The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance Page 10

by Lydia Rose

  Nicole turned. “Can’t do that,” she said with a smile. “Don’t have a car.”

  Jane stepped into the shower. “Good.”

  It was almost eleven when they stepped out of the shower. “We’d better hurry up since I have to go home and change clothes before I relieve my mother.”

  “I can give you something to wear,” Jane said kissing Nicole’s back.

  “I still need to get my car.”

  “Okay. Let’s get dressed and I’ll drive you to your house,” Jane relented.

  At the house, Jane said, “I’ll go pick us up lunch and meet you at the stand.” She waved. “See you in a while.”

  Nicole squeezed Jane’s hand before getting out of the car. “Okay.”

  Nicole walked into the stand. “Hi, Mom. You’re free to leave.”

  “Did you have a good time?” Karen asked with a smirk.

  “Mom, I’m not going to talk about my sex life with you,” Nicole pointed her finger at her mother.

  “I’m not asking for details. I just asked if you had a good time,” Karen grinned.

  “Yes, Mother. We had a good time.” Nicole tried to hide her blush that she knew was present on her face.

  “Is Jane coming to keep you company?” Karen asked.

  “Yes. She went to pick up lunch for us.”

  “Then I’ll leave you alone,” Karen said walking to her car. “She’s here.”

  Jane got out of the car carrying a take-out bag. “Hi Karen. Do you want something to eat?”

  “No thanks, honey. I’ve got things to do at home.” Karen stood next to Jane and whispered, “I told you everything would be okay.”

  Jane blushed. “You were right again. Thank you.”

  “What was that about?” Nicole asked as Jane approached.

  “Just your mother’s words of wisdom. She’s a very smart woman.”

  Nicole smiled. “Yes, she is. Now what did you bring us for lunch?”


  It was the middle of September and Jane’s house was less than a week away from phase one of the construction. Alice had begun to work on the landscaping, but the garage was going to wait until the spring before work would begin.

  Nicole’s face lit up when Jane walked into the farm stand that Friday. The line for food was nearly out the door with the addition of the landscaping crew. Jane walked to the front and smiled at Nicole.

  “Can I help?” Jane said walking behind the counter.

  Karen turned and said, “Yes, dear. You can wrap the sandwiches after I make them.”

  Jane took her place behind the counter and rolled up her sleeves. Karen reached for an apron and handed it to Jane.

  “We don’t want to get your nice clothes all dirty.”

  “Thanks, Karen.”

  Within a half hour everyone had been served and the farm stand was empty.

  “Wow. That was something else,” Jane said taking off the apron. She looked around and furrowed her brows. “Where are all the vegetables?”

  Nicole chuckled. “At this time of the year, we’re out of most of the vegetables. Soon it will be pumpkin and apple picking. The stand will close and I’ll be working at the farm.”

  “Are you excited about Millie starting to build your restaurant?”

  Karen spoke first. “We can’t wait for it to start. Of course, we will be closed during December and January. Unless we have a mild winter.”

  Nicole put her arm around Jane’s waist as she approached. “Don’t you have to get back to work?”

  Jane shook her head. “No appointments this afternoon.”

  “Then why don’t you two take off,” Karen said. “I’ll keep the stand open for the next hour or so and then close it down.”

  “Mom, are you sure?” Nicole asked.

  “Go. I’ll be fine. I think the only customers I will see today will be the crew next door if they want something else.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Yes, thank you Karen.” Jane took Nicole’s hand. “My place?”

  “Oh yeah,” Nicole said as all the blood was rushing to the lower half of her body.


  “Have you been in the house lately?” Jane asked as they laid in each other’s arms.

  “I was in there this morning. It’s beautiful, Jane.” Nicole kissed Jane’s brow. “You and Millie did a wonderful job designing the inside.”

  “I can’t wait to move in,” Jane said as her hand stroked across Nicole’s chest.

  “Are you nervous about taking on a mortgage?” Nicole asked.

