Riding the Storm

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Riding the Storm Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  “Hi, Ranger. I’d like to introduce you to Kendra. Kendra, this is my Uncle, Ranger.”

  Ranger stood with his arms loose at his sides and tried not to let his nephew know she’d hurt him. He pulled it off visually, but she could smell differently. As a werewolf, though, he’d be able to heal quickly, thank goodness.

  Kendra felt like she should apologize, but wasn’t really sure what to say. Ranger knew she was a vampire, but she didn’t think Eric knew his uncle was a werewolf, so Eric wouldn’t know Ranger could smell her and know what she was.

  Eric filled in the silence with, “Kendra, I told you my uncle is spec ops. I doubt anyone has single-handedly taken him down in decades, so he’s probably wondering what kind of training you’ve had, and how you managed to sneak up on him and immobilize him.”

  No, he wasn’t wondering, but she couldn’t explain why not. Instead, she turned to Ranger and said, “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I thought you were an intruder. I feel bad we seem to’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, should I let you knock me down so we’ll be even?”

  Ranger was standing at alert, as if he expected her to attack again at any minute, and he’d be ready for her this time. He glanced at Eric, but quickly brought his eyes back to Kendra, fully prepared for another attack.

  “How much do you know about this woman, Eric? What has she told you she does for a living?”

  Eric sighed. “Ranger, I’m really not up for the third degree about Kendra right now. She took you down, your ego is bruised, end of story. Let’s all get a drink and get to know each other. Nicely, with manners. And, as happy as I am to see you, why didn’t you let me know you were coming?”

  Ranger’s jaw muscle flexed, and he finally looked away from Kendra and towards Eric. “I wasn’t planning on retiring from the government, but an elite security company offered me a fantastic job opportunity, and I’ve been working for them overseas. I couldn’t tell you, because they didn’t want it widely known I’d retired until I finished the initial assignment they hired me to do.” He eyed Kendra a few seconds, as if debating whether she could hear this, and must’ve decided she could. “The assignment ended unexpectedly and they got me out of the country in a hurry, and brought me home on the company plane. Lucky for us, their home office is in Chattanooga. Sorry I didn’t have time to let you know, but since I’m here, I thought I’d drop in for surprise visit. I’m just here for a debrief before I head back out on a closely related assignment. I don’t know how long I’ll be in town.”

  If Ranger was working for Aaron Drake, she could get Abbott to find out about him. Kendra relaxed a little, knowing Aaron was particular about the kind of men he let represent his company.

  “No idea? Days, or weeks?” Eric asked his uncle.

  “Probably less than a week, possibly only a day or two. If you have plans, I can stay somewhere else.”

  Kendra stood. “Since the two of you aren’t going to have much time to spend together, I’ll leave you alone so you can catch up.”

  Eric put his arm around her. “Actually, if you could stick around a bit, I’d like you to get to know Ranger a little, and I’d kind of like for him to have a better impression of you than the one your knee probably left in his back. He’s family, and you’re important to me. Please, stay for a while.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as she told him, “Well, since you asked nice, I guess I kind of have to.”

  As they all took a seat, Ranger asked, “So Kendra, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m kind of independently wealthy, but I like to keep busy, so I work with a friend who owns several bars and restaurants in town. Most recently, I’ve been opening another bar for him downtown. Just something to do to occupy my time and stay busy, mostly.”

  “How did you become independently wealthy?”

  “I used to work as an assassin, and it paid really well.”

  He raised his eyebrows, not believing her, but waiting for her to say whatever came next. She gave something between a grin and a glare. “Sorry, but it sounded like the kind of answer you were looking for. The truth is kind of boring — I got an inheritance and invested it wisely. I continue to make more money than I spend, and if I can keep doing so then I’ll never have to find a regular job. I’m not dating Eric for his money.”

  “Most people who haven’t killed aren’t eager to claim they have.”

