Surge: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 1)

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Surge: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 1) Page 7

by Storm, Sloan

  I frowned at her. “Was it something I said? It usually takes you a little longer to shoot me down.”

  She chuckled a little. “No, I think it’s just better if we keep things, you know, a bit less friendly. I don’t mean anything by it. I do enjoy your company, but now that we’re working together it’s probably for the best if we don’t mix business and pleasure.”

  I pushed myself off the wall and nodded in the direction of Darren’s trailer. Not acknowledging her comment, I said, “Come on, I’ll walk with you.”

  Ava repositioned the folder, crossing her arms and hugging it to her chest. Without speaking, she turned, and we started to walk side-by-side.

  “You know,” she began, glancing at me for second. “You don’t have to worry about me, if that’s what this is about.”

  I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders at the same time. “I’m not worried about you, Ava. I’m trying to get into your pants.”

  Something that sounded like a cross between a laugh and a scoff came out of her mouth. I smiled. It was good to hear. She quieted down after another second.

  “Isn’t that what Anastasia and Svetlana are for?”


  “Uh huh,” she muttered. “Well as much I respect your honesty, that’s about the worst idea possible.”

  I chuckled as we continued to walk. Changing subjects, I asked, “How’s Simon doing? Is everything okay back home?”

  I looked at her and watched as she ran her fingers through her hair, tucking it behind one of her ears. She turned and smiled.

  “He’s doing fine. Thank you for asking.”

  “Of course. He’s a good kid. I’m sure you miss him.”

  Just then, Ava stopped and faced me. I looked at her as she did. She opened her arms and held the folder in one hand.

  “Thanks for the talk. I should really get this stuff to Darren.”

  “Okay,” I replied. “Last chance. You sure you don’t wanna go out and do something later?”

  She nodded, but before she could say anything, I continued, “Well, now that you’re an official member of the team, you really should hang out in the pits on race day. There is nothing else like it. I promise you’ll love it.”

  “You never quit, do you?” she said.

  “Nope. It’s not in my nature. So what do you say? You want to have some fun with all of us? Or would you rather sit in your hotel room and feel sorry for yourself?”

  Ava shifted her jaw at my teasing comment.

  “Okay,” she began, pursing her lips at me. “I’ll do it, if for no other reason than to keep you from asking me out again.”

  With that, she offered me another small smile before heading towards Darren’s trailer. As she walked away, I allowed my eyes free roam along her backside. My fingers curled, itching to dig themselves into her hourglass figure. Licking my lips once again, I watched her hips swaying from side to side and did my best to ignore the twitch in my crotch.



  After my conversation with Dyson a few days earlier, my mood started to steadily improve. Part of it was due to the fact that once the race was over, we’d have a bit of a break before moving on to the next stop in Los Angeles. Also, in a strange way, hearing Dyson come right out and tell me he wanted to sleep with me somehow caused me to trust him a bit more.

  Although part of me still wondered if he manipulated the situation to get me alone with him, I felt as if I’d made my desire to keep things friendly between us clear. If he did have any ulterior motives and wanted to get back at me for refusing him, he hadn’t done anything yet. Until he did, I decided to leave well enough alone and give him the benefit of the doubt.

  In any case, race day arrived, and I made my way to the track to join the team.

  Just as it was in Austin a month ago, the venue crawled with spectators. In a way, all the boring time leading up to the event didn’t seem so bad in retrospect. I came to enjoy the craziness surrounding race day. As I reached the pit area, the insanity ramped up to another level. Mechanics, race officials, and VIPs crammed in every square inch of space.

  I weaved through the throng of people, flashing my badge to security personnel along the way. Not long after, the team appeared ahead of me. But just as I picked up my stride, someone called out my name from behind.

  I stopped and turned in the direction of the voice.

  Anastasia and Svetlana. Great.

  Glammed out in their Grid Girl outfits, the two women marched straight up to me. Crossing my arms, I prepared myself for whatever would happen next.

