Robin and Her Merry Men

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Robin and Her Merry Men Page 6

by Willow Brooke

  “The Vancover’s Hope Diamond was stolen tonight. We are taking every precautionary measure to find and return it.” And there came the asshole cop tone, insinuating that she was guilty until proven innocent. Which, in this case she was, but he sure in the hell didn’t know that. “Wow! Now this is juicy news! Wait until Mary hears about this! Sure. Knock yourself out.” Literally. Please. Trip and hit your head before I have to whack you, you fat bastard. She had to fake a smile to hide her inner dialog when his eyes darted back to her inquisitively. They bought into her superficial gossip and walked off through her apartment. She nonchalantly followed, scolding them when they searched through drawers and cabinets. When they reached her bedroom, the young one went straight for her dresser. Figures, you fucking pervert. He predictably opened her underwear drawer first and caught the backlash. “I don’t know who you think you are, but cop or not, you have no business with your paws on my intimates!”

  “Ma’am, please step back, we are preforming a thorough search.”

  “Now I have been patient while you both have ransacked my house, but I would appreciate it if you both hustled and got the hell out. I have been cooperative and willing to help without a search warrant but you are testing my patience! Do you have any idea how long it’s going to take me to refold all of those? And my books were organized alphabetically in order by author and series! Unless you plan on spending the next few days here putting things back where you found it, I suggest you get on with it!”

  Both men stood staring at her wide-eyed, speechless. The tall younger one fell into babbling apologies while he fumbled a sorry excuse of righting the rumpled clothing. Eight ball stomped over and shut the drawer in front of him and walked out mumbling, “Thank you for your time, miss. That will be all.” He didn’t stop on his way out the door, leaving the other officer to run behind to catch up.

  “Have a good night, miss,” Gomer Pile said as he gave her one last onceover with a goofy grin.

  “Yeah.” Robin stayed true to her role, but felt kinda sorry for the kid. Jail time wasn’t worth boosting the ego of a rookie, so she didn’t feel too bad. Once they were out the door she watched discretely as they got in their car and left before heading back to get John.

  “Nice act, although the accent was a bit over the top.” John grinned up at her, accepting her extended hand to help pry him out of the small space.

  “What? It was perfect. I had them eating out of my hand. I’ll have you know I attended three acting classes and was in five commercials before I was ten. My acting is good,” she joked, despite the information being true. Her mother had insisted she be in the spotlight at every damn opportunity to gain herself attention until she turned nineteen. By then, she had given up and filed Robin as a helpless cause. Even that got her attention with all of her rich friends. How could Robin not prance around for their benefit? The poor, poor, mother. Blah. It made her vomit a little every time she pictured the hens all gathered in their pecking gossip bullshit.

  “Oh please forgive me. I didn’t know I was dealing with a celebrity,” he snickered.

  She couldn’t help but join him in giggles. “Do you think they’ll be back?”

  “I don’t know, but we need to be ready. We’ve got to dump the diamond tonight. Is there somewhere safe you can go until this all blows over?” Robin was confident in her hiding spot but didn’t want to risk it. He was right, not that she would ever admit that aloud.

  “If we disappear, it will only add suspicion. It is a good idea to dump it tonight, but we need to wait until the heat is off before we take off. How fast can your source meet? I think I have an idea…” Robin assumed the cops would be watching her house and follow her if she left. She also knew that if John came walking out her front door, it would do more than peak their interest, given he wasn’t there when they ransacked her house. It was time to put mother nature to good use for once.

  “I can probably have him meet us in the next thirty minutes or so, let me text him.” John punched the buttons on his phone, getting an immediate response. “We’re good to go. He is available. So, now what?”

  “Have him meet me in the frozen section at the supermarket. I will be wearing a pink baseball cap, sweats, and my UGGs. When he spots me, tell him I will be shopping for jalapeno poppers and spinach artichoke dip. I’ll collect the money and leave the diamond there for him to collect. Reassure him I won’t leave the store until he has time to inspect the merchandise. I don’t want attention drawn to me any more than he does.” She slipped on her boots and was busy braiding her hair in piggy tails when she caught him staring in aghast. “What?”

  “You’re frighteningly good.” He walked up behind her, stopping inches away. She could feel the heat from his body and it took all of her willpower not to adjust her position just the slightest to sink into him.

  “Is that a bad thing?” She heard the shake in her own voice.

  “No. It’s fucking hot.” Robin felt her blood pump through her veins, rushing to get oxygen to her brain. His warm breath tickled the back of her neck, sending shivers over her flesh in a contradiction to her heightened temperature. He didn’t kiss her there like she thought, but instead moved his mouth just a brush away from her ear. “Robin, I have wanted to ask you out since we were twelve. Go out with me.” Dominance edged his tone—awakening something new she had never felt. Her panties soaked instantly. Unfortunately, reality slammed her back in place.

  “No… I can’t.” She stepped forward, tucking her bangs under her hot pink ball cap and turned to walk out. Before she got through the doorway, he blocked her path.

  “Not tonight of course. But soon. Dinner, maybe dancing—” Before he could continue what she considered a dream date, she interrupted.

