The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1)

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The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1) Page 2

by Amanda White

  Chapter 4

  The days passed quickly, but Rachel grew more nervous as she woke up each morning. Finally it was Friday and Hanna displayed the clothes she had picked out for Rachel. The shorts were skin tight and barely reached mid-thigh. The top could have easily been a bikini top, with only thin white lace draping down over her stomach.

  “Where's the rest of it?” Rachel asked nervously. Hanna was busy tugging on a similar outfit, only the top she wore did not have the lace.

  “Oh please, it covers all your bits and pieces,” Hanna joked and gave her sister's rear end a light slap.

  “Hanna,” Rachel glared and folded her arms across her stomach. It was a good thing it was a warm day, but she still felt chilled. She grabbed a long jacket from the closet and pulled it on as they loaded the equipment into the back of Hanna's Jeep.

  “You can't wear that all night,” Hanna warned as she eyed the khaki material of the overcoat.

  “I won't,” Rachel promised, but her voice wavered slightly. She was terrified of being seen with so little on. Hanna, on the other hand, was happily bending over for the neighbor's appreciation, as she tucked in the last box.

  “Let's go!” she squealed, excited to see the mansion they would be working at. She wondered whose it would be, and whether she would finally have the chance to meet some real stars. She had rubbed elbows with a few B-movie stars, but that was not the same. As they drove up into the Hills, Rachel was very quiet. Hanna glanced over at her with a frown.

  “Are you sure you can handle this Rae?” she asked in a serious tone. Her sister had never been willing to expose herself for any amount of money before.

  “Yes,” Rachel said firmly, but she clung tighter to the coat she wore.

  “You know you look very beautiful,” Hanna said with a touch of jealousy. She made her clothes look better than Hanna did.

  “Really?” Rachel asked with uncertainty. She had been too afraid to even look in the mirror.

  “Really,” Hanna said firmly. “You're going to be the focus of the party,” she laughed and cast a wink in her sister's direction. Rachel paled at that idea and stared hard out the window at the homes they were passing. The further they drove, the larger the homes became. Then there were no more houses, only large gates and fences that revealed no sign of the hidden luxury beyond them.

  “Here it is,” Hanna said with a grin as she slowed down in front of a large wrought iron gate. The thick bars were intertwined with an old-fashioned letter M.

  “Hanna and Rachel Brennen, we're here to set up for the party,” Hanna explained to the security guard who stepped out of the small booth beside the gate. Inwardly, she was impressed by the fact that the people who lived here were wealthy enough to have their own round the clock security. The guard checked his list, and then did a double take at the two women in the car.

  “Twins?” he asked with a toothy grin, as if he had just figured out some amazing secret.

  “Obviously,” Hanna replied snottily and snatched her ID back from the man. “We have a lot of work to do,” she added shortly.

  Rachel smiled apologetically at the man who nodded quickly and unlocked the gates for them. Hanna drove through down a long winding driveway that was framed by large trees. It was like driving into a different world from the busy Hollywood streets they were used to. When they rounded one final curve, the mansion spread out before them. It was hard to see from one end to the other, and it was surrounded by lush green grass and gardens in the distance. It seemed as if there was not another building or home in sight, the property stretched out forever in all directions.

  “Wow,” Hanna and Rachel gasped at the same time. They had been raised in a tiny house, and lived most of their adult lives in small dorm rooms and the little apartment they now shared. It was hard to imagine a place so huge, let alone owning it.

  “Maybe this isn't such a good idea,” Rachel said in a scared whisper. Her heart was racing as she wondered if she could be arrested for breaking anything, or spilling something on the carpet.

  “Rachel, you will be fine,” Hanna said sternly. “Fine,” she repeated as she pulled the Jeep to a stop and stared out through the windshield with her lips slightly parted.

  “Right, fine,” Rachel nodded as if she was trying to convince herself.

  “No, I mean, fine,” Hanna hissed as she pointed through the windshield at the flexing muscles of a shirtless man beside a large delivery truck. It was just warm enough that the sun glistened off, of a sheen of sweat along the man's toned back. His sandy blonde hair curled damply at the base of his neck, and when he lifted the box he was holding into the air, his arms rippled with the motion.

  “Wow,” Rachel repeated and sank back against the seat of the jeep. On this the sisters could agree; the twenty-something man that was unloading boxes from the back of the truck, looked as if he had walked right off the cover of a magazine. He obviously paid close attention to his body. When he glanced over his shoulder at the sound of Hanna's Jeep pulling to a stop not far from him, Hanna held her breath. His chiseled features were made even more attractive by the soulful brown eyes that gazed out from beneath thick heavy lashes. He studied the Jeep for a moment with a puzzled expression, and then his lips curved into an easy smile.

  Hanna stepped out of the Jeep quickly. “Hi,” she greeted him with her most sultry smile. “I'm Hanna.”

  He shook her hand politely and glanced over her minimal clothing before peering curiously into the car, where Rachel was still hiding. She could not possibly get out. She would be mortified. “We're handling the music and the bar,” Hanna explained as she tried to regain his attention.

