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Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6)

Page 8

by M. Merin

“Give me something good to eat?” I tease him.

  “Dammit, not until you’re better!”

  “Trust me when I say, that sucking you off will make me feel really good right now. I’m far from good, but I want us to get back to being us. I need this as much as you do,” I say, holding his face from mine so he can see how serious I am.

  “Well then, let’s go!” he stands up with me in his arms. “Text Bree so she knows we’re staying at our apartment tonight.”

  “Whoa, big boy! Sit down,” I tug a lock of his shoulder length hair and he complies.

  Sliding off of his lap, I make sure no one is around before kneeling in front of him. “Here,” I say, unbuckling his belt and fighting with his top button. He leans back with a very self-satisfied grin on his face, spreading his legs as I wrestle his dick out of his jeans.

  Taking his hard dick in my hand, I look up at him as I slowly swipe my tongue up the underside of his length, swirling it around his head before taking him in my mouth.

  “Yesss,” he hisses. “I can’t last long. Not with you like this.”

  Bobbing my head up and down, I go for the kill – taking him into my throat.

  “Shit, Betsy!” He clasps his hands on either side of my head, lifting me back off of him.

  “Let me,” I gasp, shaking him away, I deep throat him again. Fuck, Stacy and the rest of them, my Ol’ Man won’t ever need to go anywhere else, I think as I move up and down, massaging his dick with my tongue on my way up and holding him in my throat for long seconds when I swallow him again.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he groans and I pop his cock back into my mouth just as jets of cum spray out of him. I eagerly swallow it, sucking his dick to get more no matter how sensitive it is right now. “Come up here,” he finally tugs me back up unto his lap.

  I kiss his neck and wait for his breathing to settle back down.

  “Just you wait, Little Bit,” he sighs. “I’m going to pay you back once you’re cleared for sex. Fucking gonna shove the doc out of the room and eat that pussy up. You’re feet’ll still be up in the stirrups and everything.”

  He sounds so determined I can’t help but giggle. Nudging my head up, he kisses me before asking where I want to spend the night.

  “I told Bree I’d keep watch on Madda tonight while she works. Do you mind staying with them another night or two so I can help her? Kind of pay her back for all she’s done?”

  “Sure. Let’s get you back, then I need to check in at the clubhouse.” This time when he stands with me in his arms, I let him carry me to the truck. We pass Bree driving the opposite direction as we’re approaching their home and exchange a wave.

  “Gimme a kiss, Little Bit,” Russian growls as he pulls in front of Flint’s house. I lean over, giving myself up to his mouth but stopping him before he tries to get out of his side of the truck.

  “Artem, you need to zipper, snap, and buckle up like the big boy you are…” I smirk at him and he looks down, hopefully realizing that I want to keep his package to myself. Flint opens the front door and Russian scurries to secure himself as my door is opened for me.

  “Hoped you be back soon,” Flint growls and I shift to cover Russian’s frantic movements. “Wanted a ride to the clubhouse, but Bree doesn’t want the probie left alone for two fucking seconds.”

  “Text me?” I look back at Russian before Flint helps me out of the truck.

  “Riley’s cooked enough food for an army, you know our home is yours,” Flint says as he kisses me on the cheek and turns me in direction of the door.

  Chapter 12


  “How’s the kid?” I ask, after fastening my pants.

  “Well, I doubt he’ll move without pain anytime soon and it’ll be a while before he gets his dick sucked with Bree keeping watch over him,” Flint smirks at me. “Betsy’s appointment went well, I take it?”

  “Uh, yeah. Dr. Forsythe thinks Betsy can still get pregnant, but she’ll have some restrictions if she does,” I tell him. “We really appreciate you and Bree taking us in. I think we can move back to the apartment soon though.”

  “When Gunner briefs us, we’ll see how everything plays out. Might make sense to have fewer locations to watch,” Flint says, looking out the window.

