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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

Page 21

by Mia Villano

  “Then what I’m going to do tonight is worth it.” Daria has no idea I’m asking her to marry me tonight. She is under the impression I’m just telling America I love her.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I have never been so right. There is only one you, Daria. There has only been you.” We stand looking at each other for what seems like eternity. I kiss her softly and look into her eyes. Those gorgeous steel gray eyes are alive and happy.

  I hear a knock on my door and then a pounding.

  “We better get out there. I want you to go into the crowd tonight at my party. I’ll call you up, win or lose, after my speech.”

  More pounding on my door. We step out of the bathroom and I walk to my bedroom door pulling it open. It’s Frank this time. Dressed in a suit and surrounded by Secret Service and my security team. He’s on his cell phone when he pulls it from his ear to speak to me.

  “We found out your brother took a flight from Paris to Washington D.C. this morning. We’re trying to find him.” Jesus, I know it before they even figure it out, Garrison is here in D.C.



  My motorcade heads to the ballroom for my party around eight o clock. The polls are just beginning to close in most states. I’m a nervous wreck, however no one will know. I keep calm as can be, and read through my speeches. Daria is in a car behind me with my mother and my team. I have Curtis and Vick with me to go over any last-minute details. As we head over to my party, there are reporters everywhere and a helicopter overhead. The local police are on motorcycles to lead the procession to the ballroom. Vick’s on his phone checking on polling results and putting numbers into his iPad. It’s still early but votes are coming in from some of the New England states. I’m still ahead.

  Pulling up to the party, I begin to sweat. I feel inside my pocket to make sure I have the ring and I look over at Vick. He looks up at me, and for the first time he seems calm.

  “Well, this is it.”

  “This is it. We survived. The fact I didn’t kill you before tonight is a miracle,” Vick laughs.

  “Win or lose tonight, I want you to know I couldn’t have had a better campaign manager. I hope you will work with me on my staff if we win.”

  “It would be an honor, Sebastian. I think Chief of Staff sounds perfect.”

  “Oh it does, does it? You can yell and boss me around for four years? Sounds perfect to me.” I laugh, grabbing him in a manly hug as he sits next to me in the car.

  I’m taken in through the hotel’s back entrance to a room set up for us to watch the results come in before I go out to mingle with the crowd. My staff comes in and there is food and drinks, and three big screen televisions on each major news channel. One channel has me losing already. I will either come out a winner or a loser to America, however I will be a winner in my heart. The love of my life will be by my side no matter what happens.

  At nine, as we wait and pace, the polls began to report. I take Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida. Then Tex takes Ohio and Texas and we hold our breath. It’s too close to call at ten. I take New York, Maryland and Delaware. My mom’s in and out of the room and keeping the party going. Daria’s out in the crowd with the party. Annalise stops by and wishes me luck. I have a few minutes to talk to her alone.

  “Thanks for coming tonight. It means a lot to me.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it, Sebastian. I hear on the news you’re dating her. Is it true?”

  I shake my head yes. “I am. I love her Annalise.”

  “I know you do. I knew it the first night of your fundraiser. I would love for a man to look at me the way you did her.”

  “I’m sure Foster looks at you like that.” She laughs.

  “No, he doesn’t. Our marriage is a business deal. He wants to run for the Senate and I have the connections.”

  “How about you work on my staff. I’m going to need an Attorney General and there is no one I would rather have.”

  “You haven’t won yet,” she laughs.

  It was then my staff began screaming and cheering. Champagne corks are popping and Vick runs up to me.

  “It has just been called on one of the channels. CNN just called you the winner. You won. Son of a bitch, you did it.”

  I looked at Annalise. “I guess I’m looking at the new Attorney General.” We hug and I kiss her on the cheek. No matter what, she’s been there with me through the worst of my quest for this position. She will always have a place in my heart.

  The party’s utter chaos after that. I hear the crowd outside going crazy and screaming my name. Another news channel calls me the winner. I did it. I’m the President of the United States.

  My cell phone rings. I glance at it noticing it’s Garrison. Trying to get Vicks attention, I wave my arms and point to my phone. The noise in this room is deafening, but I catch Vick’s eye and he rushes over to me shushing the crowd.

  “Garrison? Where are you?” I push my finger into my ear, in an attempt to hear him better.

  “Hey big brother, it’s insane out here. I love the party and these crab cakes are to die for. You sure are mom’s favorite.” I put my hand on the phone and told everyone to be quiet. I motion for Frank to come over.

  “You’re here?”

  I put the call on speaker. Everyone’s silent.

  “Hell yeah. I wouldn’t miss this. I’m looking at our girl right now. Her black lace dress is the shit man. I can’t wait to rip it off her tonight. Yeah, I think I’ll take her back to Paris with me.”

  “Don’t go near her.” I yell into the phone. Frank steps out talking into his sleeve. There’s so much commotion on Garrison’s end. He isn’t lying. I hear the band playing and the crowd shouting for me. Garrison laughs “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.” The call goes dead.



