Chasing His Mate

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Chasing His Mate Page 10

by M. L. Briers

  “Food's nearly done. Be about another half an hour. Maybe you should go placate your mate; after all, we don’t want any sour faces around the table, do we?” Connor mused, seeing that Chase wasn’t exactly in the chatty mood. He was lost in thought, probably about his mate. He might as well not have been in the room at all. Better he went and took care of what ails him, than stand there looking like someone stole his favourite toy out from under him.

  Chase watched her from the doorway of the living room. Her fingertips absently stroked over the row of DVDs that lined the shelf at the far wall of the room, as he eyes catalogued each title. He wondered if she would make him suffer all of those horrible female movies that he was so careful to avoid. Still, he could think of worse things than having her pressed to his side, as they watched films together.

  Just the thought of her body pressed up against his was enough to start a fire in his belly, and the blood rushing to manhood as he felt the tight restriction of his jeans and shifted uncomfortably. His mind had turned from a fully clothed film night, to thoughts of her lying beneath him in bed, totally naked, as he slid in and out of the tightness of her core. He had it bad.

  It took him a mere few strides to cover the distance between them across the room. He had his hands on her hips a second later, and had turned her towards him a heartbeat after that.

  When she opened her mouth to speak, he took that as a welcome sign, covering her lips with his and pushing his tongue into the sweet warmth of her mouth, devouring her with a passion that she matched.

  He ran his hands down the length of her back, and she moulded her body to his. Palming her backside he lifted her against him, and her legs automatically wrapped around his hips. Turning them around he lowered her down onto the sofa, his erection pressed hard against her, still sensitive nub, the contact caused her moan into his mouth, and that in turn drove him wild with his need for her.

  He wasn’t going to make it upstairs. He needed to be inside her now, and he didn’t give a damn where they were. His hands reached for her legs, and he pulled apart the lock she had around him. Lifting and turning her in one easy motion, his hands not pausing long enough to give her time to think, as his fingers disappeared beneath the waistband of her jog bottoms, locating the nub and immediately setting her on fire, as he worked against her.

  “Your brother…” She gasped out, pushing her back into his hard chest, while her hips moved with the rhythm of his hand. Her mind was trying desperately to hold to the fact that they could be disturbed, while her body just didn’t give a damn.

  “Knows better than to come within twenty feet of mates, mating.” He growled against her ear, the husky tone of his voice telling her that Chase really didn’t give a damn either.

  When he nipped the soft skin of her earlobe, she pushed her backside hard against his erection, the low, deep growl that rolled over her skin, sent thunderbolts of excitement within her.

  “Now.” She breathed out, her hands shoot out in front of her for the stability of the back of the sofa, when he grabbed the waistband of her joggers and yanked them down to her knees, exposing her for his touch. He thrust two large fingers into her core, and she had to bite down on the cry of pleasure that desperately wanted to escape her lips. Her fingers curled over the back of the sofa, her nails digging into the fabric.

  Chase yanked the zipper down on his fly, his erection sprung out, almost in relief to be free, and more than eager to be inside her. He fisted his shaft on a growl of desire, as he pulled his fingers from within her. Pushing the head of his shaft into the opening of her core, her hips automatically rolled back to take him inside her, and he had no intention of making her wait this time.

  On one, long, slow slide, he took her to the hilt. Her inner muscles convulsed around him in a welcoming embrace, as she leaned forwards, pushing her backside hard against his hips, making sure she took every last millimetre of him into her, as he stretched her silken walls around his girth.

  “You’re so damn tight.” He growled, as much to himself as to her. Revelling in the feel of her body’s welcoming pulses, the tightness of her silk around him, the way she was made just for him.

  He started a slow slide in and out of her, his eyes fixed on his shaft disappearing into the glorious wet heat of her body. She accepted him on a moan before he slowly dragged himself back out to the tip of his glands, her juices glistening along his shaft. It felt like sheer heaven, it looked so erotic, watching himself take his mate, and he couldn’t help the growls that rolled around in his throat.

  Her fingers ran down his arm and hand, until she found the spot where his fingers were working a slow rhythm over her nub. Lacing her fingers with his, she directed him to increase the speed against her, her hips pushing back hard into him. He used his body to ease her forwards, bent over her back, he started to thrust into her, long, fast strokes that gave her what she needed, a steady climb towards release.

  He felt her close to letting go, felt her muscles start to tighten, and her fingers curl against his. Her breath hitched with each thrust, and he held her just on the edge, her body was anticipating, needing, crying out for him to send her over the edge.

  So tantalisingly close that every muscle in her body was tensing with expectancy, before he pumped his hips against her backside, rolled his fingers hard over her nub, building more of a fire inside her, and when he finally gave her that final, deep thrust that made her orgasm, it was so all consuming.

  Her body bucked beneath him, as he buried himself to the hilt within her. He wanted to feel the onslaught of her muscles spasm around him. The hard rhythmic squeeze and release of her inner muscles around his shaft was nature’s way of trying to massage his release from within him. But he wasn’t finished with her yet, wasn’t ready to relinquish the feel of his shaft within her.

