How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series

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How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series Page 8

by Hannah West

  “Well I am glad she will be okay. She nearly scared me to death with what she did, she should know better than to push herself so far,” Emma sighed leaning back against the wall.

  Her brother-in-law ran a hand through his hair looking as ruffled as she had ever seen him. Though he had always been ever clean and finely dressed it eased Emma’s heart to see him so worried.

  John looked as if he debated on telling her something and he was struggling with it. Finally he seemed to come to a decision and asked if she would mind speaking with him privately.

  “Of course,” she said following him into a nearby room that served as his office.

  He closed the door quietly behind her and walked over to the sideboard to pour himself a glass of amber liquid before taking a seat behind his massive oak desk.

  He waved her into a seat opposite him before taking a drink.

  “I am afraid you understand part of what caused this. You must think it all do to Cassie finding out your alive and then taking you in, but my dear, it is something much more than that. I know that you noticed we have been married for quite some time and we do not have any children. I see the look on her face went people bring up the subject even without intent and I see her pain,” John said pained.

  Emma had indeed noticed but had tried not to make the subject apparent. But she had seen the bright happiness leave her sister’s smile that one time. So she nodded, he continued.

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes that mirrored a soul deep pain.

  “We have tried, for years, and while she conceived a few times none have ever lasted.”

  “I’m so sorry, John,” she whispered as tears pricked her eyes.

  “The last time was shortly before she found out you were still alive. This is due impart to that. I love her,” he said harshly slamming a hand on the desk making her jump, “Why can I not give her the one thing she has always longed for?”

  Emma rose from her seat and took his sore hand, coming around desk to place her other hand on his shoulder.

  “Do you know what happened?” Emma asked quietly.

  He nodded, not looking at her, sniffing a bit as tears coursed down his face.

  “Well then,” she said with understanding, “that is that. Somethings take time, I am sure it will come to pass for you two. Our father was not a kind man, you understand, he had a heavy hand and when he drank it only got worse. Cassie decided she needed to protect me from most of it and suffered greatly before my father disowned her.” She rubbed a soothing hand on his back. “Give her time, John, she will surprise you.”

  “I just want her to survive,” he said faintly, “If that means I never touch her again so she is safe then that is what I shall do.”

  That snapped a nerve. “She would never want that,” Emma protested, “If anything that would make her worse. I noticed she is happiest when you are together and you are touching. Having you is the only thing that would makes bearable. You must be there for her as I cannot.”

  He gave her a confused look. “Why shall you not?”

  “She has always been there for me, but I can’t be there for her as you can. I have decided to take a husband. While I can help her, soon I shall not be here every day to be her strength and that is wat you need to be. I want to be happy like the two of you. I know that happiness will have to be worked on, and there will be problems. But I hope to find a husband who will care and worry for me as you do for Cassie.” So Emma took his glass away from him before he could swallow the rest, “So go to her and be with her. I shall check on her tomorrow.”

  He looked tempted to argue but instead he got up and kissed her gently on the cheek on his way out. “Thank you,” he said softly.

  The door to the office closed with a soft click behind her and she looked at the glass in her hand. She sniffed it and finding it pleasant she took the last drink and swallowed before she knew better. Coughing she pounded lightly on her chest as she gasped, eyes watering.

  “That was awful,” she gasped and sat the glass down before she went to her room to undress for the night.

  Tomorrow was bound to be full of guests asking about her sister’s welfare and gossip about the duke. For once she was looking forward to callers without her sister directing the conversations. She might be able to gather some entail on other ladies of the ton to help Lord Montrose and Lady Anna at the same time.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Twenty-Three: A lady must be the perfect polite hostess to callers.

  Emma did not understand the why morning callers came closer to noon then breakfast. It was nearly eleven o’clock when the first of the carriages pulled around to the front of the house, but noon the drawing room was full of ladies coming to ask if her sister was okay and men who came to court her.

  She had artfully told a maid, without anyone noticing, to make sure no more callers were received. She could only take so many men dripping honeyed words into her ear and slobbering on her hand. Most of the one who had come were too young for her to consider, however they were rather sweet.

  After telling the ladies that her sister would be fine after a few days rest their worries were eased and a few stayed for tea before leaving with fond farewells. They were ladies she had been introduced to, but Emma had thought little of them, but it seemed a few were indeed friends with her sister. There were a few she liked like Lady Celia and Lady Beth, both sisters, who seemed genuine in their wishes for Cassie to get better. However there were their share that came simply to gather new gossip and Emma ad made short work of them.

  Emma had gone to see Cassie early in the morning after John had left to tend his daily business with the promise to be back soon. Cassie seemed fine to Emma but Cassie had told Emma some rather wonderful and surprising news after what she had heard from John the night before.