  My mood travels from elation to horror in the matter of seconds. My pulse pounds in my neck and I attempt to run out of the room. Secret service won’t let me. Racing for the door, they step in front of me and block me from leaving. I don’t care about myself, I’m more worried about Daria. He must be close to her. I call her cell phone and she doesn’t answer. Pacing around with so many mixed emotions, I find it unbearable not to know what is happening. This jackass is ruining my evening as he planned. I hear in the distance on the news Tex is waiting to call me to concede after all the polls have closed. The phone call I couldn’t wait to receive means nothing to me at this moment.

  As I pace the room, the door busts open and in walks Frank with my brother in handcuffs. He’s smiling dressed in a suit, his hair cut and he has a full beard and his eyes look distant and dead. I barely recognize him.

  “I need everyone to step out for a few minutes please.” My staff heads out the door not taking their eyes off Garrison and I. Vick and Frank and the rest of security stay put.

  Walking up to him, for once I can’t speak. He has the similar smirk on his face as he had the night of my first fundraiser. We gaze into each other’s eyes and the memories of our childhood devours my thoughts. How we were inseparable, the best of friends, and two boys with the same loving parents yet each of us are two very different people. Now he’s dead to me.

  Frank breaks the silence between us. “We found him in the party. He was close to Daria and has a gun.”

  He laughs again. Frank and another agent are holding him on each side. I don’t say a word.

  “We have this handled. You go out there and give your speech, Sebastian. Daria is fine. She’s a little shaken up but the team is with her. She won’t come back here.” said Frank.

  I glance around the room trying to comprehend what’s happening. I was just elected as president and my brother wants to kill me. He will spend the rest of his life in prison and I will see to it.

  “We took him down without anyone noticing.” I nod my head as we still look at each other.

  “Take him out of here.” They begin to start moving him towards the door

  “What rehab am I going to now? I like the one in California. They have some hot bitches there.” Ignoring him, I turn away. I hear Frank tell him he’s going to prison and Garrison starts to yell my name. “Sebastian, come on I wasn’t going to do it. I’m sorry. I’ll go get help. It was the drugs, man. Where’s mom, she’ll tell you.” They keep walking as he turns to plead his case to me. Not again. I’m done.

  Once he’s out of the room, I accept the call from Tex. Gracious and for once classy, he thanks me for a well-run and tumultuous campaign. Once we hang up it’s time for me to walk out to my party.

  As the crowd yells my name, I take the stage with my campaign team by my side as they have been through it all. My mom hasn’t been told yet about Garrison being found, and I want it to stay that way until the night’s over and he’s gone.

  “Thank you, Thank you. We did it.” More screaming and hollering.

  My eyes scan the crowd. I spot her and wink.

  “Thank you. Tonight, marks a new chapter in my life. From the time I was a little boy I dreamed of being the President. I knew one day this moment would happen.” More yelling. I pause for the crowd to settle down.

  “I felt so strongly about it I knew my life would not be complete if it didn’t happen. I made this night happen. We made it happen.” The crowd yells again.

  I continue with my speech. I thank the American people for voting for me, for trusting me, and for partaking in the journey of change. I thank my campaign team and everyone who helped get me elected. The volunteers that worked hard making calls, knocking on doors and setting up my rallies. I brought my mom up on the stage and I thank her for everything she did to help me on my journey. The crowd thinks I’m finished and my campaign song begins to play. I stand still at the podium, I’m ready take a deep breath and speak again.

  “Just like the presidency, I feel very strongly about something I want to reveal tonight.” There is a silence and hushing among the crowd. I look out at the audience not being able to find her. My eyes quickly scan the room.

  “Tonight, I want to put the rumors to rest. Tonight, I want you to know what has been pulling at my heart for so long.”

  “Daria Stewart, will you come up here with me?” the crowd stays quite as Daria makes her way to the stage. I stand frozen as she approaches. My gut is in knots as I watch her walk up to me. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Her effortless allure and sensuality recaptures my heart. Once again the electricity is sparking in the air. It seems to take forever for her to make it up on stage with me. I reach for her hand, pulling her close to me. Whispering in my ear she says, “I didn’t think you were going to do this right now, you could have waited. You’re crazy.”

  “I’m crazy in love with you.” I put my hand in my pocket and pull out the box. Turning to the crowd, I’m finally standing in front of America with her by my side.

  “This woman stole my heart years ago when I ran for Congress. We kept our love a secret for the longest time until we went our separate ways. Two years ago she walked back into my life and I’m not letting her go again.”

  “Not only am I the President-elect, but I also want to be the husband to this perfect woman.” Noticing her start to shake, she has no idea what I am about to do. I kneel in front of her and hold out the box. The crowd turns silent and some gasp.

  “Daria Stewart, will you marry me?” I open the box and her hands fly to her face as she begins to cry. Taking the ring out as she nods yes, I place it on her finger. The crowd goes crazy again. Standing up, I kiss her and I look over at my mother, tears are streaming down her face.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, meet your First Lady.” Daria smiles and laughs her perfect laugh. I whisper in her ear. “I told you it would be okay.” The crowd starts chanting her name.

