Fighting Fangs

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by Fighting Fangs [MM] (epub)

  “I know the back way out,” Devin said softly as he came up and took Ace by the hand. Bemused, in part because Ace had never had anyone hold his hand before, he let the smaller man lead him out of the room, down the long, gloomy hallway, to a large door set in a back room. Ace watched as Devin punched in a code into the keypad to the side of the door, and within seconds they were outside. Ace didn’t think he’d been so glad to breathe in the night air in his life and he knew, no matter what happened with his situation at the Bound and Bonded club, he wouldn’t be going back to Whips again.

  Just one bad Dom, well Marco obviously, was enough to sour the whole experience for Ace. One of the things he had loved about the Bound and Bonded club was that before wolves were admitted, they had to prove where they had trained in BDSM before. It wasn’t mandatory for any new wolf to have had any training to be part of the pack. But if they wanted to come to the club and participate there, then they needed to be trained by someone who was prepared to give them a reference. Before he had had his fall from grace, Ace had quite often given training to Doms who wanted to be part of the scene, but just had never had the chance to experience anything. No Dom was allowed near a sub in a scene without experience and a respect for safewords.

  But all that was moot now, Ace reminded himself. Devin’s scent tickled his nose and his lovely mate needed his utmost attention. Smiling down at Devin, Ace wrapped his arm around the smaller man and said, “So anywhere in particular you want to go, or should we wing it?” He could always spring for a posh hotel room if his mate wanted one. He was only sleeping in a cheap motel room because he didn’t like to waste money on himself. But Ace wasn’t hurting for money, and if his mate wanted a penthouse suite complete with champagne and caviar then Ace would cheerfully get it for him.

  “My place is like, five minutes’ walk that way?” Devin pointed to the left of the alley they were in. “I’d really love a shower.”

  “Your place it is then,” Ace said and he knew he had a huge grin on his face. For the first time in months, no, make that years, he was genuinely happy. He was with his mate. He was going to claim his mate before the night was out and as far as Ace was concerned his problems with his pack, Teric and anything else could all just go to hell for at least two days. Make that five days minimum.


  Chapter Five

  Devin’s head was a jumbled mess as he walked with Ace back to his apartment. His back was still sore, although he could feel it healing with every minute that passed. His nose was filled with the delicious scent of his amatus, but his head was a mess. Having spent the last five days convincing himself that he wasn’t going to die because his Fated One didn’t want him, Devin had pulled himself together and gone back to Whips to hand in his resignation and work out his notice.

  Totally confused as to what he was going to do after his last night of work – Devin had been thinking California was sounding a pretty good place to go seeing how far it was away from Washington – he had only agreed to do a scene with Marco because it was his last night. The man wasn’t that bad with a whip when he wasn’t full of his own sense of self-importance, and Devin craved the pain. But his no sex clause was in his club contract for a very good reason and the thought that Marco would try and breach that agreement, for whatever sick reasons of his own, was doing Devin’s head in.

  Having Ace come in and save him was the frosting on his insanity cake. He truly believed that his amatus wouldn’t want anything to do with him ever again, and when he heard Ace break through the door to the private room he was in, with Marco ready to take him by force, he didn’t know whether to weep with relief, or cry out in frustration. It had taken Devin all of the five days to get to the point where he could at least function after the devastating pain of his mate’s rejection. He didn’t think he had it in him to do it again if Ace walked away. Especially now he had tasted the man’s delicious blood. It would be a death sentence for him if Ace left again.

  Stumbling up the steps towards his apartment, Devin dropped the keys as he went to unlock his front door. Quick as a flash, Ace had bent down and picked them up, deftly using them to get the door open. Then without saying a word, Ace reached over and scooped Devin up off the floor, cradling him in his arms.

  “Bathroom?” The bigger man asked, as he kicked the door shut with a backwards flick of his foot. Too stunned to respond, Devin simply pointed down the hallway, forgetting for the moment that Ace was a man who preferred words to gestures.

  “Words, precious,” Ace said gruffly as he headed towards the hallway.

