Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312 Page 20

by Mia Villano

  “It’s Dax Markez.” Oh my gosh. The Dax I went out with a couple of times.

  “Dax, the French Ambassador’s assistant?” I did not see that coming.

  She whispers into the phone, “Yes, please don’t be mad at me. I don’t want to lose our friendship over this because I grabbed your sloppy seconds,” she laughs. “He is just, I don’t know, perfect.”

  “Mad? Why would I be mad? If it isn’t Sebastian, I don’t care. I’m just shocked. I didn’t think Dax would be your type. Why are you whispering?”

  “He’s in the other room sleeping and I don’t want to wake him. I didn’t think he was my type either and then he started calling me and we went out once to talk about you. One thing led to another and well, we got married yesterday because, I’m going to have a baby.” Holy hell.

  “A what?” Standing up I walk to my kitchen to grab another bottle of water. Pregnant? Who would have thought? I can’t help but smile. Lilly pregnant and married is totally something I never expected. I hear her laugh and I can’t help but laugh with her.

  “You sure know how to move fast when you want to. Congratulations on everything. I’m so happy for you. How far along are you?” I’m babbling.

  “Thank you, sweetie. I’m three months, so the baby will be here in February. I can’t believe I’m going to be someone’s mom, Daria.”

  “You’ll be wonderful. I need to see you when the baby comes.” We agree she will come to the States once the baby is born. Apparently, Dax comes to New York several times a year. As I lie in bed, I ponder this new revelation. Counting backwards, I figure out Lilly worked damn fast to be pregnant so quickly. She had to have started dating him the minute I left for the U.S. Oh well, what does it matter. She’s happy, I’m happy and all is good in the world. For the first time, I can actually say it and mean it. Ever since I lost my baby, nothing has felt right until now.



  The final weeks of my campaign are the most stressful, and yet they’ve been the best weeks of my life. Standing on the stage at a rally so big I can’t tell where the people end, I recall my first speech in my quest for becoming the president. The first time I hear the crowd scream my name and sing along with my campaign song, Go All The Way, seems like a different lifetime.

  The people I have met and the lives that impacted me in one way or another flash through my mind. The states are blurs, the speeches are ingrained in my head, but the people are all the same and yet so different. It’s amazing to me that the poorer people I have met only want simple things in life, like a good education for their children, healthcare, and jobs. The rich want tax cuts, stricter laws for immigration and tougher laws for welfare recipients. Seeing how angry the country can be is a shock to me. I’ve heard racial slurs, anti-Semitic jokes, concerns for the environment, the need for more jobs and so much more. One thing is for sure, our country is terribly divided and I’m making it my priority to bring us all back together again.

  The last week comes down to living in khaki pants and white button down shirts as I fly from state to state. Win or lose, I give the campaign my all. One of the many exciting things happening to me was a request from the government to start getting my transition team together. I didn’t have to complete it until later, but I had to give a nod to a couple of guys and a woman that contributed major money to my campaign. Of course, my inner circle on my campaign team will be offered positions.

  The night before the election, I’m in Ohio again at the Ohio State campus and the crowd waiting for me is unbelievable. My team had two rock bands show up and to my utter surprise my college roommates are on stage. Hearing the riff of “Go all the Way,” Vick hands me my guitar, and I walk out playing my part. My guys I haven’t seen in years are there with me to play me into victory.

  Knowing how much she loves this song, I want her to know I’m thinking of her. “This is for you and you know who you are.” We’re delirious and riled up for the day that awaits us. I sleep about two hours on the plane, and wake up at 2am on Election Day. My team’s awake and wound up ready to start the day that will change my life forever.

  We taxi into Philadelphia International Airport to a crowd I find out has been waiting for me for hours. The plan is for me to land and give a short speech on the tarmac and then head back to D.C.

  Gazing outside the plane window, I wonder if my grandfather and dad are watching somewhere. I’m not a religious man, but I liked to think they are somewhere smiling and happy with what I have accomplished. Would they have been proud of me?

  “You ready, Boss?” Frank is standing beside me as usual and I over at him snapping out of my thoughts.

  “Let’s do this, Frank.” I stand, and head out of the plane as my VP is speaking.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the future president of the United States, Sebastian Reed.” I walk down the steps of my plane and look out. How badly I want to have Daria by my side. One more day and she will be there with me in front of the crowd. The stage is set up to go into the crowd of people as more campaign music plays and people young and old scream for me. Cell phones are flashing and my voice is shot but I’m pumped up and ready to take on the world. The crowds chanting was surreal and so fucking exciting. I stand at the podium for a minute to take in what exactly was happening to me.

  “Hello, Pennsylvania. Home of the Phillies, the Steelers, and your next president.” The crowd goes insane.

  “Are you ready to vote today?” More cheers from the crowd.

  “Are you ready to take this to the White House?” More screaming. They chant “Reed, Reed, Reed” could be heard above the screaming.

  “I can’t hear you. Are you ready to ride to the White House with me?” Camera's flash and the chant continues.