  “I did not want anyone to know just in case it would not come to pass,” Cassie said with a slight frown. “I have wanted children as long as I could remember, Emma, but every time I become pregnant I soon lose the child. I lost a child less than half a year ago and had finally lost any hope. But then, just before you were returned to me I found out.” She placed a hand over her stomach. “I have never carried this long, and I pray that this child will be the one that lives.”

  Emma had been over joyed for her sister and pulled her into a tight hug laughing.

  “This child will grow up big and strong and be everything you have wanted I am sure. It is what you deserve,” Emma said with surety

  Cassie gave her a watery smile. “I hope so as well. However I wish of no one to know yet, not even John. I do not want to give him a hope that might not be true. I asked the same of the doctor. He assured me if I could keep the child another month, then I would be passed any danger.”

  Cassie took her hands, “Promise me, Emma.”

  “I promise, Cassie, I promise. I would dearly love to be an aunt,” Emma said fondly. “Do you hope for a girl or a boy?”

  Cassie smile sweetly. “Either as long as they are healthy.”

  “Well then,” Emma said getting off her sister’s bed. “May you have one of each!”

  “Emma,” Cassie gasped with laughter, “Two?”

  She shrugged. “Why not? Now you stay in bed and rest and do not put yourself in to farther stress. Relax and take things easy. It helps no one.” She grinned, “And I have news myself. I have decided to marry. Now I must find myself a husband.”

  “How wonderful,” Cassie said with a grin of her own. “Well do not keep me waiting. Who are some of the men you find to your fancy, sister dear?”


  Derek had found out from a friend of his younger sister that Lady Wenbrooke had fallen the night before and had to be taken home. He had made an attempt to call upon Emma to see if she would talk to him, but no more callers where being accepted, so he send an invitation to Lord Wenbrooke to join him for a drink later in the afternoon.

  Lord Wenbrooke had accepted and show
ed up no long after declaring it had come at the right time for he had been on his way home. Derek and Wenbrooke had gone to school together and while not fast friends, they had always liked one another.

  But he had been puzzled as to why he would be invited by the duke.

  Derek had made short work of that after asking how Lady Wenbrooke was fairing and gotten a positive answer.

  “I do say, old chap, what could have caused you to ask me here for a drink?” Wenbrooke asked taking the outstretched crystal tumbler.

  “I had hoped to ask something of you, Wenbrooke, but you were not at home this morning and Lady Emma was not taking callers,” he replied.

  Wenbrooke gave him an odd look. “Lady Emma?”

  Derek smiled, “Your sister-in-law. I find I like her Wenbrooke and I wanted to ask if you would allow me to court her to the end of marriage.”

  Lord Wenbrooke was stumped by the request and had trouble processing it. He tried to speak but nothing came out, when he failed a second time he took a deep draw from his glass and spluttered, “My sister-in-law?”

  “Yes, I found myself enchanted by her. She is nothing like any other lady of the ton. I find her interesting and I am drawn to her,” Derek said refilling his glass.

  “You want to marry Emmaline?” Wenbrooke repeated.

  Derek nodded.

  “You? The Duke of Montrose, the most straight laced man alive wishes to marry a lady who could care less about what you stand for?” he blurted out.

  “One of the many reasons she would be a good fit for me,” Derek agreed, “I still have to deal with my mother, but I am working on getting that taken care of. So what do you say, Wenbrooke?”

  “Well,” Wenbrooke said getting to his feet for a refill, “You have my blessing, but she is rather stubborn. I will not force her to marry.” He gave his a narrowed glance.

  “I have not made my intentions clear as of yet. I wanted time to for her to choose me as I woo her. I simply wanted to make sure you knew I was serious. And, “ he added, “If any other man asked for her hand that you would give me first choice.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Twenty-Four: A lady must know her place in society.

  Emma took up Cassie’s lunch much to the horror the housekeeper and the cook, but neither said a word against her.

  As she climbed the numerous carpet covered stairs she once again marveled at all the space and high ceilings. She herself preferred a smaller house where the room would not be wasted and left untended. However she supposed a house this size would be well used if one had a large family, with many children.

  She gave two sharp knocks before entering and closed the door again. Emma sat the silver food tray on the small sitting table where Cassie was seated then very ungracefully Emma plopped into the other chair with a sigh.

  “Faced the crowd, did you, now?” she asked pouring a cup of tea, adding in a sugar cube. “You could have turned away callers. No one would have expected us to take callers at least for a few days after what happened last night.”

  “I did it because it had to be done, needed to be done, for one reason,” then she amended, “two reasons.”

  Her sister raised her eyebrows in question.

  “First was so there would be no gossip spread about what could have caused you to faint. No senses in having nonsense fly about. I made sure everyone knew you were simply tired and over stressed. And second I needed information for myself.”

  “Do sit up straight, Emma and information for what?” Cassie asked curiously.

  “On the men I think would make a good match,” she supplied seamlessly. It was only half true. She had been gathering information not only for herself but Lord Derek and his sister, Lady Anna.

