Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)

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Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) Page 39

by Lynn, Rebecca

  A few minutes later, she turned down Luke’s street, now their street, and texted him. When she arrived he was waiting at the curb. He got into the limo telling Kenneth to head to her loft then without waiting a second longer he hauled her into his arms and kissed her.

  His hands were in her hair, his lips were dominating hers, his tongue was plundering and demanding her response…and her only response was that her senses were reeling.

  The man knew how to kiss and at the moment she wanted to tear his clothes off, but merely two minutes later they were already pulling up outside her loft. When he finally moved away from her lips, he said, “Don’t hang up on me again. I don’t like it. And if he comes anywhere near you again, please Janie, just walk away, okay? I don’t want him anywhere near you.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “Promise me.”

  She touched his lips. “I hung up on you because I didn’t want to get into it with you while he was standing right there.” She held his face. “And I promise I’ll walk away if I bump into him again.”

  Luke kissed her softly then they got out of the car. They spent the rest of the day getting some items and clothes from her place so she wouldn’t have to keep going back and forth to get stuff for a few days. By the time they got back to their place, they grabbed some takeout for dinner, unpacked and finally cuddled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace to watch a movie. Janie’s eyes were already closing, while her head was on Luke’s lap and he played with her curls.

  It was early still, only 10 o’clock, but she let out a quiet sound, snuggling more into him. He chuckled softly. “Just go to sleep,” he said, scratching lightly at her scalp.

  “If you say so,” she smiled, so tired. And she did.

  The next few days were like a dream, the two of them spending more time together. On Sunday, they had brunch with Luke’s family after Maria had come back from church. His parents were of course thrilled about their dating status. They discussed Christmas morning and how schedules were now changing due to all of the relationships of people in their group of friends. Decisions were made to have Christmas lunch with Janie’s family, then dinner with Luke’s.

  Later on Sunday, they got more of Janie’s things from her loft, and Monday, Luke headed back to work. This gave Janie extra time to gather more of her things and update the girls on some of the changes from the last few days. When she spoke with Ayanna, they talked about the loft now being used for the catering business, the potentiality of joining GSoul, as well as what had happened with Miguel and Eric.

  “I’m so friggin’ excited you moved in with him! Jon and I keep saying we need to officially make the switch with me moving into his place, but I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. I should probably do that soon so Ryann can rent out the apartment if she wants.” Ayanna was renting an apartment in Chelsea belonging to Ryann who no longer needed it after moving in with Jeremy. “So,” Ayanna began, “how are things going? Gimme deets,” she laughed.

  “I can’t even explain how awesome it is,” Janie said. “It’s like nothing has changed at all, but yet everything has at the same time. We’ve known each other for so long that it’s familiar, you know? But then there’s this edge to it now, this different energy that takes it to a whole other level. And the sex,” she stuttered then blew out a breath. “I’m so happy, that all I’m doing is walking around with this annoyingly goofy smile on my face.”

  Ayanna laughed. “You deserve this. You’ve waited a long time for him. All of us are thrilled for you two. You’re perfect together and with your history of friendship, it just makes sense.”

  “He’s been hinting at things,” Janie began.

  There was a significant pause. “What kinds of things?” Ayanna asked with anticipation.

  Janie relayed some of her conversations with Luke and his comments, mysterious as they’d been, about marriage.

  Ayanna squealed. “Ahh! Why does this not even surprise me? He is 33. It’s not like he needs to date anymore to figure out what he wants.” She sighed. “And what are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking, well, ‘Holy Shit’ is what I’m thinking.”

  They both laughed.

  “Sweetie,” Ayanna said, “you’re ready for whatever he throws at you. You’ve wanted him forever, and now he wants you. Enjoy this thoroughly.”

  “I am, trust me.”

  Christmas Eve finally arrived on Tuesday. The Callahans, McCallisters, and Daniels families, with the new addition of Ryann and her parents, and Emily, all went to the elder Daniels’ home for dinner.

