Trouble With a Cowboy

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Trouble With a Cowboy Page 17

by Sullivan, Sandy

  Great. He's in a hurry to get rid of me.

  "Sure," she replied, crawling from the bed and sliding on the white robe.

  The food smelled wonderful. Crisp bacon, fluffy eggs, toast, hash browns and strong coffee lay spread out on the dining room table.

  "My lady," he said with a smile as he held out her chair.

  She tried to smile in return, but she couldn't find it in her heart. Sadness and loneliness surrounded everything now making it difficult to even function.

  When they had finished breakfast, they silently packed their belongings and she said a soundless goodbye to the room she had been able to pretend in for the last several days.

  They returned the rental car keys to the concierge desk and walked out to her truck. The truck turned over with a twist of the key and she took a deep breath in order to focus. The next couple of days she would give everything to him to build memories to sustain her for the long days to come.

  Within an hour, they had the bull and her mare loaded into the trailer and she pulled the truck onto the highway headed for Littleton, Oklahoma. Macy curled up in Tucker's lap and went to sleep.

  "You're awfully quiet," he said, opening up the conversation as his hand swept over the cat's fur.

  "Just thinking."


  "Nothing special."

  "Not even us?"

  "There is no us, Tucker. There is you and me and we'll be parting ways day after tomorrow when I drop you in Littleton."

  "What if I said I wanted there to be?"

  She snapped her head around so fast, her neck cracked. "You don't mean that. Neither one of us is in love with the other and I won't settle for less. I can't. We've had a good time over the last couple of weeks, but we both knew going in, it would be a short term thing. You'll be going home to your ranch, raising your cattle and doing whatever else it is you do and I'll be on the road running back and forth along Interstate forty, trying to stay out of the ditches." Yeah. He might buy that.

  "You're right. It's been fun, but we both need to move on."

  Those words were the last thing she wanted to hear.

  Her cell phone jingled in the pocket beside her seat. Pam, came up on the screen.

  "Hey, baby girl. What's shakin'?"

  The first smile she had been able to muster, spread across her face. "Hey, Pam."

  "You rollin' this way?"


  "You stoppin' here tonight? Could use some company."

  "We can I suppose." She glanced at Tucker and he nodded stiffly. "Sure we can, Pam. It would give the animals a break and make it easy enough to roll on into Littleton tomorrow evening."

  "Sounds good. I'll get some food on and see you about five?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "You got that hunk of a man with you?"

  "Yes, Pam. Tucker is in the cab with me."

  "Well, good."

  "Talk to you in a few hours."

  She snapped the phone shut and slid it back into her pocket.

  "Are you going to stay with me in the trailer tonight?" he asked, his voice a little husky.

  "Do you want me to?"

  "Of course, Jacie. I never said I didn't want to still make love to you."

  The lump in her throat almost choked her, but she couldn't tell him no. The need to have his arms around her drove her past reason and past the guard on her heart. If it would be the last night she would make love with him, then so be it. She would give him everything she had and pray he didn't see through the façade of the nonchalant attitude she carried.

  The five hours it took to get to Pam's felt like forever, but then not long enough. She wanted this trip to go on because in the end, it meant walking away from Tucker.

  Christmas lights glowed as they made the turn into Pam and Jack's driveway. Sometime in the last two weeks, Jack had put all the lights up. Her friends went all-out with their decorations. Santa Claus and his reindeer rested on the rooftop, a huge snow globe sat in the front yard with carolers inside and they had enough lights to brighten the darkest night.

  Jacie backed the truck up to the gate so they could let the animals out, and then set it up near the electrical outlet like they had done before. By the time everything was set, Pam stood on the porch with a big grin on her face. Tears stung the back of Jacie's eyes as she walked into Pam's hug.

  "Oh, honey. It'll be fine."

  "Thanks, Pam. Have you got some good home cookin' for us? I'm kind of tired of eating out."