  Svetlana spoke first. “You. Girl. Do you not remember what we say?”

  I shook my head at her. “First of all, my name is Ava. Not girl. And secondly, what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Do not pretend dumb.” Anastasia said, pointing her finger at me. “You know what we mean.”

  “No,” I replied. “Actually, I have no idea what you mean. I only have to assume it has something to do with Dyson.”

  “Yes. Dyson. We warn you already,” Svetlana said. “Stay away from him.”

  I couldn’t believe the ridiculousness of this situation. Aside from our short conversation a few days earlier, I’d spoken maybe two dozen words to Dyson the entire time we’ve been in Miami. These chicks were delusional, and I wasn’t in any mood to tolerate their nonsense. Just then, Anastasia opened her mouth, presumably to continue their insults. I raised my hand, stopping her before she could get a word out.

  “I’m only going to tell you this one time. There is nothing going on between me and Dyson. I work for the team, and that’s all. The only time he and I talk is when we’re discussing team business.”

  They looked at each other and began to bicker in what I guessed was Russian. Not wishing to waste any more of my time with them, I spoke up one last time.

  “The two of you have nothing to worry about. Do I make myself clear?”

  And just when I thought I’d made my point as succinctly as possible, Svetlana stepped towards me and poked me in the shoulder with her finger.

  “This last warning, girl. Next time we catch you near Dyson, you regret this.”

  With that, the two women glared at me before turning around and walking in the other direction. What I hadn’t realized was that during the discussion, we’d managed to attract a few curious male onlookers. Not surprising really, when I considered how the girls dressed on race day.

  “Idiots.” I muttered, glancing at the girls one last time before spinning in place and continuing onward to join the team.

  In the aftermath of dodging my first catfight since I was a teenager, I considered leaving the track before the race even got underway. After all, nothing was happening between me and Dyson, and the last thing I needed to deal with was those crazy Russian bitches.

  Reaching down, I looked at the VIP credentials and started to remove them when Marco appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.

  “Ava,” he said, smiling at me with a mouth full of gleaming white. “Dyson will be thrilled that you made it out. Are you excited?”

  I let go of the badge, and it drifted back towards my midsection. His positive energy was just what I needed. I smiled back at him.

  “Yeah, actually,” I replied, feeling my mood lighten. “I’m very excited. Are you ready?”

  Marco stood there with both hands on his hips, beaming with confidence. “As ready as we’re going to be.”

  I looked past him in the direction of the pits. “Where’s Dyson? I don’t see him anywhere.”

  Marco nodded towards the team trailer. “He’s still getting ready. He’ll be out in a few minutes. Come with me.”

  I walked behind him as we made our way towards the cars, surrounded by the mechanics and other members of the team as they made final preparations for the race. Darren noticed me standing there and approached, offering me a set of noise canceling headphones.

  “Here,” he said, extending them to me. “If you’re
going to be down here with us, you’re going to need these.”

  I took them, and just as I was about to thank him, I noticed Dyson walking towards us.

  “Ava,” Darren said, pointing towards his umbrella-covered elevated perch nearby. “You’re welcome to sit up there with me during the race if you want. It’s a lot less chaotic, and you get the best view in the house.”

  I smiled at him. “That sounds great. Thanks, Darren.”

  “You bet.”

  Just then, he turned and walked in the direction of the cars, slapping hands with Dyson when they passed by each other. Dyson walked up to me. His fire suit gleamed in the bright white of the Miami sun overhead, not yet covered in grime from two hours of racing,

  “Whatdya think, right?” Dyson said, spreading his arms wide. “Did I tell you that this was the best place to be, or what?”

  Still clutching the headphones in my hand, I nodded at him. “You did. And you’re right, it’s exciting.”

  Before Dyson could say another word, Darren yelled in our direction. “Dyson! You ready?”

