Undercover Lust : The Rowdy Rebels Motorcycle Club

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Undercover Lust : The Rowdy Rebels Motorcycle Club Page 1

by Nicole Sanchez

  Undercover Lust

  by Nicole Sanchez

  Copyright © 2012 by Nicole Sanchez


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  Table of Contents

  1. The Rowdy Rebels Motorcycle Club

  2. Other Books by Nicky

  3. About the Author

  1. The Rowdy Rebels Motorcycle Club

  It was 5:30 in the morning on a Saturday when Scarlet Sinclair was awakened by the sound of her cell phone ringing. Scarlet rolled over to answer it with a very aggravated tone in her voice. "Hello, who the hell is this and why are you calling me at such an early hour? Do you not realize that it is a Saturday morning and the damn sun has yet to even rise?” Detective Sinclair, this is Officer Masterson with the Seattle PD, it has happened again we have another body that was discovered, about an hour ago. It has the same MO as the other murders that have been taking place. I think you need to come down and see this.

  Deep in her heart, Scarlet knew as soon as she hung the phone up, that the serial killer had struck again. This was becoming serious as it was almost every night, the killer would strike. The victims did not fit any certain pattern as there was no rhyme or reason. One night it would be a male, the next a female. There was a killer on the loose and he was determined to keep the city of Seattle on edge with fear. Scarlet had seen this type of thing happen before and had heard of this being an issue in a number of other cities, but she never thought that Seattle would become a target for a serial killer.

  Detective Scarlet Sinclair had joined the Seattle Police Department a year ago and had just recently been transferred to the Metro Gang Unit to investigate the gang activity that had developed over the last few months. Something in her mind told her that this was gang related, maybe some sort of initiation into one of the gangs. After all many of the gangs would have new members perform hits in an effort to show that they were dedicated to the gang and that they have the guts to do what needed to be done in honor of that particular gang. One of these gangs that she had heard of being that of the “Muerte a todos” gang, which is composed, mainly of young men, was building up again since their numbers had dwindled in the late 90's due to their leader being shot and killed by a rival gang. The name of the gang roughly translated to "Death to all." Most of the members clothing range from business casual to business attire making it hard for officials to distinguish them from other citizens. Most “Muerte a todos” gang members have no ties to the other Latino gangs which are merely street gangs engaging in constant turf wars. In her opinion this did not fit the motive of them as they were not this vicious and brutal. Their murders were more of the drive-by variety and were targeted towards certain types of people.

  She hated to be disturbed on the weekend, but especially on rainy weekends. In Seattle it rains frequently and for most people rain is a depressant. But not for Scarlet, it had been a very long time since she realized that rain was a blessing, she was more than happy lying in bed listening to the sound of the rain falling outside her bedroom window. Scarlet threw the covers off and sat up. Her boyfriend Rex Lancaster was spending the night over at her place. They had a wild night of sexual conquest and he was exhausted after all the sex that they had. While Scarlet had a terrible gag reflex, (It was actually so bad that she had vomited on a number of men in the past.) Last night was one of those times as both Rex and her had a little too much to drink. It seemed that the gag reflex that Scarlet had was not able to compete with the large endowment that some of the men she was with had. Rex had gotten accustomed to this for the most part and was not that screwed up by what happened. He would just pull her off when he could tell that she was about to spew and simply let her regain her composure. This was a standard practice and he had mastered it almost to a point of perfection.

  Scarlet slept nude and the light of the Seattle skyline threw a shadow onto her decent sized round breasts. Being a New York born and raised girl, she had become accustomed to life back East and now had to adjust to the way that things operated here in the Pacific Northwest. Still, after more than a year, one of the issues that she had to get accustomed to was that of the internal clock that she was still trying to adjust. She seemed to despite her best efforts be off all the time. She would think that she was running late to wake up when in fact it was only early in the morning. The same problem happened at night when she would rush to bed and it was still early in the evening.

  The thought crossed her mind that she should wake Rex and tell him about this. The other side of her said that being a detective as well, he needed his sleep and this was not in his jurisdiction as he was stationed out of another precinct. This made it difficult for her and him to be together as their work often kept them apart and the few times that they did manage to get together it usually involved secret meetings in the dead of night. Getting out of bed, she made her way to the kitchen where there was a refrigerator full of energy drinks. She took one out and popped the tab to reveal her morning addiction, after getting a healthy drink from the canned goodness; she took a cigarette out of the half empty pack and lit it up. These were her two vices, energy drinks and cigarettes, a morning without these and the rest of the day was going to suck balls. Turning on the television, the female anchor seemed way to bubbly for this hour of the morning and was way too chipper when talking about the body that had been found on Alki Beach Park. The anchor gave the usual empty line of Police would not discuss any details pending the notification of next of kin.