  “Right down the hallway. Through my…er…the Master bedroom,” Devin spluttered, his brain still not firing on all cylinders. Would Ace want to live with him? Was it their bedroom now? Carefully Ace carried him through to the ensuite, before setting Devin down on the lowered toilet seat. Then he knelt down on the floor, and gently cupped Devin’s face with one big hand.

  “Are you okay?” Ace asked searching Devin’s eyes with his own.

  Devin went to shake his head, but then remembered that Ace wouldn’t like that. “Yes. No. I’m not sure,” he said, mentally kicking himself for the stupidity of his answer. But Ace didn’t seem to mind.

  “That’s fine,” Ace said and Devin thought how wonderful the small smile that was on the big man’s face looked in the dim light of the room. All the man’s harsh lines disappeared with that one little action.

  “Let’s start with the basic stuff,” Ace continued. “Are you physically hurt anywhere?”

  Flexing his back, Devin said, “No. I’m fairly sure my back is healed.”

  “I want to take a look,” Ace said, tugging Devin’s shirt from the waistband of his pants, and pulling it upwards. Devin raised his arms out of habit more than anything else, although it had been a long time since anyone had undressed him. Once Devin was free from his shirt, Ace gently pulled his head forward and ran one hand down the muscles in Devin’s back. Devin rested his head on Ace’s broad chest, soaking in the scent and warmth Ace offered. A vampire’s body temperature tended to run cooler than other paranormal species, but Ace, like all typical wolf shifters, was hot under his clothes and Devin loved the feel of all of those muscles under his cheek.

  Ace chuckled, but then moved back, holding Devin steady in his arms. “Let’s get you clean,” he said firmly, “and then we can snuggle.”

  Devin wanted to protest that he wasn’t snuggling, but then…okay yes, he might have been, just a bit. Not something he would normally do, but Ace was so deliciously warm and solid. Ace stood up and turned to the shower, getting the water running and testing the temperature before moving back to Devin and undoing his pants, before encouraging him to his feet.

  When Devin stepped under the water, Ace stripped off his own shirt and pants, clearly intending to join him. Devin caught sight of Ace’s penis, pointing straight at him like a homing beacon, and he swallowed a gasp. He had always known shifters were well endowed, but Ace didn’t just have length on his side, his cock was thick and meaty, just like the rest of him. Devin wasn’t sure if the twinge he felt running right up his rectum was from nerves, or anticipation. The quick smirk that flashed over Ace’s face, as though the man knew exactly what he was thinking, didn’t help.

  Ace’s hands were gentle as he took the soap and a washcloth and slowly started rubbing off the blood Devin knew had coated his back. Slowly relaxing under Ace’s sure touch, Devin tipped his head back and let the water cascade down his hair. Lost in a haze of touch and the steam that was filling the bathroom, he barely noticed what was happening until Ace turned off the water, wrapping him in one of his bath sheets.

  “You need to feed again,” the big man said. Devin knew he was right. Since meeting Ace five days before he hadn’t been able to feed from anyone – it felt like cheating on his amatus even though he could feed without having sex. As Ace’s cock, that was still as hard as a rock, brushed against his thigh Devin decided to take matters into his own hands, so to speak. He could feed
and have sex all at the same time – it was his preferred way of enjoying a meal after all.

  Shrugging the bath sheet from his shoulders, Devin stepped right into Ace’s space, wrapping his hand around Ace’s cock. Silken firm heat filled his palm and Devin moaned as he felt Ace’s pulse through a thick vein on the side of the shaft – what he wouldn’t give to plunge his teeth in there.

  Looking up, he saw that Ace’s eyes were fierce black and the man’s teeth were gritted.

  “Feeding is so much more fun when there is sex involved,” Devin said with a cheeky smile.

  “If I fuck you, I claim you,” Ace snapped out. For a moment Devin was confused. Wasn’t that what the big wolf wanted? Unsure as to what to do, Devin released his grip on Ace’s cock and stepped back, sure his face mirrored his mixed up feelings.

  “You have been hurt,” Ace said in a gentler voice. “I don’t want to cause you any more damage.”

