The Highlander Without a Bride

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The Highlander Without a Bride Page 11

by Johanna Maas


  The procession of the clansmen led by Bridget and Tor who was still carrying Kaye, moved to an empty room near the rest of the family chambers upon the second floor of the Bruce keep. Tor with a full rage within his chest, walked across the room and gently placed Kaye in the middle of the large bed. She was sleeping so deeply that she never stirred as he tenderly laid her upon the sheets, placing a soft pillow below her head and a blanket over her battered body to guard her against the evening chill.

  Those who stood within the room gazed down at her for long moments in sadness and disbelief as she breathed heavily in her slumber, Kaye oblivious to the onlookers above. So as not to disturb her, the small party walked from her room and moved just outside and into the hallway. They left the door opened wide with the small woman visible and in their thoughts as they began to softly converse.

  Matthew looked into the Bruce clansmen faces who were silently imploring him to speak, varying emotions plaguing their faces. With a heavy sigh he began slowly and shared what he knew of her troubles.

  "Kaye spoke to me of her travels on the day of her wedding and the events that took place when her new husband took her from her parent's keep. She explained how they were accosted and how she sat before her wretched captors, the Lord Hann refusing to hand over any valuables or do anything to save her or to protect her from harm."

  Tor groaned loudly clenching his fists at his side as he once again relived and was reminded of the details and the pain that poor Kaye had endured. She had suffered so terribly at both the hands of her attackers and of the humiliation set forth by her husband and her lord. For the first time, he clearly understood that her devastation may have been avoided had her lord only conceded that bag of coins on her behalf.

  "She then told me that the next day her husband abandoned her for London leaving her at the Hann keep under the watchful eye of his son, Lord Alden. Kaye said that after she had been there for nearly three weeks, the young lord told her that the reason his father had made the journey was to petition the king for the Devon's properties. Now that he was Kaye's husband, he felt he was entitled since he had married the eldest daughter and Lord Devon had no sons and no other rightful heirs."

  Bridget groaned angrily as she spat, "And that is why Lord Hann was intent upon marrying her to begin with. But if he were doing that, what reason would he have to beat her so?"

  Matthew simply shook his head as continued most miserably, "It was not him. Kaye told me of Lord Alden, saying that while her husband was away, she was left fully in his charge. She spoke of how she was always very uncomfortable within his presence and that he oftentimes made inappropriate advances towards her. She attempted to avoid him as much as she could, but on that fateful night when he entered her chamber…"

  Tor's rage began to erupt again as he clenched his fists at his side as he visibly angered and spat, "What did he do to her?"

  Matthew looked sadly at the man and continued, "When the young lord entered her chamber he was very angry. Kaye said it was a rage like none other she had ever seen before. He was furious because he had discovered that she had given some medallion to a visiting clergyman…" Matthew looked over at Tor, knowing he would understand, "in hopes that he would return it to you."

  Tor swallowed hard as a pain resonated fully within his chest as he attempted to quell his own anger directed solely at himself, now knowing it was because of his actions that she had been harmed. The entire group within the hallway stood silently with confusion upon their faces as they watched Tor intently and waited for him to respond.

  After several moments when he could finally collect himself and somewhat settle his self-loathing, Tor finally took a deep breath and explained, "On that day in the woods, I gave Kaye my family's heirloom medallion and told her that if she ever needed assistance that all she had to do was return it to me and I would come."

  Tor lowered his eyes to the floor in shame, understanding that they all would know that while his intentions may have been honorable, it was this that had ultimately caused her pain.

  When Tor did not speak further, Matthew continued, "Kaye said in his anger he tried to make advances towards her but when she refused, he got very angry and hit her…several times."

  Matthew continued to gaze at Tor for he knew he would want to understand the full of it.

  "Other than striking her, I do not think he had the opportunity to harm her further. Or at least Kaye did not indicate as such."

  Tor looked intently at Matthew pursing his lips tightly as he provided a slight nod, silently thanking him for that piece of communication. Breathing a slight relief for Kaye for that one small allotment, Tor continued to stare at Matthew as he silently begged the young man to continue.

  "There was a struggle as Kaye tried to get away and she grabbed a candlestick holder and hit him over the head."

  They all stared at Matthew, knowing not what to say for this turn of events surprised them and was quite unexpected. They all reasoned that her ability to inflict any damage should be very remote, from one such as slight and feeble as Kaye. In the past, she had never owned the ability to inflict any harm and in all of their minds had only been able to portray a vast weakness.

  "She told me she hit him with all of her strength and when she left, he was still lying motionless, bleeding and unconscious upon the floor. Kaye is afraid she has killed the man."

  Bridget gasped, knowing what that could mean for her sister if that were really true. This made it especially grave since the Hann family held such great favor with their English King Henry.

  "After that, she took her horse and came to me in the middle of the night, reaching me just shortly before dawn. We left immediately and have been riding for three straight days ever since."

  Bridget looked deeply into Matthew's eyes, a question she could not quite answer. "Who brought her to you, Matthew? For she clearly would have had no connections within the Hann manor."