  “It’s good to be back home. This is the place where I was born and raised and the only place I lay my head down that I can call home. This morning we’re going to partake in one of the greatest privileges in America. The opportunity to vote for the next president of the United States. Today, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. Black, white, Muslim, gay, straight, or transgender. Today, we’re all Americans. Today, we’re one nation. I have been talking to people around the country and the one thing I hear is they want change. They want the country our grandfathers built, our grandmothers went to work for. The America that made us number one. I’ve heard I’m too young, too inexperienced to run this country. I fought for you in Congress every day. I heard you then and I hear you now. I promise you I will be the president that fights for you and hears what you’re asking for. Your voice, no matter where you come from, will be the voice of America.”

  “I need you to get out and vote today. Offer a ride to your neighbor that can’t drive, or thinks their vote doesn’t count. It will count. Every vote will count. I believe together we can see the future of this great country come together as one America. God Bless you all and God Bless America.” My euphoria and the crowds’ is off the charts. I look out at the sea of people waving flags and signs. Cell phones are recording this moment and people are chanting my name. The thoughts of what this day holds, keeps me awake and driven. My security escorts me back on the plane.

  The final voyage in my campaign is flying back to D.C. to vote, watch the results, and prepare for my speech. My mom has the Blue Basil Ballroom ready for my after-election party. We have two speeches ready, a victory speech, and a concession speech. I also have my own speech ready to give, either way the results turn out. A speech no one knows about but myself and Curtis. He helped me write it under the direct order that if he tells anyone I will physically hurt him. I’m only half joking.

  The day goes by quicker than anticipated. Thankfully, I’m whisked away as soon as I step out of the plane when we land again in D.C. Running on adrenaline and coffee when I cast my vote at the local high school. The press is waiting to speak to me when I exit.

  “Mr. Reed. How confident are you right now?”

��s all up in the air. Anything could happen.” I wave and smile.

  “Mr. Reed. Is it true you’re dating your former intern? Do you think that will sway the voters?” I ignore the dickhead as I duck into the SUV.

  Vick’s in the backseat and, in Vick style, he’s ready to give me one more reaming over what the last journalist just asked.

  “I told you to stay away from that girl. This could really hurt you tonight Sebastian.”

  It’s not worth arguing with Vick. The damn reporter, asking about a story the media has already talked to death. I sit in silence looking out the window, all I can think of is what the evening will bring. Whatever the outcome, I will be a winner.

  After I vote, I go directly to Once we arrive at my house, I call my mother to see what she’s doing.

  “I’m getting ready.”

  “I’ll send Cameron to pick you up. I want to explain some things before the night’s over.” I must tell her the truth, once and for all. It’s time to tell her everything. Maybe if she sees the proof of Garrison buying a gun, she will understand this is more than just the drugs. Finding all of this out is going to break her heart, I feel me telling her will soften the blow.

  “Fine. I told you to leave that girl alone and now look what’s happening. I thought this was old news and they’re still questioning you about it.”

  “I don’t care, Mother. I love that girl and I’m marrying her. You need to hear the truth from me and not the garbage on the news.”

  When my mother arrives, I sit her down, in my office and explain to her what’s happening. I tell her everything, from the time I was a congressman, the fundraiser, the gun my brother purchased, the email, and my brother’s obsession with taking me down. I told her how much I love Daria and that she’s been the only woman I ever truly loved.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I knew something was going on the night of your dinner at your house. You couldn’t keep your eyes off her.” My mother’s crying, dressed in a black pantsuit and covered in her diamonds ready for the evening. I grab her tissues from my bathroom and call down to the kitchen to have someone on my staff make us two martinis and she downs hers in record time.

  “I didn’t know what was going on that day. I figured I would tell you eventually, but I needed to make sure I planned everything out. Security and the FBI were close to nailing him and I was instructed not to say a word to anyone, including you. They didn’t want anything to get back to Garrison.”

  “He leaked all of this to the press? How could he do this to you, to us, to his family name?”

  “Yes, he knew about Daria, and he tracked her down in Paris. He wanted to rattle my chain the night of the fundraiser when he brought her. The night of the death threat, he seemed distracted and distant. He wanted to cause a fuss and show America that I’m a constant problem. He’s a hacker and used some random kids email address to send the threat. He has no clue we know about this and that will be dealt with after the election. Here is the picture of him buying the gun.” I stand, hand the picture to her, and pace the room.

  She stares at it and begins to sob more. “I just don’t understand any of this. To be a junkie is one thing. To threaten your life and hurt your campaign intentionally, is a whole other level. Are you sure he’s in Europe right now?

  “I have a security detail following him there. Yes, I’m sure.”

  Vick walks into my office without knocking.

  “Security has lost track of Garrison. We thought he hasn’t left his apartment all week but it turns out he hasn’t been there all week.”



  I spin around. My mom gasps. “What?”

  “I want Frank and Cameron over at Daria’s and I want her brought here immediately. Enough is enough now.” Vick nods and races out the door. For once he doesn’t argue with me.

  My mother is on her cell phone before Vick shuts the door.

  “Who are you calling?”

  She holds up her hand in a gesture to silence me. I hear it ringing through the speaker and then voicemail picks up. It’s Garrison’s voice.