  Oh bless the wolf’s big old heart. Ace was worried about him. Devin turned around presenting his back for Ace’s consideration, running his own hands down his sides, and then slapping his buttocks hard. “All feels good to me,” he said with a cheeky grin over his shoulder. He pulled his butt cheeks apart and ran a finger across his hole that was literally quivering. “Did you want me to check any deeper?” He asked.

  For a moment Devin thought that he was going to have to present his ass on a silver platter with an engraved invitation, just to get the big guy to move. But with a growl that ran right down Devin’s spine and then, oh yes, lodged so deliciously in his balls that he almost came from the vibration, Ace grabbed him around the waist and picked him up, moving back to the bedroom.

  Devin bounced more than once after he was literally thrown on the bed. Ace stood at the foot of the bed glaring at him and if it wasn’t for that homing beacon cock Ace still had going on, Devin would have been worried.

  “I decide when we fuck,” Ace said and the Dom tones set Devin’s whole body alight with anticipation. “I decide when, how and even if we fuck.”

  “I understand. So, is now good for you or should we wait a while?” Devin couldn’t resist the cheeky response or the lazy hand that he ran up and down his own cock. Ace was a man who was used to getting things his own way and that was fine in any typical Dom/sub role. But Devin had been a sub for a long, long time and while he wasn’t sure that a sub held all of the power in a long term relationship, it was definitely fifty-fifty. Plus which the sexy man in front of him was his mate, his amatus, and that had to count for something as well. As Ace dropped the towel he had been wearing and climbed onto the bed with all of the predatory grace of the animal he shared his soul with, Devin shivered with excitement.


  Chapter Six

  Ace had tried. He had fucking tried to keep his needs to himself. He knew that everyone around him thought he was a hardass that didn’t care about anybody. He knew he had the social skills of a mosquito. He never pretended to be anything he wasn’t. But he knew the wolf shifter mantra about mates. You. Do. Not. Hurt. Your. Mate.

  But his little vampire smelled so good and looked like a debauched angel, especially when he parted his own butt cheeks, giving Ace a look at the hole he longed to plunge into. With Devin laying on the bed, playing with his cock, which Ace knew was a deliberate tease, Ace didn’t want to control himself. If he wasn’t so fucking determined to claim the man, Devin would be over his knee, getting the spanking of his life, for what he was doing, but Ace had never wanted his claiming to be a scene. There had always been a tiny part inside of him, a part no one had ever seen, that wanted his claiming to be the start of the love act it was supposed to be.

  So instead of spanking his new lover, Ace settled for taking his first kiss with the man who would be his forever. Soft with a hint of hardness, cushioned lips and a touch of fang, but it was the taste Ace was after – the unique taste of his mate. Sweet fuck. Devin was so sweet and Ace knew he would be addicted to that taste forever, after just one drop.

  It wasn’t just the kiss, the way Devin’s lips opened for him so beautifully, or the way the man gave in to a full body shiver as Ace ran his tongue over Devin’s fangs that got Ace’s motor running. It was the whole package. Those gorgeous limbs, the soft pale skin covering rock hard muscles, and the way Devin seemed to sink into the mattress, pliant, surrendering himself to whatever Ace wanted from him.

  Power surged through Ace’s veins as he struggled with his own control. He knew Devin would let him – would let him flip him over and plunge his cock deep inside the man’s body, and Devin would take it without a whimper of protest. But Ace wanted more. Reluctantly pulling his lips from his darling boy’s face, Ace met Devin’s violet eyes.

  “This is not a scene. Not this time. This is us, together. Mate. Amatus. No rules. No restrictions. Just two men who will be together for a lifetime.”

  Devin’s eyes flashed a brilliant red, the sight almost shocking Ace with its intensity and then it was gone just as quickly.

  “I want that,” Devin said softly, as his hands came up from where they had been resting on the bed and gripped Ace’s biceps. “I want that a lot,” his voice finishing on a growl that set Ace’s wolf on edge as though not sure whether to challenge or submit. But that growl left Ace in no doubt that the man underneath him was as much a predator as he was.

