For the Strength of You

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For the Strength of You Page 18

by Victor L. Martin

  * * *

  Now fresh out of prison, Bigg was ready to reclaim his spot. He got out of bed, sat on the edge, and looked out into the night sky. The room was pitch black except for the slight glimmer of light shining from the moon up above. It had been seven years since he’d seen the stars. Running his hands down his face, Bigg thanked God once more for bringing him home. This time he was going to do things right. No more jail for him. He would die before he went back.

  Since he had been out, Bigg had been making moves left and right. His one and only desire was to regain his crown on the streets. Bigg couldn’t stand playing second fiddle to Cezar or any other man. He was grateful that Cezar put him on, but Bigg was used to being his own boss.

  As he slipped on his pants and zipped them up, he checked his watch and noticed that he was over an hour late picking up Unique. Bigg knew that he was going to catch hell once he caught up with Unique.

  “Baby, where you going?” a young redbone by the name of Brittany purred, half asleep. Poor thing. Bigg had worn the child out. She could barely move after he was done putting it on her.

  “A nigga gotta make moves, ma. I’ma holla at you when I get back,” he said, pulling his T-shirt on over his head.

  “You can’t stay a little while longer?” she whined, exposing her honey-colored double-D breasts.

  “I wish I could, but I’m late. I gotta be somewhere.”

  “Okay.” Brittany continued to pout.

  “I promise when I get back it’s me and you.” Bigg kissed her forehead.

  “Call me!” she shouted after him.

  * * *

  An hour later, just as Unique was about to pick up the phone and call Bigg again, she heard a faint knock on the door. Pissed, she snatched the door open. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Just the sight of him made her sick.

  “Yo, my bad. I got caught up,” he tried to explain.

  “Yeah, whatever. Let’s just go and get this shit over with,” Unique said as she pushed past him.

  His nasty ass was probably out fuckin’ some ho, she thought.

  “You’re forgetting your bags.”

  “You can’t get ’em for me?”

  “Say please.”

  “Nigga, you got me fucked up. I’ll get my own damn bags,” she huffed, walking back into her loft. Unique grabbed her heavy luggage, which was filled to the brim with designer clothes, shoes, and accessories, and lugged it onto the elevator with her.

  “You a’ight?”

  “I’m fine.” Unique rolled her eyes as she tried to steady her breathing.

  I need to get to the gym, she thought.

  “You sure? Those bags look a little heavy.” He grinned.

  “I said I’m fine.”

  Unique couldn’t wait to be away from him. Bigg was a self-absorbed, arrogant asshole. Standing side by side, she tried not to notice how good he looked. It was a little chilly out, so he sported a gray Enyce jacket, white T-shirt, jeans, and on his feet were a pair of white-and-gray BAPE tennis shoes.

  This is gonna be one long weekend, she thought.

  Once they reached the main floor, Unique hoped and prayed that Jeffrey was working the night shift. Stepping off the elevator, she spotted him by the door.

  “Jeffrey, can you load these bags in the trunk for me?”

  “Sure, ma’am.”

  Once everything was settled, Unique got into the rented white Denali truck. She had no intentions of talking to Bigg, so she placed her seat belt on, slid off her pink Juicy flip-flops, folded her arms, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

  Hating her attitude but loving the way she looked, Bigg smiled, put the key in the ignition, and began their road trip to Louisiana.

  Four and half hours into their trip, Bigg turned the volume up on the radio, pulled out a blunt, and sparked it up.

  Eightball and MJG’s “Don’t Flex” was on. He had no choice but to turn it up; it was his jam. Unique was still asleep. Looking over at her, Bigg couldn’t help but laugh. Her head was turned to the left, facing him. The girl was snoring, and on top of that, her mouth was hanging wide open. Bigg even spotted a little trickle of drool sliding down the corner of her lower lip.

  “Don’t flex, baby.... I wanna see you touch your toes in that dress, baby. . . . Bounce it up and down like we having sex, baby.... ,” he sang in between taking pulls off the blunt.