  “Fucking air heads, they have shit for brains and can’t pour piss out of a boot with instructions written on the bottom. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the body was more than likely a homicide. What should I expect from an anchor that has the name Amber Johns, sounds like a freaking porn name. Scarlet had little to any need for the media, in her mind the only thing that they managed to accomplish on a regular basis, is that of getting in the way of real police doing their job and nagging them asking the same dumb-ass questions. 'How fucking hard is no comment to understand?' Scarlet thought to herself.

  Turning off the television, she put out her cigarette and gulped down her energy drink. She headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before heading down to the crime scene.

  Scarlet was in a rather horny mood even though she had been disturbed by the phone telling her that yet another victim in Seattle had been discovered in what appeared to be a string of serious murders. The modus operandi or MO was all the
same, some poor hooker or common thug that was found naked and puncture marks on their skin. Sometimes there was sign of sexual intercourse, most times not. One of the things that seemed to be strange was that the killer always took the clothes of the victim and neatly folded them up. It was this along with the fact that their genitals in a number of cases were wrapped in razor wire. Either the woman's breast or the mans penis would have a string of razor wire wrapped around it. It was almost as if they were leaving a sign about their deeds.

  She knew that she had a rather long day ahead of her and decided to relax a little by masturbating in the shower before heading out to respond to yet another needless murder that had occurred in the city. Scarlet took her hand and began to work her nipples, the nipple rings that she had made this easier. With her other hand she slid two fingers into her snatch and began to work herself over. The feel of her own fingers darting in and out of her wet pussy drove her into a little of a frenzy. There were a large number of times that she had done this in the shower at work after a long day. She would take a little time in the shower and give a few of the other female officers a little of a show. There was one officer her partner Aleah that rather enjoyed the sight of Scarlet working her snatch over with her fingers. Deep down, if given half a chance, she would have eaten the shit out of Aleah's pussy. As her snatch became more and more wet, Scarlet knew that the time was approaching that she was about to cum and release a flood of love juices from her velvet underground. About three minutes later, Scarlet was unleashing a stream against the shower wall of her bathroom; it was now time to be cleaned up and down to the crime scene.

  An hour later Detective Sinclair was pulling up to the crime scene and flashed her badge to the poor rookie cops that had been posted to guard the scene. Both of them looked completely scared and appeared that if presented with a real threat, would piss their pants and run away. Scarlet remembered the feeling, the first few months that she was a New York City cop, she thought for sure that she would do herself in from the sheer fear that shot through her body. These two rookies will one day get their shit straight and become one of Seattle's finest as long as their nerves did not get the best of them. Making her way towards the scene she saw a number of police officers that were wandering around taking notes. This crime scene was like many that she had been to over the last several weeks. A body, usually nude, was found in a secluded area such as a park. In addition, there were often signs of trauma. Whoever was doing this knew what they were doing and how to go about the task without attracting very much in the way of attention.

  As Scarlet approached the body, she recognized the female that was lying on the ground. Wait a minute, this is Amanda Hanson the local hooker that had become a familiar name within the department. Amanda had been arrested so many times for solicitation that there was no real way to know the actual number of times. There were Friday or Saturday nights that she would actually be picked up more than once even up to three times on a really good night. She was out on bail awaiting her court date. “I picked her up the first day I worked here. I had several run In's with her." She always seemed like she was always on the edge of getting her life on track, I was just hoping for something like this not to happen. She must have met up with the wrong person that did not take no for an answer. Damn shame that she never turned her life around, now here she lays just another victim of an apparent gang war that is developing.

  Looking at the body, there was a slit across the throat that indicated that someone had slit her throat with a blade or other sharp object. There was also visible signs that the woman had been raped by a person with a very large object. The types of wounds that she had indicated that the object was either one that was natural or had a natural shape to it. As was the natural course of events, there was a piece of razor wire that her breasts were wrapped in. This indicated that there was a very obvious sign that this was either the work of a copycat killer or the work of the serial killer that was on the loose.

  “All right get her loaded up and out of here, Paul I want the results of that autopsy as soon as it is released, I have a hunch about this and who might be behind the killings of late.