  "You bet. I made a nice roast with potatoes, gravy and vegetables. I hope you're hungry."

  "Starvin'," Tucker answered, stepping up on the porch.

  "Nice to see you again."

  "Thanks, Pam. I hope we aren't intruding."

  "Never!" Pam waved him off with a flip of her hand. "I love company. Come on in, grab some coffee and sit a bit. Dinner will be ready in a jiffy."

  "Anything I can do to help?" Jacie asked, hoping she could have a moment to talk to Pam alone."

  "Sure, honey. You can make the gravy."

  Jacie poured Tucker some coffee and took it to him in the living room. "Thanks, darlin'."

  "You're welcome."

  He brushed his lips against hers but she couldn't muster the energy to even return his kiss. His eyebrows dipped over his eyes and he cocked his head to the side. "Everything okay?"

  "Yeah. Fine," she replied, turning toward the kitchen.

  The kitchen door closed behind her and Pam asked, "So what's up with you and Mr. Gorgeous in there?"

  "Nothing, why?"

  "Please, baby girl. I know you better than that. He's done wound himself around your heart, hasn't he?"

  Jacie dropped her gaze to the countertop. "Yeah."

  "Oh, honey," Pam murmured, wrapping Jacie in her warm embrace. "Everything will work out. You'll see."

  "I hope so, Pam, but I can't see how. Tucker doesn't want any kind of a relationship. When I drop him in Littleton tomorrow evening, it will be over and done with."

  "I think he cares more for you than you are giving him credit for. I saw the way he looked at you."

  "Lust is what you saw. Nothing more."

  "I'm not so sure."

  "I am." Jacie grabbed the whisk and stirred the gravy. "Let's drop it, okay?"

  Several moments later, they called the men in for supper. Her host and hostess kept the conversation lively through dinner although it seemed her and Tucker didn't have a lot to say.

  After they had finished eating and Jacie helped Pam clean up, she and Tucker said their goodnights and walked silently toward the trailer. She stopped to grab Macy from the truck.

  "You know if you don't want to sleep in the trailer with me, you don't have to," Tucker said as they reached the door and waited for her to step inside.

  "I want to."

  "You sure don't act like it, Jacie. It's almost like you can't wait to get away from me."

  Without thinking about the consequences or how her heart would break tomorrow, she wrapped her hand behind his head and pulled his mouth to hers, earning her a growl and a hiss from Macy squished between them. The low growl he emitted told her of his desire and it matched her own. She wanted this man—needed him with everything inside her and if tonight was going to be the last time she would have to make love with him, she would throw heart and soul into it.

  She tugged him inside, shut the door and led him into the bedroom as Macy crawled onto the back of the couch and hissed her displeasure.

  "Make love to me, Tucker. One last time," she whispered against his lips.


  She silenced him with another kiss. Slipping her tongue between his lips, she captured his moan inside her mouth. Hands roamed, fingers skimmed, clothes disappeared and mouths sought each other with every second. Tonight she would remember forever.

  They fell across the bed in a tangle of arms, legs and bare skin. No words were needed. This would be all touching, tasting, smelling and memorizing all of him.

/>   His lips moved from her mouth to her ear. He nibbled on the lobe with his teeth for a moment before he slipped down to the soft skin beneath her ear. His journey continued over her shoulder and across her chest to taste her breast. Lips suckled and pulled. Her back arched toward his mouth as a whimper escaped her. First the right breast, then the left. When his mouth moved to the other, his fingers took their place.

  Seconds later, his tongue flicked the bellybutton ring at her navel.

  Breath hitched in her throat as he continued down to between her parted thighs. His tongue brushed over her clit, driving her desire higher. Tonight there would be no teasing. Tonight he made her come hard with hardly any foreplay at all, but he made sure she had two orgasms before he slid his hard cock deep into her waiting center. She wrapped both legs around his hips, desperate to hold him close.

  Soft moans and deep groans mingled in the silence only to be broken as he whispered, "Come for me, Jacie."