  “Garrison, this is your mother. I’m just calling to see how you are, honey. I hate that you won’t be here with us tonight to celebrate, but Sebastian and I understand. You will be dearly missed, honey. Call me before the night is over. I love you.”

  I look at her stunned.

  “I don’t want him to think I know anything. If he calls back, I’ll know where he is.” She stands up and walks to the door.

  I walk up to her, grabbing her hand. “I know this is hard. I’m sorry it’s happening.”

  “It’s unbearable to think he may be sitting in prison for the rest of his life. He’s still my baby, Sebastian. I just don’t know where I went wrong with him.” There was laughter outside and I hear the news is live conducting an interview with Tex.

  “I need to go back home and take this all in and finish getting ready for this evening. I have someone coming over to do my makeup and hair in an hour.”

  “I’ll have Cameron drive you back and the security stays with you.”

  She waves her hand at me. “He’s not after me, Sebastian.”

  “I don’t care; we don’t know what he’s capable of anymore, especially tonight?”

  After she leaves, while waiting for Cameron to bring Daria back to the house, I spend some time with my staff and watch the news reports coming in. I wasn’t going to watch the news, however, curiosity got the best of me. Catching an interview with Tex coming out of his polling station, he’s smirking and talking about me. He says the recent news of my love affair with an intern would help his vote today, and he’s preparing to win. He says the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree and just like my father, I would lose because of a scandal.

  The poll numbers don’t change, and the people are being interviewed walking out of the voting stations, stating it didn’t change their view of me in any way. One woman said, “Thank god he isn’t gay.”

  Food’s delivered for the staff and as they eat I venture to my room to shower, dress and wait. Then it hits me. If I’m going to do this, I need to do it right. I head to my closet and tear it apart looking for something. If I’m going to bring Daria out for the world to know, I need the ring, I bought her just over eight years ago and hid somewhere. I remember I put it in a box and then a hat...no a shoe. Ripping open boxes, looking in shoes and hats, I remember. I put it in the hat I took to Turks and Caicos with us. The straw hat I wore on the beach is sitting on a shelf in the back of my walk-in closet, pulling it down it’s there under a thin layer of dust. The blue Tiffany box is sitting there waiting. I open it and the ring I wanted to give her is perfect. Five carats. I close it and put it in my pants pocket finishing to get ready and choosing my tie with great care. My stylist says to invoke power I should wear a red tie, I pick out a deep red tie and my new Gucci black suit coat. Walking into my bathroom, I stare into the mirror.

  This is it. This is my night and the world will know my secret. I’m about to walk out of my house in a while and come back a different man in more ways than I can imagine. Not only will I be the President-elect, but I will also be the man I hid away for eight years. The man that loves this one woman with all my heart, soul and strength. No more sneaking around. No more telling lies and trying to love someone other than her. No more hiding her in a room so that we are not discovered.

  Walking out into my room I sit down and go over my speeches. There’s a knock on my door.

  “Come in,” I yell not getting up.

  The door opens and in steps my whole world. Dressed in a gorgeous black lace dress just skimming her knees, black heels, and silver jewelry, she is a vision of perfection. Her hair is half up and her lips are colored a soft pink. I don’t even know how to describe her grace and what she does to me just looking at her. Just the sight of her causes my breath to catch, my heart to race and my body wanting to be next to hers.

  “Hi,” she says as she stands in the

  “Hi.” Setting my speeches down and walking up to her, I pull her inside, grabbing onto her waist, and sliding my hands up to just below her perky tits. Through her dress I give them a slight squeeze. Every inch of her is perfection and femininity. All I want to do is undress her and take her to bed. She looks up with heavy lidded eyes, her eyelashes, long and black, fluttering at me.

  “I want you right now.” My hands are now grabbing her perfectly round ass as I pull her to me.

  “Now, Sebastian, as good as that sounds, I think not. You’re about to be the president. People are in and out of here like Grand Central Station.”

  I know she’s right. But, fuck she looks so satisfying and I’m a self-centered ass and she is exactly what I want. Holding her next to me I feel invincible and capable. She looks up, and I kiss her, tasting her and the hint of mint. Reaching up to touch my face, her soft hand caresses my skin.

  “Frank told me they can’t find Garrison.”

  “They’ll find him. I’m not worried about it. You look beautiful. They’re going to love you.” She huffs and pulls out of my grasp.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Sebastian. This doesn’t need to be done tonight.”

  “It needs done tonight. It needed to be done years ago. I’m not going into this thing without you.” Daria walks around my room and grabs the remote on the nightstand by my bed.

  “Come here for a second.” She walks over to me and I take the remote from her hands. I pull her in the bathroom and lock the door behind us.

  “What are you doing? I told you we can’t do this now. I’m all dressed up and I don’t-”

  I cut her off, “Shh, I need to know you truly love me. We’re alone as it can get. No one can hear us or barge in. Daria, do you love me?”

  “I love you more than anything. I love you so much, I left you eight year ago so I wouldn’t be in your way. I love you so much, I was willing to stay away from you so you could be who you were meant to be. Yes, Sebastian. I love you.”


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