  “It’s not a big mortgage. I used my inheritance to pay for the house and it’s just the cost of construction that I am financing.” Jane chuckled. “It won’t be much more than I was paying in rent. So what are you going to do while your place is being built?”

  “Work at the hardware store. They said I can work five days a week, seven hours a day.”

  “So no weekends?” Jane asked.

  “Nope. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself all weekend.”

  Jane poked her in the stomach. “I can think of a few things for you to do.”

  “You know once the take-out place is open, I’ll be back to seven days a week.”

  “Yes, but you’re not going to open at night.” Jane lifted her. “Maybe if you’re successful, you can hire help. This way you and your mom won’t have to be there seven days a week. You can alternate.”

  “I like that idea, but time will tell.” Nicole rolled Jane over her body. “Let’s not talk anymore,” she said as her lips found Jane’s.


  Monday morning, Nicole was taking baskets of vegetables out of the trunk when Jessica walked up.

  “Can I give you a hand?” Jessica asked as she approached.

  “Thanks. Grab one of those crates.”

  In a few minutes, Nicole’s trunk was empty.

  “Thank you, Jessica. That was nice of you to help.”

  “My pleasure.” Jessica moved closer to Nicole. “So, you still seeing Jane?”

  Nicole looked at her surprised. “I am.”

  “How are you and Jenny doing?” Nicole asked sensing the answer.

  “We’re not. The moment I allowed her back into my life, I knew I had made a mistake.’

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Nicole said touching Jessica’s arm.

  “I really blew it when it came to you. I had the perfect woman in front of me and sent her away.”

  Nicole didn’t comment because she didn’t know what to say. Yeah, you’re right. No, she couldn’t be that cruel.

  “Jane’s a lucky woman,” Jessica said quietly.

  “No, I’m the lucky one,” Nicole commented.

  “Well, I just wanted to wish you both my best. The house will be done this Friday.” Jessica hugged Nicole. “I guess I’ll see you when we start working on the restaurant.” She turned and walked away.

  Nicole meant it when she said she was the lucky one when it came to Jane. Jane was loving, caring and their lovemaking was like nothing Nicole had ever experienced before. They were a perfect match and she couldn’t wait for Jane to move in next door so she would be so close. Not to mention, a private place to make love whenever they could.


  Nicole decided not to open the farm stand on Saturday. Jane’s furniture was being delivered and several friends had volunteered to help get the place organized.

  Two delivery trucks pulled up Saturday morning with all the furniture for the house. Shelly and Laura were already unpacking the things for the kitchen when the trucks arrived. Jane was directing the men on where the furniture was to go and its placement. Nicole was upstairs unpacking the boxes for the bathrooms and linen closet.

  By late afternoon, the house looked like Jane had lived there for a month. Except the refrigerator was empty except for a case of water and some sodas. The pizza was delivered and the women stood around the island eating off paper plates.

  “I’m jealous,”
Shelly said looking around the kitchen. “This place is fantastic.”

  “Thanks, Shelly. I love it too,” Jane said reaching for Nicole.

  After the kitchen was cleaned up, the women started drifting out. By seven o’clock, Nicole and Jane were alone.

  “Jane, I’m going to go home and shower,” Nicole picked up her keys. “I’ll be back in a little while.” She walked toward the front door.

  Jane reached for Nicole’s belt loop and pulled her back. “I’ve got a very nice shower here.” She winked as Jane reached for her mouth.

  “I don’t have any clean clothes here,” Nicole insisted.

  “Who says you’re going to need clothes,” she winked again.

  Nicole smiled. “Aren’t you tired?”

  “This is the first night in my new house. We have to christen that bed.”

  “It’s the same bed you had in your apartment. We already christened it,” Nicole said with a chuckle.

  “The bed was never in this house, or if you want we can christen another room.”

  “Your bed will be fine,” Nicole said giggling. “Come here you.” Nicole pulled Jane close. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I’m the lucky one.”

