To the Falls

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To the Falls Page 4

by Heather Renee

  “I guess you don’t realize that your eyes glow as well from time to time.” Lucas said as he reached over and touched the side of my face. “Have you opened your book yet? It will confirm a lot of things for you, but will also frustrate you because it’s not always clear. I heard your mom tell you what a Meraki is, correct?”

  I nodded since words had escaped me after his touch. My cheek tingled where his hand had been. My heart beat faster and my body leaned into his touch without me even realizing it. I wasn’t sure I was ready for this conversation, but what the hell, why not?

  “Your book will tell you who your Meraki is, but you can also confirm this by physical things as well. You and your Meraki will have identical eye color. The males’ eyes always change to be the exact same color as their Meraki.” Lucas reached over and grabbed my hand. “My eyes were not this color before you arrived in Arvata.”

  He smiled and his dimples appeared in his cheeks again. Damn, those dimples were adorable.

  His hand still held mine while he waited for me to process what he’d said. I figured I was supposed to say something, but I really didn’t know what to say. Between his intense stare, dimples and where this conversation was headed, I was at a loss for words. I knew I should probably be freaking out more than I was but my heart and head were still battling it out, and my heart was winning. All logic was out the window.

  “So, you believe you’re my Meraki? I still don’t understand why your eyes glow when we make eye contact sometimes.”

  “Yes, I’m certain of it but I won’t push you for anything you’re not ready for,” He said with a gentle squeeze of my hand. “Our eyes will glow when our souls are trying to make a connection. That’s our magic bringing us together, helping us bond quicker. It’s something that only your Meraki can see. Nobody else realizes it when it happens.”

  I reached out to touch his thigh and he flinched. “Sorry, I don’t know why I did that. I must still be tired.” I mumbled quickly as an excuse. Note to self, no touching.

  “No, it’s okay. I’ve been alone for a very long time and I was just surprised at the touch. I thought I would be alone for the rest of my life, but when Jordan carried you through the gateway, I knew. I felt it as soon as I saw you but everyone was already worried enough about what you were going through. I didn’t want to add to it yet.” He grabbed my hand and set it on his thigh like I had attempted to do.

  My heart was racing like it had been yesterday, but for a whole different reason. I never believed in soulmates or love at first sight before. Now though, my body was reaching out for his in ways I never knew possible. This wasn’t love at first sight, but it was definitely something worth staying for and figuring out.

  “You’ve been alone a long time? You can’t be much older than me, right?”

  “Another thing that hasn’t been explained to you.” He grinned. “I’m two hundred years old. Once Guardians are old enough to come to Arvata, they age much slower so I only look around twenty-five. If I were to spend a lengthy amount of time on Earth like your parents did, then I would age. Though it’s still slower than any human aging. I’m sure you noticed your parents looked much younger than your friend’s parents.”

  Holy crap, he was old. Now I wondered how old Jordan was or even my parents. We were going to be having a very long talk soon.

  “Also, we don’t date until we’ve found our Meraki, so you can imagine it’s been a very long two hundred years.” He smiled shyly.

  I thought I was weird for having never dated and staying focused on school and swimming for my short twenty years. but to be alone for two hundred years, I couldn’t imagine. At least I’d been lucky enough to have Jordan. I wondered if he had anyone like that for him? I wanted to hug him but didn’t want him to freak out again.

  “Can I hug-” I didn’t get to finish before he had his arms around me. Guess he was over the touching thing already. He smelled of the outdoors and spices. His embrace made my heart go crazy and I wondered if my eyes glowed. I yawned then and ruined the moment. How could I still be so tired?

  He pulled back, and his eyes were glowing, so I was right that mine had been.

  “Let’s get you back in bed. You need rest before tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day. You’ll meet the other Guardians who came today while you were sleeping.” He reached over to the table where I had left my book and tapped it. “You’ll also need to open your book. The sooner you know what the Fates have in store for you, the better.”

  He stood and helped me up from the couch and nudged me toward the bed. I noticed that Strix was gone and panicked a little. I searched around the room and didn’t find him, then I heard a hoot come from outside. I walked over to the window, and Strix was in the tree in our front yard. Guess he thought I was good on my own for now.

  I went back to my bed, and Lucas was still standing there. My chest hurt at the thought of him leaving even if he was just next door in his house. I wondered if that was because of the bond he mentioned earlier and how our magic was trying to bring us together. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but as long as he didn’t push me, I could handle it for now.

  “Can you stay for a while until I fall asleep? Having you around eases the tightness I’ve had in my chest for a couple days. I guess the bond from our magic is trying to prove its point.” I said shyly.

  “I can stay for a bit, but I apologize now that I won’t be here when you wake up. I’ll be downstairs with your parents, though. I wouldn’t want them to think anything inappropriate about me being in your room all night. And yes, the bond can mess with you a little in regards to your feelings, but only in the way that it will amplify them and progress them faster. The magic of our bond can’t make you feel something that isn’t there yet.”

  He was certainly a gentleman. I hoped things kept getting better from here.