  “Oh, right,” he said with a short nod. “Kyle,” he said quickly. “I'm just helping out with the set up. Do you need some help with your equipment?”

  “Sure!” Hanna said brightly and led him to the back of the Jeep. Rachel took her chance to slip out of the car unnoticed. She had just climbed out of the passenger side when she nearly collided with Kyle, who had already grabbed an armload of supplies to carry inside.

  “Woah!” he cried out when he nearly tripped over Rachel.

  “Oh, sorry!” she squeaked out and helped catch the box that was sliding out of his hand. Once it was balanced safely again, she accidentally met his gaze across the top of the box.

  “Hey,” he said with a slow smile. “I'm Kyle.”

  “Rachel,” she replied shyly and quickly looked away. His gaze lingered on her strange overcoat, but he only shrugged and continued to carry the load up the large marble steps to the main entrance of the mansion.

  Rachel quickly followed after, hoping to find somewhere to hide.

  While she and Hanna were setting up from the party, Kyle came up to them.

  “Can I get you anything to drink? I got water here and some sodas in the fridge,” he said carrying two bottles.

  “Sure. I’ll have a water,” Hanna smiled while grabbing a bottle. “So Kyle, what do you do?

  “I’m an actor. I just landed my first major part,” he grinned proudly. “I am going to be starring in a real movie.”

  Hanna grimaced as she wondered if by “real movie”, he meant the straight to video type. “Congrats,” she said with a sweet smile. She did not care what type of movie he was in, he was gorgeous, and she was determined to have him. She flaunted her body as she set up the turntables and made sure the lights were angled correctly.

  “That's great,” Rachel said genuinely, but that was all she had to offer. She still had not taken off her overcoat.

  “It's a love story,” he said and cast a playful wink in Rachel's direction that made her heart stop for a moment. Why was he winking at her? She was sure he could not possibly be interested, especially not with Hanna draping herself all over him.

  “Oh, a love story.” Hanna gushed and suddenly was hanging on his muscular arm. “Are you the lead?” her eyes were shining with the idea of his potential fame.

  “Yes, actually,” he replied with a
mild shrug. Most actors would be full of arrogance for landing such a good role, but Kyle seemed to be rather laid back about it. “You know, I'm just so honored to have the chance to work with such a great writer, maybe you've heard of the book?” he looked pointedly at Rachel, as if he assumed that Hanna did not do much reading. He was right, of course. “It's called After the Rain,” he added casually.

  Hanna and Rachel froze when they heard the title. It had been advertised non-stop on television lately, and was set to open by the end of summer. It was the most talked about film of the year. Critics were already predicting it could be the next Twilight, judging from the success of the novel.

  “The, After the Rain?” Hanna asked, clearly impressed.

  “I think there's only one,” Kyle pointed out with a half-smile, his eyes still lingering on Rachel.

  Hanna was starting to get more and more frustrated with how much of his attention he was lavishing on Rachel, who seemed completely oblivious to it.

  “Oh, ugh, help!” Hanna suddenly cried out as she pretended that a box was slipping out of her hands. Kyle rushed forward and had to wrap his arms around Hanna from behind to catch the box. Hanna took full advantage of how close he was and subtly glided her body back against his.

  “Got it?” Kyle asked, as if he didn't even notice the rub.

  “Yes,” she sighed and set the box down on the bar.

  Soon there was no time to fret over Kyle's inattentiveness. The guests would be arriving and the final preparations for the party were in full swing. It was taking place in a large ballroom with a wraparound bar off to one side. Rachel took her place behind the bar and was setting out glasses, when she heard a deep voice spoke to her from across the bar.

  “What on earth are you wearing?” he asked sharply. It was Charles, the club owner who had gotten them the gig.

  “Oh, it's just my coat,” she said quickly. “It's a little chilly in here.”

  Charles rolled his eyes and laid both hands on the top of the bar as he leaned in closer to Rachel. “You better warm up real fast because Peter Marwick will be here any minute, and an overcoat is not what he paid for!”

  Rachel winced and nodded; she did not notice that Kyle was lingering fairly close to the bar.

  “Hey, Charles, watch how you're talking to the lady,” he said roughly. “If she's cold, she's cold.”

  Rachel was touched that he would stand up for her, but she was worried he would get in trouble. Charles and Peter Marwick were friends after all.

  “Sorry Kyle,” Charles said, lowering his head some. Rachel was surprised as she had never seen the man apologize for anything before. Rachel met Kyle's eyes with a puzzled look, and he held her dark green gaze for a long moment.

  “Don't let that guy get to you,” Kyle advised gently. “He's just a bully.”

  Rachel was too stunned to speak. Not only had Kyle stood up for her but now he was trying to reassure her. She was still very confused, as she was certain he could not actually be interested in her. He seemed a lot more likely to go for someone like Hanna, who was outgoing and confident.