  Trying to get in the clubhouse is a shit show. At the gate, the newer probies are waving off Girlies and their protégés. Hawk’s oldest son, shit, I don’t think the kid has a license yet, but he’s spotting Brothers and waving us through. Sucks ass to see someone that young sporting a holster but I know he’s been shooting since he was nine and don’t doubt he’s responsible with whatever he was issued.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, Flint grabs my arm when I’m ready to jump out of the truck. “How’s your head? You and Betsy good?”

  “Betsy and me are more than good. Betsy? She’s hurting bad, boss,” I admit. It’s easier for me to talk to Flint since I know they never fucked.

  “You’re staying back from all this shit. Don’t take it wrong. You gotta take care of your house. I didn’t understand that at your age and my ex ran out on me. She wasn’t cut out for this life, not like Betsy is. Betsy’s the kind that’ll stick as long as you don’t fuck around.” Flint looks at me out of the corner of his eye. “You fuck around, and not only will this old man kick your ass, but Vice will take the opportunity to man the fuck up and steal her.”

  He shrugs off the glare I shoot him as we enter the double doors of the clubhouse.

  Looking around, I’m surprised to see all the guys who had followed our attackers back to their territory, have returned and with the VP of the Savages with them. Vice calls Church and everyone starts down the hallway after him.

  “Russian,” he calls me aside. “Look, Brother…I just wanted to tell you I was sorry about the baby. I figured staying away was the best thing to do but…”

  I nod in reply before turning down the hallway. I know it wasn’t easy for him to say something to me but with this shit going on I gotta keep my head in the game and that won’t happen if I’m crying in my beer over crap I can’t change.

  Everyone gets their assignments and most of my Brothers will ride out at dawn to rendezvous with the Iron Savages on the state line before heading down to the Rejects territory near some dot on the map I’d never heard of. Jasper’s taken their torture of Madda personally and will be leading the men, leaving Vice behind with Flint, Roy, the probies, and me.

  Shade’s still south of the border playing dead as Jasper and Flint try to figure out who put a price on his head. He’d come in handy right about now, guy’s a fucking berserker when he goes into a fight.

  “Flint,” I pipe up when the table opens up. “Bree okay watching over Betsy and Madda at your place or do we bring them in?”

  “Didn’t ask me, but Madda’s doing well there. No stairs, no distractions,” Roy contributes.

  “Your Ol’ Lady, your call on Betsy. Bree’s armed and knows her way around a gun. Madda knows where the guns in the house are and I know he won’t let anything happen to them,” Flint responds. I know if I put it to Betsy, she’d stay at Bree’s before coming back here, especially without any buffers between Vice and me. I let out a breath, there goes that idea.

  “To be clear, none of us are expecting any blowback around here, are we, Pres?” Gunner asks.

  “Chains?” Jasper looks at the VP of the Savages.

  “Y’all spend a lot of time worrying about your bitches, don’t ya?” he says, leaning back in his chair.

  Before I can even register his words, Gunner swings his arm back, knocking Chains off his seat and is standing over him with his boot pressing down on his throat.

  “Can’t kill him here, Gunner,” Jasper moves to stand next to our Sergeant at Arms, looking down at the gasping Savage and getting a grunt in reply.

  “Call my wife anything but Mrs. Sorenson again and ain’t no one can save you. Respect our Ol’ Ladies, got me?” Gunner growls, stepping back from Chains.

bsp; Chains rolls over onto all fours, sucking air into his lungs. Lifting his head, his eyes meet Gunner’s, “Try that again when I’m looking, bastard.”

  Gunner takes a step towards him but Flint cuts in front and reaches a hand out to help Chains up, leaning over to whisper in his ear all the while gripping his hand, before turning back to the table. He prods Gunner towards his seat and takes his own.

  “We ain’t got time for this,” Flint gets the meeting going again. “Chains, have the Iron Savages heard of any possible attacks?”

  “No. We’ll be leaving a skeleton crew at our house, same as you,” he answers Flint while glaring at Gunner.

  “’K, then, that’s done,” Jasper bangs the gavel. “Far as I can tell, the Governor has the Sheriff tied up, but we take backroads outta here in the morning. No sense, waving a flag that something’s going on. Anything else?”

