Railroad! Collection 1 (The Three Volume Omnibus)

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Railroad! Collection 1 (The Three Volume Omnibus) Page 1

by Tonia Brown




  Book One

  Volumes One, Two and Three

  Written by Tonia Brown

  Edited by Stephanie Giannopoulos

  Illustrations by David Naughton-Shires

  Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied within critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or undead, or historical events, is purely coincidental. The characters may appear here and there, now and then, to this one and that one, as benign but mischievous creatures very fond of rumpots, crackpots, and how are you, Mr. Wilson?

  I would like to give a special shout out to a few people who made this book not only possible but also what is today.

  Stephanie Gianopoulus has been a constant rock of inspiration and support. She is not only the word’s finest editor, she is one of the most beautiful souls I know. (My Peter is always indebted to you, and now my Rodger is next in line!) David Naughton-Shires is a top-notch illustrator and super great guy that came out of nowhere to provide some amazing work for the series. (I can never repay you for all the awesomeness you injected into the covers.) Lori Titus inspired me to start writing Railroad! with her awesome web serial The Marradith Ryder Series, and just by being an overall great gal. (You’re the Shirley to my Laverne, hun!) Jaidis Shaw poked me with a sharp stick several times as a way of encouragement. (The stick is just figurative, but the sharp end was literal.)

  Scott Vogel stayed on my back to get the writing done so he could read what happened next. (I’m working on the next volume, darn it! Leave me alone!) Trish Latz listened to me yammer on and on and on about the series for hours and hours. Bless her for having the patience of a saint. (Book time!) Edwin Blankenship provided support in many, many ways. (Most of which are still legal in most states.) Eric Blankenship has been indispensable as a friend and sounding board for ideas. (Play poker with him sometime, it’s his favorite game evah!) Tonie and Don Ervin have been the bestest family and friends anyone could ask for. (You mad bro? Love all the Ervins!)

  A big thanks to Rose Welch, Wanda Harward, Preston Durie and everyone else who keeps up with the Railroad! web serial. Without you guys there would be no Rodger Dodger, no Professor Dittmeyer, no Ched, no Sleipnir, no web serial and no book. Trust me, this is just the first of many collections! (And of course anyone I missed. You guys know I love you all, but I have the memory of a cheese sandwich!)

  Last but not least, a heartfelt thanks to my wonderful husband, Tony Brown.

  You know what you did.

  Thank you.

  Tonia Brown

  January 8, 2012

  This novel is a collection of the first three volumes

  from the ongoing web serial Railroad!

  Follow the up to date adventures at:


  Table of Contents:

  Volume One- Rodger Dodger

  Chapter One: Strange Opportunity

  Chapter Two: Cast and Crew

  Chapter Three: The Sleipnir

  Chapter Four: Along for the Ride

  Chapter Five: Armed and Dangerous

  Chapter Six: Talk it Out

  Chapter Seven: Fill Your Hands!

  Chapter Eight: Death and Dismissal

  Chapter Nine: Ghost of a Chance

  Chapter Ten: For Love Nor Money

  Volume Two- Dogs of War

  Chapter One: Leaving Home

  Chapter Two: Message in a Bottle

  Chapter Three: The Battle Ahead

  Chapter Four: Number Eight

  Chapter Five: Hermit's Gap

  Chapter Six: Calm Before the Storm

  Chapter Seven: Smack Down in the Gap

  Chapter Eight: Strangers United

  Chapter Nine: Hot Board

  Chapter Ten: Fault and Fury

  Chapter Eleven: Bridging the Gap

  Volume Three- The Trouble with Waxford

  Chapter One: Down on the Farm

  Chapter Two: Rise and Shine

  Chapter Three: Ched's Tale

  Chapter Four: Dialing it Down

  Chapter Five: The Rhino

  Chapter Six: Waxford

  Chapter Seven: The Forsaken

  Chapter Eight: Give and Take

  Chapter Nine: Down in the Dark

  Chapter Ten: Like Hungry Jackals

  Chapter Eleven: Home Again

  Chapter Twelve: Punishment and Penance

  Your Humble Staff

  Volume One

  Rodger Dodger

  Chapter One

  Strange Opportunity

  In which our hero seeks employment but finds something much better.