  Toes tingled. Heat crawled up her legs. Her pussy throbbed with every thrust of his hips until the whole thing centered low in her belly and burst through her middle like an aerial firework on the Fourth of July.

  Tucker growled his own release moments later, and then collapsed on her chest as he buried his nose in her neck.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Hmmm," she murmured, stroking his shoulders with her fingers.

  He rolled off and pulled her close. "Shit."


  "I need to flip on the heat. It's cooling off in here now that we aren't generating our own heat." He kissed the top of her head and scooted out of the bed. Light from the huge floodlight outside played across his features, outlining every valley and crevice of his muscles. Need and desire sizzled down her back. The man could turn her on without doing anything at all.


  Once the heat came on, he crawled onto the bed with her, pulled the blankets up and snuggled in for the night.

  Not touching him wasn't an option. She needed to feel him, be close to him even if it would only be for a few hours.

  "How long will it take to get to Littleton?" he asked.

  "About seven hours if we drive straight through."

  "We should be there by early afternoon then."

  "If we leave here early, yes."

  "I'll call my driver in the morning and let him know. He's coming out of Dallas so it won't take him long to get there."

  Silence stretched into the darkness. She didn't know what else to say. I love you wouldn't work. He didn't want to hear that.

  * * * *

  Morning came too early and she wasn't ready for it. The night had disappeared before her heart could cope. Without a word, she vanished into the bathroom and shut the door. She wouldn't cry. She couldn't. Cold water to the eyes would make the tears threatening to fall appear not so apparent—she hoped.

  A soft knock on the door and Tucker's voice reached her through the wood panel. "Jacie? You okay?"

  "I'm fine, Tucker. I'll be out in a second and we'll get moving."

  With shirt tucked in, hair brushed into a ponytail at the back of her head and boots on, she was ready to roll.

  When she opened the door, the sight of Tucker leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest and what she could almost believe was a sad smile on his face, took her breath away.


  "Yep. Let's roll," she said, moving toward the door.

  The animals were loaded, and the goodbyes said. Tucker promised to keep in touch with her friends, but she figured he was being nice. Pam patted her shoulder and told her to admit her feelings for him before it was too late, but she shook her head. "I'll call you when I get home."

  "You better, baby girl."

  She waved through the windshield before they headed down the driveway.

  White lines and blacktop stretched for miles in front of her. It used to be enough, but now, she didn't think it would be. Even though he hadn't left yet, she felt it with every mile they got closer to Oklahoma.

  One stop for gas and food and on the road again. No words were spoken except for necessary things. Uncomfortable silence grew thicker and thicker inside the cab.

  Four o'clock they rolled into Littleton and she drove the truck around behind the motel. She had no plans to stay tonight. The quicker she got away from Tucker, the better for her heart. Her trailer sat right where they had left it.

  "At least no one bothered your trailer," he said, glancing across the cab.

  "Nope. Appears to be in one piece."

  She shut the truck off and climbed out. The escape hatch on the trailer gave her instant access to letting her mare out. Tucker popped the door on the side and she unhooked the lead rope. Once her horse stood outside, she looped the rope through the tie and then moved to unhitch his trailer.

  In no time at all, his trailer stood solemnly by itself.

  Another eighteen-wheeler pulled in and stopped next to them as she worked on hitching her trailer back up to her truck. "Hey, Charlie," Tucker said when the drive climbed out.

  "Hey, boss."

  While the two men made small talk, she loaded her mare and latched the trailer door. Nothing kept her here now—nothing except Tucker.

  "How was the drive?"

  "Not bad." Charlie took off his hat and held out his hand to her. "You must be Jacie. I've heard a lot about you."

  She cocked an eyebrow and glanced at Tucker. "Have you."

  "Yes, ma'am. Tucker has done nothing but sing your praises every time he's called me. It's nice to meet you finally."

  "You too Charlie. I take it you’re taking Tucker and his bull home?"