  No one speaks and he calls on Vice, Flint, Gunner, and Chains to stay behind with him as he dismisses the rest of us.


  Hearing my phone ring, I walk away from the show Madda has on and take the call in the kitchen. “What’s up, Russian?”

  “Need you to stay put for a few days, Little Bit,” come’s his strong voice. “I’ll be at the clubhouse but it’s no place for you right now, get me?”

  “Yes,” I sigh, frustrated over a dozen questions I know I can’t ask.

  “Good, watch over little Brother and make sure Bree doesn’t baby him too much.” He knows how to get me smiling because while Bree gave me tough love when I needed it she really does baby Madda. Granted, he’s totally green in a way I wasn’t at that age.

  “Love you,” I whisper, and get a ‘me, too’ in reply before he hangs up. A text immediately pops up:

  Artem: Think of me tonight

  Biting my lip, I concentrate on my reply:

  Or the little grey wolf will come and grab me by the flank and drag me into the woods?

  Artem: I never should have told you the words

  “You only smile for him, y’know,” comes Madda’s soft words from his resting place on the couch, and I realize he has a direct line of sight to my face. “Even before he claimed you, you would only ever smile when you were around Russian.”

  “No one’s ever made me feel as special as he does,” I shrug.

  “I know I’ll be moving back to the clubhouse soon, but being here with Flint and Bree? It’s like I really have a family, y’know?” His words choke me up so I nod my head and look away, surprised to see Bree standing near the door.

  “Something that I read in a book when I was I a girl, I can’t remember which one but it went something like, ‘Some people are born into their families and others have to find theirs’.” Bree has a sad smile of her own as she repeats this to us. “The words embodied what I’d felt at the time, then again years later when I met Flint and all of you. I’m happy to have you as family, too.”

  This time I can’t stop the tears and I walk into her arms. As usual, whenever her dog, Ragnar, sees her getting a hug, he comes up and gets in on the action.

  “Hey, what about me?” comes Madda’s voice as he groans, trying to get into a sitting position. I can’t help but giggle.


  Two mornings later, I’m up before dawn desperately hoping to see a text from Artem. Nothing.

  I walk out to the kitchen to see Bree glaring at the K-Cup machine. “This is bullshit,” she hisses as her coffee brews. “I’m going over there.”

  “No, mama bear,” I reach out for her arm. “We get told to stay away, we stay the fuck away.”

  Her coffee finishes and she slips a new round in for me. “Riley hasn’t heard anything either.”

  “And she won’t.” As hard as this is for me, I sometimes forget that I’ve been around a lot more of these situations than they have, just never as an Ol’ Lady. “This is what happens. We don’t like it, but we all have to suck it up. Charlie has to make sure that Tabby doesn’t get wind of anything going on and Riley should focus on her classes. How was Emma when you saw her yesterday?”

  “She was good. Riley and Charlie live so close so they’ve been having dinner there and helping her get the children down,” Bree exhales. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m just not used to this. Keep talking me off the edge, alright?”

  “Hey! I saw a Monopoly board in the room Madda’s staying in,” I nudge her. “You make breakfast, I’ll go drag his ass outta bed and get the game set up. That’ll take up, what? Like three hours?”

  “Monopoly? Oh…you mean Bree-opoly?” Bree gives me an evil grin. “I’m ruthless and I’ve never lost. Go get the kid and the game.”

  I laugh as I hurry back and pull on Artem’s hoodie before going into Madda’s room.


  The kid’s jacking off and nearly falls from the twin bed when I rush in. “Oh, GOD. Oh, shit NO!” he squeals. I’ve seen more dicks in my life than most women, so I ignore the spectacle and go straight for the board game.

  “Finish that up,” I chuckle, holding the box in front of my face like a shield. “You’ve been challenged to Monopoly by two bad-ass biker chicks. Wash your hands and come show us what you got or your road name’ll be Chicken.”

  Heading back towards the smell of bacon, Bree cocks an eyebrow at me when she sees the look on my face. “Don’t ask. But Madda’s gonna be blushing around me for days to come,” I wink at her.

  “Serves him right. Kid’s gotta learn to do that in the shower. I’ve walked in on him twice.”

