To the Falls

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To the Falls Page 15

by Heather Renee

“You’re on your own girl. I agree with him,” Lela said. “You can go stay at Kali’s house in Jordan’s room if you don’t want to go to Oliver’s, but you can’t come back to our house.”

  Lela turned with Ryan in hand and walked out the door, leaving Tiana all on her own.

  I was trying so hard not to laugh, but it was difficult. Poor Tiana was trying to make a point and Lela totally sold her out. Surprisingly, even Jordan was trying to keep it together for Tiana’s sake.

  “Do you think your parents will mind if I crash in Jordan’s room for now?” Tiana asked with a very serious face.

  “I… um… sure that should be fine, if that’s what you want,” I said.

  Damn, girl was really going to make Oliver pay for assuming she would stay with him. She was good. I glanced over at Oliver and he looked like a fish out of water.

  “Tiana, I’m sorry,” Oliver pleaded. “I didn’t mean to assume you’d want to stay with me. At least stay at the house so I know you’re safe. I have a guest room you can use.”

  “I was totally kidding,” Tiana laughed. “Remember this moment and that you really wanted me to stay with you. I hog the covers and I’m a horrible cook.”

  Oliver’s face lit up and he laughed with her. He picked Tiana up and cradled her in his arms.

  “You all just saw that, right?” Jordan said as Oliver and Tiana walked out the door. “I want to be her when I grow up. Kane, you better remember I still have a room at Brooks and Dalila’s house and I will totally pull a Tiana on you if I need to.”

  “Yes dear,” Kane smiled. “I’ll remember that, but I’m not worried. I won’t give you a reason to ‘pull a Tiana’ on me.”

  “Alright lovebirds. We’re out of here then,” Jordan said. “See you guys tomorrow.”

  It felt weird being in the Elders’ chambers with just the two of us, but I guess we better get used to it. Didn’t sound like it would be the last time it happened.

  “You ready to head home, blue eyes?” Lucas asked. “We can stop in and see your parents, catch them up on everything first.”

  “Yes, I’m ready to relax,” I said.

  My body ached from head to toe now that the adrenaline rush was gone. Sleeping on the ground and using that much magic kicked my ass.

  “Do you want to stay in your room tonight or at my house?” Lucas asked.

  “We can stay at your house, but same rules apply with taking it slow,” I reminded him with a smile and then thought of something else. “Will you always have to stay on my parent’s property?”

  “No, now that it’s likely we will be Elders, someone else will be assigned to protect your parents in case of an attack. I have the house that belonged to my parents and I stay there when your parents aren’t home.”

  “Why do they need someone there to protect them?” I asked. “Does everyone have a protector?”

  “Not everyone does. It depends on what their title is,” Lucas said. “Your parents have a long lineage within the Guardians. They, along with their ancestors, have always been among our most powerful Guardians. A couple of your ancestors have even been Elders in the past, so they’ve always had a protector.”

  “So, we will have a protector as well?”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I was used to my privacy.

  “All Elders have them so it will be expected, but since I was a protector and you have Strix, maybe we can get away with not having one for a while if you’d like.”

  “That’s for another day to worry about,” I said. “Let’s go back to my parent’s house, fill them in, and then go back to your place. I want a warm meal and a hot bath, so you better have those things available at your house or we’ll be bunking with my parents tonight.”

  “I can do both.” Lucas grinned. “You take a bath and I’ll port to town and get whatever you want from Rosario’s for dinner.”

  My mouth started watering thinking of all the delicious foods I tried when we went there for our date. Crazy to think that was only a few days ago. It seemed like weeks had gone by already.

  “Perfect,” I said. “Let’s go, because the mention of Rosario’s is making my stomach growl and I don’t want you to see me cranky from hunger this early in our relationship.”

  Lucas laughed and shook his head at me. We walked out of the Elder chambers and then ported to my parent’s house. I hoped they wouldn’t be too surprised that I would be staying with Lucas tonight. I knew my mom wouldn’t care, but poor Lucas would likely get the third degree from my dad.


