Belong Together

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Belong Together Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  “Done.” I gather up the mug and plate so she doesn’t think I need a refill. Olivia wipes down the table and stove and I wash the dishes. It’s nice—this togetherness. I set the wet pan on the drying rack and wipe off my hands. Olivia rinses out the sponge and takes the towel from me. She drapes it over the edge of the sink and then takes my hand in hers.

  “Come on. Nap time.”

  My stomach is full, my head’s clear, but, now, my dick’s getting hard. Bed and Olivia means only one thing. I wonder if she’s up for it. I don’t want to pressure her. We’ve been riding her hard this past week. The other night, Levi told me we should start taking it easy on her. She had been walking funny.

  I tell my cock to stand down and follow her into our bedroom. She pulls back the sheets and pats my side of the bed. “Lie down.”

  Her command catches me off-guard. In the past, Olivia has done what we’ve told her to do. No kissing, Olivia. We can’t do that. No, your hand has to stay above our waist. But now she’s ordering us around. It’s cute. I stretch out on the bed. The crotch of my jeans tents up.

  “Sorry. Can’t help it.”

  The corners of her lips quirk up. “Why should you be sorry? I like it.”

  I watch with increasing interest as she shrugs off her robe and then climbs on top of me. My cock swells in excitement.

  “I thought I was supposed to rest.” I grip her hips and pull her up so that her satin-clad pussy is directly over the ridge in my jeans.

  “Duh. I’m helping you unwind.” She pulls off the silken nightie. One of her tits gets caught for a moment, and when it’s freed, it bounces lightly. Her hands come down to pull my T-shirt out of my jeans. I do a helpful crunch so she can pull it over my head.

  “This is currently my favorite unwinding activity.”

  She smiles. “I thought it would be.” I don’t help her when she tackles my zipper. It’s too enjoyable, feeling her fingers on my waist as she unbuttons the placket, feeling her knuckles graze my rock-hard cock as she works my zipper down. Nah, while she’s working, I slip my fingers under her panties and stroke her wet pussy. It feels swollen under my touch.

  “Did Levi fuck you good last night?”

  “Mmmhmmm.” She moves out of my reach as she tugs my jeans off.


  “Right here,” she answers, climbing on top of me and settling her wet cunt on my bare dick.

  I swallow a laugh. I’m not surprised. That shirt Olivia had on probably tormented Levi the whole game.

  “I meant where on your body. Did he fuck your mouth?” I pull on her lower lip to wet my thumb. “Or did he take your pussy?” I push my thumb into her pussy as much as the fabric of her panties allow. “Or was it here? Did he take you in the ass?” I move my thumb back until it sinks into her tight, puckered hole.

  “The p-p-pussy,” she says, suddenly all shy now that I’m asking her to say the words.

  “Then let’s give the pussy a little break.” I twist the elastic waistband of her panties and jerk, snapping the delicate fabric in two. I shove aside the torn satin and lace and position my aching cock between her legs. “Slide down, baby. Slide down slow. I want to feel every inch of that wet cunt.”

  She lowers herself, letting me guide the thick head of my shaft to the small hole. We both hold our breaths as she slides down my rod.

  “That’s right,” I tell her. “Take it slow. There’s no hurry.” I breathe through my nose so I don’t come right away. Her ass is so fucking tight I always want to shoot my load the second my head’s squeezed by those fierce muscles. Plus, I want her to come, too. It always feels better when we come together.

  I slide two fingers inside her juicy cunt. I can feel my cock on the other side of a thin wall of flesh. My eyes roll back in my head. I need her to be with me.

  “Levi’s come still inside you?” I ask. “Your cunt still full of my brother’s seed?” I stroke her lightly.

  She flushes, suddenly shy.

  “I-I don’t know,” she stammers.

  “Did you wash yourself?” She shakes your head no.

  “Tell me what the two of you did.” I push my thumb against her clit. “Did he lick you here?”

  She shakes her head again. “There wasn’t time.”

