my weight off the wall, then stood back. “Fine, fine.” I fancied it was being so distracted by me that made him stumble on his way over to the phone table. “I’ll get rid of whoever it is. Then…” He pointed at me, needing to say no more, before he picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  I wished we’d unplugged the phone but then I hadn’t thought anything like this would happen and besides, I was too anal to—huh. Anal. Yeah, that was—

  “Oh. Hi Gary, we—you what? Oh.” Steven paled as he looked across the room at me. I neared him, creeping, as if Gary would hear me from the other end of the phone line. “We were just about to head out ourselves.”

  I lifted my eyebrows and waited for an explanation, if Steven could fit one into the conversation.

  “Um, an old friend of mine just rang. Ten minutes ago. Yeah. Invited us to…yeah. And as Kit was here too, they said…”

  I pointed at myself, mouthed the word “Me?” What the hell was Steven getting me into?

  “Well, it wouldn’t be right, y’know? So when will you—? Oh, we’ll probably be out by then. Shame. Gemma staying over? Right. We’ll make ourselves scarce for a bit then.” He chuckled, in a conspiratorial all-boys-together way. “Okay. See ya when I see ya. Bye.”

  Steven hung up and looked at me for but a second, eyes wide, before doubling over, gripping his knees in both hands. “Fuck. Fuck. What did I go and say that for?”

  “What’s going on? They coming home early?”

  “Yeah.” He straightened up again. “Said the film was crap so they gave up and walked out. Guess that’s what Gemma gets for letting Gary choose. Anyway, they asked if we wanted to meet them down the pub so I said a mate had called and asked us out, so…”

  “So?” I prompted. I knew it. I fucking knew it. I’d had the blowjob to end all blowjobs but was still in want of some cock and wasn’t going to get laid tonight after all.

  “…we kinda have to go out.”


  “Yeah. I know.” Steven’s shoulders sank. “I brushed Gary off by saying it wouldn’t be right to bring him and Gemma along because my friend had only extended the invitation to us two, and he said he and Gemma would just come home, then.”

  “So, we have to be out of the house—”

  “…or just on our way out when they get back, otherwise it’ll look like we were just brushing them off. Which we were, really.”

  “…as an excuse to have some time to…”

  “Fuck.” Steven shrugged. “Or not, as the case may be.”

  “Right.” I took one step closer to the doorway. “We have to get out of the house, then?”

  “Or have some serious ‘splainin’ to do when Gary and Gemma get back. Which will be in about…” He flicked a glance at the wall clock. “Ten minutes.”

  “Fuck. Right. I’ll go get my coat then.”

  “I left mine upstairs. I’ll go… You wait here. In the hall, I mean. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.”

  I grabbed my coat from the hook in the hall; I’d left my wallet and mobile phone in the pockets so had everything I needed. Seconds later, Steven came barrelling down the stairs again zipping up his leather jacket, the one with several hundred pockets.

  “Right. Let’s go.”

  “Where exactly are we going?”

  “Anywhere that isn’t here.”

  “You know, it would have been a lot easier if you’d just said you didn’t feel like going out tonight.”

  “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have had the chance to…” Steven grinned as he pulled the front door shut behind us.

  “You’re not gonna get the chance to anyway, are you?”

  “Wanna bet?” He kept walking and I merely followed along. Maybe he was taking me to one of the local pubs after all.

  At least I’d get a stiff one of some sort tonight. The thought made me snort with laughter, and we caught each other’s eyes.

  “Seriously.” Hands in jeans pockets, he nudged me with his elbow. “I came prepared. What do you think I went upstairs for?”

  “Presumably your jacket.”

  “You really are thick, Blackman, you know that?”

  I shrugged, hunching my shoulders against the biting wind. “You do have somewhere in mind, don’t you? I need to get out of this cold.”

  “Pussy,” he threw at me, and before I could answer back, he stopped, right in front of me. I nearly trod on his shoes but managed to back up just a shade. “Yes, I’ve got somewhere in mind.”

  “It better be somewhere nearby; I’ll be freezing outside. I need a drink—”


  He’d spoken in such a don’t-fuck-with-me manner I had to shut up and listen. There was still light enough to see him even without the streetlamps burning; the sun had set but day hadn’t quite faded. And he was half-smirking in that way he had. The way that made me stare at his mouth, and he knew it.