  Cassie smiled proudly at her as if she had won a grand prize. “Emma you are becoming a true lady. You learned an important lesson.”

  Emma warmed at her sister’s praise. Becoming a lady was no small task like she thought it would be. She had imagined it would have been simple, but she had. Had to learn to walk differently and restrain from acting as she had growing up. She had even adapted at talking more like the gentility even if her word choices were not as fine.

  “However, “Cassie said holding up a finger, “There are many more lesson to be learned.”

  “No doubt,” Emma murmured to herself then in a normal tone, “Now what do you need, sister dear? I am at your service.”

  “There is something I want,” Cassie said with am embarrassed look, “but everyone knows I loathe the stuff.”

  “What do you want?” Emma laughed.

  “Chocolate, but we do not keep any in the house. But lately I crave it. But I can’t anyone to buy it without the risk of someone finding out why I want it.” She pouted looking like a sullen little girl.

  “I can make a trip to the market to get some for you. Consider it done, Sister. No one would think it odd of me to do so.” Emma rose from her spot. “I shall go and fetch some now. I shan’t be longer than an hour.”


  The Duke of Montrose was leaving his tailor’s shop when he saw a flash of long, unbound honey blonde hair and he double backed.

  His Lady Emma had just entered a shop across the way.

  Handing his over coat and top hat to his footman then ordered the man to stay put.

  “But, your grace,” the man cried after him, “Your mother is expecting you!”

  Derek waved the man away and continued on. He had to see her. Felt it in his bones that he needed to see her, for now nothing stood in his way of having her now that he had received approval from Wenbrooke this very day.

  He would woo her, court her and then sweep her off her feet. Now all Derek had to do was make his first move onto her and start his plan.

  Even though he hadn’t planned a plan just yet. But he figured, no better time to start.

  He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he would do something. She saw him as stuffy, had told him as much, but he could change. He could be charming when he needed too.

  His body ached at the thought of touching her even for a moment. If he did not make her his quickly then he would go mad simply from wanting the woman. How he hid his desire from her he was not sure, but soon he hoped he could sate at least some of it kissing her again.

  He found himself suddenly at the door to the shop she had entered and read the sign. She had gone into a sweets shop.

  Derek smiled as he thought of feeding a sweet to her. Perhaps from mouth to mouth?

  With a low growl he entered the shop, bell tinkling above his head. Derek could see her browsing, not paying attention to who came in and the shop keeper went into the back. So he came up behind her, seeing what she liked as she picked it out.

  He was surprised when she picked out chocolate and candied almonds.

  Drawing closer to her he wondered how she would react to him being near her.


  “Do you, by chance have a sweet tooth, Lady Emma,” asked a deep voice close behind her that startled her.

  She gasped, turning around to see the duke, but her foot got caught in her skirts and she tumbled toward him. Knocking into him she felt as if she had hit a wall, but he had not been prepared for her to fall on him and he too tumbled to the ground, grabbing her so that she landed safely on top of him.

  She blow out a piece of hair from her face and laughed down at him.

  He expression was shocked and very unexpected, she could not help but laugh.

  “How good it is to see you, my lord,” she said looking down at his face.

  His expression shifted from shocked to something much warmer that made her suddenly flush and feel uncomfortable. She became quite aware that she was laying on a duke, one of the richest men in England.

  And she was must likely heavy and the position she was in was very intimate and very unappropriated.

  Just before she was about to fling herself away from him and apologize he reached up with his long f
ingers and gently swiped his thumb over her cheek. Cleaning away something.

  Emma froze at the touch of his warm fingers against her flushed skin. Warmth spread through her and down to her stomach were it balled up tightly. She was confused and feeling slightly punch drunk.

  “You had a smear of chocolate across you cheek,” he said in a soft husky voice.

  And to her shock he licked his finger, before rolling them over so he was top of her.

  She was so stunned she couldn’t move let alone draw a normal breath. Her breath stuttered as he leaned in close.

  What was he doing? No gentleman would do this to a lady. No duke would do this and not this duke. He was known for following the rules of society not breaking them.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Emma watched as his eyes darkened almost becoming black, his eyes focused on her mouth.

  Slowly so slowly his mouth lowered toward hers and her breath caught. She felt a whisper of his lips against hers but then a crashing sound came from close by.

  Emma’s head jerked to see what had happened and the kind older shop keeper had found them and dropped a small crate of goods, spilling them to the floor.

  He looked horrified, whether it was because of her and Lord Derek or dropping his things, she was unsure but she knew that she had to put distance between her and the duke. So she pushed away from the man and rose from her ungraceful position. Emma left the duke staring after her in disbelief as she helped the shaking shop keeper pick up what she dropped.

  “I-I am so s-sorry,” the man babbled in apology as she helped.

  “Nonsense,” Emma said giving him a smile, while on the inside she was panicking again. “I made such a racket in your store. I am sorry. My friend came in and surprised me, but I tripped over my silly skirts and we collided.”


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