  While at dinner, Janie noticed Mike, Luke and Jem doing a lot of back slapping and speaking in low tones off to the side. Janie, Tiffany, Ryann and Emily all found a corner of the kitchen to hug and laugh about the many life changes that had happened to them since Thanksgiving; Ryann with her engagement, Ayanna with her new partnership to start with the catering business, Emily with her impending move into her new apartment with Mike, Janie with her dating Luke and her address change, and Tiffany with her foundation being established.

  “Well, Tiff. You’re finally getting your life back on track. It must feel good,” Janie said.

  “It does.”

  “Anything new with Dr. Drew?”

  Tiffany swallowed, looking a little green.

  “Did something happen?”

  “What’s going on, Tiff? He asked you out ages ago and you said no. So what’s making you drag your feet with him? Is it mainly issues you’re still dealing with from your ex?” Ryann asked sincerely, reaching for her hand.

  Tiffany let go of an enormous sigh. They all knew she’d suffered some mental and emotional damage from the ex-douchebag politician who’d cheated on her with a woman practically ten years her junior. What had made the situation even worse was that it’d been plastered all over the news.

  They also knew that during her marriage to him, he’d convinced her to get various ‘hidden’ piercings on her body to, according to him, heighten the pleasure during their sexual experiences. She hadn’t wanted to get them, had told him so, but her controlling husband had made her feel like she wouldn’t have been a good wife if she hadn’t gotten them. She’d complied with his demands thinking that her actions would keep his wandering eye from looking at other women.

  It hadn’t.

  And now she was stuck with piercings she didn’t want along with her unhealthy belief that the next man she was with would think she was a doormat who had slutty tendencies or something ridiculous like that. She had once admitted that the piercings added to her sexual pleasure, but she was so completely confused about her feelings, she didn’t ever do anything about them.

  “I just know that if we start to go out, it may eventually lead to some romantic things,” Tiffany said, getting worked up and waving her hand in the air, “and I’m still not sure how to explain everything. I don’t know what he’d think of me. What if he thinks I’m the biggest idiot for even letting some guy talk me into getting the piercings when I didn’t even want them?”

  “That guy was your husband, and he was manipulating you, not thinking of your wants at all. We know this. And as I’ve said before, you could just get them removed,” Emily said.

  “I know, I know. How ridiculous am I being when I don’t even want to get them removed because then someone else would have to see them? I thought of doing it myself, but they’re tricky how they’re in there,” she mumbled, sounding embarrassed. “I was thinking of having a doctor remove them, but even that,” she stammered.

  “Tiff, come on,” Emily rolled her eyes. “You don’t think doctors have seen piercings? They won’t care about that stuff. I know you feel weird about it, but they wouldn’t think anything of it. You’re well known up in Boston, and people know of your family here, but I don’t think a doctor will even blink over it and it would be kept confidential anyway. Have you gotten a gynecologist or GP since you’ve moved down here this past summer?”

  “No. I know I need to get my shit in line. Now that I�
�ve got a place to live and I’ve found the warehouse in Harlem for the foundation, I’ll start getting more settled. I’ve just been pushing it off.” She paused. “Did you know Drew used to be a medic in the army before he was a surgeon here?”

  All of the girls looked surprised and shook their heads no.

  “He was deployed to Iraq and was there for a year about ten years ago,” Tiffany said.

  “Wow. I had no idea,” Ryann said, who’d met him first as his patient, and had known him the longest. He was the one who’d been her surgeon when she’d been shot.

  “Yeah, he told me when we all went salsa dancing,” Tiffany said. “He said it was a life changing experience, obviously. It’s why he wanted to specialize in gunshot wounds when he came back.”

  “Huh. That makes sense,” Ryann said. “He’s lucky he only had to be there for a year, with so many others who’ve been deployed so many times.”

