Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6)

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Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6) Page 12

by M. Merin


  “Betsy,” Gunner pops his head into my room. “Wake up. There’s something going on.”

  After going to the bathroom, I join them in what was supposed to be Wrench’s room but has quickly come to act like the communication room that Wrench has at the clubhouse. I can only guess that Wrench has been sleeping in one of the double rooms.

  “What’s happening?” I ask, going straight for the coffee and picking a roll from the room service tray.

  “Russian’s sister showed up this morning. Vadim picked her up from the airport, so her father doesn’t know she’s there yet. The other bodyguards report to him, so they seem nervous about not waking Kuznetsov but nobody seems to have the balls to cross Vadim.

  “She went into Russian’s room, we don’t have a camera in there but she came out a minute ago,” Wrench briefs me.

  “There he is,” I smile when I see him emerge. That bastard looks directly at one of our cameras and winks – getting a round of laughter from the three of us.

  “Why haven’t the bodyguards found the cameras yet?” I ask, suddenly nervous about a trap.

  “Vadim took over the sweeping duty,” Gunner speaks up. “He destroyed the one in his room but after making it obvious he knew where the two in the living room are, he left them in place.”

  “Considering Natalia Kuznetsov was in Vadim’s room for a good thirty minutes when she first arrived, I can guess why he dumped that one last night,” Wrench smirks.

  “Yeah, looked like she removed the stick from Vadim’s ass during their alone time, didn’t it?” Gunner laughs.

  “You should talk!” I raise an eyebrow at him, getting more laughter than warranted from Wrench.

  “Hey! She said it! Not me,” Wrench whines when Gunner smacks his head.

  “By all the noise in here, I’m guessing the show is starting?” Flint’s voice comes from the room on the far side of Wrench’s from mine. “Where are Smithy and Royce?”

  “Smithy’s sister found them an empty room the floor below the Presidential level, Wrench logged into the system and blocked it as Out of Order for repairs,” Gunner says, and I’m once again impressed by Wrench’s skills.

  Turning up the volume, Wrench tells us to pay attention then calls Royce to make sure they’re alert. I’m relieved knowing they’re on site to back Russian up if things go sideways.

  “Want to go wake him up, or should I?” We see Russian ask Vadim over the monitor.

  “What will you say to him?” Natalia asks.

  “I’ll get him,” Vadim answers.

  Russian crosses to his sister, but his words are muffled. Vadim reenters the living room and crosses to stand behind Natalia.

  “What is it? Who has come so early?” Kuznetsov’s voice is loud and clear as he enters the room, his good eye opens wider when he sees his daughter. She crosses to him, throwing her arms around his neck.


  The following exchange takes place in rapid fire Russian and needs no translation. He’s pissed as hell at her for being there. I have to smile as she stands back and lets him rage on. When he starts to run out of steam, she crosses her arms under her breasts and launches into her own tirade.

  Vadim crosses to her after a moment, he places his hand on her shoulder and when she covers it with her own, Kuznetsov takes a step towards them. The three of them start screaming so loudly that a bodyguard enters the room from a far door and is quickly caught up in their fight as both Vadim and Kuznetsov seem to motion him to do different things.

  My Artem steps forward and nudges the man back out of the room.

  “Enough.” He says with quiet authority. “Sit.”

  “Who are you to give me orders, you ungrateful bastard?” Kuznetsov roars in English.

  “Then we agree. I am not the man to take over from you,” Artem returns with a small smile. “Natalia will marry Vadim, and he will fill your shoes.”

  “He has less right than you!” Kuznetsov bellows. “You, at least, have my blood in your veins.”

  “Ahhh, but once you’re dead, who will care?” Artem shrugs as he sits on the couch. “Sit. The. Fuck. Down.”

  Once everyone is sitting, Artem continues. “I want clear of all of you. I don’t want the Northern Grizzlies nor my woman to ever have to worry about your existence. I require your word on that.”

  “You would turn your back on your legacy?” Kuznetsov growls.

  “I believe he did that long ago…” Natalia interjects.

