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The Dragon Guardian

Page 23

by Jessie Donovan

  Fergus growled out, “Faye.”

  Faye shrugged. “What? I’m just telling the truth. With you two out of the house, I have better access to Mum’s scones. We should’ve kicked you out years ago.”

  “You and the bloody scones. You should learn to make them yourself,” Fergus muttered.

  As much as Gina loved her in-laws, she didn’t want Kaylee’s first impression to be of them bickering for ten minutes, as they were wont to do. She put out her hands to Lorna. “Can I have Jamie?”

  Lorna handed over a sleeping Jamie. Gina carefully removed four blankets before moving closer to her sister. “This is Jamie. Say hello to your Auntie Kaylee, Jamie.”

  Gina gently maneuvered her son into Kaylee’s arms. Her sister smiled. “He’s so tiny.”

  “Believe me, when he was coming out, he didn’t feel tiny,” Gina murmured.

  Kaylee chuckled. “I won’t argue with that.” She touched Jamie’s cheek and he moved for a second before settling again. “I can’t wait to spoil you, little man.”

  Gina sighed. “Between you and the MacKenzies, I’m going to have to be vigilant if I want him to ever learn how to do things by himself.”

  Fergus came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She relaxed against her mate’s chest as he answered, “I’ll help you, lass. My brother is the one to watch out for.”

  Fraser ignored Fergus. He and Holly moved closer to Kaylee. “I think introductions are in order. I’m Fraser, the more handsome and clever of the MacKenzie twins. And this here is my mate, Holly.” Fraser motioned toward Faye. “The annoying female over there with the wild hair is my sister, Faye.”

  Faye growled. “My offer still stands, Fraser. Let’s shift and settle this once and for all.”

  Kaylee jumped in. “I wouldn’t mind seeing a few dragons up close.”

  Thankfully, Grant stepped forward. “I think it best to use our energy on rebuilding. The fights can wait for later.”

  Faye murmured, “Killjoy.”

  Grant merely raised his brows and Faye looked away.

  Fraser whispered loudly to Kaylee. “Speaking as an uncle to an aunt of wee Jamie, maybe you can help me.”

  Kaylee looked around the room. “How?”

  Fraser grinned. “I’m trying to get a nickname to stick, you see. What do you think of Mac-squared?”

  Kaylee paused a second and then laughed. “Because of MacDonald-MacKenzie.”

  “Aye,” Fraser stated. “Are you with me?”

  Mischief flared in Kaylee’s eyes. “That depends. Will you shift into a dragon for me?”

  Holly frowned. “Maybe you should ask someone else. I don’t like other people seeing Fraser naked. Maybe Grant can do it.”

  All eyes turned to Grant. The head Protector answered dryly, “I have some things to attend to.”

  As Grant scurried away, Ross stepped in. “I’m Ross Anderson, Holly’s dad. Maybe you should ask Lorna here. She rarely shifts for anyone, not even me. And I ask nicely.”

  Lorna sighed. “Not this again.”

  Ross grinned. “Aye, this again. I’m determined to see your dragon self at some point.”

  “You can keep trying, but you won’t get anywhere, Ross Anderson,” Lorna replied.

  Ross asked, “Not even if I ask nicely and offer to do the dishes?”

  Lorna shook her head. “No.”

  Ross took a step closer. “How about if I offer to cook, too?”

  Lorna rolled her eyes. “And have you set the cooker on fire again? I think not.”

  “I’ll find out what will trigger an agreement, Lorna, dear. Just wait,” Ross stated.

  Fraser shook his head. “Leave my mum alone. She has her reasons. You shouldn’t push.”

  Ross stood taller. “This is between me and your mum, lad. Mind your business.”

  Fraser growled, but Holly jumped in front of her mate. Looking between Fraser and Ross and back again, Holly’s tone was stern. “I swear I have to keep stepping between you two.” She looked to Ross. “Stop provoking a dragonman, Dad. Despite your bravado, you’re not as strong as him.” Holly looked to Fraser. “And you need to let your mum fight her own battles.”

