Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark )

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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark ) Page 13

by M Never

I skeptically look into Jett’s aqua eyes. “Are you trying to tell me he cares about me?”

  “In his own way. Not everything is always black and white. And some things need to be revealed in their own time.”

  “What does that mean?” I press.

  “It means patience is a virtue and submission is your salvation.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about. Kayne won’t always treat me like an object? That underneath he actually cares? It’s hard to believe. He looks at me, treats me, and handles me like I’m nothing but a sexual vessel for his use and abuse. I shift in the tub and my muscles wail.

  “How can anyone go that long? He never got soft. What did he do, take Viagra?” I grimace.

  Jett whistles pseudo-innocently at my accusation.

  I widen my eyes. “He took Viagra?! Why?”

  Jett shrugs. “He can’t get enough of you. You’re the first woman I’ve ever seen him like this with.”

  “Animalistic?” I snap.


  “Is that what you call it so you can sleep better at night?”

  “Sweet thing, I sleep just fine.” Jett kisses me on the head. “Enough talk. Just relax for a while. Okay?”

  “Yes, Jett,” I sneer submissively.

  He rolls his eyes.

  I WALK SILENTLY INTO ELLIE’S room and hear her crying. The sound shreds me apart. As her voice carries from the bathroom, I listen to her tell Jett everything she’s feeling. She opens up to him, and I’m stung with jealousy. I want her to confide in me. Trust me. I own her. Not Jett.

  I’m tempted to kick him out and join Ellie in the tub but decide against it. It’s clear she needs some space. And some time alone.

  When I came to check on her, I wasn’t expecting to find her like this. Tears. I hate them and I love them. I know she has to be sore. I wasn’t nice last night. I planned to fuck her for hours, but our little interruption sent me over the edge, and I ended up taking my frustrations out on her. It wasn’t fair, I know that. But on some sick, sadistic level—it was the best sex of my life. If I’m honest, every time with Ellie is the best sex of my life.

  Javier, that walking piece of shit, treating Spice like one of his fucking slaves. I have news for him. No bueno. His arrogance is festering under my skin. And someday soon I’m going to return all his little favors.

  I lean on the wall outside Ellie’s room and wait impatiently while Jett tends to her.

  “She’s upset,” I say, startling him once he finally he exits.

  “For fuck’s sake, Kayne,” he snaps. “Yes, she is. Why are you?”

  “I don’t like it when she’s upset. I like it even less that she confides in you.”

  “Why do you have a problem with her confiding in me? She needs someone to talk to,” he argues.

  “She has me. I own her.”

  “How is she supposed to confide in someone who treats her like a whore on a leash?”

  I growl. “You know that’s not how I see her.” Even though I love her on that leash.

  “She doesn’t know that. Treat her like the tin man and you get a steel heart.”

  “What the fuck does that mean, Riddler?”

  Jett bristles. “You know, for a smart guy, you’re a dumb dumb sometimes. You want her to confide in you, you want her to trust you. You want her to love you, then show her how you feel. Don’t just stick your dick in her and walk out of the room.”

  I inwardly groan. “You know that’s dangerous given the circumstances.”

  “Well, it’s a choice you have to make. She’s either your whore or your lover. She can’t be both.”

  Why not?

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. This is a sticky situation all the way around. I can’t let anyone, even Ellie, know how deep my feelings go. But I don’t want her to feel unloved. Or like she’s slipping away. Especially from me.

  “How should I handle this?” I exhale, banging the back of my head against the wall.

  Jett smiles deviously, his aqua eyes gleaming.

  “Give me two hours. You and Ellie are going on your first date.”


  I watch confused as he unlocks my collar and ushers me off the bed. “What’s going on?”

  “You need to take a shower and get dressed,” he says in a hurry, pushing me toward the bathroom.

  “But I just spent all day in the tub.” Or at least what was left of the day.

  “I know.” Jett flicks on the water then opens the linen closet and pulls out a bottle. “In you go.” He hands me some new soap. “Wash quickly. Hair and everything. I’ll be right back.”

  I do as I’m told. Enjoying the new scent of lemongrass filling the stall. By the time I’m done with the shower, Jett has the folding table opened up and an array of makeup spread out by the sink.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as he sits me down. I wince. I’m still so sore.

