Home > Other > RICHARD (A BAD BOY ROMANCE) > Page 15

by Wild, Nikki

  I panicked, scrambling over to the steps and trying to pick my way through the party goers that littered the stairs. If I didn’t find a way to get close to him again this entire stunt would have been for nothing.

  “Jessica? What’s happened? I lost the signal,’ Greg said, his voice edged with tension.

  “He went upstairs,” I said softly, though I couldn’t keep the panic out of my voice. “I’m following him now.”

  “Just be careful,” he replied, and I could almost feel the worry in his voice.

  Once I’d managed to get up onto the second floor I found myself in an almost deserted hallway, the only occupant was a passed out member of AEΩ sprawled halfway in one of the house’s bedrooms. I looked around, slowly creeping along the hall in the hopes of maybe catching Michael unaware.

  “I’ve got the signal again,” Greg said over the earpiece. “He’s close by.”

  Those words made my heart skip a beat, worsened only by the smug whisper from only a few feet behind me.

  “Looking for someone?”

  That cool familiar voice chilled me to the bone, my heart suddenly pounding away at my ribcage like a xylophone. I gulped nervously, steeling myself as I turned around, watching Michael step out of one of the bedrooms, both hands in his pockets as he strolled toward me.

  “It’s funny,” he said, his thin lips curling into a cruel smile, “I was just wondering how long it would take you to realize that brother of yours is hardly a match for me. And here you are, crawling back to me dressed like the little whore I always said you were.”

  “Jessica? Is everything okay? What’s going on?” Greg asked.

  “Michael, I—”

  “You don’t have to explain, Jessica,” he said, putting up his hand to stop me from speaking. “I understand. You want a real man—someone who’ll treat you like you know you deserve to be treated.”

  “Stop it,” I said, my voice trembling as I took a step back. “Stay away from me.”

  “Excuse me?” Michael asked, his head tilting as though he could hardly believe what he’d just heard. “Did you just give me an order you little cunt? There’s no need to play hard to get. I know you didn’t come here for the party.”

  “Jessica, get out of there,” Greg said, and I could hear his own panicked voice practically matching my own. “You need to run.”

  “I can’t,” I said, taking another step back as Michael advanced. “He’s blocking the stairs.”

  “Who are you talking to?” he hissed, lunging forward and grabbing at my purse, pulling me forward along with it. Everything toppled out all at once, the heavy black device slamming onto the floor.

  I felt his hand on my throat, crying out as my shoulder exploded in pain as he threw me into the wall. I felt his fingers digging at my ear, pulling out the earpiece and throwing it onto the ground.

  “What the hell is all this?” he snarled, “Huh? Tell me!”

  I tried to cry out, to get any kind of sound past his steely grip on my windpipe. His face was inches from mine, and I could feel his hot, stinking breathing right against my skin. I could barely draw breath, my head already beginning to swim from the lack of oxygen and the shooting pain radiating out of my shoulder.

  I watched his entire face turn a bright shade of red, blood rushing up to declare his rage. He didn’t know exactly what I had tried to do, but knowing that I’d come up with some kind of plan against him was enough to raise his ire to levels I’d never seen before.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch—”

  His breath caught in his throat as something massive slammed into his side. All of a sudden I could draw breath, taking air greedily into my lungs as I crumpled against the wall. I blinked away the stars that had formed in front of my vision as I looked up to find out just who my savior had been.

  “Richard?” I whispered, watching in awe as my stepbrother reared up and began slamming his fists over and over into Michael’s prone form, the wet sounds of his knuckles meeting his flesh filling my hearing. I’d never seen my brother so enraged, roaring as he grabbed Michael’s now limp form and tossed it against one of the closed bedroom doors, caving the wood in with a loud crack!

  Satisfied with the unconscious form of my former boyfriend at his feet, Richard turned toward me, his expression immediately softening as he knelt down to check on me.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, cupping my face in his hands.

  “I am now,” I whispered, smiling up at him before pressing my lips to his.

  _ TWENTY _


  “The jury came back today,” Jessica said as she cuddled up to me in my bed. It had been a long trial, even with the evidence arrayed against Michael and his goons. With his parents’ money, he was more than able to hire himself an attorney willing to stall for as much time as possible to get him acquitted.

  “Good news?” I asked, running my fingers through her silken hair. I’d given up on watching the trial myself, unable to stomach seeing that bastard sitting there day after day, convinced this his daddy’s money would save him. Jessica however had stayed glued to every bit of news about the proceedings, even going to one of the sessions of court when Becky was called to testify about the night she was raped. “They’re not letting him go, are they?”

  Michael had been given bail, but kept on house arrest while the trial was going on, leaving him trapped far away from the two of us while the trial went on and his lackey’s were all on trial alongside their little ringleader. With half of AEΩ’s pledges on trial, the fraternity was under some serious investigation into past reports that had “slipped through the cracks.” I couldn’t help enjoying the sight of a fleet of black and white cop cars all parked outside of the Omega’s frat-house, its members displaced out onto the sidewalk to watch as their little club house was turned upside down.