  “I told Jessica I was the lucky one and I am.”

  Jane held her at arm’s length. “What do you mean, you told Jessica?”

  “Sit down Jane.” Nicole led her over to the couch and they both sat. “She came to see me Monday. She asked how you and I were doing.”

  “I’m sure she did,” Jane said curtly.

  Nicole laughed and squeezed her hand. “I asked how she and Jenny were doing. She told me that the moment they got back together, she realized it was a mistake. She wished us her best.”

  “Yeah,” Jane said shaking her head. “She realized she let you slip through her fingers. I saw that day she came into the stand and saw us kissing.”

  “You did?”


  “Were you afraid I would go back to her?” Nicole asked.

  Jane nodded.

  “Oh, honey,” Nicole squeezed Jane to her, “I was already hooked.”

  “You were?”

  “Yes honey, I was.” Nicole looked into Jane’s eyes. “I love you, Jane. I’ve loved you for a long time now.”

  “You have?” Jane asked, surprised that it wasn’t just her.

  Nicole nodded. “Yep. This farm girl loves the big time doctor.”

  “Well, this doctor loves the farm girl.” Jane kissed Nicole’s cheek. “I love you so much, Nicole.”

  “I think we’d better get to that shower.” Nicole held out her hand and they went upstairs.

  Nicole awoke to find she was alone in bed. She went into the bathroom and saw a set of clothes neatly piled on the sink. A note sat on top. Good morning. Take a shower and come downstairs for breakfast. The tooth brush on the right is yours. J. Nicole looked at the new underwear, bra, jeans and a t-shirt. She shook her head as she turned on the shower. She came down the stairs a short while later.

  “Good morning,” Jane called as Nicole entered the kitchen. “Perfect timing.

  Nicole looked at the pair of sweats and the pink t-shirt that Jane was wearing. “Where did these clothes come from? They’re all my size.”

  “I bought them.” Jane brought the frying pan over and divided up the scrambled eggs.

  “Why?” Nicole asked.

  “I knew there would be nights that you would stay over and I wanted to make sure you had something clean to wear.” Jane took a seat on the stool next to Nicole.

  “Jane, it’s too much. You can’t keep paying for things.”

  “Why?” Jane asked.

  “Because you make me feel insignificant. As if I need you to take care of me.”

  Jane turned on the stool so she was facing Nicole. “I did it out of love, Nicole. Not because I thought you couldn’t afford to buy things yourself. I wanted you to feel comfortable in this house.” Jane turned to hide her tears. “I’ve never been in love before. I don’t know what the right protocol is. I’m sorry.”

  Nicole put her arms around Jane. “I’m sorry too. I’m not used to someone doing nice things for me. Besides my mother,” Nicole said with a chuckle. “Please don’t cry. I’ll try to be more understanding.” She took Jane’s hand. “I haven’t been in love since high school and I was just a kid. What do I know about being an adult and in love? We’ll learn together. Okay?”

  Jane smiled as Nicole wiped her tears. “Okay.”


  The construction on the restaurant started Monday morning. The water, sewer and gas lines were run so the concrete slab could be poured. Nicole and her mom checked the construction daily. When Nicole wasn’t working at the hardware store in the evening, she spent the nights with Jane.

  As the farm went into the pumpkin and apple picking season, Nicole worked mornings in the hardware store and the rest of the day at the farm. On top of the farm work, she helped her mother in the kitchen making salads and sides for the construction crew. The weeks went by quickly with Nicole unable to spend more than a few hours a day with Jane.

  One evening Nicole arrived at Jane’s house at seven o’clock. “Come in, honey,” Jane said when she opened the back door. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “No thanks, I ate at home.” Nicole took a seat on one of the stools.

  “You look terrible, Nicole.” Jane looked at the circles under Nicole’s eyes and saw that her clothes hung loosely over her body. “You’re pushing yourself too hard.” Jane came over and touched Nicole’s shoulder. “You’ve got to slow down.”

