Robin and Her Merry Men

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Robin and Her Merry Men Page 9

by Willow Brooke

  The music pumped through the trees, harmonizing with nature’s melody. Will spotted Robin sitting on a log next to the fire, eating some of the day’s fresh kill and swigging some of the pastor’s sweet wine. The fire danced across her features, illuminating her beauty. Even from across the way, her turquoise eyes sparkled and her auburn hair blew gently in the breeze. She was gorgeous. He made his way through the crowd, stopping to sit next to her. The look of surprise made him chuckle. “So, princess of thieves, how is the good pastor’s brew?”

  It took her a moment to get over her initial shock and swallow her bite of roasted wild hog. “Divine and so sweet. I’ve never had a peach wine before, but this should be a sin.” She took another sip, watching him over her glass. He was a walking mystery. Did the big, mean Will Scarlett have a change of heart? “Not to sound off-putting, but you’re talking to me.”

  Will laughed, admiring her straightforward attitude. “Yes… I guess I am,” he paused, not sure how to engage in a normal conversation. He had spent so much time avoiding her and trying to run her off that now he sat feeling like an awkward teenage boy next to the captain of the cheerleading squad. “Thank you…for what you did for them. They needed something to believe in again.”

  Robin smiled sweetly. “That’s all I want to do. I care about you all.” Her extra emphasis on the word ‘you’ had him overthinking it. She sat her plate down, clasping both hands around her chalice. Her eyes stared into the fire, drifting miles away. Will knew that she must be worried about her home and the possibility of being caught.

  “We will worry about your intruders tomorrow. Come on.” He stood and grabbed her hand to tug her to her feet.

  “What? Umph! Where are we going?” She stumbled to stand, utterly confused.

  “To dance.” Robin’s brows wrinkled together, not having time to ask any questions as he pulled her over by the band. She laughed, allowing him to take her hand and lead into a waltz. It didn’t take long for her to forget everything but the joy that surrounded them.

  “The man of little words smiles.”

  “Ahh. Of course, when I have a reason to.” He flashed her a flirty wink and twirled her away in a set of spins, making her giggle. When he pulled her back to him, their bodies molded together. Instead of releasing her, he held her against him.

  “What reason might that be?” Robin held her breath, unsure whether she wanted the answer. John. He plagued her mind, but ached in her heart. Had he betrayed her? Why the sudden change in Will? Before she could run, he leaned down.

  “You, Robin. I’m sorry for being so hard before. These people are my family. I hope you can understand that—”

  “I do,” she interrupted. “I would give my life to protect them.” Will leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, pulling back slightly to test her reaction. When she remained silent, he went in again, this time kissing her fully. He slowly teased her lips apart, taking his time to enter her mouth seductively and never missing a step to the slow ballad that played. His tongue met hers, gently caressing and twining before seeking out every inch of her mouth. The faint taste of peaches lingered on her tongue, sweet and tangy. She responded eagerly, raising her hand up along his defined jaw. He didn’t rush, but took his time to thoroughly sweep her off her feet. They were lost in the music, away from the world.

  As the song ended, so did the most erotic kiss of her life. Where most men rushed to get to the next base, Will had taken his time, only wanting to enjoy the moment. For such a hot-tempered, dominating person he had the most romantic side she never suspected. He kept her folded in his arms, moving through the next beat flawlessly before finally releasing her. “Thank you, Robin. You are an excellent…dance partner.” The heat in his eyes suggested more meaning to dance that she couldn’t deny.

  “No. Thank you.” She pulled away slowly, turning to intentionally sneak a glance over her shoulder as she walked over to where Sara, Franny, and the other women had congregated to chat. Her fingers rose to her lips, still feeling his. The rich smell of the fire mixed with crisp outdoors and a spice that was pure unadulterated male. Will. So little for conversation, but his actions had spoken volumes. What did it all mean?

  “Robin! We were just talking about you. Ox and Bull are drawing up plans to build you a room next to ours.” Sara looped her arm through Robins, pulling her into the conversation. If they had seen what had gone on between her and Will, they didn’t let on. Instead, they chatted from one subject to the next, making plans on the supplies and things they could now get with the bounty. When she finally excused herself for bed, Robin had forgotten what had driven her to run and the life she left behind. This was her home now.


