978-0-312-37935-3, $6.99 US/$7.99 Can.
The Austins have settled back into their beloved home in the country after more than a year away. Though they had all missed the predictability and security of life in Thornhill, Vicky Austin is discovering that slipping back into her old life isn’t easy. She’s been changed by life in New York City and her travels around the country while her old friends seem to have stayed the same. So Vicky finds herself spending time with a new friend, Serena Eddington—the great-aunt of a boy Vicky met over the summer. Aunt Serena gives Vicky an incredible birthday gift—a month-long trip to Antarctica. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. But Vicky is nervous. She’s never been away from her family before. Once she sets off though, she finds that’s the least of her worries. She receives threatening letters. She’s surrounded by suspicious characters. Vicky no longer knows who to trust. And she may not make it home alive.
978-0-312-37934-6, $6.99 US/$7.99 Can.
A Wrinkle in Time, 978-0-312-36754-1
A Wind in the Door, 978-0-312-36854-8
A Swiftly Tilting Planet, 978-0-312-36856-2
Many Waters, 978-0-312-36857-9
An Acceptable Time, 978-0-312-36858-6
Available at your local bookstore, or visit
MEET THE AUSTINS. Copyright © 1960 by Madeleine L’Engle, renewed 1988 by Crosswicks, Ltd. Copyright © 1980, 1997 by Crosswicks, Ltd.
All rights reserved. For information,
address Square Fish, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
An Imprint of Macmillan
Meet the Austins was first published in slightly different form in 1960 by The Vanguard Press, Inc.
The chapter entitled “The Anti-Muffins” was first published in slightly different form in 1980
by The Pilgrim Press.
Square Fish and the Square Fish logo are trademarks of Macmillan and are used by Farrar, Straus and Giroux under license from Macmillan.
Published in the United States in hardcover by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Designed by Lilian Rosenstreich
eISBN 9781466814141
First eBook Edition : February 2012
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
L’Engle, Madeleine.
Meet the Austins / Madeleine L’Engle.
p. cm.
Summary: The life of the Austin family is changed by the arrival of self-centered young
Maggy Hamilton, orphaned by the sudden death of her pilot father.
[1. Family life—Fiction. 2. Orphans—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.L5385Me 1997 [Fic]—dc20 96-27655
Square Fish logo designed by Filomena Tuosto
First Square Fish Edition: September 2008
Meet the Austins Page 20