  “Silence! I will deal with you…” her father yells only to be interrupted.

  “Nyet.” Comes Vadim’s strong voice. “Your daughter has bound herself to me. You will no longer deal with her.”

  “I have given you a life you could never have had and even you have betrayed me?” Kuznetsov glares at him. “How long have you been defiling my child?”

  “You can only kick a naked woman out of your bed so many times,” Natalia says with a laugh. Vadim looks embarrassed but Russian laughs.

  “My love, do not speak to him like that,” Vadim says, his low voice but firm. “He has been as a father to me. He does not deserve those words.”

  “I will not let him make you the, the…villain.” She pouts, moving closer to him and pressing her lips to his neck.

  “I feel like we need some popcorn,” Wrench says, breaking the spell in the room as we all watch the drama unfolding on the monitor. “Thank God I’m recording – Amy would kill me if she never got to see this.”

  I start laughing because I have to agree, Amy loves her soap operas.

  “Father,” Artem redirects the man’s glare back to him. “Where does this leave us?”

  “How did you find out?” Kuznetsov asks him as he motions to Vadim and Natalia. “How did you find out about their affair?”

  “My people have had cameras in here for days. Your meetings with the Senator and her husband was recorded and saved. We have no interest in it other than insurance for our people. Vadim has since removed the one in his room, but it took less than an hour before a call between he and Natalia was recorded,” Artem informs him.

  “My son has clever friends, it seems,” Kuznetsov looks around the room as if suddenly hoping to see the devices. “You will learn from this, Vadim?”

  “Da.” Vadim still looks uneasy.

  “My treatment. It still requires stem cells.”

  “You don’t even know how it would work from a grandchild,” Artem says.

  “That is the price of your freedom,” Kuznetsov replies and Natalia gasps.

  “That is…is like a monster! His wife is to get with baby to make you better?” She turns on him and I feel Flint’s hand squeeze my shoulder.

  “You would stay with that whore, Artem? When there are other, purer girls you could marry?” Kuznetsov asks.

  “I will have no other woman. She is my heart,” Artem says with finality. His sister seems to have a strong romantic streak, she turns to smile brightly at him as she slowly comprehends his English words.

  “Oh, yeah,” Wrench says, snickering. “Amy’s gonna eat this shit right up.”

  This time, I’m the one who smacks the back of his head.

  Chapter 19


  After we agree to the details, I move to get the hell out of there. Natalia refuses to stay behind when she learns that Betsy is in town, so she and Vadim get into the elevator with me.

  “Ha!” a laugh is startled out of me when Royce and Smithy enter the elevator on the floor below ours. We’re laughing and catching up until they notice Natalia peeking out behind Vadim.

  “Who are you, beautiful?” Royce asks and Vadim reaches for his throat.

  “Wait, he’s sorry. He can’t help it,” I say as both Smithy and I move to separate them.

  Vadim merely growls but has Natalia take the front seat so no one else can touch her. Twenty minutes later, I’m racing down the hall of the hotel that Betsy and the others are staying in. I barely have to knock on her
door before its yanked open and she’s in my arms, her legs circling my waist.

  I walk into the room and kneel on the bed behind her, groaning when I finally have to move my lips from hers. I take in her face before I start to kiss away the tears that are streaming down her cheeks.

  “I love you,” she whispers, over and over again.

  Looking over my shoulder, I notice an open door leading to another room and break away from her long enough to kick it shut.

  “How are you feeling, Little Bit,” I ask and she knows what I’m really asking.

  “I’ve been here so I missed the appointment, but I feel fine. Russian, I need you so goddamn bad,” she says as she shimmies out of her jeans.

  “I’ll be so fucking gentle, you won’t even notice it,” I smile at her between kisses.

  “Kind of defeats the purpose, then, doesn’t it?” Betsy nips my bottom lip.

  Lowering myself, I sink my face into her cunt and just pause, inhaling her scent. I’ve missed her but have to be so fucking careful right now. I have to protect my woman, even if it’s from me.