  The guilty dog barks the loudest, so proclaiming to have never killed wouldn’t be wise. Besides, she didn’t want to lie to him, probably best to try to turn the tables. “Spoken by someone who has killed?”

  He just observed her again, probably noting she hadn’t denied killing. “You say you aren’t dating Eric for his money, which hints there’s another reason you’re dating him. Why are you dating my nephew?”

  She caught the undercurrent of possession. His wolf claimed Eric as his, and if she tried to claim him, there could be a problem.

  Eric wasn’t aware of the undercurrents, but he still took offense. “Ranger! You’re getting out of—”

  “No, Eric,” Kendra interrupted. “It’s okay, I can answer his questions. I like knowing you have someone who loves you enough to give me the third degree.”

  Kendra hadn’t looked away from Ranger as she spoke to Eric, and she kept her eyes on him as she answered his question. “Because he’s so alive, so full of energy, life. He doesn’t let fear hold him back — if he wants to do something, he does it. I enjoy spending time with him. We’re still figuring things out, but I guess we’re both hoping we can find a way to make things work.”

  “Why might things not work?”

  Kendra looked at Eric, then back at Ranger, debating the best way to answer without lying. “That’s kind of personal, but since you asked, I’m infertile and Eric wants kids.”

  Ranger looked shocked, and his focus switched to Eric. “You’ve let a relationship get to the point where you’re talking about kids and I don’t know about it? You told me you were seeing someone, but... “

  Eric shrugged. “Sorry, I didn’t want to jinx things.”

  Ranger eyed him a few seconds before changing the subject. “Well, it’s close to midnight now and I have to be at work at nine tomorrow morning. I can stay up a couple of hours, but should probably head to bed around two in the morning or so.”

  Eric looked at Ranger’s bottle. “I see you’ve already helped yourself to some beer, I’ll get one for me. Kendra, wine?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Alone with him, but not out of earshot of Eric, Kendra asked, “So Ranger, where did you fly in from?”

  His smile was feral, and he let his wolf look out his eyes as he answered, “Sorry, my location is usually classified information.”

  “Ah. Well then, what are you doing for this security company?”

  “They handle security details for some pretty famous people, and they have contracts with major corporations to set up their security systems, as well as to offer additional manpower for special events.”

  “When we hire bouncers for the bars we have to be careful about hiring ex-military. We like for our bouncers to defuse a situation, and ex-military usually just wants to toss people out on their ass. So, I guess I find it odd that a security company is looking to hire from the military for that kind of work.”

  Knowing Aaron Drake and the jobs he handled, she didn’t find it odd at all, but wanted to hear his response.

  “I’m not the kind of ex-military you’re used to seeing. Defusing situations is one of the things I’m trained for. I’m also trained to kill everyone en masse if the situation can’t be neutralized, of course, but in many cases a political solution is much preferred over wholesale slaughter.”

  Kendra raised her eyebrows. “Indeed. What languages do you speak?”

  “Sorry, that’s information they’d prefer I not tell civilians.”

  “Well, if I can’t make small talk by asking questions then I’m not sure what to say at this point. Maybe you can tell me e
mbarrassing stories of Eric growing up?”

  “Ah, like the time he jumped off the roof of the house holding a sheet over his head like a parachute? He was about seven or eight at the time. I thought his mom was going to kill me, since I’d let him come watch us jump earlier in the week.”

  Kendra laughed. “Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff I want to hear.” She looked at Eric as he returned. “Were you hurt?”

  “I jumped off a two story house onto hard dirt, of course I was hurt. And when mom got me home from the emergency room with a cast on one ankle and a wrap on the other, she took a belt to my ass before she gave me the pain pills, just to make sure I didn’t do it again.”

  Ranger laughed. “She threatened to take a belt to my ass, too. I told her I’d just enjoy it too much, and she got pissed and told me to get the hell out of her house.”