  Stretching her arms and legs out, Unique yawned. The smell of Purple Haze in the air and Eightball and MJG on the radio had her fully awake. Feeling that her face was wet, she quickly wiped the side of her mouth.

  God, I hope he didn’t see that, she thought.

  “Where are we?”

  “We’re in Memphis,” he said, passing her the blunt.

  “Thanks,” she replied, inhaling the smoke into her lungs.

  “Yo, you was over there knocked the fuck out, snoring and shit.”

  “I was not. I do not snore.”

  “Somebody lied to you, ’cause you was over there snoring like a muthafucka.”

  “Fuck you.” She grinned as her stomach began to growl. “Are you hungry? ’Cause I am.”

  “Yeah, we can stop.”

  Denny’s was only two miles up the road, so they decided to stop there. She put her flip-flops back on, grabbed her purse, and hopped out of the truck. Bigg was already at the door, holding it open for her.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, admiring her ass.

  “Hi. Can we have a table for two?” Bigg asked the waitress once inside.

  “Sure. Smoking or non-smoking?”

  “Non-smoking, please.”

  “Follow me.”

  As they walked over to their table, Bigg continued to eye Unique’s thick thighs and plump ass as she walked. The jeans she had on were so tight that he swore he caught a glimpse of her pussy print.

  After guiding them over to a booth by the window, the waitress, Tracy, gave them both a menu and a glass of water. After ordering, they sat in silence for a minute.

  “So, Bigg, what’s your real name?” Unique asked, breaking the ice.

  “How you know my real name ain’t Bigg?”

  “I know your momma did not name you Bigg.” She laughed.

  “It’s Kaylin, sweetheart.”

  Hearing Bigg call her sweetheart caused Unique to blush. She couldn’t believe that she had graduated to sweetheart level so fast.

  “Kay . . . lin. I like that.”

  “So, what’s up wit’ you and Cezar?” he asked out of nowhere.

  “Nothing. Why you ask that?”

  “I mean, you got keys to the nigga crib and shit. I figured y’all was more than just friends.”

  “Well, you figured wrong. Cezar and I are just friends,” Unique stressed, hoping she was making herself clear.

  “Okay, so what’s up with the attitude then, Miss Unique?”

  “What you mean by that?”

  “You’re so cold and defensive all the time. What nigga hurt you?”

  “Ain’t no man hurt me. Life hurt me.”

  “What happened in your life that was so fucked up?”

  “Basically, I’ve been an adult since as far back as I can remember. My mother’s been in and out of my life since I was little.”

  “What, she a blockhead?”

  “Nah, my momma ain’t on crack. She’s schizophrenic. She’s in a mental institution out in Jefferson City. I’ve been raising my li’l sister for the past five years by myself. It’s hard, but I love my li’l sister. She’s really the only family I have besides my cousins, Kiara, Kay Kay, and Zoë. We try to go visit her at least twice a month.”

  Out of nowhere, Unique’s eyes began to well up with tears as she spoke. She hadn’t talked about her mother in years, and all the frustration seemed to start spilling out of her all at once. Looking out the restaurant window, she folded her arms across her chest and willed herself not to cry.

  “It’s hard, you know . . . beca
use . . . me and my moms don’t really get along,” she continued.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because every time she looks at me she sees the man who raped her.” Unique turned and looked Bigg square in the eyes. He didn’t know what to say. All he could do was sit and looked stunned.

  “Yeah, that’s right, I’m a product of rape. I don’t know who my ol’ dude is and don’t wanna know. My mother hates me, and I’ll use anybody or anything to get what I want, so now you see there ain’t shit a man can do to me that life hasn’t already done.” Unique’s lower lip began to tremble.

  “It’s cool, ma. You can cry. Let that shit out.” Bigg reached his hand underneath the table and placed it on her thigh.

  “I’m cool.” Unique wiped her eyes and slid her leg away. She couldn’t believe that she had allowed herself to have a weak moment in front of Bigg. Unique thrived off of keeping everything together and bottled in.