  Dyson nodded at him and gave him a thumbs up before looking at me once more. “How about a kiss for good luck?”

  His request caught me completely off guard, and judging by the wry smile on his face he knew it. I stood there dumbfounded with my mouth slightly open, unsure of exactly what I should do. The last thing I wanted was to break some tradition they had, only to have him race badly and then for some strange reason try to blame me for it later. Dyson just stood there, expressionless, waiting for me to fulfill his request.

  “Well?” he said at last. “You heard Darren, I gotta go.”

  “Okay,” I stammered. “I...”

  “Dyson!” Darren yelled out again. “Now!”

  Dyson looked at me and winked before yelling back. “One sec, man! I’m about to get lucky!”

  I shook my head at him in disbelief.

  He winked at me. “I almost gotcha there, didn’t I?”


  Over the next two hours, I remained glued to Darren’s side as the race took place. Dyson was right—there was nothing like being in the pits, watching everything happen in the heat of the moment.

  When he wasn’t talking to Dyson over race radio, Darren educated me a bit about some of what goes on behind the scenes. The thing that stood out to me the most was the fine line between winning and losing. Mostly, it came down to team preparation and execution. When fractions of a second meant the difference between first place and tenth, having a team that worked as well as Dyson’s did under pressure meant everything.

  As luck would have it, the points leader, Gunter Kass, had engine trouble with only ten laps remaining and had to retire from the race. When it happened, Darren reached in my direction and in a moment of spontaneity, he hugged me, yelling at the top of his lungs, “We’re gonna win! We’re gonna fucking win!”

  Not long after, Darren’s prediction came true as Dyson roared across the finish line. Marco finished a close second behind his teammate. Minutes later, we scrambled to the winners circle. Dyson drove in, pumping his fist in celebration.

  The entire team, the media and race officials crowded around Dyson’s car. He brought it to a stop and after unbuckling himself from his safety gear, he climbed out and the celebration got underway.

  After a round of high-fives with his teammates, Dyson spoke to the media about the victory. I lingered nearby, listening in as the interview unfolded. When it concluded, Dyson raised his arms in celebration once again. A loud roar broke out. Grinning from ear to ear, Dyson held his race helmet in one hand and pumped it in the air over and over again.

  I smiled and clapped, caught up in the celebration.

  In the midst of it all, Dyson happened to glance in my direction and extended his free hand towards me. Wiggling his fingers, he motioned for me to approach. Without thinking, I walked towards him, fully aware of the dozens of pairs of eyes watching me while I did.

  When I’d drawn to within a couple of feet, Dyson snatched me by the wrist and pulled me hard against his torso. Disoriented by the speed of it, I hadn’t even had time to figure out what happened before I felt his lips press against my cheek. No sooner had he done it than another deafening roar rippled through the crowd.

  “Fuck yeah!” Dyson yelled, looking out over them. “Fuck yeah!”

  Before I could say a word, a sea of arms and hands separated us, lifting Dyson into the air and carrying him away. Not long after, the crowd started to thin. I reached up and touched the spot on my cheek where he’d kissed me moments earlier. I glanced around, unsure if anyone even noticed.

  It was possible he’d been swept up in the excitement of winning. Probably that’s exactly what had happened. A few seconds later I dropped my hand away from the side of my face, realizing that it probably meant nothing whatsoever.

  The celebration continued.

  Even though I was happy for him and the rest of the guys on the team, the only thing I cared about doing next was getting home to see Simon as soon as possible. Every minute between the end of this race and the time when I was expected to be in Los Angeles was precious to me. I walked away, leaving them all to continue the party. Making my way through the throng of people, I finally emerged from it a minute or so later.

  Glad to be free of the crowd at last, I stopped to catch a breath. I looked up and saw them both standing there. Anastasia and Svetlana scowled at me, arms crossed and from the looks of it, ready for a fight.

