The Dragon Guardian

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The Dragon Guardian Page 2

by Jessie Donovan

  Fergus took out his mobile phone. Before he could dial, she grabbed his wrist. “I’m warning you, Fergus. If the person you’re about to call will take away my baby, then I’ll use my secret weapon to stop you.”

  Gina reached into her pocket with her other hand and closed her fingers around the precious tube of ground periwinkle and mandrake root. The substance had cost her a small fortune to obtain, but it was the only way to incapacitate a dragon-shifter. Not only that, it would prevent him, or her, from shifting for several days, too.

  She had purchased it in case Travis, or anyone from Clan BroadBay, came after her. But she’d use it on Fergus if she had to.

  Fergus lightly brushed a finger down her cheek. His touch helped to ease some of her tension. His voice was gentle, yet firm, when he murmured, “Holly won’t try to take your child, lass. But you staying here in this cottage, on your own, is going to be a problem.”

  Gina’s heart rate ticked up. “Does that mean you’re going to turn me over to the DDA?”

  He shook his head. “No. But I do think you should come back to Lochguard with me.”

  Clan Lochguard was the only dragon-shifter clan in Scotland. Gina had been trying to find out information about them for months, but still didn’t know much about them since the locals viewed her as an outsider. All she had were the tidbits she’d learned from her grandmother before she’d passed a few months ago.

  She wished her grandma was still alive. Marjorie MacDonald had spoken highly of some dragon-shifters being good. Maybe it had included Lochguard’s leader.

  But her grandmother was dead and Gina needed to sort the situation out herself. Gripping the vial in her pocket tighter, she gathered every bit of strength she had and made her voice strong. “I’m not agreeing to anything until I talk to your clan leader.”

  “You do understand that I could call the DDA right now and hand you over to them.”

  “And do what? I could just as easily report you stalking me for the last few weeks. The locals may not care about you lingering on human lands, but the DDA does.”

  As they stared at one another, Gina wondered if she’d pushed too far. Especially since if another pain came, she would be completely at Fergus’s mercy. He could easily retaliate.

  But then he smiled, and her fears eased away as he spoke up again. “A lass who uses her brain. I must admit I like it.” Fergus waved the mobile phone in his hand. “Let me call my sister-in-law. After that, I’ll call my clan leader and see what I can do. However, it’s entirely up to Finn to refuse a meeting. You understand that, don’t you, lass?”

  “My name isn’t ‘lass.’ It’s Gina.”

  Fergus grinned. “Right, then, Gina. Same question.”

  The thought of living under an unknown dragon clan leader’s rules didn’t sit well with her. The dragon clan leader in Virginia, of Clan BroadBay, had determined that Gina’s child belonged to BroadBay. His solution had been for her to visit the US Department of Dragons Affairs office in Washington, D.C. to sign a contract to hand over her child after it was born. When Gina had missed her appointment with the US DDA office, BroadBay had put a price on her head.

  It was then she’d decided to run to where her grandmother lived, near Loch Shin. Memories were long, and despite keeping their secrets, many of the locals had helped Gina settle in without blinking an eye after her grandmother’s passing. One of the few things they’d mentioned recently was that Lochguard’s leader, Finlay Stewart, might be a leader they could reach out to and work with. From what she could tell, Clan Lochguard was nothing like BroadBay.

  While maybe not the best decision, Gina would take a chance for the sake of her child. She could always reevaluate her options later. “Go ahead and call the midwife.”

  Fergus dialed and put the phone to his ear. Gina only hoped she hadn’t made another poor choice. The past year had seen too many of them.


  Waiting for Holly to answer, Fergus studied Gina MacDonald. For a human, she had quite the backbone. Even with labor possibly looming over her, she had stood her ground to get what she wanted.

  He wondered how such a lass could end up in the wilds of Scotland alone and pregnant with a dragon-shifter’s child.

  However, before he could think too much more on it, his sister-in-law, Holly, answered, “Hello?”

  Fergus replied, “Holly, I need your help. How fast can Fraser bring you to the northwest shore of Loch Shin?”