  Ross and Fraser started arguing yet again about respect, boundaries, and keeping out of other people’s business. Gina half-expected Fergus to jump in and defuse the situation, but instead, he leaned down to her ear. His whisper was so low she could barely hear it. “This is your family now, lass. Are you ready to run?”

  Gina glanced at Kaylee, shared a smile, and then turned in Fergus’s arms. She looped her hands behind his neck. “Never.”

  He pulled her tighter against him. “Good, because I’m never going to let you go. I love you, Gina MacDonald. Wild dogs couldn’t tear me away from your side.”

  She tilted her head. “After this, let’s find some wild dogs. I really want to test your hyperbole.”

  Fergus growled. “I have a better idea.”

  She played coy. “Oh?”

  “I think I’m going to steal a kiss from my mate whilst I still have the chance.” He nipped her bottom lip. “I love you, Gina, my lass. I waited a long time to find you, but you were more than worth the wait.”

  She touched his cheek with her fingers. “I love you, too, Fergus. I may not have thought so even two months ago, but I’m glad events played out as they did. Otherwise, I never would’ve found you.”

  With a growl, Fergus lowered his head and kissed her.

  Gina reveled in his heady taste as she met each stroke of his tongue. A month ago, she’d been alone, on the run, and scared for both her life and her son’s.

  But now, she had a mate, her sister, her son, and a new family that would do anything to protect its own. Fate may have thrown a few wrenches into the mix, but Gina wouldn’t have it any other way. Fergus MacKenzie was the man of her dreams and she would move heaven and earth to keep both him and their son by her side.


  Two Months Later

  Gina smoothed her hair down one last time, but her curls popped right back up and remained wild. While she preferred keeping it in a braid, Fergus liked it down. Normally, she ignored his wishes and kept it back for convenience. However, the upcoming evening was special—she and Fergus were ready to try having sex again.

  In the intervening months since Jamie’s birth, she and Fergus had been creative. But as much as she loved his tongue between her thighs, she wanted to feel his hard cock inside her.

  And yet, Gina’s stomach flipped. By all accounts, the mate-claim frenzy shouldn’t happen as long as she was breastfeeding. However, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen.

  Stop it, Gina. You trust Fergus. Even if it starts, he will rein it in. Taking a deep inhalation, she turned from the mirror and paced the length of the bedroom. Fergus should be back any moment from dropping off their son at Lorna’s house. Jamie had definitely become Grandma’s little boy.

  Not that Lorna was the only one doting on Jamie. Fraser and Kaylee acted as if they’d always been brother and sister, resulting in more mischief than Gina liked. Only because she knew none of her family would ever do something to hurt her baby did Gina let it slide. Deep down, Gina admitted that Kaylee finding allies in the MacKenzies made her heart warm with happiness.

  The downstairs door clicked closed. Fergus was home.

  Undoing her robe, she slipped it off and sat down on the bed. It took everything she had not to fidget and pick at the scraps of clothing covering her body.

  About thirty seconds later, Fergus opened their bedroom door and stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes roamed her shoulders, her breasts, and her legs. When his eyes met hers again, they were flashing. “How attached are you to what you’re wearing?”

  The approval in his eyes gave her the courage to be bold. Trailing her finger down her chest until it reached the small bow between her breasts, she asked, “You like it?”

  Fergus took one step and then another, his heated gaze never leaving her face.
“Aye.” He was close enough to lift up a strand of her hair and rub it between his fingers. “And you wore your hair down for me.”

  She placed a hand on his lower stomach. “I did a great many things tonight. But I think you have something to do for me, first.”

  He ran a finger up and down her arm. “I say forget the silly games. My bollocks are blue from wanting, lass. Don’t make me wait any longer by performing a strip dance.”

  Gina smiled. “Only if you promise to do it tomorrow.”

  Fergus grunted. “I’ll promise to run naked through the local village tomorrow as long as you let me have you tonight, Gina.”

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “I rather like that idea.”

  He lightly tugged her hair. “I thought you were possessive of me.”

  She tilted her head. “I am. But I also like pushing your boundaries. You have to admit, it’s been fun.”

  “Buying my family a karaoke machine was a mistake.”

  “Only because I made you sing, too.”