  I got back in bed and waited for him before I tried to get comfortable. He laid on the bed, but didn’t get under the blankets, which I was grateful for. He reached his arm around me and fit me into his side.

  “Sleep well, blue eyes,” he said and then kissed my forehead.

  Shivers ran down my body. I closed my eyes thinking I could get used to having a Meraki.

  True to his word, I woke in the morning by myself, but there was a note on my pillow from Lucas.

  Kaliah, last night was the greatest night of my life. I hope that you slept well, and I’ll see you later today. I’ve already told your father about us being Merakis and asked for his permission to take you on a date so we can get to know each other better. I hope you don’t mind, but that’s how it’s done here in Arvata. We’ll talk more about it soon when you’re ready. Yours, Lucas.

  That was the best sleep of my entire life. I didn’t have my dream last night and I guessed because I knew everything was real now. Well, time to get up and face the day. I was ready to open my book and figure out a plan. All this not knowing was going to drive me crazy.

  As I got out of bed, I wondered about my magic and what I could do with it. I thought about the things I had read in books and how much of it might be real for me now.

  First thing I needed was a shower to help wake me up and then I would open my book. There was no more waiting. Today I would find out more about who I really was.

  Jordan was waiting for me on my bed when I came out of the bathroom, and I was so happy to see her. I needed some girl time this morning. Having her here to support me would definitely make this easier. I grabbed the book off the dresser and brought it with me to the bed to sit with Jordan.

  She was tossing something back and forth between her hands, and I couldn’t tell what it was, but it was bright.

  “What’s that?” I pointed to her hands.

  “An orb. You’ll be able to make orbs when you learn how to use your magic. Orbs can just be little balls of light like this one, or they can be made to pack a punch. Depends on what your intentions are when you create it.” Jordan shrugged like it was no big deal as she mad
e the orb go away.

  One thing at time I decided, and pretended I didn’t hear a word she just said.

  “How does this work?” I asked as I picked up my book. “Do I just think open and it opens, or is there something special that needs to be done like saying Abracadabra?” I really hoped it was Abracadabra just so I could laugh every time I said it.

  “Back it up lady,” She grumbled. “Nothing to say about my awesome orb skills? And second, boy talk. Have you spoken with Lucas yet? Spill it girl.”

  Jordan stared at me with her intense green eyes and a smile that said she wasn’t going to let this go. I let out a small sigh and decided to indulge her.

  “I’m choosing to save the orb skills for a later time. Too much to process now, baby steps for me. Lucas came over last night or maybe it was this morning? Anyway, he explained some things to me about how we are Merakis, but he was the perfect gentleman about it. We’re going to take it slow and get to know each other first. You know I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I can’t handle all the change at once, so I hope he’s ready for how slow this might be.”

  I hadn’t even really been kissed before unless I counted that one time freshman year in high school when some kid named Tommy was dared to run up to me at lunch and kiss me. He nearly missed and ran away just as quick as his sloppy kiss was. He was lucky too, because he would have gotten slapped.

  “Sounds like you have that part figured out at least. I’m glad he came over to talk to you. It was probably better that way to hear it from him. Good luck taking it slow. I’ve heard the bond can have a mind of its own if you’re already attracted to him.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” I sighed. “I don’t even know him and when my head is allowed to do the thinking, this whole bond thing is entirely way too crazy, but when I was around him last night, my heart and body did the thinking. I didn’t want to be away from him, which is ridiculous.”

  Jordan laughed at me and patted my leg. “Don’t stress about the bond, just let it happen and things will work out the way they are supposed. How about we open that book of yours?”

  I nodded and put my worries about the bond aside for now. I had been thinking about this moment since I woke up. Once again, my heart rate picked up speed and I had to wipe my palms on the bed. At this rate, my poor heart was going to give out on me sooner rather than later.

  “Hold it in your hands with your thumbs touching on the front of the book and just think about what you want it to do. Your book is meant to be with you always so it can do many things. It can shrink as well so you can easily put the book in your pocket.”

  I did as Jordan instructed, and my body quivered as the magic used to open the book ran through my body. I concentrated on the book opening and then I heard a pop. The side flap came open so I slid my hand to the side and lifted the cover.

  The front page had my name and birthdate on it and another picture of the Falls. I glanced at Jordan before proceeding, and she gave me an encouraging smile to continue. The first and only page with any text on it read the following:

  Kaliah May Atwater, Meraki to Lucas Edward Evans, daughter of Brooks and Dalila Atwater and holder of Strix. You are part of the 100th group of Guardians to arrive in Arvata and your path will mean renewal for Arvata or the end of it. You, along with your Meraki and Strix, will lead three other Meraki pairs on this journey. You must go into the forest and find the evil within. If you don’t, Arvata Falls will be depleted if the evil is not stopped. Once it is depleted it cannot be replenished and Arvata will be no more without its magic coursing through it.

  You are special to your kind and your responsibilities will be plentiful. Trust in yourself and those who surround you on your journey. There will be obstacles to overcome and barriers to break down. Do not give up or all will be lost for Arvata.