  We finished retelling our story for the second time that day and I was utterly exhausted. These had been the longest two days of my life. I had been unconscious one too many times and it had taken a lot out of me mentally. I hoped when Mom and Dad found out I wanted to stay at Lucas’s house, they wouldn’t make this day even longer.

  “I can’t believe all of that happened in just two days,” Mom said when I finished. “Let me make you two a proper meal and you can relax for a while.”

  “Actually Mom, I’m going to pack a bag and stay at Lucas’s house tonight,” I said nervously. “He already planned on getting my favorites from Rosario’s and I was kind of looking forward to that.”

  “You’re doing what tonight?” My dad asked unhappily.

  “I’m staying with Lucas, Dad. After what we just went through, I don’t want to be apart from him.” I said. “I’m not staying the night with my boyfriend in my parents’ house. You remember I am an adult, right?”

  I really wasn’t in the mood to argue with my parents right now, but I also needed them to know things would be changing over the next few months.

  “Yes Kaliah, we know you’re an adult, but you’re still our daughter,” Dad said. “You’ve known Lucas for a week and regardless of whether or not he’s your Meraki, it doesn’t mean you need to move in with him already.”

  “Really, Dad?” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not moving in with him and it’s not like I’m going to have sex with him just because I spend the night with him. My soul literally aches when he’s away. I know you two understand that.”

  Lucas choked on his water and started coughing loudly. I patted him on the back and he just stared at me wide-eyed. I probably could have worded that a little better.

  “I think I should go wait at my house while you guys work this out,” Lucas said as he stood from the table.

  “There is nothing to work out,” I said and stood as well. “I’ll run upstairs, grab a bag and be right back.”

  I gave Lucas a quick kiss on the cheek and darted out of the kitchen. As I headed up the stairs, I heard my mom start talking to Lucas.

  “It’s okay Lucas, we trust you and Kali is right,” Mom said. “She is an adult and it’s her decision. Just don’t give Brooks any reason to hunt you down and everything should be fine.”

  I laughed as I rushed up the rest of the stairs. My mom said that sweetly, but I knew she was dead serious. As my parents’ only child, they were quite protective of me. Hopefully, since Lucas had known them for so long, he’d know how to handle it.

  I grabbed the necessities from my closet and the bathroom and raced back down. I felt a little bad for leaving Lucas when he looked so nervous.

  I remembered I could port in the house and ported back to the kitchen with my bag. The look of relief on Lucas’s face when I appeared was priceless. He let out a deep breath and the creases in his face relaxed.

  “Ready?” I asked Lucas.

  He nodded and stood up again. I also noticed he avoided eye contact with my dad. I hoped they hadn’t been too hard on him while I was upstairs.

  “I love you, Mom and Dad,” I said. “Don’t be mad at Lucas or take it out on him. This was my decision and we can talk about it later, but right now I’m exhausted.”

  I hugged and kissed them both goodbye quickly and Lucas mumbled his own goodbyes before he raced out the door. I was excited for our evening and hoped my parents didn’t just ruin it by making Lucas feel

  Chapter Nineteen

  It had been less than two full days in the forest, but it felt like two weeks. The bath was the perfect thing to help relax my body from the stress. I felt lighter than I had since learning about Arvata and for the first time in my life, I had no idea what my future held, but I was excited for it.

  After cleaning up and getting dressed, I walked down the hallway to find Lucas sitting on the couch with our dinner laid out on the coffee table. I was starving and the wonderful smells were making my mouth water again.

  “What’s the smile for, blue eyes?” Lucas asked.

  “I was just thinking about how I have no idea what’s going to happen next in our lives,” I said as I sat down on the couch. “Normally that would terrify me. I’ve always had a plan, but I’m excited to see where this new life leads me.”

