The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance Page 6

by Lydia Rose

  “We’ve had our differences.” Nicole didn’t elaborate.

  “So are you working next Saturday?” Jessica asked.

  “I’ll be working the farm stand all day and I picked up a night shift at the store.”

  “What about during the week?”

  “I’m free on Wednesday night. Why?”

  “Would you like to come to my apartment for dinner?” Jessica asked smiling.

  “I’d like that.” Nicole returned the smile.

  They left the restaurant after a small battle about the check. The women ended up splitting the bill.

  Nicole opened the car door for Jessica when they reached the apartment. She held out her hand allowing Jessica to take it when she got out of the car. As they walked toward the door, Nicole held onto Jessica’s hand.

  “Thank you for going out with me, Jessica. I had a really nice time.” Nicole squeezed Jessica’s hand.

  “I had fun too, Nicole. So dinner Wednesday at seven?”

  Nicole smiled and nodded. They looked at each other as Nicole leaned forward until their lips touched softly. “Good night.”

  Jessica’s mouth came back and this time the kiss deepened. As their lips separated, Jessica whispered, “Good night, Nicole.”

  Nicole left Jessica feeling that she had finally found a connection with a woman. Their kisses were chaste, but it was only their first date. She couldn’t wait for dinner Wednesday night.


  Sunday morning, Nicole came down to the kitchen ready to work her farm stand. “Morning, Mom,” Nicole said when she reached the kitchen.

  “Good morning, honey. Sit down and eat something before you leave.” Karen put a plate of food on the table.

  Nicole sat down and began to eat breakfast. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “So how was your date last night?” Karen asked.

  Nicole looked at her. “It was nice. I’m going to Jessica’s apartment for dinner Wednesday night.”

  “So you liked her?” Karen asked.

  “At first I thought the date was going to be a disaster. She was shocked that I live at home and I’ve only had one serious relationship.”

  “What changed?”

  “I explained our new plans for the business. I think she realized at that point that I’m not a total loser.”

  “Is she interested in someone with money?” Karen asked critically.

  “No, Mom, I think she was worried about supporting a lazy bum.”

  Karen laughed. “You certainly don’t meet that description.”

  “Thankfully, I think Jessica realized that too,” Nicole laughed. “Thanks for breakfast, Mom. I better get to work.”

  “Nicole, I’ll bring you a sandwich at lunchtime.”

  “Thanks Mom. I’ll see you later.”


  Nicole sat in the farm stand reading her book when a car pulled up. She didn’t lift her eyes from the page as she heard the person enter the stand. “Good morning. If you have any questions, let me know.”

  “Yes, I have a question,” the voice said.

  Nicole looked up recognizing the voice. “Jane,” she said surprised.

  “Millie gave you the impression that I was going to take you to court to stop you from changing the farm stand,” Jane sighed. “I wouldn’t have done that.”

  “You would have let us convert this place?” Nicole asked surprised.


  Nicole rolled her eyes. “So you would have found a way to stop us.”

  “No Nicole. I would have paid Millie to move the stand further down on the property,” Jane said firmly.

  “Well, we don’t need your money.” Nicole couldn’t hide her anger.

  Jane looked at Nicole. “I’m not the bitch you think I am.”

  Nicole looked at her face and could see that Jane was upset. “I’m sorry, Jane.”

  “I’m sorry too, Nicole. I should have explained myself that day and said if we worked together we could have found a solution that would have worked for both of us.”

  “Would you like to sit down and have a cup of coffee?” Nicole asked as a peace offering.


  Nicole poured the coffee from the pot and handed Jane the cup.

  “So how was your date?” Jane asked looked over her cup.

  “It was nice. Jessica’s a really sweet woman,” Nicole answered.

  “I would have thought you and Kay would have hit it off?”

  Nicole giggled. “As much as Kay would have been fun,” she said wiggling her eyebrows. “That would have been awkward with Kay working next door.”