  Kendra let her eyebrows lift in question, and Ranger grinned at her reaction. “No, I wouldn’t have enjoyed it. She knew I had some sexual kinks, but didn’t know what they were, so I figured I could throw her off balance — and it worked. Kind of.”

  “How much older are you than Eric?”

  “Eleven years. I tried to be a father figure to him during his teen years when his dad couldn’t be around, but in a lot of ways I guess I was more big brother than father figure.”

  “Then I’d guess one of the reasons you accepted this job was because it put you in a city Eric has chosen to spend a lot of time in?”

  “It was certainly part of it, though I knew I’d be off on assignments most of the time. I know there’s no guarantee he won’t find another city with even more fun to be had, but he’s spent a good bit of time here for several years, and it seems to have turned into kind of his home base. Once I decided I wasn’t going to stay in the military forever, this firm seemed a no-brainer since they’re one of the world’s most elite private security companies. The fact their home office is here was just icing on the cake.”

  Kendra excused herself around one thirty, to be sure the men had some time to talk without her around. Eric walked her to her car, and held her head to his chest as he said, “I’m sorry we didn’t get to come home and make love. I was looking forward to it.”

  She pulled back, gave him a peck on the lips, and said, “There’ll be plenty of time later. Spend time with your uncle.”

  His goodbye kiss made her want to fly him to the top of the hill and ravage him, but she slid into her car and headed home.

  She contacted Abbott as she drove.

  Abbott? Are you where you can talk?

  Yes, Kendra. Everything okay?

  Yes, I’m fine. Eric’s uncle showed up, and he says he works for a local elite security company. He’s ex-special-ops, so I’m guessing he works for Drake. Can you get with him and see what you can find out about someone named Ranger? He’s a werewolf, so he realized I’m a vampire. Neither of us said anything to tip Eric off, so I don’t think Eric knows what his uncle is.

  I’ll talk to Aaron and let you know what he says.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Kendra arrived home, she noted a car she didn’t recognize parked out front. As she drove by, she saw a New York license plate.

  The vampires all parked in either the huge garage, or in an area at the back of the house designed so you couldn’t see how many cars were there from the front. This was an elite, high-dollar neighborhood, built around a golf course, and it would be best if no one realized how many people lived here.

  Only people who’d never been to the house before parked in front.

  Kendra parked and entered through the back door as always, and went through to the great room, curious about who the visitor might be.

  As she walked in, she froze. Several seconds later, she managed to say, “Norris,” in a normal voice.

  Norris got up and walked to her, hugging her. “Hello, love.”

  “But, I thought you were... we all thought you were...”

  “Dead. Yes, I know. To be honest, I’m still not sure how I managed to pull myself back together.” He gave her a gentle smile and caressed her cheek, his eyes looking her over as if he’d truly missed her and couldn’t believe he was finally with her again. “I just know I woke up nearly five hundred years later, underground. I dug my way out and stayed in Romania a while, until I could build up some wealth again, then moved around Europe, looking for you. It wasn’t until I made it to the United States that I finally heard word of where I might find you. I’ve been in New York a few months, and I thought about calling first, but I really wanted to see you when we first made contact.”

  Stunned, she let him hold her as she tried to process the fact he was alive. She’d mourned him all those years ago — she’d once loved him with all of her heart. And now, here he was, standing in front of her, his strong, lithe arms around her.

  But, what about Eric? He’d said they weren’t exclusive, but she knew Norris wouldn’t feel the same about Eric… not unless Eric was officially her human companion, anyway.

  Plus, the last time she and Norris had been together, she’d been submissive to him. In fact, he was the last man she’d submitted to, until Eric. She was pretty sure she was more powerful than Norris now — would he be interested in a relationship where she was the more powerful one? She wasn’t sure.

  “Norris, I don’t know what to say. I’m in shock, I think. And, it’s been so long.” She hugged him, luxuriated in the feel of him for a brief second, and then forced herself to let go and step back. “I’m really glad you’re alive. Have you met with Abbott yet to get safe passage in his territory? He didn’t mention you were coming — did you ask him to keep it a surprise?”