  “Just the opposite,” she said, looking up at me with those warm, loving eyes. “Michael is being charged with Becky’s rape, along with a charge for being an accessory to every single one of the Omega’s who were in that room.”

  “Sounds like justice to me,” I said, smiling as I leaned my head down to brush my lips against her own. “How’s Becky taking everything?”

  Jessica gave me a half smile and gently shrugged her shoulders. I knew that the trial had been hard for Becky, it always is for women who go through trauma like that. She had to relive her rape again and again, even while she was staring right at Michael in the courtroom as she gave her testimony.

  “Becky’s doing okay. As well as anyone could be after something like this,” she said. “I don’t think it gave her the closure that she was hoping for. It’s not like what everyone keeps telling girls in this situation. It doesn’t get easier. It stays painful forever.

  I nodded, gently caressing her cheek as I looked out toward my window from my bed. I’d never be able to understand the kind of pain Becky had gone through or the hurt that Michael had inflicted on her—a hurt that would follow her into every relationship for the rest of her life. It would always be there, like a shadow hanging over her view of men. And I didn’t blame her one bit if she never trusted anyone for the rest of her life.

  “It looks like we’re out of the woods, then,” I said, entwining my fingers in her soft hair. “We’re free.”

  “In some ways, yes.” Jessica turned her gaze away from me, a frown marring those pretty features. “Not in others.”

  I frowned, sitting up a little straighter in bed, looking down as she set her head in my lap.

  What could be wrong now? I wondered, gently rubbing my thumb over her shoulder. We were free to be together again, with no threat looming over our heads that could expose our secret to the world. From what I could tell the two of us had gotten out of this with our lives intact and no worse for wear.

  “What you do mean, babe?”

  Jessica sighed, nuzzling gently against me.

  “I mean that we’re still living like we’re some shameful tryst. We’re
still in the shadows. If Michael had posted those pictures then at least we wouldn’t have to hide from the world. I love you, and I want to the world to know that I love you.”

  I sat there, my arms draped across her body as I thought on her words. She definitely had a point—hiding ourselves from the world didn’t appeal to me, but the shame of what others might think had always kept me from declaring my feelings from the rooftops. And there was always our parents, who might not be happy about this…

  They would understand… Love is blind.

  “I do too, Jess,” I said, reaching down and gently squeezing her hand. “I hate hiding it… but I’m afraid, too. It’s scary to think what might happen if anyone back home found out about who we were to one another.”

  “All the more reason to be done with it!” she exclaimed. “If we tell everyone ourselves, then at least it will be on our terms. We’ll be able to face them, and now that Michael and his pictures aren’t going to be an issue any longer you and I don’t have to worry about a huge scandal, or the embarrassment of our parents seeing second hand what we were doing. I don’t like sneaking around. I’m ready to face up to who I am and the man I love.”

  “You’re right,” I whispered, closing my eyes in thought. I could practically see the look on my father’s face—all red and practically steaming like a boiler. But his momentary anger was something I was more than ready to deal with when the time came.

  “What was that?” she asked, turning around to look up into my eyes, a wicked grin on her lips. “Say that again.”

  I smirked, caressing her cheek as I drew her in for a soft, tender kiss.

  “You’re right.”

  Jessica purred against my lips, pressing deeper into the kiss, her arms sliding around my neck. I chuckled, wrapping my own arms around her waist and pulling her in nice and close. The covers fell away easily, revealing that perfect body underneath. I allowed my hands to wander along the smooth line of her back, caressing and teasing on her pale skin. I could never get enough of her against me.

  “I love it when you say that,” she cooed.

  “I bet you do,” I laughed, pressing our lips together again in a slow, passionate kiss. I’d never been happier than when I was with my stepsister in my arms, her lips locked with mine and I had no intention of letting that feeling ever slip away.

  “Who should we tell first?” she asked, biting on her lip as her hands slid over my shoulders. She had an all too familiar hungry look in her eyes as she began to kiss along my neck. Jessica had turned into quite the little animal in the sack since we’d first started, eagerly jumping at the chance to fuck even at a moment’s notice especially if I made it an order.

  “Probably mom and dad,” I said, closing my eyes as she caressed my skin with her soft, succulent lips. “I mean, it would be kind of rude not to tell them, if we’re going to be out in the open about all of this, right? They should be the first to know that their own kids are sleeping together. Right?”

  “Uh-huh,” she grunted softly, raking her nails down my sides as her kisses slowly made their way along my chest. With every touch of her body against mine I could feel the tension in my muscles begin to ebb away. I let out a soft sigh of relief as her hands began to slip much lower until they found the more intimate parts of my body. “But I don’t think talking about them with your dick in my hand is going to be very fun, now, is it?”