  The next day, Will had gone out of his way at every turn to spend time with her. While she washed the breakfast dishes in the river, he was bent down with his sleeves rolled up scrubbing pans, asking questions about her life and her heists, attentively listening. After twenty minutes of her rambling on, she stopped and sat back on her heels, wiping the hair out of her eyes.

  “What about you? What’s your story?”

  “Before this?”

  She laughed softly, nodding.

  “Well, I went into the Army the day I turned eighteen. I served seven years, deployed twice and spent a year in Korea. After that, I moved here and landed a job with the fire department.” He smiled, shaking his head. “As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a fireman. I remember our first grade class going on a field trip to the Sacramento Fire station. I wore the little plastic hat and badge for three years before they finally broke. I was devastated. So the next week, my father crafted a bed out of wood in the shape of a fire truck. He’d tell me every night that if I didn’t go to sleep, the world wasn’t safe…because in my dreams, I was a superhero.” His eyes drifted off, lost in another place and time. “Anyway, last winter, we received notice that they were shutting the station down and replacing it with volunteers. Forty-six of us were out of work. Unemployment ran out, and jobs are impossible to find. Eventually I lost my house, my car… You know the rest.”

  “How did you meet the others?”

  “Ox and I served together. When we got out, he came with me to plant roots here. His family all died when he was young, and I was the only family he had. He met Sara about a year after he joined the fire station and they married three weeks later. Franny and Bull used to own a pub downtown the boys and I would visit every weekend to blow off steam. And Pastor Tuck was our pastor at the little church we attended. It caught fire in February, and the state refused funding to rebuild. Little by little, the others came needing help. So, we all formed together and built what you see. We started with just the six of us and now have forty-three, counting the kids.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe this is what you got for being a double hero, Will. Thank you, for your service and for your years as a firefighter. It’s sickening to see that forty-three people have been forced to take refuge in the forest like animals. All of the professional backgrounds you guys came from just tossed in the gutter.”

  He raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow in a cockeyed smirk. “It’s funny. Don’t think anyone has ever thanked me before. Yeah, it is what it is. But technically, most of our population is the fruit of Franny and Bull’s loins.” He chuckled. “I guess his nickname falls true. Those two just keep popping out the babes.”

  “So here we are.”

  “Yes. I’m now soldier/firefighter turned Paul Bunyan, and you are rich kid/reporter turned outlaw. What a fine pair we make.” He reached up and tucked a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail, folding it behind her ear. She wore no makeup and had on jeans and a simple t-shirt yet, looked more gorgeous than he had ever seen before. He stole a quick kiss, brushing his finger softly along her cheek. “We better get back.” He began to load up the wagon with the clean dishes, falling into a comfortable conversation with her that lasted their walk to camp.

  The rest of the day, Will took Robin through the woo
ds on a nature hike. He pointed out various plants and things that were good for medicinal purposes and others that were edible. For a man who had no horticulture or science background, he knew a ton. When they reached another branch of the river, they spotted Collin and Peter fishing. Will took her by the hand. “Come on!” He jogged with her in tow over to the two men, grinning from ear to ear. “Hey, boys! How’s it going?”

  Peter turned first, offering up a welcoming smile. “Well hi, Robin! Care to try your hand at angling?”

  “Angling? Dude, you’re barely able to bait the hook yourself. Come over here and let me show you how a pro does it.” Collin winked, basking in the grunt he received from Will. “Ahh. I see my brother has removed the staff from his ass finally. If he gives you any shit, just come tell me. I’ll whip him back into shape.” He punched Will playfully in the arm. Will returned fire, landing a hard fist that resulted in what was sure to be a charley horse from hell. “Ouch, you big arse!”

  “Oh man up, baby brother. There is a lady present.”

  “So there is…and a fine one at that.”

  “Oh lay off, Collin. She isn’t gonna fall for that amateur playboy routine. Grow a pair first, then come see if you can hold up next to me.” The two ping-ponged back and forth humorously like siblings did. She could see a lot of love between the two and a tight brotherly bond. As they carried on, Peter turned to her and nodded toward them.