  “I’m getting you ready.”

  “For what?”

  “A date.” He picks up the comb and a pair of scissors sitting next to me on the table.

  “With who?”


  “What?” I look up at him as he begins to part my hair.

  “Yup.” There’s a snip and a chunk of my hair falls to the floor.


  “Trust me, Ellie, I wouldn’t let you look anything other than gorgeous.”

  I suck in a deep breath as he snips away, strands of hair falling all around me. When he’s done, he blow dries my hair with the round brush he loves so much. The ends are now falling over my right eye. I try to tuck them behind my ear.

  “Don’t touch,” he scolds playfully. Then he turns his attention to my face, using all the makeup he has spread out on the counter.

  “Damn I’m good,” he gloats as he lifts my chin and inspects his handiwork. There’s a sudden knock at the door and I jump. “Relax, Ellie. That’s just dinner.” Jett rubs my arms reassuringly. “Stay here.”

  He leaves the bathroom to answer the door. From where I’m sitting, I can’t see into the bedroom, but I can hear everything.

  “Perfect, put it on the table,” Jett instructs. I lean over to try and see who he’s talking to but am only met by a wall.

  I hear footsteps then, “Don’t we even get to meet her?” a soft, young female voice asks. I freeze.

  “Not tonight,” Jett responds nicely, but in a hurry. “Now shoo.”

  There are giggles and then the door closes. Jett walks back into the bathroom with a large smile.

  “Who was that?” I inquire, still perched uncomfortably on the table.

  “Personnel.” He winks. “Come on. Time to get dressed.” He helps me stand up with care. I’m slow moving at the moment. The bath and the shower helped relax my back muscles, but my core and behind are still sensitive as hell. Every step reminds me of the brutality from last night.

  On the bed are several articles of ‘clothing,’ sheer white panties, matching thigh highs, garters, and patent leather heels. Jett dresses me quickly, first slipping the satiny low-rise underwear on and then the garters, clipping the thigh highs in place. Finally, he helps me step into the stiletto heels I could use as a weapon, and refastens my collar. He stands back and admires me, but I can tell he thinks something’s off. “Ah!” He snaps, and turns for the armoire. After rummaging around it for a few seconds, he returns to me. He holds up a long string of crystals and I look at them curiously. Jett just smirks as he attaches one end to the front loop of my collar, the other end he wraps around my waist and clasps it like a belt. “Body jewelry.” He tugs lightly on the strand.

  I look down at myself, I feel like I should be modeling for Frederick’s of Hollywood.

  “Jett?” I ask sadly. “Why are you wasting your time?”

  “First, let’s get something straight. I never waste my time. Second, sweet thing, I know there is more to you and Kayne than just a Master/slave relationship, and I think it’s ti
me we exploit it.”

  I glare at him cynically. “All I am is a pet to him.”

  “Do you really believe that?” he questions me.

  “Has he given me a reason not to believe it?”

  “Maybe that’s what tonight is for.” Jett raises his eyebrows.

  I highly doubt it. I’m sure the minute Kayne tries to touch me, I’m going to erupt into tears. The mere thought of any kind of sexual interaction has me falling apart. And I know any protest will only lead to a punishment. My foreseeable future fucking sucks.

  “Come on, kitten.” Jett nudges me. “Get up on that bed and be your sexy little self. Once Kayne sees you, he’ll be wrapped around your pinky finger in record time.”

  “You think it’s going to be that easy, huh?” I ask as I crawl onto the mattress.

  “I know it,” Jett confirms as he fixes me to the headboard. “He’s halfway there as it is.”

  Sure he is.

  “Wanna know a secret?” He leans into my face. I nod. “You may not believe it, but you hold all the power.”

  I stare back at him like he’s downright nuts.

  Jett winks, and then coils the strand of crystals resting between my naked breasts around his index finger. “Kayne is going to love this.”

  “How do you know?” I inquire.

  “Because I know what he likes. I know what all men like.”

  “A blow job?” I reply dryly.

  “Yes, definitely that.” Jett laughs. “And a woman who’s all their own.”