  “That’s what Alice said on Saturday night,” Jane said as if she were speaking to herself and not to Nicole.

  Now Nicole wondered why it was so important to Jane who she dated.

  “So are you seeing Jessica again?” Jane asked.

  Nicole nodded. “I’m having dinner at her place Wednesday night.”

  “You two looked cute together,” Jane offered.

  “Thanks. She’s easy to talk to.” Nicole didn’t offer the initial stumble the two women had. “I enjoy her company.”

  Jane stood. “Thanks for the coffee Nicole, and for letting me explain. I hope we can start all over?”

  “I’d like that Jane.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “Thanks. Enjoy your day too.” Nicole waved as Jane pulled away.


  Wednesday, Nicole was nervous and excited the whole day. The anticipation of seeing Jessica that evening kept her mind running with thoughts.

  She walked up to Jessica’s door and rang the doorbell. Nicole looked down at her faded jeans and pink t-shirt and ran her hands down the legs of the pants. Not only to relax the wrinkles, but trying to calm her nerves.

  “Hi Nicole. Come on inside.” Jessica stepped out of the way so Nicole could enter.

  “Hi Jessica. Thanks again for inviting me.” Even though they had seen each other every day since she joined the builders, it was different seeing Jessica alone.

  “How about a beer?” Jessica asked as she motioned for Nicole to have a seat.

  “Sure,” Nicole said sitting on the sofa.

  Jessica came back with the beer and handed her a glass before taking a seat next to Nicole. “Dinner will be ready shortly.”

  “It smells wonderful in here,” Nicole said resting her hand between them.

  “I hope you like spaghetti and meatballs?” Jessica asked resting her hand onto Nicole’s hand.

  “I do.” Nicole looked down at her hand and rolled her hand over so she could hold Jessica’s hand. “I like this too,” she said with a smile.

  Jessica squeezed Nicole’s hand and leaned over toward her. Nicole met her halfway and they kissed. Nicole wasn’t sure who was controlling their kissing session, but she moaned when Jessica’s tongue found entrance to her mouth. As suddenly as it started, Jessica pulled away.

  “We’ll save more of that for later.” Jessica stood and reached out with her hand. “Let me feed you first.”

  Feed me, Nicole thought. We can skip the meal and go directly to dessert as far as I’m concerned.

  “Sit at the table and I’ll get our plates,” Jessica said walking into the kitchen. She placed a plate of food in front of Nicole and put a basket of garlic bread in the center of the table. Jessica went back into the kitchen to get her own plate. “Dig in,” she said taking her seat.

  “This is good, Jessica. Thank you,” Nicole said dipping her garlic bread into the smooth tomato sauce.

  As they were having dinner, Jessica’s cellphone rang.

  “Do you want to see who that is?” Nicole asked.

  “No. I know who it is.” Jessica went back to eating dinner.

  A few minutes later, her home phone rang. Once the machine picked up, a voice began to speak. Jess, please pick up the phone. I want to talk to you.

  Jessica jumped out of her seat and ran to the phone. She stopped the recor
ding before more could be said out loud.

  Nicole looked at her face as she returned to the dining area.

  “My ex,” Jessica said softly. “When she had me, she didn’t want me. Now that I left her, she wants me back.”

  Nicole could see the phone call upset Jessica, but the words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Do you still love her?”

  Jessica thought for a moment because she didn’t want to lie to Nicole. It would be no way to start a relationship. “I’ll always have feelings for her, but she broke my heart.”

  Again, Nicole’s mouth spoke without thought. “Did she cheat on you?”

  Jessica looked shocked. “No. It was nothing like that. She emotionally left me. I tried to get her to talk to me. To tell me what was wrong, but she kept it all inside.”

  “Well, she obviously wants to talk to you now,” Nicole said with a chuckle.

  “Let’s not talk about her. Let’s just enjoy our date.” Jessica touched Nicole’s hand.