  Matthew looked at Bridget and said, "She came alone."

  Bridget gasped in horror as she attempted to piece all that she knew together for the risk of her actions. Such a rash move and the danger she had placed herself in by riding at night and all alone. Bridget could only shake her head in confusion for the Kaye that she had known would never have done such, for Bridget only knew of her sister's mild and tender ways. She knew nothing of such strengths and certainly nothing of the will and determination that would cause her to do anything so reckless.

  Bridget asked in sure disbelief, "Kaye rode from the Hann keep to your home all by herself?"

  The incredulity of it struck the entire group, for the last that they had truly witnessed of her will and of her fortitude was her weakness and sickness when Alec had gone to claim his wife. So sickly was she at that time and so incapable of anything.

  Matthew interrupted their thoughts as he understood their bewildered looks and knew they were unbelieving of his tale.

  "Bridget, she has changed much within these last two years since you left the Devon home and I realize now even more so since the day that she was wed. She rode that large mare all by herself throughout the night and through the first two full days never complaining and never falling behind my quick pace even once."

  Matthew took in a full breath as he continued to look deeply into the Highlanders eyes as he continued, "She never gained the back of my steed until midday today. I have been around her my entire life and have never seen her ride anything except the calmest of mares and only for a few minutes at a time. But the way she skillfully handled that beast…"

  Matthew did not continue for he did not know how to describe further the changes he had witnessed within her. He had relayed all that Kaye had shared with him and paused so that the entirety of it could penetrate the group. He stood quietly by as he moved his gaze to looked intently at Alec as he now spoke of the questions that weighed so heavily upon his heart.

  "You should also know that I did not wake my father when Kaye came for m
e and she implored me to leave Lord Devon out of it. So they know nothing, or at least not from either of us. She begged me to bring her here to Bridget. Was I right in coming? Will you protect her?"

  Alec removed his gaze from the one called Matthew and stared into the darkening room where his sister-in-law lay upon the large bed, a concern now fully upon his brow for her fate. For while this was his wife's sister, he knew this could mean war, would most likely signify war for the sanctuary that he was providing. He had to consider his clan and what it would entail for them, for this was his personal battle and not his people's conflict.

  When he did not speak for a few moments as he was still lost in thought and contemplating his options, it was Bridget who finally anxiously spoke as she looked intently upon her husband.

  "Alec, we cannot turn her away!"

  He replied with a saddened smile placing his hand lovingly upon Bridget's shoulder, "Yes, I know that. But you realize that this could bring the wrath of the English upon us. For it will not take them long before they realize where she has gone."

  Bridget stared back into her husband's eyes with a grave fear upon her face as she inquired astoundingly, "Do you truly think they will come for her?"

  With a full understanding upon his heart and a sadness within his voice Alec answered, “Without a doubt. She is simply too valuable for Lord Hann not to.”


  Bridget watched over Kaye in sadness as she slept deeply and dreamlessly throughout the entire night. She never moved once for her exhaustion completely consumed her small body. As Bridget sat vigil by her side never leaving her for a moment, her heart broke for the pain and suffering her dear sister had obviously experienced.

  Tor stood outside in the hallway forever pacing and oftentimes gazing in over the threshold to the woman who lay silently within the bed. He never entered the room once even though he wanted to be near, but he knew that it was not his right. The pain of his guilt consumed him and he blamed himself for much of her troubles, for if he had protected her as he should have to begin with and implored her to leave her husband, none of this would have befallen her. How she must despise him for his lack of protection.

  It was nearing midday and the heavily clouded skies outside emitted tiny cold droplets of rain upon the land and Kaye was yet to stir. As a large clap of thunder burst forth from the heavens above and permeated the chamber, Kaye's slight body was shaken from her deep slumber. Her eyes flew wide as she bolted upwards and startled upon the bed. Her breath came in gasps as her heart beat wildly within her chest for the fright that was upon her. She looked about the room in confusion as she tried to frantically piece together in her mind her situation and her whereabouts.

  Bridget immediately went to her side and taking her hand within her own attempted to calm her trembling sister. She noted immediately how Kaye's heart was beating fiercely as her breath was coming in strained gasps as the terror continued to show upon her face.

  "Shhh, dear Kaye, you are safe now."

  Kaye looked at her with uncertainty as she slowly lay back upon the pillows with her eyes still wide open in fear and staring straight ahead. As she leaned back upon the bed, Kaye detected a slight movement in the hallway just outside the door and her gaze quickly moved to its source. Kaye watched in wonder as she spied Tor who was looking upon them with fearful eyes. She gazed in his direction as their eyes locked for a brief moment before he turned and was abruptly gone from her sight. She furrowed her brow not understanding the feeling of the hollowness upon her chest or the reasoning behind his quick disappearance and gazed back at Bridget with a questioning look upon her face.

  "Tor has paid a constant vigil in the hallway as I have done here by your side since you arrived, including the whole of last night, dear sister."