  “I have a good idea of what’s happening next, though there’s nothing we can do about it. Want me to tell you or are you enjoying not having a plan for now?”

  “Well, now I have to know or it will drive me crazy,” I said with a pout. “I don’t like surprises.”

  “When you say it with that pouty lip, how can I say keep anything from you?” He laughed. “Next, we will hear what the Elders decide to do about Abram’s betrayal, then they will speak with the Fates about either replacing Abram or all of the Elders.”

  “How soon will all of that happen?” I asked anxiously.

  I hoped they only decided to replace Abram. I wasn’t sure how I felt about us being chosen to replace the Elders. The thought of being an Elder made me feel old for one, and secondly, I still needed to figure out who I was as the Arelia. I didn’t have the slightest clue what being the Arelia actually meant yet.

  “Abram will be punished tomorrow,” Lucas said. “The Elders will have spoken with the Fates before they punish Abram, so they will also announce if they’re only replacing Abram. If the Fates have decided on all new Elders, they’ll announce who they are after the punishment.”

  “Why are you so calm about all of this?” I squeaked out. “I’m freaking out a little over here. I thought we would have some down time to relax. I could enjoy this new life and get to know this new world.”

  “I’m calm because I’ve lived here a lot longer than you,” He said softly. “I know that the Elders normally do less than most who live here. We will have time to relax and learn all you need to know about your new life. Don’t stress, I promise everything is going to be okay.”

  “What exactly do Elders do?”

  “The Elders look after the wellbeing of Arvata and its people. They communicate directly with the Fates when necessary and make sure our world is safe. If something like Damien escaping happens, they normally give advice and help lead the task. This time was different because of Abram, but they are normally hands-on if Arvata is in danger. Most of the time Arvata is safe and sound. There isn’t a whole lot to do except make sure everything here is running smoothly.”

  Well, that sounded easy but I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. Nothing had gone as planned since I arrived here. If we were chosen as Elders, there would be a disaster to clean up every month with my luck.

  “I guess we can figure it out when or if the time comes,” I said. “Right now we’re going to need to figure out our sleeping situation. You know my dad isn’t going to let me stay here forever until we’re officially bonded and I’m not ready for that yet. We can get away with it for a night or two, but then it will have to go back to the way it was before.”

  “Your father frightens me when it comes to you. I know as soon as I find myself alone with him, I’m in trouble. Make sure not to leave me alone with him if you want to keep me in one piece,” Lucas said with a shudder.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. He was truly terrified of my father right now.

  “My dad won’t harm a hair on your head, because he knows it would hurt me.” I smiled. “He might threaten you, but he won’t hurt you. I would retaliate and it wouldn’t end well for him. He knows it too.”

  My dad learned long ago not to mess with his two ladies. When we weren’t happy, nobody was happy. Lucas just shook his head at me.

  “I hope we don’t have a daughter, girls are trouble.” He shuddered. “How about we go watch a movie and just relax for the rest of the night? We can worry about everything else tomorrow.”

  “Can I pick the movie?” I asked with another pouty face.

  “While your pouty face is cute, you don’t need it to get your way.” Lucas pointed to his lips. “A simple kiss will do the trick.”

  I got up from my spot on the couch and straddled his lap. Grabbing his face with both hands, I brought his head to mine and kissed him with all the love I felt for him. It was probably more than he asked for, but it would likely get me a movie and a backrub, so it was a win-win for me. I was going to remember this for future use.

  I pulled back and smiled at him. “Can I pick the movie?”

  “You can pick the next five movies as long as you do that again,” he said while trying to catch his breath.

  “Five movies and a backrub?” I asked. “Sleeping for only 4 hours on the forest floor wasn’t the most comfortable thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Of course, blue eyes. Anything for you,” he replied before leaning in for another kiss and the movie was soon forgotten.


  When we got up the next morning, it was awkward while we tried to find a rhythm for getting ready. I’d never spent the night with a guy and while nothing crazy happened, that morning after weirdness was still there.