  “John, thank you for everything. Under normal circumstances I’d take you up on your offer.” She sighed, having a hard time justifying her denial. He was a sexy force of nature, and her body screamed to reckon with it. Like acid on her tongue, she choked out her next words. “But, I can’t. Too many people depend on me.”

  John bowed up, his eyes fierce. “I know. I want to help.” He could feel her denial seeping through his pours and braced himself for a battle he was determined to win. All of the wet dreams he had endured of this hot little redhead had finally led him to the real thing. There was no surrendering now. “Don’t say no. I’m not giving you an option.” He watched as emotions rolled over her gorgeous features.

  Robin went from flattered to pissed in less than six seconds flat. He was going to blackmail her! “So, what? I don’t go out with you, you turn me in? Is that it? There is no way in hell you are getting a cut. You might want to rethink your strategy on picking up women and business deals.” She shoved past him and stormed into the front room, fully aware of him hot on her heels.

  “Cool your hot little ass before I bend it over my knee and spank it,” he grumbled, sounding more like a grizzly bear than a man. It had more effect on her than she would have liked. Her cheeks flushed a warm pink, only pissing her off more. No man controlled her…or her emotions.

  “Don’t. Threaten. Me.” Robin arched her shoulders back, ready to lay the smacketh down on his candy ass. “Tell your guy I’m on my way.” She grabbed her purse and keys and stormed out the door, spotting the unmarked cops sitting at the end of the parking lot. Fuck. So, she did what any woman would do. With each step, she popped an extra sway, taking their attention off where she was going this late and on to the bulge in their pants. When she got to her car she dropped her keys, bending at the waist to give them a view just for good measure. When she got in her car and took off, it took them awhile to catch up. It wasn’t far to the grocery store, and by the grace of all things magical she found a front row parking spot, giving her a few minutes inside the store alone while the uniforms searched for a spot and hiked across the parking lot.

  She didn’t waste time. She grabbed a cart without stopping like a pro and headed straight to the frozen section. There were only three pe
ople wandering around, narrowing down the odds as to one being her buyer. When a big man who looked more like a damn bulldozer than human stopped in front of the appetizers, she knew he was the one.

  Robin casually strolled over to the clear glass door next to him and watched out of the corner of her eye as he turned away from the suitcase left in the front of his cart. She looked around, making sure there was no one in sight and glanced up pretending to fix her contacts to scope out the area for cameras. When the coast was clear, she peeked inside and saw the bills were legit. In an effortless swap, she left the box that contained the Hope Diamond and slipped the case of cash in her huge hobo purse and walked on, shopping like nothing had happened. Before she made it to the end of the aisle, the two rent-a-pigs caught up with her, doing a sorry job of pretending to shop. She passed them without giving them a second look, heading over to the tampon aisle. Of course, they were right on her heels. Okay, assholes, you wanna play? She took her time deciding on which brand to get, tossing the biggest box in her cart along with the ginormous grandma pads that had wings big enough they could take flight to the damn moon. She wasn’t done. Just for good measure, she grabbed the great value bulk box of rain fresh douche and a pack of Midol before heading to the candy section. After three bags of mini candy bars had been selected, she made her way to the cashier.

  What she hadn’t expected was the poor young zit faced teenage boy to be the only line open. As she put the items up on the belt one by one, his eyes bulged out of his head. She had never seen groceries rung up so fast. He was like a cheetah on crack, zooming each item over the scanner like a gun was held to his head. It took all she had not to burst out laughing. Note to self—always get feminine products when in a hurry. She had her bags loaded in the car and she was pulling out before the two un-undercover dorks stepped outside.

  Chapter Six

  Robin drove slowly, procrastinating going home. There was no way to avoid John, which only made things worse. On one hand, she was pissed beyond words. On the other, she wanted him to rip her clothes off and fuck her happy again. Hell, she was having the hormones like she really was on her period, not knowing what she wanted. She had parked and walked up the stairs to her door when her goons finally arrived, parking across the street so obvious she was half tempted to waltz over and offer them a sandwich. If this was the security and force Mayor Nottingham had on the payroll, she knew never to call if she were in danger. She struggled to unlock the door with her load of plastic bags swaying from her arms, but finally managed to get in and get it closed before John could be spotted. He tried to take the bags from her but she refused, unloading them in a heap on the counter. He stared and watched her every move, irritating her even more. Partially because he was a prick and wanted to get under her skin, and partly because she wanted him under her clothes, his stare created a party in her panties that so desperately wanted a dose of satisfaction from something that didn’t take batteries. He tried to speak but it only fueled her to ignore him that much more. “Did you make the drop?” Finally, he cut through the idiocy small talk and got to business. Whether she wanted to socialize with him, or reverse cowgirl ride him or not was beside the point. Business was still, well, business.

  “Yep. Got it traded and half my shopping done before the pathetic excuse of detective Gadgets even made it in the store.” She reached in her purse and took out the suitcase, counting out a small stack of bills. “Here. Here’s your cut.”