  “As much as I always want to help you, I need more details than that before I commit to anything.”

  He frowned as he studied Gina’s face for any signs of pain. Luckily, the lass hadn’t cried out again. “I have a human here who is pregnant with a half-dragon-shifter child. She’s had some pain and I’m concerned.”

  Holly sounded confused. “Lochguard doesn’t have any humans currently pregnant. Even Stonefire only has one, Samira James, and I talked with her and Dr. Sid about thirty minutes ago. Who is this human?”

  Fergus’s dragon growled and he sent soothing thoughts to his beast as he lowered his voice. “If you trust me at all, Holly MacKenzie, then save your questions for later. All I know is the human is very pregnant and she had some pain in her lower abdomen.”

  Holly answered, “Okay, but I’ll bring Layla with me. She’s free right now.”

  Layla was Lochguard’s junior doctor. “No, don’t. The fewer people involved, the better. I’m calling Finn after this, so just hurry up. Tell Fraser it’s the white cottage with a chicken coop right behind it. There’s also a stack of firewood next to it. There aren’t any other cottages around here with both those features.”

  “Okay, but—”

  Fergus ended the call. Just as he was about to dial Finn’s number, Gina sucked in a breath. Reaching a hand out, he cupped her soft cheek. “Tell me what’s wrong, Gina.”

  “Pain.” She closed her eyes. Fergus stroked her cheek and she leaned into his touch.

  He wondered what it would be like to have a female of his own who always did the same.

  Pushing aside that thought, he focused on the human. “Keep breathing, lass. I have help coming. If they fly, they can be here in the next five minutes.”

  Gina finally let out a breath. Opening her eyes, she touched his arm with her hand. “They won’t try to take my baby, will they?”

  Seeing the strong lass’s fear made his dragon snarl. She should never be unhappy. Cuddle her close. Our touch will help her.

  But we’re naked.

  Right now, does that matter?

  His dragon was correct. A female with pregnancy pains wasn’t going to be thinking of hot sex with a dragon-shifter. “No, they won’t take the bairn, Gina. Has the pain passed for now?” She nodded and he continued, “Then let me hold you in my lap until they arrive. For whatever reason, my touch relaxes you. Don’t deny it.”

  She bit her lip. His beast growled out, Don’t let her say no.

  What is wrong with you? I’m not Fraser. I don’t give in to my dragon’s tantrums.

  It’s not a tantrum. Our female must never be in pain, if we can help it.

  She’s not our female. Her male could be coming at any time.

  His dragon remained silent. That meant his bloody beast was thinking of a plan.

  Realizing Gina hadn’t answered yet, Fergus stroked her cheek again with his thumb. “Come on, lass. I bet you’re curious what it’s like to feel all these muscles wrapped around you.”

  As if on cue, she narrowed her eyes. “Muscles mean nothing if you’re a bastard. I don’t know you well enough to make that judgment.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to say he wasn’t a bastard. But his dragon’s possessive urge to hold Gina surged through his body, igniting his human half’s own hidden desire.

  Tired of playing nice, Fergus leaned over, placed his hands underneath Gina’s armpits and maneuvered her to his lap. Before she could make a sound, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned his cheek against hers.

  For a se
cond, she tensed. Then she leaned against him. Fergus chuckled. “I told you.”

  She turned her head to meet his eye. “Only because you’re helping me will I allow it this once. But don’t get any ideas.”

  His dragon hissed. We should be able to hold her whenever we want.

  Not now, dragon.

  Ignoring his beast, he reveled in the heat and scent of the human in his lap. It reminded him partly of why he wanted a mate—so he could share this type of closeness every day.

  But Gina wasn’t his and most likely never could be. He needed to forget about her and focus on his clan’s safety. There were too many unknown variables with Gina; she could be a potential threat to Lochguard. Not that he wanted to believe it.

  Keeping his tone light, he answered, “You should be more concerned about the DDA. Or, hell, meeting with my clan leader for that matter.”