  “Yeah,” Tiffany thought. “I should’ve asked him about that. I wonder if he was wounded there or something.” Tiffany’s face took on a look of concern. “Well,” she hesitated. “I guess I can ask him next week,” she said with a pointed look at the girls.

  “What’s next week?” Janie asked with anticipation.

  Tiffany paused. “He asked me out again. To go to a New Year’s Eve party given by the hospital.”

  All of the girls began chattering at once.

  “And you said yes?” Janie asked, excited.

  “I told him I’d get back to him. I just need to think through what I’ll do if things move in a certain direction. I’m so fricking nervous around him all of the time, I know I’ll babble like a freak and I want to make sure I’m calm. But every time I think about kissing him, I seriously start to hyperventilate,” she said already breathing heavily.

  “Okay, calm down,” Emily said.

  “Say yes to him, Tiff. You can do it. He’s a great guy and he’s kind, but still a guy’s guy. Just go out with him. This is the second time he’s asked and you know you’re dying to say yes,” Ryann said.

  “I know, I know. I’m thinking about it. I told him I’d let him know after Christmas.” Tiffany began taking deep breaths and all of the women laughed a little at her reaction to the gorgeous doctor.

  “Breathe, Tiff,” Ryann said.

  “I know, I know.”

  They all helped with putting food away and cleaning up, then they all left to get ready for the 11 o’clock service at church. Janie was excited that Jonathan and Ayanna would be going. She knew that Jon had grown up a devout Catholic, so it was important to him to attend service on Christmas Eve. They had an hour or so before they had to head out again so everyone went home to change into their Christmas garb.

  Janie was feeling the excitement and joy of the season even more that year. Standing in the bedroom with Luke getting changed for Christmas Eve church service brought home how different things really were.

  They kept throwing each other side glances. He would help with her zipper, she would help with his collar around his tie. They were quiet, but there was an energy there, as if they were both anticipating the night to come with contentment yet a sweet emotion that she couldn’t put her finger on. Poignancy? Tenderness?

  “Let’s start our own traditions this year,” he said, touching her face.

  “Okay,” she said, her blood warming from his look. She put her arms around his waist and gazed up at him. “What are you thinking?”

  “I think we should exchange gifts tonight,” he said. “Is that okay with you?”

  She nodded, almost shyly. I’m starting a new life with Luke. Holy shit.

  He leaned down to nuzzle her ear. “And I believe if I’ve done my calculations correctly, tonight’s the night. With nothing separating us.”

  She flushed, her chest rising and falling quicker at the timbre in his voice. No more condoms. “I think you could be right,” she whispered with a smile.

  “That’s another tradition we can start,” he chuckled.

  “Yup, right after church,” she teased.

  He cupped her face and smiled softly. “This is the perfect time, I guess, right? We celebrate the beginning of new life in church on Christmas, and the two of us are celebrating the same thing in our own lives.”

  She was completely overcome with love for him at that moment and grabbed him to kiss him more soundly. He groaned, then kissed her more aggressively. When they stopped, he was rubbing her lip with his thumb.

  “The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we get back,” he breathed while cocking an eyebrow.

  “Let’s go, Mr. Daniels.”

  They grabbed their coats and walked to the car in their Christmas finery looking forward to the night to come.


  They lay on the comforter in front of the fireplace, the only light in the room coming from the dancing flames and the twinkling lights around the small Christmas tree. Now after midnight, the crackle from the fire and the soft music playing cocooned them where they were, entwined and naked, touching and loving each other slowly, their kissing more precious, more tender, more meaningful.

  Janie was ready for him, running her hands over the contours of his muscles, mesmerized by the controlled strength of him, but Luke took his time. Stroking her arms, running a finger down her side, letting his hand skim over each curve.

  “Mi dulce tesoro,” he murmured while kissing her. “I want you, Janie,” he looked down into her eyes while his lips rested on hers, his body nestled between her legs. He dropped his lips to hers. “I want you all the time.”