  “I’d rather not remember that,” Fergus grumbled.

  She laughed. “Okay, okay. I think I know of a way to distract you from that memory.” Gina scooted back on the bed and lay down on her elbows. “Undress me without ripping anything and you can do whatever you want to me, dragonman.”

  Fergus’s pupils remained slitted for a few beats before growing round again. He leaned on the bed and covered her body with his. His lips were a hairbreadth away from hers as he whispered, “You think you’re the clever one. But you’ll be begging me to rip off your clothes before I finish.”

  Memories of Fergus’s fingers between her thighs, on her breasts, and strumming her nipples all rushed back to her. Blood rushed to her cheeks at the same time as her heart beat double-time.

  Aware her pale skin was flushed, she merely answered, “We’ll see, Fergus MacKenzie.” She lifted a leg to rub against his hard cock trapped in his jeans. Fergus groaned and she whispered, “I’ve waited nearly two months. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  With a growl, Fergus kissed her and thrust his tongue in her mouth. Each stroke was a claim.

  She raised a hand to his hair and dug her nails in. He growled and took the kiss deeper. As he licked and nipped, it felt as if he was kissing her for the first time all over again.

  As quickly as he’d started, Fergus pulled away. His voice was husky as he said, “I love you, lass, but the kissing is going to wait.”

  Before she could nod, Fergus leaned back and traced the strap of her lingerie top. The roughness of his finger against her skin sent a jolt through her body. When the strap ended, he traced the edge of the lace cup holding her breast.

  “Fergus,” she breathed out.

  Her dragonman let his fingers do the talking and he lightly strummed her nipple through the silky fabric. Each pass caused more wetness to rush between her thighs.

  Hoping to encourage him, Gina spread her legs wider. Fergus chuckled. “My mate is impatient.”

  She raised an arm and lightly traced the outline of his hard dick. Fergus sucked in a breath and Gina smiled. “You can keep teasing me, but I’m only going to tease you back.”

  “Maybe I should’ve brought some scarves with me to tie you up. Then you’d be at my mercy.”

  She shivered at the idea of being naked and open to Fergus’s every touch. “Maybe later.” She spread her legs as wide as she could, her crotchless panties displaying her core to her mate.

  Fergus’s gaze zeroed in on her swollen flesh and he licked his lips. “My favorite sight.”

  Playing innocent, Gina scooped her breast out of its lace cup. “I thought this was?”

  With a growl, Fergus leaned down and licked her nipple, and again. At this rate, she’d come before he was ever inside her.


  Fergus was barely keeping control of his dragon. His beast roared inside his head. We’ve played your games for two months. Hurry up. I want to feel her heat around our cock.

  She needs to be ready.

  Look at her. Our mate is more than ready.

  Fergus ceased his attentions to Gina’s nipple and leaned back to stare at her pussy. His mate was pink and glistening, ready to grab onto his dick and wring every last drop from him.

  Still, he restrained long enough to ask his dragon, You’re sure you can contain the frenzy?

  Yes. Now, hurry up and claim our mate.

  Fergus met Gina’s gaze again. The heat there caused a drop of precum to leak out. “I’ll replace the lingerie later.”

  In the next instant, he ripped the tiny scraps of material from his mate’s body. He ran a hand down her naked chest, breast, and stopped at her abdomen to trace the faint stretch marks. Even after all this time, Gina still shifted when he paid extra attention to the marks. Leaning down, he kissed them and murmured, “You are the sexiest woman alive to me, Gina MacDonald.” He kissed her skin again. “Don’t ever doubt it.”

  “Then show me or I may need to go through the things the pregnancy changed in me.”

  He grunted, ripped off his own clothes, and covered her body with his. Cupping her cheek, he answered, “As much as I love your games, lass, I only have one question before I claim you for the first time as my mate.”

  Gina searched his eyes. “What?”

  “Do you want me to use a condom?”

  She paused before answering, “No. I trust you not to start a frenzy.”

  He brushed her cheek with his thumb. “Even without the frenzy, you could end up pregnant again.”