  “Awww, it’s like we really are a family,” I say as I start laying out the game. “I call the horse!”

  “I want the boot,” she replies. Ragnar looks between us, trying to understand what we’re talking about but he won’t leave his post near the stove. That dog knows his momma always sets aside bits for him.

  “The boot? Who the hell ever wants that?”

  “At one point in my life, I had close to a hundred shoes and boots. Totally obsessed.” She replies and my jaw drops. I can remember having duct tape on the sole of my shoes not more than five years ago.

  “Sometime, will you tell me more about your life before you came here?” I ask. Wondering, not for the first time, what her story is.

  Her smile tightens as she pours the eggs into a cast iron pan.

  “Um, I’ve never played that before?” comes Madda’s voice a couple minutes later. “Can you tell me how?”

  “Just roll the dice and buy up properties,” Bree says, bringing in plates. “Bacon’s still in the oven but get started with this.” She sits with us and we start playing, guiding Madda as we go.

  Doesn’t the kid beat us both?



  Meeting the Savages at the state line, we’re all feeling the adrenalin surge of what’s ahead. Riding another few hours from there my rush has nearly worn off, I’m ready to get this job done. Flanking the Rejects’ compound, we leave our bikes and cut through their fence.

  Wrench had hacked into their network, looping the view of their cameras. The outbuildings are empty and the compound seems quiet. Unfortunately, getting inside proves no issue.

  We disarm four teenagers, two club sluts and found Nomad in a cell in the basement. Forgotten and unconscious.

  I look around and point at the cockiest of the kids that were left behind. Pointing at him, Gunner wastes zero time. Grabbing his wrist, he pulls a small pliers out and yanks one of the kid’s fingernails from the nail bed. He belts him across the face with the tool when the kid tries to defend himself.

  They all scream from shocking speed of it. Looking around, I point at the next kid and Gunner no sooner get to him than he starts to beg, “Please, what do you want to know?”

  Without pause, Gunner rips out a nail from his hand and turns to the next kid. This one can’t be more than sixteen.

  “Tell me everything,” Gunner growls and the boy starts speaking. Kid is so freaked out that once we get all the information we need and our faces a
ll fall, next he tries to give up his grandmother’s meth house.

  Fucking hell.

  The majority of the Rejects probably made it to the Savages’ clubhouse an hour ago. There were only six people left back there as defense. A third of the Rejects, mostly comprised of the few remaining Spiders were heading to our clubhouse. And we’re over four hours away.

  “Burn the place down, tie them up in the yard, get Nomad in the van,” I yell. “Home. Now.”

  Grabbing my phone, I break all protocols and dial Vice. I look over to see the president of the Savages trying to reach someone on his own phone.

  It takes a couple tries but Vice finally picks up. “Rejects are about to attack you. About twenty-five of them. We’re too far to help. Set the fucking trip wires up and defend our fucking home!”

  “SHIT. I’ll call you back,” Vice responds, I can tell I just gave him the worst wake-up call of his life.

  Chapter 13


  Vice comes tearing down the stairs, screaming. Russian and I look at him like he’s crazy.

  “Jasper called. Maybe thirty Rejects are about to attack. Defenses need to go online now. Iron Savages are already under attack,” He disappears back to the control room and Russian stands up, shouting orders to the probies. Unfortunately, they’re mostly green. He sends Hawk’s son back to the comm room, more to protect him than anything. The others he sends out to defensive positions we have set up.

  I head downstairs to our gun room. There are a few toys down here I’ve been itching to play with.

  Between my leadership and Jasper’s, we’ve worked on hidden explosives along the road inside the gate. We’ll happily open the gate to an attacker if it means we can blow the shit out of the first twenty guys inside our perimeter.

  My biggest worry as I pull together weapons is not whether we can take on an enemy that’s coming at us five-to-one, it’s whether or not Vice and Russian can work together.


  Looking over my shoulder, I see Flint coming up from basement hauling a box of weapons.

  “More at the bottom of the stairs, go get ‘em,” he grunts to a probie.


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