  “That’s a shame. We’re going to have to take care of that later. What did you do? Tell me,” I demand.

  She turns a deeper shade of red.

  “He…we did it in the bed. He pinned me down.”

  “Did what? What did he pin you down to do?”

  “You know. Sex.”

  “Did he take you hard? Work that aggression out of his system you put there?” I thrust my hips up.

  “Yes,” she gasps.

  “Did you cream all over his cock, Olivia? Did you come all over him?” I push her down another inch and curl my fingers against her G-spot.

  “Y-y-yes,” she whimpers.

  “Are you going to come for me? Are you going to flood my hand with your juice so I can lick it up while I’m blowing my load in your ass?”

  I add my thumb to her clit. She throws her head back and bears down, swallowing my cock inside her tight, small hole. I fuck her in the ass with my cock as I jack her cunt with my fingers. She explodes like a bottle rocket, creaming all over my hand. I let loose my own yell, letting the orgasm overtake me as I flood her asshole with my seed.

  She collapses on top of me, my dick still half in her ass. I pull my fingers out of her tired pussy, wipe my fingers on the sheets and throw a blanket over the both of us.

  “Consider me completely unwound,” I tell her before passing out.

  Chapter Seven


  I send Erika another text but she doesn't respond. What the heck is she doing over there? She should be up by now! Zeke is fast asleep, overheating my body with his own. His even breathing is oddly soothing. It was what made me fall asleep earlier. Okay, that and the amazing orgasm he’d given me. I clench my thighs together thinking about it.

  Since I woke up all I can think about is that he’d taken my ass. He talked so dirty to me before he did it. My heart flutters in my chest when I think of it. I know it’s only a matter of time now before my fantasy of both of them taking me at the same time will become reality.

  I’ve fantasized about it so many times. My nipples harden and I fight not to shift in place. I don’t want to wake Zeke since he worked all night. Levi is still at the gym, but I don’t see why Levi needs to work out. I’m giving him a workout every night at home.

  I turn my phone off and back on again, double-checking that it’s working. When it boots up, it still shows an empty inbox. What the hell? I want Tank details from Erika and she’s ghosting me. I want every single detail that she’s willing to give me. Maybe that’s who has been watching her.

  For some reason that thought doesn’t freak me out like it should. I tell myself that I should not find stalking cute. I’m not the right person to ask about stalkers because I have two that I happily let follow me around every day. I glance over at one of my own stalkers, who’s wrapped around me tightly. How am I going to get out of his hold without waking him?

  “Livvie?” Zeke mumbles.

  “I didn't move!” I whisper, although I’m not sure why I’m whispering if he’s awake. I might as well talk normally. His body shakes with silent laughter. “Sleep. I have to pee,” I whisper. He pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. Within moments his breathing evens out again.

  I slip from the bed and head for the bathroom to get myself together. I’ll just go over to my dorm real quick and pop in on Erika. Maybe I should take some snacks or something. I can always tell the guys that I ran out of clothes and I needed to grab some more. I didn’t want Erika to think that I was just there to check on her and get all the juicy details.

  I grab a pair of my sweatpants from the drawer and slip them on, then quietly search for a bra. I grab my hoodie—the one that says Audley on the back—and don’t bother to put anything el
se on underneath it. I’m just going straight to the dorm to hang out and then back here. I find my bag and slip my phone inside before putting it over my body. I’m almost home free. I just need to put my shoes on. After putting them on, I open the door and close it again as silently as I possibly can.

  I tie my hair up in a ponytail and hustle to the elevator. As the elevator descends, I toy with the idea of double dates with Erika. I’m way too into this relationship that may or may not be happening. I have no idea what’s going on with Erika and Tank, but I’d be liar if I didn’t admit that I’m excited for what it could be. I’m going to have to poke my men about this Tank guy later. He’s scary but in this badass way. Somehow he makes a twice-broken nose look hot.