  “Don’t mind those two. They still fight over who gets Sara’s last piece of pie. They teleport back to five years old whenever they are together.” She laughed, gaining their attention.

  “Robin, you decide. Tell Will that I am the sexier brother between us.”

  “Sexier? More like annoying,” Will retaliated.

  “Don’t go hating because I can woo women better than you. What can I say…it’s a gift.” He grinned, showing off two dimples she hadn’t noticed before. Before the two drove poor Peter to drinking, Robin spoke.

  “I think the sexy gene runs in the Scarlet family. Now, if you two are done, I need to get back and help the ladies with lunch.” She could hardly keep a straight face at their expression. Both men stared at her, eyes narrowed. Collin was the first to break the silence.

  “See? Told you she wants my body.” Will rolled his eyes and turned to leave. Once his back was turned, Collin leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Have to get a rise out of him somehow. He grumbled and groaned over you so much I wanted to use him for bait. Don’t get me wrong, he screws up one time I’m gonna be all over you, girl.” He smacked her on the ass and smiled, raising his eyebrows up and down. She huffed, but couldn’t fake being mad. There was something about Collin that she adored. He was a cutie for sure, but his fun-natured attitude and wit was what she found adorable.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Now get back to catching dinner and quit tormenting your brother,” she said jokingly.

  The rest of the afternoon was full of great friends and great food. Will hung by her side, only parting to tend to chores that needed done. Robin had quickly integrated herself into their ways and loved it. She couldn’t see herself ever going back to her old life, even if it meant giving up everything.

  As she headed to what was now considered ‘her’ room at Franny and Bull’s for bed, Will kissed her goodnight. As he did the next night…and the next…and the next.

  Chapter Ten

  Three weeks had passed without a word from the outside world. She knew Mary was probably going ape shit by not hearing from her, but it was the only way to protect her and remain safe. With no idea of who was after her or what they knew, she couldn’t risk being seen. Lack of word from John only seemed to clarify her suspicions. Knowing that, she didn’t want to go back. Not until she could face it without allowing her emotions to sway her. This was bigger than her personal relationships, and she had to have a clear mind when it came to any rash decisions or reactions.

  On one particular night after another great carefree gathering of music and stories, Will waited for her to walk to her room. Instead of the normal lazy romantic parting, his kiss held more depth. His hand wound in her hair, tilting her head back to gain entrance, tugging her body against the bulge in his jeans. Her heart spiked, skipping a beat or two. She knew it was wrong, but being with Will felt right. He made her feel things she hadn’t ever felt before in her life. Protected. Loved. Special. Will didn’t try to stop her from putting herself on the line to do what she felt was right. He encouraged her to make a difference how she saw fit. Somewhere, deep down, Robin knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. All this crap that had stirred might have had her scared before, but not now. Not as long as she was here—with Will.

  “Mmm. You feel what you do to me? I’ve gone to bed for the past month wanting you, Robin.” Her breath hitched, stolen again by another kiss. Robin gave herself over to him, entwining her arms around him. She cupped the back of his neck, pulling him in for more. She sucked his bottom lip between her teeth, nipping every so lightly. Will let out a groan, diving in and out of her mouth like he wanted to thrust his cock in her pussy. He broke their connection, sliding his lips down her jawline and neck, stopping at that tender spot just above her collarbone. She could feel his warm breath along her flesh, the moisture cooling in the night breeze. The tip of his tongue traced a little trail to her throat where he sucked gently. The little sting his teeth created ignited her arousal even more.

  “Will.” One breathless word was all it took. Without breaking their make out session, he walked her backwards into his cabin, reaching around her to open the door. The room was dark with no candles or lanterns lit, but he managed to get her to the bedroom without falling over the living room furniture he had brought after he was evicted from his home. Downsizing sucked, but he still had the basics and personal items that made it his.

  “Stay here for a sec,” he mumbled against her mouth. She didn’t comprehend what he said until he moved away and she felt the instant loss. Instead of the reluctance she should be experiencing as the fog in her brain cleared slightly, it was the opposite. Having a moment to evaluate what was happening only made her want him more. He had taken his time, not rushing their relationship to this point. Now, it was time to show him what she wanted.

