The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis

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The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis Page 1

by Lydia Davis

  Also by Lydia Davis


  The End of the Story


  Break It Down

  Almost No Memory

  Samuel Johnson Is Indignant

  Varieties of Disturbance


  Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust

  Death Sentence by Maurice Blanchot

  The Madness of the Day by Maurice Blanchot

  The Spirit of Mediterranean Places by Michel Butor

  Rules of the Game, I: Scratches by Michel Leiris

  Rules of the Game, II: Scraps by Michel Leiris

  Hélène by Pierre Jean Jouve

  The Collected Stories of



  an imprint of



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  First published in the USA by Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2009

  First published in Great Britain by Hamish Hamilton 2010

  Copyright © Lydia Davis, 2009

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

  Grateful acknowledgement is made for permission to reprint the following material:

  ‘Worstward Ho’, copyright © 1983 by Samuel Beckett. Used by permission of Grove/Atlantic, Inc. In ‘The Walk’, quotations from Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust, translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff and revised by Terence Kilmartin, copyright © 1981 by Marcel Proust, used by permission of Random House, Inc.; quotations from Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust, translated by Lydia Davis, copyright © 2002 by Lydia Davis, used by permission of Penguin Books Ltd. and Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. ‘Extracts from a Life’ is adapted from Nurtured by Love by Sinichi Suzuki, and is used by permission of Exposition Press. The tale in ‘Once a Very Stupid Man’ is adapted from the traditional Hasidic story recounted in Martin Buber’s The Way of Man, and is used by permisson of Citadel Press. ‘Lord Royston’s Tour’ was adapted from The Remains of Viscount Royston: A Memoir of His Life by the Rev. Henry Pepys, London, 1838.

  Samuel Johnson is Indignant was first published by McSweeney’s Books.

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN: 978-0-141-96289-4


  BREAK IT DOWN (1986)


  The Fears of Mrs. Orlando

  Liminal: The Little Man

  Break It Down

  Mr. Burdoff’s Visit to Germany

  What She Knew

  The Fish

  Mildred and the Oboe

  The Mouse

  The Letter

  Extracts from a Life

  The House Plans

  The Brother-in-Law

  How W. H. Auden Spends the Night in a Friend’s House:


  In a House Besieged

  Visit to Her Husband

  Cockroaches in Autumn

  The Bone

  A Few Things Wrong with Me

  Sketches for a Life of Wassilly

  City Employment

  Two Sisters

  The Mother


  French Lesson I: Le Meurtre

  Once a Very Stupid Man

  The Housemaid

  The Cottages

  Safe Love


  What an Old Woman Will Wear

  The Sock

  Five Signs of Disturbance


  Meat, My Husband

  Jack in the Country

  Foucault and Pencil

  The Mice

  The Thirteenth Woman

  The Professor

  The Cedar Trees

  The Cats in the Prison Recreation Hall

  Wife One in Country

  The Fish Tank

  The Center of the Story


  Our Kindness

  A Natural Disaster

  Odd Behavior

  St. Martin


  In the Garment District


  The Actors

  What Was Interesting

  In the Everglades

  The Family

  Trying to Learn

  To Reiterate

  Lord Royston’s Tour

  The Other

  A Friend of Mine

  This Condition

  Go Away

  Pastor Elaine’s Newsletter

  A Man in Our Town

  A Second Chance


  Almost No Memory

  Mr. Knockly

  How He Is Often Right

  The Rape of the Tanuk Women

  What I Feel

  Lost Things

  Glenn Gould


  From Below, as a Neighbor

  The Great-Grandmothers


  The House Behind

  The Outing

  A Position at the University

  Examples of Confusion

  The Race of the Patient Motorcyclists



  Boring Friends

  A Mown Lawn

  City People


  The White Tribe

  Our Trip

  Special Chair

  Certain Knowledge from Herodotus


  The Meeting


  Blind Date

  Examples of Remember

  Old Mother and the Grouch

  Samuel Johnson Is Indignant:

  New Year’s Resolution

  First Grade: Handwriting Practice


  Happiest Moment

  Jury Duty

  A Double Negative

  The Old Dictionary

  Honoring the Subjunctive

  How Difficult

  Losing Memory

  Letter to a Funeral Parlor

  Thyroid Diary

  Information from the North Concerning the Ice:

  Murder in Bohemia

  Happy Memories

  They Take Turns Using a Word They Like

  Marie Curie, So Honorable Woman

  Mir the Hessian

  My Nei
ghbors in a Foreign Place

  Oral History (with Hiccups)

  The Patient

  Right and Wrong

  Alvin the Typesetter



  My Husband and I

  Spring Spleen

  Her Damage


  In a Northern Country

  Away from Home



  The Transformation

  Two Sisters (II)

  The Furnace

  Young and Poor

  The Silence of Mrs. Iln

  Almost Over: Separate Bedrooms




  A Man from Her Past

  Dog and Me


  The Good Taste Contest

  Collaboration with Fly

  Kafka Cooks Dinner

  Tropical Storm

  Good Times

  Idea for a Short Documentary Film

  Forbidden Subjects

  Two Types

  The Senses

  Grammar Questions


  The Caterpillar

  Child Care

  We Miss You: A Study of Get-Well Letters from a Class of Fourth-Graders

  Passing Wind


  Jane and the Cane

  Getting to Know Your Body


  Southward Bound, Reads Worstward Ho

  The Walk

  Varieties of Disturbance


  Mrs. D and Her Maids

  20 Sculptures in One Hour


  What You Learn About the Baby

  Her Mother’s Mother

  How It Is Done


  Burning Family Members

  The Way to Perfection

  The Fellowship

  Helen and Vi: A Study in Health and Vitality

  Reducing Expenses

  Mother’s Reaction to My Travel Plans

  For Sixty Cents

  How Shall I Mourn Them?

  A Strange Impulse

  How She Could Not Drive

  Suddenly Afraid

  Getting Better

  Head, Heart

  The Strangers

  The Busy Road


  The Fly

  Traveling with Mother

  Index Entry

  My Son

  Example of the Continuing Past Tense in a Hotel Room

  Cape Cod Diary

  Almost Over: What’s the Word?

  A Different Man

  BREAK IT DOWN (1986)


  I get home from work and there is a message from him: that he is not coming, that he is busy. He will call again. I wait to hear from him, then at nine o’clock I go to where he lives, find his car, but he’s not home. I knock at his apartment door and then at all the garage doors, not knowing which garage door is his—no answer. I write a note, read it over, write a new note, and stick it in his door. At home I am restless, and all I can do, though I have a lot to do, since I’m going on a trip in the morning, is play the piano. I call again at ten forty-five and he’s home, he has been to the movies with his old girlfriend, and she’s still there. He says he’ll call back. I wait. Finally I sit down and write in my notebook that when he calls me either he will then come to me, or he will not and I will be angry, and so I will have either him or my own anger, and this might be all right, since anger is always a great comfort, as I found with my husband. And then I go on to write, in the third person and the past tense, that clearly she always needed to have a love even if it was a complicated love. He calls back before I have time to finish writing all this down. When he calls, it is a little after eleven thirty. We argue until nearly twelve. Everything he says is a contradiction: for example, he says he did not want to see me because he wanted to work and even more because he wanted to be alone, but he has not worked and he has not been alone. There is no way I can get him to reconcile any of his contradictions, and when this conversation begins to sound too much like many I had with my husband I say goodbye and hang up. I finish writing down what I started to write down even though by now it no longer seems true that anger is any great comfort.

  I call him back five minutes later to tell him that I am sorry about all this arguing, and that I love him, but there is no answer. I call again five minutes later, thinking he might have walked out to his garage and walked back, but again there is no answer. I think of driving to where he lives again and looking for his garage to see if he is in there working, because he keeps his desk there and his books and that is where he goes to read and write. I am in my nightgown, it is after twelve and I have to leave the next morning at five. Even so, I get dressed and drive the mile or so to his place. I am afraid that when I get there I will see other cars by his house that I did not see earlier and that one of them will belong to his old girlfriend. When I drive down the driveway I see two cars that weren’t there before, and one of them is parked as close as possible to his door, and I think that she is there. I walk around the small building to the back where his apartment is, and look in the window: the light is on, but I can’t see anything clearly because of the half-closed venetian blinds and the steam on the glass. But things inside the room are not the same as they were earlier in the evening, and before there was no steam. I open the outer screen door and knock. I wait. No answer. I let the screen door fall shut and I walk away to check the row of garages. Now the door opens behind me as I am walking away and he comes out. I can’t see him very well because it is dark in the narrow lane beside his door and he is wearing dark clothes and whatever light there is is behind him. He comes up to me and puts his arms around me without speaking, and I think he is not speaking not because he is feeling so much but because he is preparing what he will say. He lets go of me and walks around me and ahead of me out to where the cars are parked by the garage doors.