  April 18th, 1871

  When he first laid eyes on the thing, Dodger worried he was at the wrong place. He was almost convinced he was still in his bed at the inn, asleep, because he had never seen anything so fantastic in all of his waking life. And even then he wasn’t sure he could dream up something like this. Pulling the worn piece of parchment from his jacket, Dodger unfolded it with care, then read the advertisement again, just to be sure he was indeed at the right place.

  Wanted: Professional gunman to manage the security and safety of private rail. Experience with steam locomotives a plus, but not necessary. Must fill position immediately. Salary negotiable. Only serious candidates need apply.

  The remaining portion was a list of various addresses and times one could meet with the author of the ad, one of which was right here, right now. Dodger glanced back up to the beast of a machine stretched before him and whistled low. He didn’t know what to expect when he decided to answer the flyer, but something like this wasn’t even among his wildest imaginings. The advertisement said “private rail,” when it should have said … well … Dodger didn’t suppose there were words enough to encompass how fantastic the train really was.

  The chassis was a shining beacon of brass and copper fixtures, under which he could see hints that the beast was fitted with a more sensible layer of steel and iron. The engine bore the shape and size of the traditional steam locomotive—including cowcatcher, smokestack, water scoop and all. Behind this sat a collection of six smaller bogies and a caboose; a few looked like sleeper and cargo cars, but Dodger couldn’t discern the purpose of the others from the outside. The caboose was just as odd looking, bearing the likeness of an old-fashioned buggy rather than a railcar. Each bogie matched in copper brightness, with a single word scrawled across the line, from engine to caboose, one letter per car, in a sprawling, fancy script.


  There were eight cars total, which made some sense considering the name of the line. Eight shining cars that stretched across the dry dirt, right where it said it would be on the advertisement. But the oddest thing about the train, the strangest thing that Dodger saw—for now at least—was a single, simple fact: there were no rails beneath her. As far as Dodger knew, there wasn’t a set of rails within one hundred miles of the small town of Blackpoint, which was one of the reasons he chose this place as a home so many years ago. And considering that he had lived in or around Blackpoint for about the last five years of his miserable life, he s
upposed he would have seen someone build such a monstrosity not but a mile outside of town. A single question immediately rose in Dodger’s mind as he drew closer to the strange thing.

  How did it get here if it had no tracks?

  No sooner had he gotten within spitting distance of the train, someone asked, in a gruff voice, “Who are you?”

  Dodger searched about, seeking the source of the voice. “Hello?”

  “What do you want?” the man asked. “Please be quick about it. I don’t have all day.” The voice had a tin can quality to it, as if the speaker were talking to Dodger through the end of a long, metal tunnel. It also bore a British accent, a rarity among the wilds of the west. Brits were generally jovial folks, but also tended to be too trusting of their American cousins, thus easy pickings for any passing grifter. No wonder the man felt he needed protection.

  “I … I …” Dodger began, but felt silly talking to a man he couldn’t see. Shielding his eyes against the glare of copper and brass sparkling in the early morning sun, he did his best to find the speaker among the closed and shuttered windows. “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you?”

  “I’m down here.”

  Dodger bent double to peer into the underpinning of the train. But it was no good. All he got was an eyeful of skirting. If the man was really under there, then it was no small wonder that he sounded like he was speaking through metal.

  “No, you fool!” the man scolded from somewhere higher up. A pause suggested the speaker was gathering his temper. “I meant down here, as in down the line.”