  “No, I haven’t spoken with The Abbott, yet. I wanted this to be a surprise, so I’d know how you reacted, and I couldn’t be sure he’d honor my request. Thus far, your reaction isn’t making me feel all warm and fuzzy, Kendaline.”

  Kendra opened herself up so Abbott could hear the conversation. “Norris, it’s been over a thousand years! You must give me a chance to put all of this together. Meanwhile, I can’t believe you went into a territory without obtaining permission from the Master of that territory! I hope you didn’t think I’d make everything okay since I happen to be third in command here. It’s Abbott you’ve insulted, not me, and it’s Abbott you’ll have to deal with.”

  Norris just looked at her, as if he didn’t believe what he was hearing.

  And then Kendra realized... “Wait, Gavin’s out of town, making me temporarily the second in command. You really did think I’d make everything right with Abbott for you, didn’t you? Dammit, Norris! You can’t walk in here and take advantage of me first thing! I’m not the same woman I was a thousand years ago. I suggest you get on the phone, now, and grovel to Abbott, as I refuse to intercede. Once the two of you figure it out, then you and I can talk. Maybe.”

  She stepped into the center of the great room and looked at the vampires. “I don’t know who’s been talking to him, who told him when Gavin would be gone, and where the house was, but I suggest you do your own groveling with Abbott.”

  Kendra turned and went through the kitchen, into the pantry, and then opened the hidden door to the basement and her suite of rooms. Twenty minutes later, she heard Abbott in her head.

  Kendra, it’s too close to dawn to send him away, so I gave Fawne permission to put him on the top floor for the day, and he’s been told to leave my territory as soon as he arises. He may then call me from Kentucky to negotiate entry in the proper manner, if he wishes. The irony here is that if he’d called me before he came, I’d have let him in with no negotiations.

  Right, but this is Norris, and he’s never been one to respect rules or authority when he can get around it. I’d just as soon you not offer him passage into the territory for a while, if you can do it without causing political problems with Marco up in New York. I can’t believe I once loved him as I did, Abbott. And when he hugged me, I still felt something for him, but I guess I’ve grown up, finally.
I’m not attracted to the bad boys anymore, and he was always a very bad boy. I just need to stay away from him.

  I’ll call Marco, and will let you know what he has to say.

  Kendra went to her bathroom to draw herself a bath. She had a huge tub, and when she was upset, she took a hot bath. She carried her cell phone to the bathroom and sat it on the table beside the tub, just in case someone she wanted to talk to called.

  She hadn’t been in long when she heard Abbott in her head again.

  Marco isn’t very happy with Norris right now. He’s calling him all the way home to be dealt with. Marco says if I don’t want to offer Norris passage into my territory later, he won’t take it personally, under the circumstances.

  Thanks, Abbott.

  Norris is asking to talk to you while he’s here tonight, before he has to leave upon arising.

  Of course he is. She started to refuse, but changed her mind. Norris wouldn’t be back anytime soon, and she still cared enough about him to want to know how he was doing, and what he was up to at home. Okay, tell them I’ll be up when I’ve finished my bath. I don’t want him to have access to the basement, if that’s okay with you.

  You’re correct, it wouldn’t be appropriate. I’ll let them know you’ll be up in a while to talk to him.

  Kendra took another twenty minutes in the tub, and then dried off and dressed in a designer, flowing, pantsuit and some of her favorite shoes before going upstairs to talk to Norris. She needed all the self-confidence she could muster to face him and not let him make her fall in love with him all over again. She was not the same woman she was back then, and she didn’t want to go back.

  When she stepped into the great room he was sitting on the sofa talking to a couple of the younger vampires, but he stopped in mid-sentence to look at her.

  “Abbott said you wanted to talk to me tonight before you went home tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Kendaline, I’m sorry I came like this... I just thought... I’m sorry. Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”


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