  “Well, if you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

  “I won’t,” she sniffed.

  “Here you go,” the waitress said, placing their meals in front of them and interrupting their conversation.

  “Thank you. Can I have some ketchup with this?” Bigg asked, ready to tear into his food.

  “Sure.” The waitress handed him a bottle. “Anything else?”

  “No, that’s all.”

  “Ma’am, do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m fine,” Unique answered without looking up. She didn’t want the waitress to know she had been crying.

  Taking a bite of his omelet, Bigg wondered if he should continue to pick Unique’s brain. He didn’t want to dredge up any more horrible memories from her past, so he decided to switch the subject to relationships.

  “So, tell me, Unique. You got a man?”

  “Yeah, why?” She looked him square in the eyes.

  “’Cause I wanted to know.”

  “We’ve been together for five years.” Taking a bite of her T-bone steak, Unique checked for his reaction.

  “Five years?” Bigg was surprised. “Damn, that’s a long time. You must love that nigga.”

  “Actually, I don’t.” Unique laughed a little bit.

  “What? How you gon’ be wit’ a man for five years and not love him?” Bigg grabbed the salt and shook some onto his omelet.

  “Easy.” She shrugged her shoulders. “And you shouldn’t put salt on your food. You’re going to have high blood pressure by the time you’re thirty.”

  “It’s cool.” He waved her off. “But what you mean, easy? You gotta have some kind of feelings for the dude.”

  “I mean, he’s cool. He gives me whatever I want, and that’s all I need from him.”

  “So, you are one of those chicks who only want a nigga for his ends.”

  “Look.” Unique placed her fork down. “I don’t believe in fairy tales and happily-ever-afters. Love will never be in the equation for me.”

  “And why is that?” Bigg listened closely, dying to hear her answer.

  “Think about it. What is love? Love is nothing but an imaginary feeling that people trick themselves into believing.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “You damn right I do. Fuck love.”

  “Wow. That’s harsh.”

  “That’s life. Like I said, fuck love, ’cause love ain’t never gave a damn about me.”

  Not able to argue with that, Bigg finished the rest of his meal in silence. Once they finished eating, he paid the check. Unique was already at the car.

  The rest of the trip was cool. After the incident at Denny’s, Unique kind of withdrew and put her guard up once again. Bigg could understand the way she felt, so he didn’t pry.

  Finally, after a ten-hour drive, they reached Louisiana. Unique couldn’t wait to see what the Dirty Dirty had to offer. Cezar had booked them separate suites at the historic French Market Inn. The place was absolutely breathtaking. Unique couldn’t have been happier. After they checked the car in with the valet service, she and Bigg headed in.

  “Hi, my name is Edward Whitaker. I’m here to check in,” Bigg lied, using one of his aliases.

  “Okay, let me look that up, sir,” the desk clerk chimed. “I’m sorry, sir. Your check-in time was for three o’clock. As you can see it’s five thirty. One of your rooms has already been taken, but the other room is still available.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that I’m going to have to sleep in the same room with him?” Unique asked, appalled.

  “Yes, ma’am, that’s the way it looks.”

  “Oh, hell naw! I can’t believe this shit.”

  “Don’t mind her. We’ll take it.”

  This turn of events had thrown Unique for a loop. She didn’t know how she was going to survive three days with Bigg, let alone share a bed.

  Standing in the elevator on their ride up, she turned to him and said, “While we’re in this room together, there will be no funny business. We will not be having sex, so don’t even try it.”

  “Who said anything about having sex?”

  “I know how y’all niggas think.”

  “There you go with that shit again. Evidently me fuckin’ you is on your mind. Don’t beat around the bush, ma. All you gotta do is ask.” Walking up on her, he continued, “You want me to fuck you, Unique?” Her back was up against the elevator wall, pinned by his body, as they exchanged breaths.

  “Boy, please. You better get away from me.” Unique gazed into his eyes, barely able to breathe.