  “Follow me.” He tilted his head in the direction he’d been walking, turned, and carried on without looking back, knowing I’d do as he said. “You ever fooled around outside?”

  It was just as well there was no-one else nearby. I was out, yeah, but not shamelessly, flamboyantly in-your-face about it. “Um, fooled around, yeah, but not…” I caught up with him and our footsteps kept time with each other. His breaths, I noted, became shallower.

  Maybe nerves, maybe anticipation.

  “Not…?” he prompted.

  “You know.”

  “Hmm.” He nodded with a discreet smile—probably the only discreet thing about him this evening, and kept looking ahead.

  “Are you trying to get me arrested?”

  “You’d be no use to me behind bars, now, would you? Unless I was your cellmate.”

  “Ugh, now that’s bringing to mind a whole buttload of images involving not bending over to pick up the soap in the shower.”

  “Interesting you should use the word ‘buttload’.”

  “Steven, you’re…” I shook my head, not even bothering to finish the sentence. When he was in this sort of mood—playful, flirtatious, wait-‘til-I-get-you-alone—there was no point arguing with him, I knew that much already. “Never mind.”

  “Yeah, you know it. Just be a good boy and do as you’re told.”

  “Fuck you—”

  “I told you. I never bottom.” Steven laughed, and I had to join in. As well as curiosity, I’d been infected by his mood, his sense of daring. Maybe it was the fact the sun had set and the light had almost faded, dyeing everything in subtle shades of dusk with a sodium halo.

  “Come on. In here.” He slipped behind rusty wrought iron gates separating civilisation from a ruined building I’d passed a million times on my way to and from work but never paid much attention to.

  “In there?” Surprise at what he was suggesting choked the laughter at the back of my throat, but dutifully I shadowed him. Closely, as the farther we got from the street, the less light there was by which to keep track of him.

  “What’s wrong with it?” Some of the fading light glinted off the blackest parts of his hair, reflecting its shine. And I never noticed how shiny a guy’s hair looked unless my hands were tangled in it. “Kit?” He looked back over his shoulder, sure-footed even when not keeping a close eye on the path he took. He’d obviously been here before.

  “It’s hardly homely, is it?” It was an old abandoned mansion house, set back a fair w
ay from the street and I’d never seen any life there in all the time I’d lived in the area. It could have been converted into a block of flats, a library, a medical centre, anything, but had simply been left to stand, only put to use by roaming animals and horny gay guys with nowhere left to go.

  “It’s still better than being disturbed by a housemate who should have stayed out for quite a while yet.”

  “How do you know about this place?”

  “Everybody who lives round here knows about the manse,” he shot back. “Come on. The front door’s usually open.”

  “Yeah, I knew it was there, not exactly what it was—”

  “I told you. A manse. An old, abandoned spooky manse, and no-one knows what happened to the previous owner.”

  I guessed his voice was supposed to be spooky, but he just sounded like he was trying desperately not to laugh.

  “You sound like you’ve been here before.”

  “I have.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Not for that, Blackman. I’m not that desperate to get laid. Well.” He stopped, turned around and I walked into him with precision timing. As if he’d planned it. And he grabbed the front of my jacket so I couldn’t back away. “Not usually, anyway.”

  “There could be homeless guys hiding in there.”

  “Nah. It’s usually empty for some reason.”

  “Except for when you’re in there?”

  “You ever play dares? Just for a laugh? Have a few drinks and dare your mates to go into the local haunted house?”

  “How old are you, Steven? Twelve?”

  “Okay, I haven’t done that for years, but this place has been here for an absolute age. Used to go to school nearby and sometimes we’d bunk off and spend the afternoon drinking in the grounds.”

  “You’re a delinquent, Kenton, you know that?”

  “And proud of it.” He still didn’t let go. I caught a flash of his smile before he leant forwards and kissed me. God, I’d missed that. It had only been, what? Minutes? A short time, anyway, since the last kiss, but still too long. “There’s still furniture in there, too. You should see it. It’s like the rapture occurred or something. No-one lives here, but—”


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