  I give the doorman a wave as I head out, and I’m thankful I don’t remember what I did in front of him until I’m halfway down the block. “Crap,” I mumble to myself. I still have to go back into the building. But Zeke hadn't said anything about me climbing Levi like a tree and humping him in front of other people, so maybe I’ll get away with this one. I don’t think Levi would actually follow through on spanking me, but Zeke would. Hmm, I think I might enjoy it more than Zeke would want me to.

  When I get to my building I skip the elevator and take the stairs. I’m not sure how Levi and Zeke can take them three at a time and not be winded at all. Maybe Zeke sneaks workouts when I’m not looking. His body sure does look like it.

  When I get to my floor I notice people aren't only glancing my way but they stop talking altogether. They actually freeze in place to openly stare at me. What the hell? I kind of thought we were past this and that people would do their staring, say their shit, then move on when they realize they had to get used to it. Zeke, Levi and I aren't going anywhere. Well, at least until we want to go somewhere else, but it will always be the three of us together.

  It isn't until I see my door do I stop walking and stare. Painted across it in bright red paint is the word “slut.” On the white door it almost looks like blood. How original. Couldn’t they come up with something a little better than that? I don't care if they think I’m a slut. If being with Levi and Zeke makes me a slut, then call me a slut. I’m going to keep slutting it up with them until the day I die. But that isn’t what gets me. It’s the pictures. Someone photoshopped my face onto what I could only guess were pictures from a porno. A gangbang porn, clearly, from the ten guys standing around one woman. It looks like they took the time to smear glue all around my face and had it dripping from my mouth in the photos. The photos are meant to be vile. Whoever did this was really out to hurt me.

  I rip them down and already feel bad for whoever it is that disrespected me in this way. Zeke and Levi are going to lose their shit. As I reach for another photo I push the door and it cracks open. All the blood drains from my face when I realizing the door wasn't fully shut or locked. I still haven't gotten in touch with Erika today.

  “Erika!” I yell. I fling open the door and it hits the wall with a loud bang. I want to be as loud as possible in case someone else is still in our room. I let out a sob when I see the room, not only because it’s been destroyed but because Erika’s not in there. I don’t know if I should be happy about that or not. Where the hell is she?

  I don’t realize I’m crying until I’m trying to work my phone but the tears are making the screen blurry. I hit the call button. It rings a few times before she finally answers.

  “Hey,” she whispers into the phone.

  “Tell me you’re okay! Why are you whispering?” I shoot off another question before she can answer the first one.

  “Can we talk about this later? I’m kind of…” She trails off for a second. “Are you crying?” she asks. This time her voice is loud and clear. “Where are you? I’m coming. Where are your men?” Now she’s the one firing off the questions. I can hear her getting her stuff together.

  I can’t think. All I can feel is relief that she’s okay. She must not know about our room yet. I hear a deep male voice in the background of the call.

  “Who’s that?” I ask. “Is that Tank?” I gasp. “Did you spend the night with him?”

  “Liv! Stop. Where are you?” she yells. I can hear here moving around again. Is she getting dressed or just getting stuff together?

  “Our room,” I sigh. I look back to the mess that was our room. “I’m really sorry,” I tell her. Because of me, all her stuff is destroyed. All she did was be my friend and look what that got her. She’s going to be so upset. Tears spill down my face and I’m a sick to my stomach thinking about all of this.

  “Olivia!” I hear a bellow in the hallway. I don't have to turn around to know who’s there. Hell, they sound like a herd of elephants storming down the hallway. I grab the stupid pictures trying to get rid of them. I don’t know why. They’ll still see the word on the door and the ransacked room. I don’t need to turn around to see their anger. I can feel it radiating off them. My shoulders start to shake as I begin to silently cry. I’m trying so hard not to let a single peep out for anyone else to hear. I feel a hand on each of my shoulders and I’m pulled back into the comfort of their bodies.

  Chapter Eight


  “I can’t believe someone would do this to Erika’s stuff,” she cries. Tears wet the front of my shirt. Hearing Livvie weep makes me want to rip someone apart. Preferably the someone or someones who trashed her dorm room and ruined her shit. Zeke shoots a warning glare in my direction, which orders me not to say I want to murder someone and to wait to go charging off until we find the culprit.