  She touched his face and ran her fingers through his hair, her heart pounding at his words. “Why am I your sweet treasure?” she smiled, nipping at his chin, and trying to swallow around the lump forming in her throat.

  “You’re getting better, dulzura,” he praised, impressed that she interpreted so quickly. “My tutoring lessons are paying off.”

  “I told you. It’s that new incentive structure.”

  “You’re my sweet treasure because I’ve never had a woman mean more to me than you.” Before she could respond, he slipped inside her so smoothly, so unexpectedly, she groaned.

  They both breathed out with relief and took a second to look into each other’s eyes.

  “Don’t move yet,” he gritted out. “It’s too good,” he moaned then closed his eyes. “I just need a sec.”

  She couldn’t help herself and pushed her hips up. “Oh, wow. This is really nice,” she whimpered. “You’re so smooth.”

  “God, baby. I have to move,” he breathed. He did and she swore she almost saw stars before her eyes.

  “Luke, don’t stop,” she said, pushing up into him again. He placed his hand under her butt cheek and slid his hand until it reached under her knee, where he lifted it high so he could go deeper.

  The sounds escaping their mouths mingled into the air, adding to the heightened pleasure they were now experiencing. He turned them quickly so she was on top, straddling him. His hands went to her waist, creating a rhythm while their eyes burned into each other.

  Janie gasped as he went deeper and deeper. Throwing her head back she closed her eyes, feeling the intensity grow, his hands now touching her breasts. She covered his hands with hers and rocked into him.

  He leaned his body up to kiss her and brought a hand to her ass, quickening their moves and causing the familiar tingle to start at the base of her spine. She dropped her head to his shoulder. “Luke,” she said, letting him determine the pace.

  “We’re never using condoms again, mi reina. Never again.” He put both hands on her ass and pushed into her with force, holding her down tightly to him causing her to yell at his depth. “You’re so warm, so wet. God, and you’re so tight, baby.”

  She rocked faster into him, grinding her clit every time she moved.

  “That’s right, dulzura. Feel what you do to me,” he whispered. “Who’s doing this to you? Who makes you feel this way?”

  “You,” she moaned
out. “You, Luke.”

  “Rub your nipples into my chest. That’s it,” he encouraged. His fingers moved to between her butt cheeks. She automatically clenched, feeling his finger get closer to the rosebud of her ass. He groaned when she clenched around him. His sexy gaze hit hers, a million questions lit up there. His finger got closer to that area where no man had ever touched her. “Are you okay?”

  She knew what he was asking. Was she okay with trying something new? She was. She wanted to be with him in every sense of the word. She nodded, her face flushed.

  He pushed up even faster, continuing his rhythm which was keeping her hot and close. His middle fingers created teasing circles around that forbidden opening, massaging it and making her react in ways she hadn’t expected. It was dark and naughty, and made her control snap. She clenched around him again and quickened her pace, now bouncing faster on his lap, gripping his hair, and wanting to growl and scratch at him.

  “Are you going to come, mi reina? You going to come for me?” he growled and continued playing with her, encouraging her, making her race to the finish even faster.

  He finally rolled them once again so he was on top and slammed into her, making her scream out.

  She came with an explosion of senses, letting out a high pitched noise and pulling his hair while he let out his own sound of completion and came inside a woman for the first time.

  They lay there, gaining their breath and staying connected at their cores.

  “I’m throwing away every fucking condom in this place,” he murmured into her hair.

  “And the ones in my loft,” she chuckled. “I run a respectable establishment over there, Daniels. Could you imagine clients finding those things when they’re over there for tastings? And what would my backers say?” she asked, her eyes laughing at him.

  “Your backers would say the owner of The Local Yokel is a one hot tamale.”

  She ran her hands over his back, scratching it lightly. He twitched inside her and let out a sound of pleasure. She continued her light scratching until he finally picked his head up to look down at her, a satisfied smile on his lips.


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