  As we walk out there he says “Look,” and my name, and I am waiting for him to say that she is here and also that it’s all over between us. But he doesn’t, and I have the feeling he did intend to say something like that, at least say that she was here, and that he then thought better of it for some reason. Instead, he says that everything that went wrong tonight was his fault and he’s sorry. He stands with his back against a garage door and his face in the light and I stand in front of him with my back to the light. At one point he hugs me so suddenly that the fire of my cigarette crumbles against the garage door behind him. I know why we’re out here and not in his room, but I don’t ask him until everything is all right between us. Then he says, “She wasn’t here when I called you. She came back later.” He says the only reason she is there is that something is troubling her and he is the only one she can talk to about it. Then he says, “You don’t understand, do you?”

  I try to figure it out.

  So they went to the movies and then came back to his place and then I called and then she left and he called back and we argued and then I called back twice but he had gone out to get a beer (he says) and then I drove over and in the meantime he had returned from buying beer and she had also come back and she was in his room so we talked by the garage doors. But what is the truth? Could he and she both really have come back in that short interval between my last phone call and my arrival at his place? Or is the truth really that during his call to me she waited outside or in his garage or in her car and that he then brought her in again, and that when the phone rang with my second and third calls he let it ring without answering, because he was fed up with me and with arguing? Or is the truth that she did leave and did come back later but that he remained and let the phone ring without answering? Or did he perhaps bring her in and then go out for the beer while she waited there and listened to the phone ring? The last is the least likely. I don’t believe anyway that there was any trip out f
or beer.

  The fact that he does not tell me the truth all the time makes me not sure of his truth at certain times, and then I work to figure out for myself if what he is telling me is the truth or not, and sometimes I can figure out that it’s not the truth and sometimes I don’t know and never know, and sometimes just because he says it to me over and over again I am convinced it is the truth because I don’t believe he would repeat a lie so often. Maybe the truth does not matter, but I want to know it if only so that I can come to some conclusions about such questions as: whether he is angry at me or not; if he is, then how angry; whether he still loves her or not; if he does, then how much; whether he loves me or not; how much; how capable he is of deceiving me in the act and after the act in the telling.

  The Fears of Mrs. Orlando

  Mrs. Orlando’s world is a dark one. In her house she knows what is dangerous: the gas stove, the steep stairs, the slick bathtub, and several kinds of bad wiring. Outside her house she knows some of what is dangerous but not all of it, and is frightened by her own ignorance, and avid for information about crime and disaster.

  Though she takes every precaution, no precaution will be enough. She tries to prepare for sudden hunger, for cold, for boredom, and for heavy bleeding. She is never without a bandaid, a safety pin, and a knife. In her car she has, among other things, a length of rope and a whistle, and also a social history of England to read while waiting for her daughters, who are often a long time shopping.

  In general she likes to be accompanied by men: they offer protection both because of their large size and because of their rational outlook on the world. She admires prudence, and respects the man who reserves a table in advance and also the one who hesitates before answering any of her questions. She believes in hiring lawyers and feels most comfortable talking to lawyers because every one of their words is endorsed by the law. But she will ask her daughters or a woman friend to go shopping with her downtown, rather than go alone.

  She has been attacked by a man in an elevator, downtown. It was at night, the man was black, and she did not know the neighborhood. She was younger then. She has been molested several times in a crowded bus. In a restaurant once, after an argument, an excited waiter spilled coffee on her hands.

  In the city she is afraid of being carried away underground on the wrong subway, but will not ask directions from strangers of a lower class. She walks past many black men who are planning different crimes. Anyone at all may rob her, even another woman.


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