  “Thanks,” he said as she tossed it on the granite in front of him. She then took the bills back into her room to secure it under lock in her hidey-hole, just in case. There was no way anyone was getting their hands on the loot. It was too important for so many people, including…Will. Will had been on her mind since the day she had left Sherwood Forest, plaguing her dreams and consuming her thoughts during the day. Now faced with another who held the same spell over her, confusion kept her from acting rash despite the fact he was stuck under the same roof with her until the mediocre surveillance team gave up and went to bug someone else.

  Once the money was safe and hidden, she went back in the front room with a stack of blankets and a pillow and tossed them on the couch. “Bathroom is down the hall, towels in the cabinet. I laid you out a pair of sweats that should fit on the counter. Anything else just help yourself.”

  “Thanks.” John stared, unsure what to say. She had made it clear she wasn’t in the mood to talk, but there was no way in hell she was going to bed with things as they were between them. She stood there for a moment before finally nodding and turned to go. “Wait. Robin—” He spun her around and kissed her, making an all or nothing move. He had wanted Robin as far back as he could remember. She was his first jack-off fantasy at thirteen, and now at twenty-five still made the porn flick list often. Instead of the slap he thought would come, she gravitated toward him, willingly opening to return the kiss. Her hot little tongue darted in and out of his mouth, seeking every corner eagerly. What should have lasted hours accelerated fast. Robin didn’t back down. For each move he made, she upped the stakes one more. John kissed her jaw line, frantically licking and sucking along the flesh of her neck down to the rim of her shirt. When her hands yanked his t-shirt over his head, he lost all sense of control. He grabbed the thin barrier that still stood between them and ripped, shredding her shirt in two. With his free hand, he shoved the material to the ground, trailing his mouth down her throat and collarbone. Her sweet scent added fuel to his already locked and loaded cock. He pulled away to get a look at her, groaning. The thin little lace bra left little to the imagination. The pale pink of her tight little nipples poked through the fabric begging for attention. Not one to deny, John latched on, sucking and licking the nub until the black sheer material was saturated. “Fuck, you’re unbelievable.” He moved to the other side, tugging the cup down to sample her bare flesh.

  When his teeth scraped her tender flesh, Robin gasped, “John, please!” There wasn’t room for slow and romantic. Robin needed him to take her hard. She had been docile for so long, the sensations he created were unfamiliar. He crushed her tits against his torso and kissed her stupid, working her pants off before shucking his jeans. She pulled them backwards until her legs hit the couch and took them tumbling down. Robin couldn’t control the urgency that rose. She moved her hand between them, seeking out his dick with greed. When she found it, her cunt clenched. Her fingers didn’t wrap all the way around its thickness. Length was important, but she had always been a fan of girth—and holy fuck did he have it. It had been so long since she had fired up the vibrator stashed in her nightstand that it was almost intimidating. Robin pumped her fist up and down all ten inches of pure masculinity vigorously.

  John almost blew on the second stroke. Her little hand milked him hard. He couldn’t handle it. “If you keep that up I’ll blow before I even get inside you. When I come, I want to be deep in that cunt. I want to feel you clench down on my cock when I take you over the edge.”

  “God, John…” She hadn’t ever heard anyone talk like this, but it made her hot as hell. Her body trembled, rising even higher toward release. Before she knew what was happening, he rolled them off onto the floor, maneuvering where he could get a good look at her hot little body. John grabbed her hands and yanked them above her head, pinning them with one hand.

  “Fuck, you’re little body is hot, baby. I’ve waited so long to see you like this.”

  “What—” Robin tried to pull her hands away but he tightened his grip.

  “Hold still.” He cupped both of her small wrists in one hand easily, giving him freedom to torment her with other. His fingers tickled down her neck, stopping long enough to tweak each nipple before he moved down her soft stomach and over her shaven mound. “Mmm. I love a smooth pussy.”

  His fingers were rough against her tender flesh, awakening nerves she didn’t know existed. When he found her folds, she raised her hips up in enthusiasm. “Touch me, John.” She parted her legs wide, bending her knees to open as far as
she could. He leaned over her and she gasped. John looked like a Greek god in the dim light, his bronzed muscles glistening. Every muscle was shadowed, accentuating his huge shoulders down to each ripple in his abs. The oh-so-sexy ‘V’ that made a perfect arrow from his hips to his cock made her mouth water. It was her all time favorite part of a man and drew her arousal even higher.

  John knew he was risking everything, but if being with the woman he had been in love with most of his life meant losing his family fortune and spending the rest of his existence behind bars, so be it. One kiss was worth it all. He circled his fingers over her opening, spreading her juices around and up to her clit. He pinched it, withdrawing it from under its hood. When the rough pad of his finger rubbed over the sensitive nerves, Robin went wild. Her sex pulsed and clenched, desperate to be filled. “Mmm. That’s it, baby.” His digits slid down the depths of her folds and plunged into her pussy to the knuckles. Instead of giving her time to adjust and ease her into the next level, he pumped and scissored them against her G-spot slamming her body into climax. Robin’s whole body went rigid, squeezing around him. Loud moans tore from her trembling lips. John couldn’t handle it any longer. “I need to be inside you now!” his voice had dropped into a low animalistic growl. John was teetering on the edge of control. Before her body came down from its high, John moved over her and nudged her opening.


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