  She wrapped a leg around his thigh. “According to Dr. Innes, it’s less than a 2 percent chance while breastfeeding in the first six months. If it happens, it happens.” She kissed him. “Claim me properly, Fergus. I’ve waited long enough.”

  His dragon hissed. Now.

  Fergus took Gina’s lips as he positioned his cock at her entrance. Inch by inch, he eased inside until she took him to the hilt.

  Bloody hell, his mate was tight. He’d have to be careful not to hurt her.

  Gina broke the kiss and moved her hips. “Stop overthinking. You won’t hurt me, Fergus. I’m more than ready for you. And I mean all of you—both man and dragon.”

  His beast grunted in approval. Do as she says. She wants us.

  Fergus moved slowly at first before increasing his pace. Judging by Gina’s moans, he wasn’t hurting her.

  His dragon jumped in. Stop holding back. Claim her. Hard.

  As his beast’s lust and desire to claim flooded his body, Fergus’s restraint faded.

  Pinning Gina’s hands above her head, he watched her small breasts bounce with each thrust. He moved even faster. While the frenzy was absent, every iota of Fergus’s being itched to finally brand their female as their mate.

  Gina arched her back and Fergus pounded harder, each movement a claim on Gina.

  Rearranging his grip so he held her wrists with one hand, he ran his other down her chest, her abdomen, and stopped at her clit. Lightly brushing her bundle of nerves, Gina cried out, “Harder!”

  Fergus didn’t waste any time. The bed shook with each piston of his hips. Gina wrapped her legs around him and dug into his arse cheeks. Both man and beast thought, Ours.

  But Fergus wanted to see Gina’s green eyes as she came. He ordered, “Look at me.”

  Opening her eyes, she met his. The love mixed with desire stoked his dragon’s desire. Fergus growled and he increased the pressure against Gina’s clit as he rubbed back and forth. The sound of flesh slapping on flesh filled the room, mixed with Gina’s moans.

  His dragon snarled. Our mate is ready. Take her.

  Pressing against her hard bud, Gina screamed right before she clutched and released his cock. Fergus never stopped moving, the pressure building at the base of his spine. Just as his mate came down from her high, he roared, “Gina,” before stilling his body and releasing.

  Each drop from his dick branded their mate and sent her into one orgasm after another. Gina arching he
r back as he made her come was a sight he’d burn into his memory.

  When he’d spilled the last drop of his seed, Fergus let go of Gina’s hands and collapsed on top of his mate. Gina moved her fingers to his back and lightly scratched his skin with her nails. Her voice was breathy as she said, “You’re just as good as I remember.”

  Somehow he mustered the strength to raise his head. “You doubted me?”

  She smiled slowly. “Well, I was pretty pregnant and my memory wasn’t functioning at full capacity then.”

  He grunted. “I see through your games, lass.”

  “So if I asked you to take me at least two more times to make sure it’s not a fluke, you wouldn’t do it?”

  With a growl, he moved his head to hers and lightly bit her bottom lip. “All you need to do is ask, lass. And I’ll claim you as many times as you like. Unlike humans, I don’t need much time to recover.”

  Gina moved her hips and Fergus sucked in a breath. “You will always have a claim on my heart, Fergus MacKenzie, but I think you need to claim my body a few more times for good measure. I can’t have the other females doubting you’re mine.”

  Pulling out, he thrust back into her core. “There will never be any doubt, Gina MacDonald. You’re mine and I’m keeping you.”

  Taking her lips in a kiss, Fergus claimed his mate three more times before holding her close as she fell asleep. He was the luckiest dragonman in the world and he’d do whatever it took to convince Gina of that fact. Every day he expected his happily ever after to be taken from him, but Fergus would fight until his dying breath to protect his family. MacKenzies loved deep and hard; Fergus was no exception.


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  The next Lochguard story is The Dragon’s Heart. It will be a novella about Lorna MacKenzie and Ross Anderson. My goal is to release it in early summer, but this is subject to change. (And for those interested, the next Stonefire book will be Surrendering to the Dragon, about Nikki and Rafe, out in May 2016.) To keep up to date on new release information, reveals, and exclusive excerpts, make sure to sign up for my newsletter on my website.


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