  “Exactly. Which is why you should be talking to him on your cell phone instead of keeping me captive in your arms.”

  He should call Finn that instant, but instead, he murmured, “I’m holding you captive?” He hugged her tighter against his body, loving the softness of her arse against his groin. “Then maybe I should start taking advantage of the situation.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Hey, you’re the one making me out to be the villain.”

  Gina opened her mouth to reply when the baby kicked against his arm. A yearning he’d hidden for years, of wanting to be a father, flooded his body. Moving his hand to the same spot, the bairn kicked again.

  He expected Gina to push his hand away, but instead, she placed her warm fingers over his. Gina’s voice filled the room. “Strange. He’s been a quiet baby. Yet with you, he’s all but dancing and causing trouble.”

  Afraid moving would break the spell, Fergus kept his tone neutral. “Maybe he can sense another dragon.”

  Fergus met Gina’s eyes. The lass searched his gaze while keeping hers neutral. For the first time, Fergus had the chance to admire her green eyes flecked with gold.

  Those eyes held secrets he suddenly wanted to investigate.

  He dismissed the notion as nothing more than his training as an information analyst. Fergus MacKenzie lived to find out the truth so he could help his clan. His brain was hardwired to always ask questions and demand answers. It was nothing more.

  It certainly wasn’t because he wanted to wake up every morning with Gina MacDonald at his side.

  His dragon hummed. Yes, we should have her every day.

  Care to tell me bloody why?

  You’re intelligent enough to figure it out yourself.

  The only reasonable answer to his dragon’s behavior scared the hell out of Fergus. Gina was carrying the bairn of another dragon-shifter. Not just any dragon-shifter, but most likely a male from one of the more unstable American clans.

  Lochguard already had enough trouble fighting off dragon hunters, Dragon Knights, and old traitors who had been kicked out of the clan. Finn didn’t need a new enemy.

  And that would be exactly what would happen if Fergus pursued Gina.

  No, he’d find a female in time. One who wanted him and wouldn’t cause a danger to his clan. What do you think of that, dragon?

  His beast remained silent, which was never a good sign.


  Fergus’s words kept repeating inside of Gina’s head. Maybe he can sense another dragon.

  The last eight months had been about keeping her child away from Travis and Clan BroadBay. Yet, had it really been for the best? Her son would need help from the dragon-shifters; only they could teach him about shifting and controlling his inner beast.

  Then her son kicked again and Gina smiled. She’d made the right decision. BroadBay may be full of dragon-shifters, but they would’ve trained her boy to treat humans as enemies that were little more than playthings. Gina would die before allowing that to happen.

  Still, there was the issue of her son’s upbringing. Thinking of her babe helped to break the spell of Fergus’s warm, solid muscles at her back. Or, the feel of his large hand over her belly. “Maybe you should call your leader, Fergus.”

  Fergus instantly removed his hand from her stomach and she nearly grabbed his wrist to bring it back. For a split second, it’d been as if she’d had a husband who would care for her baby.

  Clenching her fingers, reality washed over her. Most men wanted to feel their own child kicking inside the womb. Besides, she barely knew Fergus, let alone had a claim on him.

  The Scot’s warm burr caressed her ear. “I will, but then I’m going to try to make your son dance again. Maybe if I tire him out, he’ll take a wee nap and give you a rest.”

  Gina’s eyes grew wet. Fergus appeared to be the kind of man who took care of a pregnant woman. Hell, he’d probably treasure her. Why couldn’t she have met someone like him instead of Travis Parker?

  Yet she knew the answer. Before getting pregnant, Gina had been reckless. A mere dare from her college roommate had brought on all of this mess.

  Forget about ‘what ifs,’ Gina. You can’t change the past and your son needs you to fight for him. That is all that matters.

  Taking a deep breath, she was about to comment but Fergus pressed a key on his phone and placed it to his ear. A beat later, he spoke. “No, Finn. I can’t call you back. Something’s come up.” Fergus briefly explained Gina’s situation and then added, “I want to bring her to Lochguard. But she will only agree to go if she could meet with you.”