  Will fumbled around in the darkness, gathering the lighter off the bedside nightstand and felt his way over to the dresser where the lantern sat. His fingers fumbled, shakily sparking the lighter three separate times before he got the wick lit. The warm glow cut through the room, and he turned. He almost knocked the lamp off the dresser and caught the whole damn place on fire when he saw a naked Robin laid out across his bed like a buffet of the most delicious dessert ever created. The innocence and unsurety in her big turquoise eyes made his dick almost explode. With nothing covering her but her hair, she waited. Her body was amazing. From her pert handful-sized breasts down to her flat stomach and round hips, she was a goddess disguised as an outlaw.

  When he finally got over the initial shock and could move, he stalked her. Slowly he stepped toward the bed, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it across the room. Next came his shoes, kicked in opposite directions. He didn’t break eye contact. He couldn’t. She was a spell—summoning his heart, body, and soul.

  Robin knew she was risking ruining the moment by making such a bold move, but that’s who she was. It was all or nothing with her. With John had been the same, and even now she didn’t regret it. If you didn’t grasp life by each moment, what all would you miss? But now, here with Will, it was different. Instead of the rushed roughness with John, this had emotion. Content. Meaning? Before she overanalyzed her heart more, the sight of Will stole her attention. The man was perfect. His muscles were from hard manual labor and not from a gym. The sun bronzed farmers tan was sexier than any model or movie star. He was pure alpha male, and she wanted him.

  He must have read her thoughts, because he now loomed over her with a palm at each of her sides. “You. Little Robin Hoode. Are unbelievable. Pure per
fection.” His random words hit a cord in her that had her falling for this man, and falling hard.

  “As are you, Will Scarlet.” Just the way his name rolled off her tongue like plush velvet pushed his control. It took every ounce of his power not to take her. There was no way in hell he could hurry through this.

  “I’m going to explore every inch of you, baby. And when I’m done, I’m going to do it again. I’ll never get tired of seeing you. Or touching you.” He lowered to his knees on the floor beside the bed and bent to kiss her ankle, flicking his tongue in little laps. “Or tasting you.”

  She couldn’t put together coherent words. A soft mewl escaped her lips, ending on a breath. He kissed up her calf, thoroughly loving each spot before ascending to the next. “So sweet.” His tongue traced along the inside of her knee, making it impossible to hold still. It was sweet torment. The anticipation of where he would go next had her body heating to over boiling and tipping toward the temperature of the sun. And then it quadrupled. He crawled over her slowly, moving his nips and licks up the inside of her thigh to stop just short of where she wanted him most. She could feel the heat radiating against her pussy and involuntarily arched up for contact. Her body was taking over. Now that he was in reach, her hands massaged first through his hair, then down his neck and the ripples of his shoulders. When he licked the crease of her leg, she came undone. Both of her hands dug into him, pulling him down to her. Instead of the contact she desired, he stopped and rose up to look at her. “No. No rushing. Tonight isn’t about that. It’s about getting there. I want to love you like you’ve never been loved, baby.”

  His words sent a gush of cream from her cunt, dampening the inner sides of both legs. “Then let me do the same.” She moved to sit up, only to have a flat palm gently hold her in place. Robin sighed, looking at him puzzled.

  “Soon, but not now. I want you to just feel.” Before she could protest, he licked up to her belly button, giving butterflying kisses around it before he moved north. When he got to her breasts she wanted to scream. He was driving her crazy. Both of her hands roamed freely, itching for him to move higher enough where she could see what awaited behind his jeans. When he latched on to her nipple, all coherent thoughts dissipated. He sucked lightly at first, stopping to lick and tease the hard nub before slightly blowing cool air over it. When he took it in his mouth and rolled it between his teeth, the tingling he created shot straight to the pulsating walls of her cunt. Her back arched off the bed, greedily receiving the attention. He released her and moved to the next, giving it the same orgasmic treatment as the first. Will traveled back up her neck and landed on her lips, absorbing the desperate frenzied hunger she gave with only more fuel to her fire in each lick. His bare rock hard chest brushed against hers in just enough pressure against her nipples she could feel an orgasm budding in her womb. Both of her hands slid down between their bodies and unbuttoned his jeans, springing free his rock hard cock. Unable to resist, she clutched it, stroking her fingers along his length.


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