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Her Perfect Candidate

Page 13

by Candace Shaw

  “You’re right. I didn’t realize it was almost ten,” he said, walking back to the fireplace to retrieve his car keys and cell phone. Megan watched him. He was indeed the perfect man. Handsome, successful, compassionate and determined. He had all of the qualities that she wanted in a man, but she knew it was pointless to dwell on it. A relationship with him would be out of the question.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  Megan was startled. She hadn’t realized she was staring at him so hard. She smiled and brushed it off. “Oh, nothing. I was deep in thought I guess.” She turned away to hide her embarrassment.

  “Hey, Meg I’m sorry if I brought up old wounds from the past. I won’t mention him again,” Steven said, walking toward her.

  “Oh, I wasn’t thinking about him,” she said, walking toward the door to let Steven out. “I’m truly over him now.”

  “Well, I hope I had something to do with it. I mean I know this isn’t a real relationship, but I hope I’ve brought some sunshine to your life,” Steven said with his hand on the doorknob.

  “You have. Good night, Mr. Monroe,” Megan said smiling and opening the door for him. He lightly gave her a kiss on the forehead and left. Once the door shut, Percy ran out from under the bed and rubbed his body on Megan’s legs.

  “Percy, what am I doing? I have gone and fallen in love with a man I can never have,” Megan said as she picked up the cat. She held Percy close as the tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  Chapter 10

  It was the Monday morning following KJ’s birthday party. Megan, Jade and Lucy sat in their staff meeting going over the upcoming week’s agenda. Lucy was finally going on her first assignment with Jade to look for vintage furniture for a client that loved antique dressers and wanted four, one for each of her bedrooms. Megan’s mind was wandering during the meeting. On Sunday morning while making coffee, she had decided to try it Steven’s way and drink it black with just a little sugar. She’d smiled as she realized he was right. It had in fact retained the flavor.

  Megan had picked up the phone to call him but hung up before dialing. She was so used to sharing everything with her ex-boyfriends that it seemed natural to call Steven, but she’d had to remind herself that he wasn’t really her boyfriend.

  “Megan, are you ignoring me?” Jade asked in her usual sassy tone.

  Lucy waved her hand in front of Megan’s zoned-out face. “Earth to Megan. Are you there?”

  “Oh, ladies, forgive me. I spaced out. What were you saying?” Megan asked remembering where she was.

  “Did you want to go the furniture store with us?” Jade asked standing and grabbing her belongings from the table.

  “No...I’ll be at a client’s home all day waiting for and arranging furniture.”

  “Okay, we’ll be back this afternoon.”

  Moments later, Megan sat at her desk contemplating what she needed to do before she left. Then the phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and saw it was Steven. She hadn’t spoken to him since Saturday night. She took a deep breath and answered the phone, “Chase, Whitmore and Associates, how can I help you?” she asked in a cheery tone.

  “Hey, Megan, it’s Steven. How are you doing this marvelous Monday morning?”

  “I’m fine, Steven. What can I do for you?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that I had a nice time with you and your friends on Saturday. KJ is a good kid. I see him being an investment broker or maybe Hugh Heffner the way those little four-year-old girls were crowding around him in the moonwalk. Did you see the one that kissed him on his cheek when she was leaving? That was really cute. I like children. They say and do the darnedest things. Do you want children?” he inquired.

  “One day. I have to find the right man first,” Megan answered. Even though she felt as if she had found the right man, she knew that soon after he received the nomination, their relationship would be over, and she would be alone again.

  “I also wanted to tell you that I’m going out of town tomorrow on the campaign trail this week to help out a friend in another state. Anyway, I’ll be back on Saturday morning. If you need anything, just leave a voice mail or text on my cell.”

  “Will do.”

  “I was hoping to see you tonight. How about I bring some Thai food over, and we watch movies together, unless you’d rather be alone.”

  Megan didn’t want to be alone, and she was looking forward to seeing him considering he would be gone for the rest of the week. She took a deep breath and said, “That would be nice. Thai food and you, of course, are more than welcome to come over this evening.”

  “Great. I’ll see you later.”

  The rest of the day passed by slowly as Megan remodeled a dining room and a living room for a client. She was looking forward to Steven coming over that evening, and she could barely concentrate on her job. Once home, Megan changed into a pair of jeans, but then decided to slip on a polo shirtdress and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. She vacuumed her hardwood, cleaned the kitchen and hung up all of her clothes that were scattered on the bed. Megan kept glancing at the clock. He’d texted her earlier and said he would be over around seven.

  Megan sat on the couch and watched her grandfather clock slowly tick by. A little after the hour, her intercom buzzer sounded.


  “Delivery for Megan Chase,” Steven said trying to disguise his voice. A few minutes later he was standing in her living room carrying two big bags of Thai food.

  “Wow! Did you bring enough for the whole building?” Megan teased as she took the bags from him and placed them on the island in the kitchen.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure what you liked so I bought different things we can sample. There’s a bottle of wine in that bag. I’ll put it in the freezer for a few minutes to chill.”