  Cameras are flashing everywhere. My campaign song begins to play again and my VP pick walks out with his wife and family. He laughs at me and says, “Wow, that has to be the first acceptance speech and engagement in history.”

  I smile and pat him on the shoulder. Balloons descend from the ceiling and the crowd’s screaming and singing along with the song. I did it. My girl is finally by my side, and I’m not letting her go this time. Not ever. Pulling her close to me, I hold her hand and whisper in her ear again. “We made it.”

  Leaning her head back on my shoulder as the crowd continues to applaud and cheer, she kisses me. “I can’t wait to celebrate tonight, alone, Mr. President.” I groan in her ear, thinking about just the two of us. Nothing will keep us apart again.

  “You’re all mine now, and the world knows.”

  She grabs me by the tie and smiles. “I’m yours forever, Sebastian. You just gave me the greatest gift anyone could ask for.” Her gratitude makes me shiver.

  “Thank you for tonight. I have the strength to do this now.”

  “We’ll do this together, and it’s going to be one hell of a journey. I can’t wait to see where all this takes us.”



  I’m sworn in as President, with Daria and my mother by my side, on a cold January day. I will also become Daria’s husband today. We were officially married after I took the oath of office. Not a big wedding, but a private simple ceremony in the White House. Curtis and Vick were with me, as well as my transition team. Daria’s parents were there, along with her brothers and their wives, nieces and nephews, and her friend from Paris, Lilly. Lilly is pregnant and married to the assistant to the Ambassador of France.

  My brother Garrison is apparently going to prison. He refuses to confess to wanting to kill me, and admits to nothing. Though they have pictures and recordings of him stating this fact, he still refuses to admit it. His trial is scheduled for spring, and I insist it not be publicized.

  My mother takes a well-deserved vacation with Fletcher. Yes, seems I’m right about them. They have been a couple for ten years and, with great effort, kept it a secret from everyone.

  Annalise marries Foster Graham in a huge publicized wedding. I have her confirmed and sworn in as the Attorney General the next week.

  Most of my campaign staff continue to work for me by accepting positions on my transition team. I give the job of Chief of Staff to Vick, as we talked about. He will keep me in line for the next four years and funny thing is, I love the guy.

  I’m the President of the United States. The promise I made myself at a young age is now a reality. Sometimes it’s hard to believe and other days, I question my choice of a career. The most important thing is, I’m the husband to the most incredible woman on the planet. To me, that’s better than anything. I have it all. I just know the one woman who stole my heart will be with me for the ride, and that alone keeps me elated and grounded.


  The cold bite of January, pricked at my skin as I’d stood next to Sebastian in front of thousands of people. Swallowing back the lump in my throat, my eyes took him in. He looked so distinguished, in control, and gorgeous. With his hand on the bible, and his other hand raised, I listened as he said, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

  I could not be prouder of him and to finally be by his side for the world to see, has me more emotional than I thought it would. Never mind the panic over what I would wear, how my hair would look, or what shoes would be acceptable, I am now the First Lady of the United States. Quite overwhelming when I think about my responsibilities.

  But, I can handle it, and with Sebastian by my side, we will make this the best four years we can.

  Watching him being sworn in, along with becoming his wife later in the day, this is the most important day of my life. I don’t need the big wedding, the ridiculous dress, or the tradition. I have everything I want. Just him and I, and our closest friends and family stood with us before the balls took place later that night, and watched as we exchanged our vows, becoming husband and wif

  Little does he know, I have a surprise for him. Not only will we be a couple going into this exciting journey together, we will also be a family in nine months. The baby we lost years ago will forever be in our hearts; however, we have a new small piece of each of us growing inside me. As we are dancing at the ball, to “Bring it On Home to Me,” a song we picked out together, I lean in to whisper in his ear.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  “Oh you do? Are you ready to call it a night?”

  I place a finger to my chin, pondering.

  “Mmm, Maybe in a bit, Daddy.”

  A brief look of confusion crosses his gorgeous features, and it takes a few seconds for him to register what I just said. But I won’t ever forget the look on his face as he cups my jaw and tilts my head back, his mouth covering mine as tears well up in his eyes. In this moment, I love him more than I ever thought I could. A hint of a smile spreads across his lips, a single tear sliding down his cheek. I bring a hand up to gently wipe it away.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

  This is our new beginning; a new life, and a new journey into the unknown, finally together.


  Thank you to:

  Betas-Tina, Elizabeth and Yasmine. Much love to you.

  Cover Designer, Formatting and PA-Drue Hoffman (Buoni Amici Press),

  Editor-Cat Parisi (Cat’s Eye Proofing & Promos)

  Proofreading-Jenn Wood (All About The Edits)

  Developmental Editing-Renita McKinney (A Book A Day 365)

  Teasers and Banners J.N. Sheats

  About the Author


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