  Letting his own wolf come to the fore, Ace bent back down and took Devin’s lips again, but this time it was different – amazingly, wonderfully different. Devin gave as good as he got, lips teasing, tongue pushing its way alongside Ace’s so they tangled in a delicious tango. Devin’s hands weren’t idle either, mapping out the muscles on Ace’s sides and back. It crossed his mind that Devin was so much more experienced than he was, but Ace shut that thought out just as quickly as it arrived. He was well aware that his only sexual encounters in the past eight years had come from being in a scene and prior to that it was rough fucks or blow jobs in a dark alley.

  But this. This was…Ace’s mind couldn’t come up with the right words, he just knew he’d never felt anything like it before. Alive, full of so much energy he thought he would burst, and his passion meter was off the charts. Had he ever been so aroused, so full of lust and a need to claim that he could barely contain himself? Never, but then who cared. He was definitely feeling like that now and it was glorious.

  Moving down Devin’s body, Ace sucked and bit, determined to leave his little vampire with as many marks on him as possible. Yes, he knew they would heal really quickly, but then, fuck it all, he would just do it all over again. All he knew was that now he had made the decision to make Devin his, he wanted it known to any fucker who dared look at his mate again.

  Leaving a chest littered with hickeys, Ace’s nose went lower until it bumped against Devin’s cock – hard, leaking and just perfect. Without pausing for breath, Ace pulled that meat into his mouth, sucking firmly.

  “Oh my fucking God,” Devin yelled, his hips thrusting upwards in an attempt to dive deeper. “Please, please, please,” he babbled and Ace chanced a look upwards to see Devin’s head thrown back on the pillows, his face scrunched up fighting his impending orgasm. Ace didn’t think he had ever seen anything so beautiful.

  “You need to come, little fang? Can you keep it hard if I let you come now?”

  Devin struggled for a minute to raise his head and Ace watched as the man’s eyes took on a feral quality. “I’m a vampire. I can come, and keep coming all fucking night if the incentive’s there.”

  Ace smirked. “Or if I let you,” he added before bending back to his task. If anything, his words seemed to have made Devin’s cock harder, and before Ace had a chance to think, warm, creamy come coated the back of his throat. Swallowing it down, not wanting to miss a drop, Ace kept sucking well after Devin had come, determined to keep his mate hard and wanting. It seemed Devin was well on board with that plan given how much he was sinuously writhing and moaning under Ace’s touch.

  Once he was satisfied that Devin�
��s erection was stable again, Ace let his mouth move lower, lathing over hard balls encased in its soft wrinkly, hair free sac. Popping first one and then the other in his mouth, Ace rolled the tantalizing treats slathering them with his spit, before moving lower still, running the flat of his tongue firmly over that exquisite patch of smooth skin between balls and the destination hole he was aiming for.

  Devin shifted his legs, planting his feel firmly on the mattress and straining his thighs as far apart as he could get to give Ace more access. Growling his approval, Ace cupped Devin’s butt cheeks in his hands, bringing Devin’s bottom half up off the bed. Perfect.

  Ace loved rimming, giving and receiving, but he so rarely got the chance to do it with a willing participant. At the Bound and Bonded club he was picked up because of his ability to deliver pain – giving pleasure was for the beautiful men in the club. He could order it, as part of a scene, but that wasn’t something he was comfortable doing very often. Devin seemed to love it, if the pleas and curses, for “more”, “harder”, and the occasional “oh my God,” were positives. And Ace seemed to think that they were.

  “Ace, amatus, please, for the love of God, please,” Devin begged and as Ace peered over Devin’s balls and what looked like an achingly hard cock, he saw Devin’s eyes were red again. Reminding himself that he had to ask what that meant exactly, Ace sucked two fingers into his mouth, and then shoved them roughly into Devin’s asshole that was soft and loose thanks to his efforts.

  “Is this what you want little fang?” Ace growled, as he tilted his fingers, searching for that pleasure spot.

  “Fuck, yes. Oh my God more.”


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