  “Great!” Megan exclaimed as placed the take-out boxes on the table and then grabbed plates and wineglasses.

  “So, do you have any good DVDs? I see you have about two hundred of them over there.”

  “Yes, but you’ve probably seen them all,” Megan said crossing the room to read off the titles.

  “Baby, I rarely go to the movies. I don’t have time. Besides, I prefer to watch movies at home. Do you have any nongirlie movies?”

  “Yes. But I don’t have any scary movies unless you count Scary Movie one, two and three as scary. I have a lot of comedies.” Megan scanned through her collection.

  “Let me see what you have. Comedy movies are my favorite next to suspense and drama. Crimson Tide is my all-time favorite,” Steven said kneeling down on the floor beside her.

  “Well, I don’t have that, but how about Kiss the Girls with Morgan Freeman? It’s a suspense movie. I read the book before the movie came out. I couldn’t put it down! However, I was picturing Denzel Washington as Alex Cross not Morgan Freeman. Do you want to watch it?” Megan asked, holding up the DVD.

  “You know,” Steven said, moving closer to her, “I was just thinking about that.”

  “Cool. I’ll put it in,” she said, still looking through her collection of movies trying to ignore the fact that he was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her neck.

  “I wasn’t referring to the movie,” Steven replied. Tossing the DVD case on the floor, he kissed Megan passionately on the lips. Megan responded willingly as he laid her down on the floor next to the DVD stand. Steven kissed her hungrily while reaching his right hand under her dress to feel her thighs. His other hand fiddled with her ponytail. He tossed the scrunchy across the floor and dug his hands into her hair.

  Passion surged through her as he kissed her, sinking his tongue deeper into her mouth as muffled moans caught inside her throat. His kisses were like the fairy-tale kisses she had always imagined, but never experienced. Passionate. Erotic. Sensua
l. When his lips left hers she let out a loud cry as he kissed her on her ears and then her neck. His hand trailed down her body and then back underneath her dress, kneading her thighs. When his hands began to pull down her panties, all her senses rushed back into her head, and she pushed him off of her.

  “Wait we can’t do this,” Megan interrupted before jumping up and running to the bathroom with Steven closely running after. She closed the bathroom door before he could come in. She splashed some water on her face as Steven opened the unlocked door.

  “Damn it, Megan! Stop running away from me. From us.”

  “Steven, this is all wrong. You don’t want a real relationship with me. This is just pretend until after the election,” Megan cried.

  “What? You honestly think that? You mean to tell me you didn’t feel anything a minute ago? Or even when we were in Washington? Or, hell, when we first met? I’m tired of pretending. I want a real relationship with you, I want to be with you, Megan Chase,” he said standing behind her looking at their reflection in the mirror. He placed his hands on her shoulders, but didn’t turn her around. “Don’t we look good together? We make the perfect team. I knew we would the minute I laid eyes on you,” he whispered into her ear, his lips lightly brushing it. She flinched as his lips touched her. Megan looked at their reflection in the mirror.

  “Steven...” She turned around to face him with happy tears filling her eyes.

  “I think, my lady, we’ve done enough talking for one night,” he said as his lips came crushing down on hers.

  * * *

  Steven lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bed laying her down gently on the comforter. He placed his body on top of hers, kissing her gently on the lips, trying to savor every inch of her delicious mouth.

  Steven had never felt so intense and passionate about a woman before. He knew this was the woman who he wanted to see as he closed his eyes every night and couldn’t wait to wake up to the next morning.

  “Can I help you out of your dress?” he asked, sitting up to take off his shirt to bare his smooth rippled chest and abdomen. Megan smiled as she ran her fingers and then lips over his chest twirling her tongue around one of his nipples. While she continued to arouse him further, he quickly lifted the dress off of her, throwing it across the room with his shirt.

  “Damn, baby. You’re so beautiful,” he complimented as he raked his eyes over her fuchsia lace bra and panties. He licked his lips as he pulled her toward him to feel her hot bare skin under him.

  Once she was nude, he lifted her off of the bed and guided her against a nearby wall.

  “I had a fantasy about you pushing me against this very wall,” she said, unbuckling his belt. “And having your way with me.”

  A cocky half grin crossed his mouth. “Oh, really?”

  She nodded, displaying a sexy, lazy grin, and kissed him lightly on the lips as she removed his belt and unbuttoned his slacks.

  “Well...I am...” He paused as he returned the kiss and licked her lips. “Here to make all your fantasies come true, precious.”

  He turned her away from him and placed her hands on the wall causing her to let out fervent moans of pleasure. “Part your legs.”

  He began slowly gliding his tongue from the base of her neck down her back until he was at her center. Megan moaned loudly as his tongue licked and drank her womanly juices. He squeezed her butt and then slapped it, sinking a finger into her as she squirmed and pleaded with him.

  “Oh, Steven, please don’t stop,” she yelled out, pressing her head on the wall as he continued to tantalize her insides with his tongue and fingers. His answer to her was putting his fingers in as deeply as possible, causing the first of many orgasms that night.