  Taking out a cigarette out of the pack, she went to light it when something caught her eye. A boot print that was next to the body of Amanda. She had worked in the outlaw biker unit back in New York and knew all to well the print that a biker boot made in wet soil. This was a perfect print of a boot such as that.

  “Dan come here, get a photo of that, none of the officers here wear that type of shoe correct?

  “No Scarlet we all wear a completely different type of shoe plus all the officers working the scene removed their shoes and put these cheap foot coverings as to help and not disturb the crime scene.”

  “Do me a favor and run this type of print against all known boots in the database, I have a feeling that a biker boot will come up as being a match. My gut tells me that a biker gang has rolled into town and made their presence known. One of the first M.C's to come into her suspicions was that of the Rowdy Rebels M.C. While she had no conclusive proof that they were the ones responsible for the murders, she thought that it may be a great place to begin her investigation.

  The Rowdy Rebels MC was a club that Scarlet was accustomed to when she worked in New York, she had heard about them and the hell that they created in states like Texas, Arizona and the South West. Before she left she had heard rumors that they were looking to expand into the Pacific Northwest and establish a chapter in the California, Oregon, and Montana area. Smoking her cigarette she thought that it was about time that she go undercover to get a little closer to the activity that the MC was up to and find out if they had something to do with this or not.

  When she got to the station, she went to the Captain's office and knocked on the door. "Come on in Scarlet, what can I do for you?”

  “Captain I have a hunch on the string of murders that have been going on. I need you to approve for me to go undercover, you have read my file and know that back in New York I did the same thing to help bring down a local motorcycle gang and stop them dead in their tracks. I fully believe that the Rowdy Rebels MC or another biker gang is somehow connected to these murders. All I need you to do is to green light me going undercover and let me get close enough that I can make a link. Once I get the information that we need to connect them to the murders, we can shut them down before they have a chance to wreak too much havoc on the city. Even if the rebels are innocent, I may be able to get enough intelligence that I may be able to find out who is responsible for the murders.”

  “Scarlet I have read your file and you were quite good at what you did. This is Seattle and not New York, I do not know if I can afford to place one of my finest cops in harm’s way just to make a connection with a murder charge. Now if you think that you can take them down for more than the murders, then I might be willing to make the sacrifice. You have to promise me that if things get to be too intense, that you will pull out and end the investigation. You are a valuable member of the force and I can not afford to lose you due to a stupid biker getting out of control and hurting you. I don't want to see you end up like Amanda Hanson; you're too good of a cop and a fine addition to this force. I will approve this but you had better watch your ass, I will also have plain clothes nearby in case shit gets to be too real for you.

  “Captain I grew up in a house with six brothers, I will probably have to protect the plain clothes officers instead of them protecting me. I will get going immediately I have all of my biker chick garb from New York with me here in Seattle, I will bring the sorry sons of bitches down for this shit and will take great pride in watching them get what's coming to them.

  Scarlet Sinclair drove home and thought about the case that she was now a huge part of. Deep down she had a reason to believe that this was the beginning of the Rowdy Rebels sending a message to the other bikers that Seattle was Rebels territory now and to stay out. The problem was that there were too many other clubs that had established a home a
nd had worked hard to broker a peace deal with the other clubs. The Rowdy Rebels were going to come in, throw all of that away, and turn Seattle into a shootout at the OK Corral. Going undercover, she had the resources to get the needed information needed to get the case closed in a hurry.

  When she worked on the case in New York, she had to get real close to one of the bikers; in fact, this association almost got her in over her head with the club she was associated with. She was the old lady of one of the bikers and had to endure a lot of treatment that she was not used to. Being an independent woman, she was used to being the one in charge and now she was going into a situation that would have her out of control and power once again. Getting home, she immediately changed and got ready to go back undercover. It was time for Detective Scarlet Sinclair to retire and Ashley Young to come out. Coming across her biker attire again gave her a little bit of a sexual rush and caused her to remember the times that she had back in New York. I hope those sorry sacks of shit are rotting away in jail.

  Scarlet thought to herself. There is no room in this town for a biker war to break out and she would be damned if Seattle was going to continue to serve as the proving grounds for the Rowdy Rebels. She was determined to shut them down at all cost even if it meant her being a victim herself.

  A couple of days later she went to the Pink Pussy strip club and applied for a job. She had heard that one of the biker's old ladies was in charge of the club and that it was a project to keep her out of trouble and out of the hair of the Rebels. She knew that she would have to work this case from both ends.


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