  Soon we were ready for the day and all awkwardness was gone, but it was quickly replaced by a different kind of nerves. Everyone was being called to the town hall to witness Abram’s punishment and hear what was happening with the Elders.

  The eight of us already assumed we would be the new Elders if they were being replaced, but the Fates could have other plans we didn’t know about it. I tried not to be too nervous about it.

  “You ready babe?” Lucas asked. “It’s about time for us to go.”

  “I think I’m ready,” I said. “Though I’m not sure what someone normally does to prepare for something like this.”

  “Nothing you need to be worried about. As long as you’re dressed to leave the house, you’re perfect.” He placed a quick kiss to my cheek. “Should we go to your parents’ house and head over with them? Going with them might score me some bonus with your dad.”

  “You’re a brave man wanting to face my father the morning after you steal his only daughter from his house,” I said with a laugh. “But that is a good idea. Let’s head over and see if they’re still home.”

  “I’ve known your parents a long time, so I’m hoping they’ll remember the kind of man I am instead of thinking I am out to steal your virtue. I’m trying to think positive.”

  “Good way to look at it,” I said. “Guess we will find out soon how they feel.”

  Knowing my dad, he was not going to remember the good guy he once thought Lucas was. Lucas was now public enemy number one.

  We walked outside just in time to catch my parents walking out their door. My mom’s face lit up with a smile and my dad’s fell with a scowl. I gave Lucas’s hand an extra squeeze and smiled up at him.

  “I thought you two would already be at the town hall,” Mom said.

  She greeted both of us with a hug. At least my mom wasn’t holding a grudge.

  “We wanted to head over with the two of you. It was Lucas’s idea actually,” I said.

  Hopefully Lucas was right and it would earn him some brownie points with my dad.

  “Well, we’re glad you thought of that Lucas,” Mom said. “Thank you for thinking of us.”

  I looked up at my dad and smiled at him. He returned the smile, but I knew he was still upset. I leaned in to give him a hug and whispered in his ear. “Don’t be mad, Daddy. I’m still your little girl.”

  “I’m not mad, baby girl,” he grumbled. “I j
ust wish you would have stayed home.”

  “I’ll be home tonight, okay?” I said. “I’m not moving in with him or anything crazy like that yet. We’re not even completing the bonding ceremony right away. You’re stuck with me a bit longer.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. I love you baby girl.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I gave him one more hug and walked back to Lucas.

  “Everyone ready to go?” My mom asked.

  We all nodded and then we ported to the town hall. When we arrived, there was already a large crowd gathered around. So many more people lived here than I realized. Only about half of these people were there the night of the welcome party last week.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  “Now we go find our seats and wait,” Dad said. “We will have to wait and see what they do after the Elders bring out Abram.”

  “What are they going to do to him?” I asked. “They won’t execute him in front of all of us, will they?”

  As much as I despised the man, I had no desire to see someone die today.

  “I’m not sure what they will do,” Mom said. “If he dies today it won’t be the same as someone dying on Earth. He simply won’t exist anymore. He’ll disintegrate right before our eyes.”

  “Is that like what happened to the beast and Damien?” I asked Lucas. “One minute they were there and the next they were a cloud of dust?”

  “If that is what the Elders wish as Abram’s punishment,” Lucas said. “Then yes, it would be just like what you saw in the forest.”

  I thought about that for a moment and wanted to ask more questions about what could happen, but loud bells rang out and everyone quieted.

  “Is it starting now?” I whispered to Lucas and he nodded.

  I started to look around for the others. I was surprised we hadn’t heard from them yet, but hopefully we would find them when this was over.

  The Elders came out and two guards carried Abram in behind them. Abram had large cuffs around his wrists and silver gloves over his hands. Strix flew in after the guards and landed on a chair behind Abram. He had stayed with Abram to make sure nothing happened. No one knew the extent of Abram’s dark magic and didn’t want to take the chance he would escape or harm anyone.


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