  Nicole let it drop, but she wondered if her relationship with her ex was really over. It showed on Jessica’s face as they ate their dinner. Nicole forced conversation from Jessica as they ate and the happy girl that was there before the phone calls disappeared.

  As they cleaned up the kitchen, Jessica asked, “Would you like me to make coffee?”

  “No, thanks. I think I should be going,” Nicole said the words, but inwardly was hoping Jessica to stop her.

  Jessica walked her to the door. “Thanks for coming over, Nicole.”

  “Thank you for inviting me. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Sure. Good night.”

  Nicole gave her a quick kiss and wished her good night.

  The evening had started out so well and one phone call from her ex had just completely shut Jessica down. Nicole realized at that point that Jessica wasn’t over the relationship.


  On Thursday, Jessica was noticeably absent when the crew came in for lunch.

  Kay walked up to Nicole putting her things on the counter. “How’s it going?”

  “Same old, same old,” Nicole said ringing up her food.

  “Jessica looks as good as you do,” she said leaning closer to her ear.

  Nicole looked into her face. “Well, sometimes the timing just isn’t right.”

  “Let me take you out and I promise you’ll forget all about her,” Kay said with a chuckle.

  “Would you hurry up, Kay,” Alex said nudging Kay. “Talk to her on your own time.”

  Kay picked up her bag and walked away.

  “I’m sorry, Nicole. Is Kay still bothering you?” Alex asked.

  “No. She’s fine.”

  “Oh, I know she’s fine.” Alex leaned closer. “If you’re looking for a good time in bed, she’s the one. If you’re looking for a relationship, she’s definitely not the one."

  Nicole smiled. “At this point the good time in bed might be just what I need.”

  Alex shrugged and giggled as she walked away.

  Jessica walked into the stand after the crew was getting ready to leave for the day. “Hi,” she said quietly.

  “Hey. Are you okay?”

  Jessica’s eyes filled with tears. “I really don’t know. I had a long conversation with Jenny last night. She wants us to try again. She wants us to date and fall in love like we did the first time.”

  “What do you want?” Nicole asked moving closer to her.

  Jessica shrugged. “I remember falling in love with her. I remember how happy we were.” Jessica reached out and touched Nicole’s arm. “I wish I had met you at another time.”

  Nicole shoulders dropped. “I understand, Jessica. You do what you have to do to find that love again.” She kissed Jessica’s cheek. “I enjoyed the time we spent together and I only wish you the best.” Nicole stuck out her hand. “Friends?”

  Jessica smiled through her tears. “Friends.”


  Sunday morning, Karen sat in the farm stand studying the plans Millie had left on Friday afternoon. She was amazed at the details and the rendering Millie had drawn for their building. A smile was in place as she heard a car pull in front of the stand. Karen looked up and saw Jane step out of the car.

  “Hi, Karen,” Jane said walking into the stand. “How are you?”

  “Hello, Jane,” Karen said wearing a big smile. “I’m fine, dear. How are you?”

  “Fine, thank you.” Jane smiled. “I came to get some of your wonderful tomatoes.”

  “Help yourself, dear.” Karen closed the plans and watched Jane walk around collecting her vegetables. “How’s the house coming along?”

  “I haven’t been inside yet, but Millie tells me they’re ahead of schedule.” Jane walked over to the cash register. “What have you got there?” Jane asked seeing the plans.

  “Oh, it’s the plans for our building. Would you like to see them?”

  “Sure,” Jane said twisting her head to read them upside down.

  “Come on this side of the counter.” Karen invited.

  “Wow, this looks great,” Jane said seeing the area where the cooking would take place along with an overhang on the side with tables for eating. “Millie did a wonderful job realizing your dream.”

  “She did. Nicole and I are very happy.”

  “What has your husband said about all this?” Jane asked grinning.

  “Oh, he thinks we’re crazy.” Jane and Karen laughed. “He has no vision.”

  “I wish you two only the best and I apologize for whatever problems I may have caused,” Jane soften her voice. “It wasn’t my intention for you and Nicole to spend extra money.”