  Fergus frowned and Gina resisted the urge to reach a hand up and smooth the creases away. No doubt, his clan leader was yelling at him. She didn’t like the idea. All he was trying to do was help her.

  Fergus gritted out, “Aye,” before hanging up and clutching the phone in his hand.

  Despite the whiteness of his fingers holding the phone, Gina dared a question. “I somehow don’t think he congratulated you on finding a pregnant human, so what did he say?”

  Fergus’s face relaxed and a small part of Gina was pleased. “I guess it’s too much to assume you’re going to be treating me like a king for all that I’m doing for you. Right, lass?”

  He’d used “lass” instead of her name on purpose. She would bet her life on it. “How would your clan leader feel if I started calling you King of the Scottish Dragons?”

  Fergus grinned and Gina felt as if someone had punched her in the gut. “It would irritate him to no end.”

  “Then why are you smiling?”

  Fergus leaned close and whispered, “Because Finn is my cousin and irritating him is part of the job.”

  “If you think being related to the clan leader means I’m going to start treating you differently, then you’re in for a surprise.”

  The dragonman’s hot breath danced across her cheek as he said, “Never change, Gina MacDonald. I like interesting females and you are unlike any female I’ve ever met.”

  She frowned. “Are you saying that to please me and help me relax?”

  Fergus paused a beat, and then answered, “You caught me.”

  Gina pushed aside her disappointment. Keeping her voice strong, she tsked. “I hate false words and platitudes. If you want to remain on my good side, don’t do either.”

  “I’m on your good side, then, aye? I had assumed the opposite.”

  “I never said you had made it to the good list. However, if you want to graduate to it, don’t lie to me or tell me what I want to hear. That got me into this trouble in the first place.”

  As soon as the words left her lips, Gina regretted it. The less Fergus knew about her past, the better.

  Fergus tossed the phone to the side and placed his hand back on her belly. Rubbing in slow circles, Gina forgot about everything but his warm, strong touch.

  Unable to stop herself, she murmured, “Damn, what I wouldn’t give for a massage.”

  The dragonman’s hand stilled. Gina searched her brain for what to say when someone knocked at the door.

  Chapter Three

  Thank fuck for the knock at the door or Fergus might’ve done something daft, such as give Gina a massage.

  Rubbing her belly had been maybe a little too familiar. Yet the second Gina had mentioned her past, fear and anger had flashed in her eyes. Both man and beast hadn’t liked it.

  Bloody hell, all Fergus wanted to do was soothe away Gina’s pain and take care of her.

  His dragon spoke up. As we should. Why you fight it, I will never understand.

  Because unlike you, I can put the clan first.

  You say that now, but you’ll change your mind. Wait and see.

  Not dignifying his beast with an answer, Fergus raised his voice. “Who is it?”

  Gina muttered, “I should be the one asking,” right before his twin brother’s voice boomed through the door. “It’s us. Now let us in. It’s bloody freezing out here. Not to mention I think the sheep are a wee bit angry at my landing. I’d like to get away from them before they jump the fence.”

  Fergus shook his head. “Always you and the bloody sheep. Just come in. It’s open.”

  Removing his hand from Gina’s abdomen, the door opened to reveal his twin wearing a length of tartan around his waist that looked like a poor excuse for a kilt. Before he could comment on his brother’s near nakedness, Gina’s voice filled the room. “There are two of you?”

  Grinning, Fraser winked. “Aye. Though I’m the more handsome half.”

  Holly shoved Fraser out of the way and shook her head, causing dark strands of hair to fall loose from her bun. “Not now, Fraser.”

  Holly’s dark eyes locked on Gina sitting on Fergus’s lap and Holly rushed toward them.

  Fergus resisted the urge to hug Gina close and growl at his brother. Instead, he waited for Holly to crouch down and he focused back on Gina. The lass had tensed the second Holly had squatted down. His poor human was afraid someone would take away her bairn.

  Wait a second, Gina wasn’t his female. He’d better not slip again.


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