  Taking my time, I lick and kiss every inch of her sweetness. Lapping my tongue up, down, and into her folds, I show her how much I love her and her body responds in kind. Her juices flow out until all I can smell is her essence, her moans and cries follow as she fists her hands in my hair.

  “Ready for me, Little Bit?” I shift back up along her body as her orgasm fades. I release my cock from my jeans and slide it through the moistness that has pooled at the entrance to her pussy. Lubing myself up, I slowly watch her face as I insert the head of my cock and inch up into her body.

  “This is my home, Betsy. This is where I belong.” I sigh, holding my dick fully inside her.

  “Artem?” she moans. “I need more, you won’t hurt me. You wouldn’t ever hurt me.”

  I hold the side of her face as I start to gently rock in and out of her. My woman knows me. I will love and protect her every day for the rest of my life. I will erase her pain and fill her life with all that she needs to be whole.

  Her eyes hold my gaze as I continue my slow movements in and out of her, even when my balls ache and my dick tries to take over, I hold myself back. Even when Betsy kicks me in the ass and tries to move faster below me, I refuse to make any move that could hurt her.

  Finally, she explodes again. Betsy curses me for my slowness and begs me not to stop. I finally find my own release and empty myself into her, lowering my forehead to hers.

  “You okay?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Was that your sister in the hall behind you?” she asks after a moment.

  “Yep, she wanted to meet you.” I laugh and Betsy joins me.

  “Give me a sec,” she says as she slips off the bed. I stretch out on my back only to get hit with the washcloth she throws at me before closing the bathroom door. Grinning, I wrap it around my dick to clean up our mess before fastening my jeans again.

  Ushering her into the adjoining room a few minutes later, Natalia quickly brushes past me to embrace Betsy.

  “I am happy to meet you,” she says in her thick accent. “We are sisters now.”

  Betsy’s typical shyness around other women vanishes with Natalia’s words.

  “Thank you. I hope you and Vadim will be very happy.”

  “Yes, but I have heard my brother kicked Vadim’s penis two times. This will not do. I am hoping we can still have children,” Natalie says, throwing me a dirty look but the rest of the room laughs.

  “It is not her poor English,” Vadim grunts, tugging Natalia back to his side. “Your sister always says things that are not appropriate.”

  “Vadim likes that when we are alone,” Natalia shrugs and smiles prettily up at him, getting another round of laughter from the rest of us.

  “We expect Kuznetsov to keep his word,” Flint says.

  “My place with him will be…delicate, in the coming weeks,” Vadim looks at him. “But I never expected this to come out like it has. Our truce will hold. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Take care of Natalia,” I glare at him and both she and Betsy laugh at my words.

  “He has always protected me, brother,” she looks up at the man at her side and I can see her love for him. It’s reflected as clearly as Betsy’s love for me.

  Chapter 20


  We’re able to get a flight to Boise that night and we’re all ready to get home. Riley meets us at the airport, so Artem and I ride home with her and Gunner while the other four take the SUV the five of them had come in.

  Even as tired as I’ve ever been, Russian and I had to wait around the airport a good twenty minutes before we hit the road. The minute Gunner saw Riley; he pulled her into a family sized restroom for some catch up time.

  We were all quiet on the ride home, it’s only when we’re about to turn off for Rowansville that Russian asks Riley about the wake for Vice.

  “Well, he was cremated. They used that funeral home that the Grizzlies have a share of. The guys have been drinking a shit ton in his honor and Stacy…um, well,” she turns to look at me.

  “She’s trying to get everyone to think he was going to Patch her, isn’t she?” I fill in what she was hesitant to say in front of me.

  “Bullshit,” Gunner laughs. “He was buttering her up. He lost a bet to some asshole in the Fort Collins chapter – the guy was calling for Stacy to relocate as payment to settle the debt.” Riley gasps and turns angrily to Gunner.

  “Okay, well, we’re not telling her that!” I say before Riley takes Gunner’s head off. “Being a ‘might have been Patched’ is jack shit, so just let it die down.”

  “Sweetheart? Don’t be made at me, or him. He was drunk one night and got in over his head. Swear I never pulled any shit like that, alright?” Gunner pulls Riley’s hand to his mouth to kiss it. “I found out about it later, Vice was really sweating it.”