  I let out a soft, plaintive moan as she began to slowly work my still flaccid cock, already beginning to feel it harden in her hand. My eyes fluttered as she slowly began to pump her hand up and down along my lengthening shaft, all thoughts of anything else driven right from my mind. With every stroke, Jessica turned her wrist just slightly, the sensation making me shudder in pleasure.

  “Fuck, Jess,” I groaned out, gripping on my sheets as she brought my dick to full attention. It never ceased to amaze me just how adept my stepsister had gotten in turning me on, all the tiny, subtle motions that brought my cock to a full hard-on before I could even blink.

  “That’s the plan,” she moaned in my ear before taking my earlobe between her lips. “You know how much I like taking care of you, Dick.”

  I groaned out once more, tilting my head back against the head of my bed as her hand worked the base of my cock again and again. All the while I could feel Jessica grinding herself against my leg, feeling the growing wetness between her thighs. My body gave a shudder as I pressed myself against her hand, subconsciously begging for more. But I knew that just feeling her hand around my cock wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me.

  “You always get me so hard, my little pet,” I growled, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. “I need to feel my cock in that little cunt of yours.”

  “Please, Sir,” she whimpered, looking up at me as she squirmed her hips against me, pressing her warm pussy against my skin. I let out a groan of satisfaction, pulling her up higher on my body. My cock pressed against her stomach, its rigid length throbbing in anticipation as she writhed and moaned for my enjoyment. “I want to be yours.”

  “Do you?” I asked coyly, my lips turning up in a cocky little smirk. “You want to feel me inside of you? Feel my cock sliding in and out of that warm, wet little cunt?”

  “Yes, Sir!” she moaned, letting out a hissing breath through her teeth as she slid her thighs around my waist, straddling me so that her slick pussy pressed right along the length of my steely shaft. “I want to feel you inside of me when that tip gushes with cum… I want to feel you filling me, Sir.”

  I pushed my hips up against hers as she started to grind herself against my crotch, groaning at the thought of feeling my seed burst from my tip inside of her warm depths, spilling my essence deep inside. The risk of getting her pregnant was more than a little exciting, the thought of my own stepsister, swollen with my child had me harder than I would have ever imagined.

  “Don’t tease,” I whispered, looking into her eyes. “It’s not nice to tease me with what I can’t have.”

  “Who said that you couldn’t have it?” she asked, a look of mock innocence on her face as she tilted her head slightly to the side. “I’m yours, Sir. You can do whatever you want with me, however you want, and whenever you want. If you want to feel that cock cum nice and deep inside of your pet’s pussy, then you can.”

  I looked deep into her eyes, searching for any sign of that tell-tale glint in her eyes that told me she was only playing. But there was no glint in her eyes aside from the hungry gleam that she always got right before I slid my cock nice and deep into her warm cunt.

  Does she mean that? I wondered, running my fingers through her hair.

  “I await your orders, Sir,” she whispered, biting nervously on her bottom lip. She wanted me to say yes, to tell her that I wanted to fuck her until I spilled my cum into her wet little slit. My cock felt so hard that it almost hurt as I imagined my cum slowly dripping from between her pretty little pussy lips as she relaxed, rejoicing in the sensation of being filled with my sperm.

  “Ride me,” I growled softly before I pulled her into a slow, hungry kiss.

  “Yes, Sir,” she cooed, getting up onto her knees as she continued to straddle my waist, reaching down and pressing my tip against the drenched slit of her pretty little cunt.

  I moaned softly, watching as she slowly squirmed her pussy down around my thick, meaty cock, those soft shaved lips slowly enveloping my steely member until there was nothing except the barest hint of my base left outside of her body. I leaned my head back, eyes closed as I basked in the glorious feeling of her body enveloping my cock. I fought the urge to move, to fuck her from beneath as she sat on top of me, instead forcing myself to relax and enjoy the way she fucked me. Every single inch of her was mine, and she knew it—she loved it.

  Once my dick was sheathed within her Jessica began to slowly and torturously work herself up and down my thick length. I looked down between us, enjoying the sight of my cock slipping in and out of her body, the way she moaned whenever she’d push it back
up inside of herself, her eyes closed and her head lolled to the side.

  With one hand she balanced herself on the headboard behind me, and with the other she slipped her fingers between her thighs, stopping just before she reached her pussy and looking down into my eyes.

  “May I touch my pussy, Sir? I want to cum with you nice and deep inside of me.”

  I smirked, reaching up and pressing my lips against her own in another slow, passionate kiss. She worked her hips up and down, her pussy riding that hard cock perfectly. I could already feel that familiar pressure in my hips and gentle tightness in my cum-heavy balls.

  “Do it,” I whispered, looking down as she obeyed, her fingers dipping down into the velvety folds of her pussy just above my pulsating shaft. Her nimble delicate fingers worked slowly at first, brushing along her hard little nubbin until she let out a soft gasp, her eyes closing as her hips moved in their perfect rhythm.


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