  Kaye simply stared at her with a vacant look then removed her gaze from Bridget as she peered across the room into the blazing hearth. A coldness had settled upon her petite body as a constant void plagued her heart as a slight shiver moved throughout her. So much had happened and so much had transpired over the last few weeks and it overwhelmed her.

  Kaye reached up absently towards her swollen eye, lightly touching the brow above. Slowly, she moved her fingers across to the gash upon her cheek as the throbbing continued to resonate within her head and the tears began fall. She closed her eyes praying for strength and for the fortitude to get through her pain and more importantly to move on with her life. For not only was the physical pain distressing, but the pain upon her heart was quite alarming.

  Through her lowered lashes she looked at Bridget as she silently pleaded for an explanation for she fervently wanted a full understanding of her plight.

  Bridget began, "Matthew arrived here last eve with you upon his horse and please know, dear sister, that you are now safe. We will not let anything happen to you. Please, Kaye, tell me you are alright?"

  Kaye looked over at Bridget, attempting a slight smile as she nodded her head. She was ever so grateful and thankful that they had arrived here, unscathed. A heavy weight had been lifted from her chest, for the protection she had hoped to gain. For long minutes they sat as such with each quietly lost in their own thoughts as Kaye was quite unable to speak.

  A child's whimper was heard and a movement was had from the doorway as the Lord Alec walked a few paces into the chamber with a crying child in his arms.

  "I am sorry to intrude, but Bridget, Edward here is crying out for you and will not settle. I think this storm has him frightening and nothing will please him. May I bring him in?"

  When the small child saw his mother he cried louder yet as he stiffened his back and extended his arms outwardly. Quickly, he became more angry and agitated for his father's lack of movement.

  Bridget looked over at Kaye, now torn between caring for her son and her sister. But as she saw the softening of Kaye's features as she looked upon the babe and the small smile as it began to play across her face, she knew exactly what she had to do for it appeared this could be a welcomed distraction.

  "Yes, Alec, please do bring him in. I would like to introduce our son to his aunt."

  Alec breathed a sigh of relief and did not hesitate as he walked forward knowing he could divest himself of his unhappy son. While he loved the child deeply and without question, he was quite uncomfortable and felt rather helpless around his tears. Bridget grinned fully as the small child began to smile and then giggle as he came to rest within her arms.

  "This, my dear Kaye, is your nephew Edward."

  Kaye's own smile widened as she looked upon the beautiful boy child with very dark hair and dark eyes like his father and his mother's nose. Kaye noted that Edward had passed his first year of life the previous spring and his considerable size even for one so small, was hinting at the large and powerful man that he would become some day. She looked on in awe and wonder as she saw the happy parents smiling with pride over their most precious treasure and the product of their love. How her heart soared for their happiness. To be so blessed…

  Bridget walked near the bed and setting Edward upon its edge, Kaye immediately moved her hands towards the young babe. As she looked upon the beautiful child, her own fears and pains were suddenly forgotten as she pushed them from her mind, if only for the moment. She touched his chubby little arms and ran her finger lovingly upon his soft cheek, all the while a deep smile spreading further upon her battered face, so thankful for this sudden and unplanned diversion.


  Kaye stayed abed the remainder of that day and into the next with her body completely rebelling from her recent ordeal. Just before the nooning hour arrived on that second day, she found herself quite alone in her room and a sudden feeling of restlessness. She could hear slight noises filtering in through her window from outside and the courtyard below and rose from the bed as she moved slowly to the window to reflect upon its source.

  The small opening overlooked the side of the keep showing a portion of the square and the full of the stables
below. There was much activity about within the area on this fine fall day. She stood staring intently for a long while as some of the clansmen moved the horses about while others were training with bows and yet others, with swords.

  As her eyes eagerly scanned the activities below, they came to reset upon one in particular who stood taller than most and was ever so graceful upon the field. His long blonde hair blew carelessly about in the wind as his vast muscular chest flexed wildly as he wielded his powerful sword. His skin glistened intently in the midday sun as he moved effortlessly while he battled his opponent. Kaye's breath caught within her throat as she watched him closely and marveled at his strength, his grace and at his magnificence. She stared at this man intently and began to wonder at how he could affect her so.

  Kaye was brought suddenly from her revelry when she heard a slight footfall directly behind her and gasped in apprehension for its sudden nearness had startled her greatly. Her recent memories were forever leaving her panicked as the ill-fated events flashed through her mind. She turned around quickly to see who was approaching as a sure fear encompassed her heart. Her hand flew to her chest as a gasp came from her throat and her eyes widened in alarm as she spun around to face her invader.

  Bridget walked near seeing the true terror and fright upon Kaye's face and said softly, "Oh, my dear, sister, I am so sorry for I did not mean to startle you so. You must know that you are protected and that you are safe here."

  Bridget moved closer as she brought her slight sister within her arms, feeling the thundering of her heart as her body began shaking anew. She gently rocked her, embracing her tightly as she wished to pass her own strength on to help get her through this ordeal.


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