  Dodger grunted, feeling as much a fool as the man’s tone implied. It had been a few years since he used such lingo; he had all but forgotten the terms. When he stood straight again, Dodger spotted a small metal bloom, about the width of his spread hand, hanging from the scaffolding of the second car. This bloom was affixed to a row of copper tubing that ran the length of the train, as far as the eye could see.

  “Well?” the tin voice asked from the flowered horn.

  At least that explained the disembodied voice. Dodger stepped back to eye the body of the train, still unsure where the speaker was really located. “Where would down the line be? Exactly?”

  A tired sigh rattled across the tube and swirled forth from the horn. “Do you need something specific, young man? Or are you just like the others? Here to waste my time with annoying questions and nothing more?”

  Now this was annoying. To advertise a position then treat a potential applicant like nothing more than an aggravation? This wouldn’t do. Dodger resisted the urge to holler in anger up at the metal bloom, instead keeping his ire in check. No need to waste his energy on the likes of this man. “No, sir. Unlike some, I’m not in the habit of wasting the time of others.” As it seemed clear that the speaker was able to somehow see him, Dodger held up the flyer and explained, “I was here about the advertisement. Your need for professional security? But I can see you have no problem keeping people out. Sorry to trouble you.” With his piece said, he tipped a forefinger to his hat and turned to leave.

  All at once, the voice drastically changed. Gone was the tired echo. Gone was the air of annoyance. Instead, there came an anxious plea from the tube. “Please! Don’t go!”

  This stopped Dodger in his tracks, and there he vacillated between the desire to find out more about this extraordinary train and the overwhelming need to get the hell out of here. When he first saw the ad hanging in Decker’s Saloon, his gut roiled with this same worry and excitement. His work at the Bolton farm was six months gone, and while Decker let him mind the bar to pay for his room, there was little other employment available in the surrounding community to feed his evaporating coffers. Fate pointed farther west, into mining territory or the many cattle ranches, both careers that would surely lack the mild comfort and succor provided by his previous elderly employer. Then the ad appeared, and while he didn’t relish the idea of working a line again, lest someone recognize him after all these years, the job sure did seem tailor made for a man of his peculiar mix of talents.

  But now that he was here, all manner of red flags and warning shots rose up to meet his instincts. There was a twisting deep within his belly, which assured him this was indeed a very bad idea. Dodger put one foot in front of the other, with every intention of leaving the disembodied insults and bout of dreadful intuition behind him, when there again came the plea.

  “Please,” the tinny voice begged. “I’m sorry if I seem on edge, but I have been under a great deal of pressure. I didn’t mean any insult. If you truly are here about the advertisement, then allow me to welcome you. Or, at the very least, let me offer you some lunch to make up for my nasty attitude.”

  Dodger’s empty stomach growled at the offer of food. Lean times made for a lean man, and, as Dodger knew well enough, hunger could drive a person to do all sorts of crazy things. Like ignoring gut instinct in favor of gut appetite.

  And there was that unanswered question to consider as well. What good was a train without tracks? Dodger supposed if there were one person in the whole of the world who could sate his inquisitive nature, it would be the owner of the very voice begging him to stay.

  The disembodied voice didn’t wait for a response, instead reading Dodger’s lack of further regression as a good sign. “Excellent! Good sir, if you will do me the honor of boarding the third car down, I shall meet you there.” After this request, the metal flower folded in on itself until all that was left was the nub of a tin bud.

  Dodger, for the sake of his curiosity and the promise of his first decent meal since Mrs. Bolton passed away, did as asked. Following the cars down the line, he located the third one. Each car was interconnected by a closed umbilical section, but also had an auxiliary door on the side that included foldaway stairs. After a deep breath to steady his nerves, he clutched the advertisement in one hand and his hat in the other as he climbed the unfolded steps aboard.

  Having spent years working cargo lines and driving cattle cars, Dodger had never seen the likes of this level of luxury aboard a locomotive. He had heard that some folks, usually the rail barons themselves, owned private sleeper cars and decorated them as they saw fit. But this … this was something else. The car was filled with fine art and couches and chairs and tables. This wasn’t just someone’s sleeper. It was as if he had stepped into someone’s parlor rather than a moving vehicle.