  TWO HOURS LATER I’VE CHANGED into a new button up shirt and dress pants, per the request of Jett. I have no idea what he has planned, and I have no idea how this night is going to turn out, but a large piece of me hopes well. I want so many things from Ellie that sometimes I wonder if I’m asking too much. Actually, I know I am because I do want her to be both. My lover, and my pet.

  I arrive back at Ellie’s door precisely one hundred and twenty minutes later. When I walk inside her room, I find her exactly where she should be. Perched on her knees, naked and chained to her bed. Her honey brown hair is falling down over her bare chest and now part of her face, too. She cut, what are those things called? Bangs, I think. I stand in front of her and notice something sparkly around her waist. “Look at me, Ellie.” I put my finger under her chin and she sweeps her head up. Her eyes are lined with thick dark pencil, her cheeks are pink and so are her lips. Jett played dress-up. Her hair is cut into chunky layers, and she’s wearing diamond body jewelry. A thin string of crystals is attached to her collar, which run along her front, between her naked breasts, and belts around her waist. Her panties are a white, see-through material with garters holding up matching pantyhose. White patent leather stilettos finish her unbelievably sexy, temptress look. She’s fucking to die for; my cock is banging inside my pants already, begging to be set free.

  “You look stunning.”

  “Thank you, Kayne,” she replies in a lackluster tone. Her submission usually turns me on, but tonight I just want Ellie. I want the girl who shared her cupcake with me. Who used to laugh and ramble. Who used to want me.

  I unlock the chain from her collar, drinking her in a few seconds more. “I’m sorry if I hurt you last night. Are you in pain?” I want to touch her but refrain. I don’t want her to think I’m just here for sex. Treat her like the tin man and you get a steel heart.

  “No, Kayne.” Her voice breaks a little bit, and so does my newly functioning heart.

  “Get up, Ellie.” I draw her off the bed. She eases up with grace, even though I see the agony she’s trying to hide on her face. I lead her over to the table hand-in-hand, no chains tonight. Jett put out a spread. There’s enough food to keep us locked up for three days. I wonder if that was his intention. I sit in the chair and Ellie kneels on the floor between my legs. She’s such a good girl. I let her stay for just a second before I pull her onto my lap. “Sit on me, Ellie.”

  She blinks curiously but remains silent. Speak only when you are spoken to.

  “How do you feel? Answer honestly.”

  She looks up into my eyes with her head still bowed. “I’m hurting.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it that far.”

  “What happened last night?” Her voice strains. The sound nearly kills me.

  “Just a situation I have no tolerance for.”

  “So you took your frustration out on me?”

  “I did. And I’m sorry.”

  She looks at me surprised, maybe because my apology is genuine. Maybe because I apologized at all.

  “I like it rough, but I didn’t mean for my anger to translate.” I put my hand on her lower stomach. I know she had to feel it deep in her core when I slammed into her that first time.

  “Why are you telling me this? Why do you even care? You made it very clear what I’m here for.” There are tears brimming in her eyes.

  “I’m telling you because I want you to be able to trust me. To be able to talk to me.”

  She shakes her head incredulously at me. “How am I supposed to talk to you, when you don’t allow me to speak? Or look at you, or touch you?”

  “I am trying to figure that out.” I grab one of her breasts and start massaging it. I can’t be this close without touching her. Her nakedness and her sultriness makes me pine for her, even when she’s just an inch away. “But I want to know when you’re hurt or upset or lonely. I want you to be able to confide in me. Find comfort with me.” I drop a kiss on her shoulder. She smells amazing; whatever soap Jett makes her use is intoxicating.

  “How am supposed to be open and submissive at the same time? We can barely have this conversation without you groping me.”

  “I can’t help it. I won’t lie. I want you all the fucking time. Even now, I wish we were having this conversation with you riding me. If you weren’t in so much pain I’d plant you on my cock.”

  “Kayne,” she admonishes.

  “What? I’m only telling the truth. It doesn’t feel good when I touch you?” I tease her nipple.

  “Yes, Kayne,” she answers vacantly. She’s made her point.

  “Be honest. I’ll always want honesty.” I tease her nipple a little harder. She stifles a moan.

  “Yes. It feels good,” she finally confesses.

  “Good.” I inhale her fresh scent. “Because that’s what I want. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”

  “Then I can’t be just your pet on a leash.” Her smoky green eyes infiltrate mine.