  "You bet."

  Jacie shuffled her feet and looked at her boots for a minute. When she lifted her head and locked gazes with Tucker, she wasn't sure what to make of his expression.

  "I'm going to get rollin', Tucker. I've got another twelve hours of hard drivin'."

  "You aren't staying here tonight?"

  She shook her head and said, "No. I just want to get home."

  "Yeah," he murmured. He pulled out his wallet and handed her several hundred dollar bills. "This is for your expenses for the rest of the trip."

  "I'm not takin' your money, Tucker."

  "Take it, Jacie. I want you to have it."

  A weary sigh rushed from between her lips as she took the money and stuffed it in her pocket. "Thanks." She looked everywhere but at him. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  "It's been fun. I mean, this whole three weeks will be something I won't forget anytime soon."

  "Me either."

  She stepped close and placed one hand on his shoulder. "Bye, Tucker," she whispered, then brushed his cheek with her lips.

  "Bye, darlin'."

  Chapter Eleven

  By the time Jacie hit Nashville, her tears had dried and she decided not to let the last couple of weeks ruin her life. Yes, she loved him and yes, it would be hard to move on without him, but she would. She had to.

  Macy lay curled in Tucker's seat, sound asleep.

  She would never be able to think of it as anything other than Tucker's seat now and the thought almost brought fresh tears to her eyes.

  Bumper to bumper traffic on Interstate 24 delayed her return home, but she didn't care anymore. Caring meant living and living she couldn't do yet. She talked to her parents early this morning and told them she would be rolling into the home place about six. Her truck would sit parked there until she had another load to run, but for now, she wanted to crawl into her lonely bed in her lonely house and forget Tucker Marshall ever existed.

  God help her, it would be the only way she could continue to function for now.

  The money he had given her burned a hole in her front pocket. She hadn't even pulled it out during the twelve hours from Oklahoma. It didn't matter. She had her winnings from NFR to get home on and pay her bills. Unfortunately, the bank had called several times over the last day saying someth
ing about her truck payment bouncing. The payments were already late, but the money Tucker had given her would help her get caught up.

  Streaks of orange, red and purple lit up the sky as she took the final turn before she would reach her parent’s place. The Flying H ranch's large wrought iron gates sat quite a ways from the actual house, but when she reached it, it always meant coming home. The gates opened with a flick of her wrist and creaked as she pushed them far enough to get her truck through. Beautiful horses grazed in the distance. Brown and white, black and white and solid black munched on the grass beneath their feet, giving her the peaceful feeling she needed so badly. Several whinnied to her mare, realizing she was home.

  For now, she would unhitch her trailer, release her mare to graze with her running buddies, and then head for home.

  Once the gate had been closed, she hopped inside her truck and made the last leg of her journey to her parent’s house.

  "What the—"

  A huge tow truck sat in front of the house and she could see her mother frantically talking with her hands to a guy in a cowboy hat. The side of the truck said Black Towing and Repossessions.

  "No way. They wouldn't repo my truck. Would they?" she said out loud as she turned off the engine and set the brake.

  She popped the door open and climbed out, ready for battle. Damn it! They are not taking my truck.

  Running as fast as she could, she rounded the front end and ran smack into a solid wall of muscle.

  Two hands grabbed her upper arms to steady her and her head came up so fast, she banged it on the man's chin. His teeth snapped together with an almost sickening sound as one hand released her arm.

  "Damn fine way to say hello, Jacie."

  "Tucker?" she asked, meeting the baby blues of the one man she thought she'd never see again. "What are you doing here? Wait, I need to deal with the tow truck. They’ll get my rig over my dead body."

  "Hello to you too. No need to worry about them. It came with me. The car I rented from the airport broke down on the freeway and I paid this guy to bring me here."

  "But, I left you in Oklahoma."

  "I know, but I forgot to tell you I had another job for you. It's very important and no one else can do it for me."


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