  “Please make yourself at home,” said a different, cheery voice. Yet again, the voice was backed by a metallic echo. “The master will be with you momentarily.”

  Whipping about to address what he assumed would be another speaking flower, Dodger instead came face to face with a bronze statue resting just inside an alcove by the doorway. The metallic humanoid stood about six feet, just a few inches under Dodger’s height, and was as well dressed as any dandy on whom Dodger had ever laid eyes. The light gray suit of a butler hung in perfect fit to the metal framework, and from one wide, gleaming hand, there dangled a towel. In the other rested a feather duster. The face was exquisite in detail, with all appropriate features in place including a bristly wire mustache—neatly trimmed, of course. The whole thing was eerily lifelike. Then it did something that took it one step beyond the shores of eerie and plunged it head first into the waters of downright alarming.The thing it did was simple.

  It spoke.


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  Chapter Two

  Cast and Crew

  In which Dodger gets just a taste of the bizarre.

  “You may find sitting more comfortable, sir,” the metal man said. His words vibrated across the car with a lush metal twang, like the speaking tube but in a much richer alto. “More comfortable, that is, than standing about, gawking at me. Unless, of course, that is what sir prefers to do.” There sounded a light tick and whir of hidden gears as the metal man raised an arm and motioned with the duster to the chairs beyond the threshold of the car. When he blinked his eyes, there came a click. When he s
mirked—and by all that was holy, he did smirk!—there sounded a small squeak of some tiny cog in desperate need of oiling.

  Dodger was fascinated, to say the least. “What are you?” he asked in a hushed whisper.

  “I am Mr. Torque, sir,” the metal man said. “Which explains my who. As to my what, I am the personal assistant to Professor Hieronymus J. Dittmeyer. And you are?”

  Dumbstruck, Dodger just stared.

  What could he say?

  “Well then, sir,” Mr. Torque said. “If you have nothing to say on the matter, then do excuse me. I have duties to attend to that don’t include mopping up the drool of a lingering spectator. Sir.” The thing snatched Dodger’s hat from his hand, then pushed past him into the car proper. It moved with a surprising grace, almost coasting across the carpeted floor with each fluid step. After depositing the hat on the nearest rack, the clockwork man proceeded to ignore Dodger as it wiped down furniture with the towel and brushed fixtures with the duster.

  Again that overwhelming need to escape from this place rose up in Dodger like a creek swelling to burst. The train was almost mind numbing in its trackless manifestation, but to know it housed a talking, walking clockwork man? Now Dodger was sure he had seen everything, and considering what he had seen up to this point in his life, that was saying quite a lot. If the good Lord saw fit to come on down right now and take Dodger to his final resting place, then he supposed he could officially say that he had indeed “done seen everything.”

  “May I also suggest that sir seats himself?” Mr. Torque suggested as he worked. “It is considered bad manners to stand about when one has been invited to relax.”

  Dodger flipped aside the tails of his long jacket and took a seat nearest the door, just in case that near-overwhelming feeling became too overwhelming to ignore. No sooner had he sat than, without warning, the door at the far end of the car opened wide. In burst a squat figure of a man, stocky in build and wild in appearance. He had the dress of a gentleman: a full suit including a vest and pocket watch. Over this he wore a spotted and dingy white—or rather whitish—knee-length overcoat, which he left unbuttoned so the thing flapped about him as he stormed into the room. A head of unkempt silver hair, shooting off in every direction available to it, suggested that this man considered proper grooming very low on his list of daily chores. His grizzled beard matched this motif, nearly consuming the man’s round face from chin to ears. A bulbous red nose poked out from the bush of whiskers, as did a pair of gleaming, bright eyes. Eyes that said there was much mischief going on in the mind behind the face.


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