  “I like you on a leash. That’s not going to change. I want to dominate you, and I want you submissive.”

  “Then I don’t know how anything’s going to change.” There’s defeat in her voice.

  “We’ll have a safe word.” I think quickly on my feet.

  “A what?”

  “A safe word.” I keep massaging her firmly. “For our emotions. Use it when you feel upset or want to talk. Or just need me to make love to you. Say it. And I’ll give you whatever you need.” I suck on her collarbone, my cock straining painfully against my zipper. “I’ll use it so you know you mean more to me than just sex.”

  Ellie stays silent while I kiss up her neck and then back down, restraining myself from moving to her breasts even though my mouth is begging to suck on the little pink pebbles her nipples have become.

  “Do I?” she whispers softly, the moonlight flooding through the window is giving her smooth skin a silver glow.

  “Yes, baby. So much more.” I lick her.

  “What word?” she asks stretching her neck to give me better access.

  “Cupcake.” I nip at her skin.

  She giggles to herself. ”That’s perfect.” Then sighs into me.

  “I thought so.” I grope her firmly, more urgently. Shit, my control is completely unraveling.

  “Ellie, get on the floor.” I can’t stand it anymore.

  “But Kayne—”

  “We’ll talk more later, I promise. Right now I need you to lie on the f

  “I don’t think I can tonight.” She frowns, pleadingly.

  “I know. That’s why I’m going to fuck your mouth.” I grab her face and kiss her ardently on the lips, sucking as much oxygen as I can from her lungs. She’s breathing hard, tears dripping down her face.

  “Don’t think of him, Ellie. Just me. Replace his memory with me.”

  I won’t let fucking Javier get in her head. “I’m going to make him pay for what he did.” I trap her face close to mine. “And I’m not going to let him steal what rightfully belongs to me. Now lie on the floor.” Maybe I’m being a little harsh. But, tough love and all. It will only make her stronger in the end. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way, repeatedly.

  And I swear, after all this, after everything, I’ll make it up to her. Repeatedly.

  Ellie lies down on the soft rug, bends her knees and draws her hands over her head. I stand, gazing down at her perfect little body dressed only in diamonds, panties, garters, and heels. I discard my clothes in record time, leaving them in a pile on the floor. I kneel between her legs and unhook one garter then the other. Her body goes rigid. “I want you to relax, Ellie. This isn’t going to hurt. I promise. I know you’re sore.” I leave on the thigh highs but remove her clingy underwear, exposing her little pink pussy. It’s sticking its tongue out at me, just tempting me to tease it. I lean down and suck on her clit; she bows her body and moans.

  I love that reaction. It ignites something inside me. I lick languidly, coaxing her to relax. When she’s breathing heavily and her body is loose, I shift, moving around her until I’m kneeling over her head, looking down her elongated body.

  “Open your mouth, baby.”

  She does without hesitation. I lean over and brace myself on the floor with one hand. With the other I skim the head of my erection along her bottom lip. “I want you to suck me, Ellie. And don’t stop no matter what I do.” She whimpers as I slide my cock into her mouth. “Think of me, Ellie, only me.” I lean forward so she can take more of me into her mouth. I support myself above her on my forearms and knees as she begins to suck. Fuck, I already feel it at the base of my tailbone. I grab onto her thighs. “Cupcake.” I rasp just before I drop my head between her legs and drag my tongue over her slit. She moans, pulling harder on me as I lick around her clit. I keep her thighs spread as I simultaneously fuck her pussy with my tongue and her mouth with my cock. She’s pinned beneath me with her hands still over her head, completely at my mercy, just the way I like her. She starts to rock her hips, no doubt chasing an orgasm. I’m not too far behind her. Her mouth is just as wet and tight as the sweet spot between her knees. Nirvana. Her tongue swirls around me as I pump in and out. Her breath becomes heavy as her muffled moans grow more intense. She tries to squirm, but she trapped. Then in a rush, she comes. The rattling of her body throttles me, and I thrust deeper, sliding all the way in until I touch the back of her throat. The suction and vibrations spur me to crack. My muscles tighten as I come in her mouth, forcing her to swallow every single drop.


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