  His balls won’t survive. This time I’m slicing them off with a butter knife and shoving them down the asshole’s windpipe. Over Livvie’s bent head, I bare my teeth.

  Zeke’s lips thin. Fine, but don’t mention it in front of Olivia because she’ll be upset about the whole conjugal visit thing again. I’m only five minutes younger than you, not five years. I think I know what I’m doing.

  Your hand is clenched so hard the blood vessels might burst. And your right temple is throbbing which means it’s butter knife time otherwise you may need to go get checked out by a doctor.

  He raises his fist behind Livvie’s back and shakes it in my direction. You’re going to have to see a doctor if you don’t shut your trap.

  “Can you two stop arguing? It’s giving me a headache,” Livvie complains as she backs out of our embrace.

  I make soothing noises and pat her head, but inwardly I’m relieved. I’d rather have her yelling at me than crying. I can’t handle the tears.

  I drop my fist to my side and Zeke replaces his scowl with a concerned look.

  “We’re not arguing, baby. We haven’t said a word.”

  “I’m not dumb.” She sniffles and glances around the room. “I can tell when you’re doing your twin thing.” She waves a hand next to her ear as if she can actually hear our thoughts. Maybe she can. I shrug and go to help her.

  “Zeke was telling me that I shouldn’t talk about murdering the person who did this to your room.”

  “And you said you wouldn’t, but here we are,” Zeke retorts.

  “I never said I wouldn’t. I told you that I know what I’m doing. Livvie knows I’m not going to leave her alone with your ass. Babe, what are you looking for?”

  “A tissue. I can’t even find a tissue box,” she laments. Her lower lip quivers. Tears threaten to fall once again.

  I panic and rip off my T-shirt, shoving it in her face. “Here.”

  “What’s this for?” She turns the gray cloth over in her hand.

  “Tissue.” I point at her nose.

  “Here.” Zeke shoves a box of Kleenexes in between us. He grabs the shirt and throws it in my face.

  “Put this on or you’ll start a riot,” he adds with a jerk of his head.

  We all turn toward the door to see about twenty girls with their faces in the doorway. I glare at them as I tug my shirt over my head. Once it falls into place, I stalk over. “I want to know who did this. Start talkin
g or my brother is going through all your phones. I know one of you videotaped it. I’ll count to ten. First one who comes forward gets a hundred bucks. If no one comes through, Zeke here will be hacking into every account you have and displaying all your dirty laundry on the campus message board.” I flip my hand over.


  A phone hits my palm before I can get the next number out. I glance in surprise at the owner—a tall, athletic girl with brown curly hair.

  “I’m a broke college student,” she answers in reply to my unasked question. “I’m not turning down Benjamin to protect some dumbass fraternity.”

  “Good answer.” I pull out my wallet and hand over a couple of bills. “Send me the video. As for the rest of you, if I see one thing about this on the internet, you better hope your entire internet history is cleaner than a nun’s habit.”

  They nod in unison. I guess word’s gotten around that when we say shit, we mean it. I give the girl my phone number and then shoo everyone out. We don’t need to be gawked at like we’re zoo animals.

  “Let’s order some pizza for the floor,” I suggest.

  “Why in the hell would we do that?” Zeke asks, taking my phone from my hand. He wants to see the video.

  “Because you can’t beat everyone with a stick all of the time. Sometimes, you gotta be nice. Give and take. Carrot and stick. It’s what the coach does. He runs our asses like we’re dogs and then gives us a huge treat at the end of the day.”

  “Fine. Order the pizza.” He tosses me his phone.

  “Baby, come away from your stuff. We’re going to hire someone to clean all this shit up.”

  “But what about Erika’s things? All of it is ruined.”

  “Not to be mean, but Erika’s stuff wasn’t real good in the first place. Why don’t you figure out what she wants to keep and then we’ll replace the rest?” Zeke suggests.


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