  “Thanks,” she managed to stammer out and then glanced away shyly.

  Kyle smiled, as if he found her shyness intriguing. “Are you always so nervous?” he asked, leaning one elbow casually against the bar.

  “Well, I,” she cleared her throat.

  “Yes,” Hanna said interrupting the two as she found the music she was looking for. “She's insufferably quiet, and shy,” she said quickly, hoping that Kyle would notice that she on the other hand was exactly the opposite.

  Kyle did not even blink, as he continued to stare affectionately at Rachel. “Or maybe she just doesn't waste her time with stupid things that don't matter,” he smirked a little. Rachel could not help but smile. Hanna was not pleased; she returned to her music, determined to ignore Kyle. If she gave him the cold shoulder, she was sure he would come running eventually.

  Chapter 5

  The party started and was soon in full swing. Once the lights had dimmed and Rachel had no other choice, she removed her overcoat to reveal the skimpy clothes she wore beneath. She held her breath as she hoped that Kyle would not see her. It was too dark and crowded for her to realize that he was standing off to the side, watching her as she tugged the coat free from her lithe frame. The music was pounding, people were moving wildly on the dance floor, and the drinks were flowing. The energy of the gathering was very sensual, as if Hanna was purposefully picking the music with the most seductive beats. No one seemed to mind, least of all Hanna, who was dancing and thrusting her hips for the whole party to see. Rachel glanced up at her longingly, wishing she was brave enough to get so much attention. She had begun to suspect that maybe Kyle really did like her, and then he disappeared. She had no idea that he had found himself a shadowy perch where he could watch her every move. He was fascinated by how quiet she was and, at the moment she had revealed her body, he had felt his heart drop directly into his stomach. She was gorgeous, intelligent and not out to seduce every guy she saw. He found her absolutely enticing. He was always surrounded by women like Hanna, who wanted only one thing from him. That’s when he heard a familiar boisterous voice.

  “Well, well,” the voice carried over the music and wafted up to Hanna. “Who is this beautiful creature, in my home?” Peter Marwick asked. “Why don't you come down here and dance with me?” he suggested. He was an older man, in his fifties, but still quite handsome. His gray hair was distinguished, and his features were just as chiseled and tanned as they had ever been. His frame was even muscular as he kept up with the gym. He liked his ladies young and fit, so he did his best to keep up with them. Most young women did not see his age as an issue, because the deep brown of his eyes, and the thickness of his wallet made up for any age difference. Hanna however, was not interested in older men.

  “No thanks,” she replied charmingly at first and continued to dance.

  “Oh, don't be like that,” Peter persuaded as he climbed up onto the stage to join her. His hands found her hips, his body slid in behind hers and curled naturally against it.

  In the same moment that Kyle was approaching the stage Rachel looked up from the bar. She knew that Hanna did not like the older man touching her, and was just trying not to make a scene. She also knew that would not last long.

  “Get your hands off of me,” Hanna said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh, playing hard to get?” Peter chuckled and swept a hand back through her long dark hair. “God you are beautiful,” he insisted and leaned forward as if he might caress her neck with his lips.

  “Get your hands off of me you creep!” Hanna shrieked out and was raising her foot to land a solid kick to his groin, when Kyle jumped up onto the stage.

  “Dad!” he growled and tugged his father away from Hanna. “She's not interested,” he said sternly. He could see that his father had a little too much to drink already.

  Hanna slid easily into Kyle's arms, and laid her head against his chest as if she was seeking comfort. Really she was just using it as an excuse to be close to him. Kyle wrapped one arm around her protectively; he did not like to see any woman mistreated, especially by his own father.

  “Alright, alright, I was getting the wrong signals,” Peter mumbled with a lopsided grin. “I didn't know you already had claimed her,” he laughed and elbowed his son lightly in the side.

  Kyle glowered at him. “I didn't.”

  “Oh, don't be shy Kyle,” Hanna insisted and leaned up to kiss him softly on the cheek.

  Rachel blushed as she watched this. From where she stood, she could not hear Kyle's protests; all she could see was his arm around her sister, and Hanna's lipstick remaining on his cheek.

  She felt silly for even thinking he would be interested in someone like her. She returned her attention to the bar as Peter stepped down off the stage. A wandering starlet had caught his attention. Peter was a well-known movie producer, and any starlet would be eager to do whatever he asked, if it mean
t he would remember their name.

  Kyle unwound from Hanna's arms. “I'm sorry about my father,” he said with embarrassment.

  “Don't be,” Hanna smiled seductively. “I just wish it had been you instead.” Hanna was not afraid of being forward. Now she knew that Kyle was not only a hired actor about to become a full blown movie star, but he was also the son of movie producer Peter Marwick, the owner of this mansion. She wanted him even more.

  “Hanna,” he said firmly as he looked her directly in the eyes. “I am flattered, really, but you're just not my type.”

  Hanna frowned as she glanced down at her figure, then back up at Kyle. “Are you gay?” she asked with surprise. That would certainly explain it.


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