  “You did us a favor, honey. I think we’ll do much better being closer to the main road.” She pointed at the plans. “This is much better than converting the farm stand.” Karen smiled. “I should be thanking you.”

  “That’s very nice of you to say.” Jane went around the counter. “Where’s Nicole?”

  “She’s working today.” Karen chuckled. “That girl has always been a hard worker and now she has something to show for her hard work. Nicole gave up a life to stay here on the farm to help her parents. I want her to have more than I had or my mother had.” Karen smiled. “I’m happy that she’s seeing Jessica.”

  “They look good together,” Jane said remembering the night in the restaurant.

  “They do,” Karen said smiling. “What about you Jane? Are you seeing anyone?”

  Jane laughed. “No, I’m not.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Jane. You should be out there having fun.”

  “My friends tell me that all the time, but it’s hard to meet someone,” Jane insisted.

  “Maybe you’re being too fussy?” Karen asked looking over her reading glasses.

  “I’ve been told that too,” Jane said with a laugh. “It’s hard to find a professional woman with the same interests I have.” Jane realized what she had just said and looked at Karen.

  “Why does it have to be a professional? Isn’t it more important that the person is kind and loving?” Karen asked not using the proper pronouns. “Nicole won’t admit it, but I’m sure her working on a farm has caused her problems in the romance department.”

  “Is that why you want to start this business?” Jane asked.

  “I want this for myself as much as I want it for Nicole.” Karen looked at Jane.

  “You’re a good mother, Karen.” Jane smiled and touched Karen’s hand lightly. “Would you like to see the house with me?”

  “Yes, I would. Let me make a sign saying I’ll be right back.” Karen made a sign and closed the door.

  They walked next door and Jane opened the back door. “It’s coming along,” she said as she stepped into the kitchen.

  “Oh this is going to be beautiful, Jane.” Karen was amazed.

  Jane showed Karen the downstairs and led her up the staircase. “Wait until you see what they’ve done with the master.” />
  Karen walked in and saw that they had added a master bathroom and walk in closet.

  “This was worth losing a bedroom for, wasn’t it?” Jane asked.

  “It certainly was. I can’t wait to see it finished.”

  “I’d like you and your husband to see it completed. Since it was his parent’s home, I hope he likes it.”

  “I know he’ll be impressed,” Karen assured Jane. “I better get back to the stand.”

  “Sure. I’ll walk you out.”

  As they got back to the stand, Karen lifted the door and removed the sign. “Thank you for showing me the house, Jane.”

  “Anytime. Have a good day,” Jane said with a wave.

  “You too, dear.”

  Jane thought about what Karen had said. She had dated doctors, lawyers and other professionals over the years and none of them fit the description of kind and loving. Jane doubted if she lowered her standards if she would meet someone as Karen had described. She was at a traffic light when she saw she was in front of the hardware store where Nicole was working. Jane pulled into the parking lot knowing there had to be something she could use. She walked into the store and saw Nicole immediately. Nicole was laughing with one of the customers. Her red apron carried her name and the name of the store. Knowing she couldn’t stand there, she went down the aisles of the store. Jane took a package of light bulbs and went to the front of the store. She got into Nicole’s line.

  “Jane,” Nicole said surprised.

  “Hi, Nicole. How are you?” Jane asked casually.

  “I’m good.” Nicole looked at the package. “Ran out of light bulbs?”

  “Yes. I went to pick up fruit from your stand and this place is on my way home.” Jane made her excuse sound real. “Your mom showed me the plans.”

  Nicole nodded taking the money Jane held out.

  “I bet you can’t wait until Millie starts?” Jane asked trying to keep the conversation going since there was no one else in the line.

  “They have to finish your place first.”

  “How’s Jessica?” Jane asked.

  Nicole looked at Jane and she was thankful that someone else walked up to her register. “It was good to see you, Jane. Enjoy your day.” Nicole looked at the customer. “Did you find everything you needed?”


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