  I looked at Jordan to make sure she’d read all that too. I was speechless. I didn’t have any idea what most of that meant. How was I supposed to do something like this when I had no idea about this world and the magic within me? I hoped Jordan would know what to do.

  “Well, that explains your dream a little more. You always said you couldn’t make it to the Falls and now we know that there’s evil in the forest. You wouldn’t have been equipped to handle such evil in your dream, so you weren’t allowed to enter the forest. Let’s go meet the other Guardians and see who else might know about this. I heard rumors people were worried about something, this must be it.”

  How was she being so calm about this? I was freaking out on the inside and I’m sure my face reflected that as well. I thought there would be a transitional period. I’d have a few years to get used to this new life and learn about my magic. Not jump right in and save the day.

  “Why are you not freaking out? This is all too much. Why me? I know nothing about this world and yet I’m supposed to trust in myself that I can save it?” I said panicked.

  “Kali, I’ve lived a while now and I have seen many evils, fought them and won. I don’t plan on letting whatever this evil is beat us either. Your best friend is a badass, remember that.”

  My best friend was also cocky. Hopefully I would share her confidence one day, but in my defense, she had years to perfect that confidence.

  “How old are you, by the way?” I asked. “I thought about that last night when Lucas said he was two hundred years old. Please tell me you’re not that old.”

  “Not quite, I’m eighty years young, never old.” She pointed at me with raised eyebrows. “Now let’s go meet the other Guardians and get this party started.” She rose from the bed and reached for my hand. “We’ll have a gathering tonight to welcome the new Guardians and then tomorrow we’ll speak with the Elders and figure out how to deal with the evil.”

  That could almost be enough for me to want to go back home and forget about all of this. If only I wouldn’t lose my parents and Jordan in the process. Now I also had to consider Lucas, but I was going to try and hope for the best or I’d fail before I even tried.

  Chapter Five

  I met so many people tonight I wasn’t sure how I’d keep them all straight. Everyone was very welcoming and we had a great time, even if I might have been a little overwhelmed at times. We all dressed up for the event and Jordan had a blast getting me ready as usual. Though, I could tell she didn’t quite enjoy herself throughout the evening. Something was off with her and when I tried to find her to see what was going on, I found out she had left early without saying goodbye.

  Lucas, on the other hand, stayed close all night. We had some time to get to know each other a little better, which was fantastic. When we weren’t mingling with the other Guardians, Lucas took me for several spins around the dance floor. I had never danced with anyone like that before and my heart was full of happiness.

  He was very handsome in his dress clothes and I had a hard time keeping my eyes off him. He had worn black slacks with a dark blue button up that made his eyes appear brighter than usual. I still wasn’t used to looking at someone with the same colored eyes, but on him it just seemed right.

  My body and head continued to battle it out as well. I would find myself leaning into him without conscious thought and Lucas enjoyed it. He had a smile on his face all night long. He knew I didn’t stand chance against his charm and the bond. I just wasn’t sure when I was going to fully submit to it.

  The other Guardians were great, too. We only talked to a few of them tonight and I hoped to get to know each of them better at some point. They were from all over the world which I absolutely loved. Kane was the first Guardian we met briefly. He was from Australia and had short, messy blond hair that reminded me of a surfer. He had broad shoulders and his height made me feel like a dwarf next to him.

  Lela and Tiana were introduced to us next. Lela was from London and had this amazing accent that I wanted to listen to all day. She had a small build and long honey brown colored hair with deep russet, brown eyes. Tiana was from Slovenia. She had striking hazel eyes and an athletic build

  None of them had the same experience I had on my birthday, which was strange but good for them. I wouldn’t have wished that on any of them. I wondered if any of them would be joining me in whatever path had been laid out for us by the Fates, but business wasn’t discussed tonight. Tonight was just for us to get comfortable with each other.

  I didn’t want to stay too long at the event. I had been worried about where Jordan had disappeared to and my want of socializing had reached its limit pretty quick. Lucas noticed I was getting uncomfortable as I fidgeted with my hands and dress, so he offered to take me home.

  I stared out my window about an hour after I got home, wondering if I would see Lucas again. I wasn’t sure if he had gone back to the party or not, but it’d be nice if we could visit again like last night. I wanted to see if he’d answer some more questions about my magic and show me how to do some things like the orb I saw Jordan with earlier. I didn’t have to wait long however, I saw the now familiar glow of his eyes and waved at him to come on up.

  “Do you normally invite men into your room late at night or am I the exception?” Lucas whispered in my ear.

  I squealed in surprise and turned around to face him. Our faces were mere inches apart and I almost forgot he had asked me a question. Once again my body was drawn to his and I had to take a step back before it decided to do something my head wasn’t ready for.

  “Of course not, maybe I should un-invite you then if you think that.” I raised my eyebrow in a challenge.

  “Then you’d hurt my feelings and that wouldn’t be nice. You wouldn’t want to be mean, would you?” Lucas stuck his lower lip out ever so slightly while reaching out to grab my hand. “I thought after tonight and meeting all those new people that you might have questions for me. If you’d rather I go though…”


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