  “That’s what I thought.” He grinned, backing up. “Trust me, fuckin’ you ain’t even on my mind. Besides, you wouldn’t know what to do with this dick anyway. I’m too much of a man for you to handle. Continue to fuck with these li’l locs, ma, ’cause a nigga like me would tear your shit up and have you begging for more.”

  “Negro, please. You and that jailhouse dick of yours can kiss my ass,” Unique spat as they got off the elevator and walked toward their room.

  “You know what? You and that mouth of yours gon’ get you fucked up.”

  “Just open the door.”

  “That’s real talk. I’m gon’ end up fuckin’ you up before the weekend is over.” He inserted the key into the door.

  “Whatever.” Unique rolled her eyes as she entered their lavish suite.

  The room was quite elegant. The style was very dark and sensual. One king-size bed sat in the middle of the floor, while a desk and armoire adorned the wall. Walking farther into the suite, they saw a couch, mini bar, full bath, and Jacuzzi. Plopping down onto the bed, Unique kicked off her shoes and turned on the television. She was so into the Style Channel that she didn’t even notice Bigg undressing. Then out of nowhere she caught a glimpse of chocolate flesh.

  Quickly turning her head toward him, Unique saw that Bigg had stripped down to his boxers. Holding her breath, she tried not to let the words escape that filled her mind: Prison did a body good. Even though Bigg was tall, his body was ripped with muscles. His arms and legs were full, and his abs held a perfect six-pack.

  She ran her eyes over his upper torso and noticed several different tattoos. Across his stomach he had the name Dontay written in an arch. His left arm had Bigg Entertainment written with money and smoke formed around it. On his right forearm was a scripture, and on his hands he had Bigg tattooed on one, and the other, Upps. As he turned around, she also noticed that he had a huge gash going across his left shoulder blade. It looked like someone had beaten him with a belt or cane. What really caught her eye was a tattoo of a man blowing his brains out.

  Ignoring Unique’s blatant stares, Bigg continued to undress. He stepped out of his boxers and walked past her like she wasn’t even in the room. Unique eyed him hungrily and bit into her lower lip. There was no denying it—she wanted Bigg in the worst way. His thick, ten and a half–inch dick called her name as he bopped toward the bathroom door.

  “What are you doing?” she finally asked with a dry mouth.

  “What does it l
ook like I’m doing? I’m about to take a shower.”

  “You couldn’t have taken off your clothes in the bathroom?”

  “No, why? Is my dick bothering you or something?” He grinned devilishly.

  “Boy, please.” Unique waved him off, rolling her eyes.

  “Admit it, Unique. You want me.”

  “Bigg, get over yourself. The only person who wants you is a nigga named Stud on cell block eight.”

  “I see you got jokes,” he said, stepping closer. Standing directly in front of her, Bigg rubbed his manhood. Unique looked into his eyes and tried her best not to notice his erection, but it was very hard not to, being that his dick was damn near smacking her in the face.

  “Touch it. I know you want to,” he whispered.

  Unable to resist a big dick, she softly slid her hand from the tip to the shaft. Unique had never seen a dick so big in her life. Bigg was truly living up to his name. Not only did he have length and width, but the muthafucka was heavy as well. The man had a dick the size of an anaconda.

  Gazing into each other’s eyes, they continued to slide their hands up and down his mammoth penis.

  “I knew you wanted a nigga.” He laughed, taking his dick from her hand.

  Feeling stupid, Unique snapped back to reality and said, “Whatever, nigga. I was trying not to hurt your feelings.”

  “Quit frontin’. You know you want to drop them drawers.”

  “Boy, please. You better get yo’ ass away from me.”

  “You can join me in the shower if you want,” he suggested, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, giving Unique a perfect view of his muscular ass.

  “I’ll pass,” Unique said, focusing her attention back to the TV.

  “Yeah, a’ight. Whatever, ma. Keep lying to yourself.”

  “Bigg, shut the fuck up and concentrate on not dropping the soap.” ♥♥


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