  I returned their icy glare with one of my own. Nothing was going to stop me from getting home to see Simon, especially not them. Without hesitating, I walked straight towards them, preparing myself for the first punch, kick or scratch.

  They watched me, never blinking, and hardly moving. Every muscle in my body flexed. I had no doubt what was about to happen. Moisture drained from my mouth.

  But much to my surprise, by the time I closed to within a couple of feet of them, they stepped aside. Wordless, they allowed me to pass between them. I slowed for just a fraction of a second, glancing at each of them before continuing.

  “Cunt,” one of them mumbled. I wasn’t certain which of them said it.

  I froze in place, while my fingers threatened to curl into fists. Every fiber of my being wanted to have it out with them once and for all. Instead, like a peaceful mantra, one word came to mind.


  I closed my eyes with a slow blink and kept on moving, not looking back even once.


  A few days after my bizarre encounters with Anastasia and Svetlana, I arrived home in Austin for a brief visit before moving on to the next stop on the circuit.

  I planned on spending as much time as I could with Simon while I was there. But before I did, I made sure to swing by the office and talk to all of my coworkers and Dr. Wilcox.

  In spite of my struggles since leaving, the last thing I wanted to do was disappoint him. He loved Formula One so much I knew he would have given almost anything to be in my position. Only his work ethic and dedication to his patients kept him from fulfilling what was probably one of his biggest dreams in life. I certainly didn’t want to be disrespectful by accident, just because I wasn’t prepared for life on the road.

  Predictably, he wanted to know about all of my experiences since joining the team a few weeks earlier. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time talking about all of the good parts and mentioning the less desirable ones with little more than a throwaway comment or two.

  Otherwise, I was surprised at how much I missed being around my friends at the office. It’s funny how I’d taken their presence in my life for granted. It made me feel good that they felt the same way. It probably goes without saying then, that the happiness I felt from reuniting with not only them but Simon and of course, Jillian, filled me with much-needed joy.

  It wasn’t so much that Dyson, Marco, Darren and the rest of the team members didn’t appreciate me, but nothing compared to the family and friends I had at home
in Austin. And so it was that on the evening of my final night at home, the three of us sat around the dinner table, enjoying each other’s company.

  Since I’d come home, Simon hounded me with an endless series of questions about what it was like to be on the inside of the Formula One racing team. Like I’d done with Dr. Wilcox, I chose to leave out the parts of it I didn’t care for and instead made it sound irresistible to a kid like him.

  Anyway, after we finished eating, I sent him to his room to get ready for bed while I chatted with Jillian in the kitchen. She was predictably interested in Dyson. Although I told her on more than one occasion over the phone nothing was going on, I’d had a feeling she’d grill me about it when I got home.

  It turned out that my suspicion was correct.

  “I was watching the race the other day you know,” she said, wiping off one of our dinner plates with a sponge. “I saw him kiss you.”

  I rolled my eyes. I hadn’t seen the television footage, so I didn’t know how it came across. But in the moment there was nothing to it. It was simple excitement on his part, just celebration.

  “You don’t understand,” I began. “What you saw on TV——it wasn’t a big deal. Really. It was just a spontaneous kind of thing.”

  “Uh huh. Sure it was,” she replied, snapping one hand to her hip. “Cut the crap, Ava.”

  I frowned at her. “What? I’m telling you the truth. Believe me, Dyson has no shortage of women to pick from. Ask me how I know.”

  Jillian froze in place, holding one of our dinner plates between her thumb and index finger. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  For a moment or two, I debated whether or not I would tell her about my run-in with the girls after the race. At the last instant, I thought better of it.

  “You know what? Um, it’s nothing. Never mind.”

  “Oh no… No, no, no,” Jillian groaned. “You don’t get to leave town for nearly a month and then hold out on all the juicy gossip.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not holding out on anything. Trust me.”

  “Bullshit,” she fired back.

  I widened my eyes. “Jillian, watch your mouth. Simon?”


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