  “I will after the weather turns and the farm shuts down for the winter. I don’t have the time right now,” Nicole insisted.

  Jane reached into a drawer and pushed a white box with a red bow across the island. “This is for you.”

  Nicole looked at the box and left it sitting on the counter.

  “Open it,” Jane said with a giggle.

  Nicole removed the ribbon and opened the box. Her eyes opened wide as she saw the shiny key sitting on the white cotton.

  “I thought if you ever get off early, you can come over.” Jane’s smile was wide.

  “Are you sure about this, Jane?” Nicole asked holding the key in her hand.

  Jane wrapped her arms around Nicole and kissed her mouth. “I have never been so sure about anything in my life.”

  Tears came to Nicole’s eyes. “Thank you.”

  The week continued to fly by and on the last three days, Nicole never made it over to Jane’s. She picked up the phone and called Nicole’s cell.

  “Hi dear,” Karen said into the phone.

  “Karen, is everything okay?” Jane asked surprised that she had answered Nicole’s phone.

  “Well, Nicole is crashed on the bed half dressed.” Karen took the phone and left the room so she wouldn’t wake her. “I barely was able to get food in her before she came upstairs to shower. She made it as far as underwear and a t-shirt before she fell asleep on the bed.”

  “Karen, she’s going to get sick if she keeps up at this pace. She’s lost weight and looks terrible,” Jane sighed. “I’m worried about her.”

  “I am too. I am going to insist that her father hires a worker so Nicole doesn’t have to work with him.” Karen heard Hank come in the back door. “Hank is home. I’m going to talk to him. Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of this.”

  “Thank you, Karen. Good night.”

  “Good night, dear.”

  Karen placed a plate of food in front of her husband and took a seat at the table. “You’re killing your daughter.”

  Hank looked up from his plate without commenting.

  “You’re going to hire someone tomorrow so your daughter doesn’t end up in the hospital,” Karen’s voice began to rise.

  “She used to do the work with no problem,” Hank insisted.

  “Yes, and she wasn’t working another job and you had Mark to help. She c
an’t do her share and Mark’s.”

  Hank put his fork down and looked at his wife. “This is because of the doctor? She wants to spend more time with her?”

  “This has nothing to do with Jane. She works at the hardware store from seven to noon and with you until six or seven o’clock,” Karen paused, “seven days a week. When does she have time to see Jane?” Karen placed her hand on Hank’s. “Once our business opens, you’re going to need help. You may as well hire someone now.”

  Hank sat back in his chair. “I know someone I can call. Tell Nicole I’ll need her help on the weekends, but she’s free during the week. Are you satisfied?”

  Karen patted his hand again. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Nicole got up the next morning at six and went down to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. She was surprised to see her mother already there.

  “Hi Mom. You’re up early,” Nicole chuckled.

  “I wanted you to have a good breakfast before you went to work,” Karen said motioning for Nicole to have a seat.

  “When you finish at the hardware store, come back to the house. Your father is bringing someone in to work with him. He will need your help with the stand on the weekend, but you’re free the rest of the day.”

  “Then I can pick up extra hours at the store,” Nicole said with a smile.

  “No, Nicole. Take your normal hours and then come home. We can work on making some side dishes, but you’re going to take it easier.” Karen sat down. “Jane and I are worried about you getting sick.”

  Nicole’s eyes opened wide with surprise. “I can handle it, Mom.”

  “Did you forget that last year, Mark was here to help and you weren’t working at the hardware store?” Karen shook her head.

  “We need the money, Mom.”

  “We will be okay, Nicole.” What Karen didn’t tell Nicole is that during her talk with Hank, she insisted that he give Nicole ten thousand dollars. Hank had initially fought the idea, but Karen explained that Nicole has been working on the farm for years without any pay. Hank finally relented. Karen reached into her apron pocket and handed Nicole the check.


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