  Her legs, and her balance, became undone as he lowered her to the floor and held her in his arms as he massaged her clit. Her cries of passion and desire shattered across the room. He kissed her damp forehead and rubbed her hair until she came down from her high.

  “Do you have protection?” she whispered.

  “Be patient, my love, we have all night.”

  “Can’t we just skip the foreplay? I’ve waited so long to have you, Steven,” she begged, putting her hand on his very erect penis and massaging it through his pants.

  “My insatiable, little Megan,” he whispered with his lips hovering over hers. “You want it right now?”

  “Yes,” she cried out.

  “Right here up against the wall like in your fantasy?”

  “Wherever you intend to.”

  “Oh, I intend to make love to you in every possible position tonight, in every possible place in this loft. If we run out of rooms, we may have to go to my place.”

  “I think I have some condoms somewhere.”

  “Are they Magnums?”


  “Then that won’t work.” He took her hand and placed it directly on his penis that was now fully erect and ready thanks to her pleading. “Don’t worry, my love. I came prepared.”

  “Go get it.”

  He stood them up, placing her back on the wall. He obeyed, taking a few packs of condoms out of his back pants pocket and held them up much to her delight. He wasn’t used to a woman barking orders at him. Smirking, he stared at her exquisite body leaning on the wall and stepped toward her, pulling his pants and boxer shorts down at the same time and stepping out of them. “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m in charge and in control,” he said placing a condom over his firm rod.

  She gulped with wide eyes as she glanced down and then back up at him with a wicked grin on her face.

  “Oh, really?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Yes, really,” he said as he picked her up by her buttocks as if she were light as a feather and slid her up the wall. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, and he immediately entered her, wasting no time with his strong thrusts causing her to scream out his name in ecstasy. He pounded her harder and harder while she dug her nails deeper into his shoulders. He knew he would have scars later on but he didn’t care. The warmness and wetness of her made him sink further into her spirit and mind. She was causing him to feel things he’d never felt before, and he wanted to make sure that all of him was in tune with her. The more she cried out his name, the more he gave it all to her.

  Megan wrapped her legs and arms tighter around him as he carried her from the wall and placed her on the bed. She stared up at him with loving eyes as he filled her even deeper. They rocked back and forth concentrating on each other intently. He moved her legs around his neck and held her hands to the bed, as he went all the way in and then all the way out. Her hips met his strokes at the same cadence.

  As they screamed out together, he felt all of the emotions bottled up in his heart rush out of him. He grabbed hold of her tightly as he panted her name and a few curse words over and over in the crook of her neck. As his breathing slowed down, he lifted his head and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  He was satisfied yet ready for round two with her. The room was quiet except for the soft sound of the ceiling fan above. Neither of them spoke and there wasn’t any need. Their lovemaking had spoken louder than any words they could have uttered to each other.

  * * *

  An hour later, they were still intertwined together lying on top of the comforter. Megan tried to wrestle away from his hold to grab the blanket at the end of the bed. Steven pulled her closer into his body so that her back was completely pressed against his muscular chest.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To grab the blanket.”

  “I’m not keeping you warm enough?”

  “You are. I just feel weird lying naked on top of the comforter.”

  “I want to see and feel your sexy little body next to me,” he said and then kissed the base of her neck. She let out a soft
sigh at his touch and technique. She could feel the hardness of him urgently bearing against her bottom and then the tear of a condom wrapper.

  “I need to be inside of you again, Megan,” he heavily urged in her ear causing her to feel a shooting sensation as he dived into her once again. He turned her over on her stomach as he continued long strokes, in and out, making her dig her fingers in the mattress. Each time it was more intense causing her to release shuddering orgasms one after the other.

  After the fifth orgasm, Megan was so out of it, she barely knew where she was. All she knew was that the man she loved was making her feel so damn good.

  He pulled her up so she was on her knees. He placed his hands on her round bottom to guide her.

  “Am I making you feel good, baby?”

  “Oh, yes. The best,” she truthfully said.

  As he came inside of her, she swore she heard a roar of a lion escape him.

  Megan fell limp on the bed as he rolled off of her. She could still feel him pulsating through her as she laid on her back staring up at the ceiling trying to catch her breath from their escapade. She could tell by the aching in her legs, she may be sore the next day, but it was well worth it.

  He lay next to her on his back with his head turned toward her.

  “Do you smoke?” she asked.

  “ Why, do you smoke?”

  “No, but if I was to start, this would be the perfect time to,” she said laughing.

  “I agree,” he said, pulling her close to him.

  Chapter 11

  Megan was floating on cloud nine. She had heard of the expression and was now experiencing it. She’d never been happier in a relationship. Steven was kind, thoughtful and honest. He sent flowers, texts on her cell phone and voice mails when he was away from her. He was still busy, but he always found time for her. Megan was also happy because her dad finally liked someone she brought home. Steven and her dad had already played golf at the golf course in her parent’s subdivision, and they were planning a weekend trip to see Tiger Woods play.


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