  Russian has sat quietly through further confirmation of his opinion of Vice.

  “The wake will probably be tomorrow or the next day. Roy was waiting on you all to get back,” Riley continues but I’d be willing to bet she’d let Vice have it if he was still alive.

  “How’s Madda doing?” I ask and Riley smiles back at me again.

  “He’s not as good as he’s pretending. Tanker’s room is near his and he told Bree that Madda’s been having a lot of nightmares. I guess with what they did to him…” Riley’s voice drops off at the thought.

  They drop us off at our apartment and I realize I haven’t been back here since my miscarriage. I’m worried about seeing all the things we had for the baby.

  “Looks like Bree worked her magic here,” Russian says when we get upstairs and look around. The baby’s things are all packed away in the back of a closet and she left fresh food in the fridge.

  “I’m going to shower,” I look at him with a smile and get an unexpected groan in return.

  “Little Bit, I gotta go see Roy tonight. I can’t put that off another day.” He says, pulling me into his arms.

  “He’ll understand,” I say, upset at the thought of being parted right now.

  “He will understand, but it’s about respect, Betsy. I’m holding you cause Vice saved my life. Fuck, Betsy. I haven’t even told you what he said that day,” he cups my face in between the palms of his hands. “He told me to make you happy. To give you lots of babies. That he did care about you, but that he knew I loved you more. He could have let me take the bullet then shot the guy, Little Bit. No one would have blamed him. He may have been a selfish dick but I know he did it for you, Betsy. I know I’m alive because he wanted you to be happy.”

  Tears stream down my face and I hold Artem tighter. “I love you, Artem. I cared about him for…well, for longer than I should have but holy shit, I don’t even know how to…”

  “Shhh, no need, Little Bit,” Artem kisses me quickly. “I just gotta go make sure Roy understands.” This time, I just nod and let him go.

kipping the shower, I just change into one of Artem’s T-shirts and crawl into our freshly made bed.


  “Come on, Betsy,” Artem’s voice pulls me from sleep. “Shower with me before we ride.”

  I crack one eye and glare up at him, pulling the blanket back down.

  “HEY!” I screech a moment later when he scoops me up.

  “Vice’s Last Ride is today,” Artem says as he carries me to the bathroom. “You’re gonna shower for me, then I’m gonna eat your sweet pussy before you get all dolled up. Need my Ol’ Lady looking fine on the back of my monster.”

  His words get me moving and I start to lather up as he sits on the bench, grinning at me. “Fuck, Betsy. Every time I start to get some meat on your bones, you lose weight again.”

  “Sorry, for some reason I found it hard to eat when I thought I’d never see you again,” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Well, no excuses anymore. I’m sticking close to you,” he stands, only to kneel before me. “Real. Fucking. Close.”

  I can barely stand when he finishes me.

  I’m still smiling an hour later as we’re heading out the door. “Artem! You didn’t wash your face!” I hiss as I’m getting on his bike, I can smell myself on his skin.

  “What?” he laughs. “It’s the perfect tribute to Vice. Smelling like sex at his funeral.”

  We ride to the clubhouse, pulling around to find a place in the line. Jasper and Roy will lead the procession. Roy decided that we’d head up towards the mountains and on the way back he’ll drop back to the rear and slowly release Vice’s ashes back into the world, giving him his Last Ride.

  I nod to the other Ol’ Ladies and girlfriends as I see them. From what I can tell, no one offered to give Stacy a ride as she’s standing with her hands fisted near the doorway of the clubhouse. There are about a dozen or so Brothers from other chapters, Vice had friends far and wide so that’s no surprise.

  With a roar, we’re off. With winter kicking in, we’ve lucked out having the sun shine keeping the ride from becoming to brutal. Our ride lasts several hours and by the time we get back to the clubhouse, I know we’re all ready for a drink. The probies are manning the bar and food had been ordered and set out. Drinks and stories flow constantly and I can’t remember the last time I had so much to drink.


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