  Starting a slow slide through her throbbing muscles felt like heaven. With every long stroke, he savoured the feeling. Leaning back away from her, his eyes took in the way her fresh juices clung to his shaft, and as the throbbing started to ease around him, he thrust with longer, harder, deeper strokes, each one taking the breath she was fighting for away on a moan.

  He reached down and pulled her up against his chest, lifting her arms; he found her hands and held her palms flat against the wall. Nudging her thighs flat against the back of the sofa, he pinned her there with his own body. Using his chest, he held her still, his hips pulled back, before he dipped and thrust into her, upwards, taking her from a different angel, hard and deep.

  His lips found the soft skin of her neck, his teeth nipping, first gently and then harder, his tongue soothing over her flesh, before he closed his lips over that spot and sucked hard until she moaned. She tried to squirm against him, but he had her caged, his body over hers, all around hers. While the constant thrusts deep into her core had her fingers curling beneath his up against the wall.

  “You don’t like my wolf’s bite?” He breathed against her ear. It caused her to turn her head towards him, his breath caressing her cheek as he saw her fight to open her eyes.

  “You should ask first.”

  “I would have but my wolf wanted you so badly.” He slowed inside her, his own release was getting to close, he wasn’t willing to let that happen yet, he was enjoying her body too much.

  “Are you asking me if I will let you bite me Chase?”

  “I have to give my wolf something, he’s eager to bond with you...” He felt everything from her all at once. The wave of panic that washed through her, the fear that rose up inside her, her muscles tensed, and her hands tried to push away from the wall.

  Chase reacted immediately, releasing her hands from beneath his, just to capture them again as he brought her arms down around her own body, his arms wrapped around her, pinning her too him, as she squirmed.


  “Calm down.” He soothed her with his tone, whispering for her to ease her struggle, telling her she was safe, over and over, against her ear until she stilled in
his arms.

  “If you do that without my…”

  He pulled out of her, turning her in his arms. He tipped her chin up and stared down at her with dark eyes, his brow pulled down low in the deepest of frowns.

  “I would not do that to you.” There was an underlying anger in his voice, he was in full blown Alpha stance, using his power to sooth her, and yet he was madder than hell with her for thinking he would bond with her without her permission.

  “Because I don’t know if I want…” She blurted out, the fear long since gone, but replaced by the confusion that was now in its wake. Her words had cut deep inside him, almost as painfully as if she had used claws to rip through his flesh.

  “Me.” He finished for her, it wasn’t just his pride that had taken a bashing, it was his whole being. His mate didn’t think he was good enough for her. That was hard for any Lycan to hear, but an Alpha…

  Chase pulled them both to their feet; he released her from his arms, his hands quickly sorting out her state of undress before he took care of his own.

  “I’m going to shower before dinner.” He informed her, drawing back away from her, his eyes not meeting hers for fear of what he would see there.

  Before she could even contemplate an answer she was staring at the space he had been standing.

  “Oh hell, no you didn’t.”

  Her voice echoed around him, bouncing off the tiled walls of the bathroom, as he stood under the powerful stream. He actually jumped slightly in place, so lost in contemplation of her rejection of him that he hadn’t heard her approaching.

  He turned his head to find her standing in the middle of the room with her hands were on her hips and her head tilted to one side, giving him the evil eye, something she managed to pull off so well. He groaned in his own head.

  “Not in the mood for one of your temper tantrums right now, but thanks.” The sarcasm in his voice was evident. It made her bristle even more.

  “Sure, you go right ahead and brood in that little self indulgent brain of yours…”

  “For the love of God, will you just leave me be woman?” It was a plea tinged by anger, and as he palmed the wall in front of him, he tried to silence any further conversation by putting his head under the stream.

  “Well I would, but some idiot got me stuck on a mountain I can’t get off of.” She sniped back, raising the level of her voice so he could hear her, knowing full well that he had when she was greeted with a low level growl for her trouble.

  “I’m taking a shower, in case you didn’t notice…” He bit back, turning his head and pinning her to the spot with his eyes.

  Cassidy let her eyes wander over his naked body, soap suds still clung to patches of his skin and she wondered if he had been trying to rid himself of her scent.

  “And pouting like a girl.”

  His head whipped around so fast she was surprised he didn’t snap his own neck, and those eyes, dark and glaring at her with a ferocity that gave her pause for thought.

  In the grand scheme of things she didn’t know this guy. Sure she knew he was a Lycan, which meant he wasn’t so good at keeping his temper. That she had experienced firsthand already. He Was an Alpha. Did that mean he was better or worse at keeping his temper in check? And he was her mate, or she was his, or they were mates- Whatever. So theoretically he wouldn’t deliberately go out of his way to hurt her, but right now he looked like he could easily rip her limb from limb.

  “Be careful Cassidy, my patience isn’t infinite.” That underlying growl told her all she needed to know. She was walking on unsteady ground. But she needed to know just what he was capable of. Just what would happen if she pushed him just a little too far? She couldn’t be scared of her own shadow, she wouldn’t walk on eggshells around him, and she had never been one to bite her tongue.

  “Am I supposed to be afraid of you Alpha?” He hit the stream off and turned towards her, his dark eyes glaring back at her. But he just stood there taking up more space than a man should. Every muscle in his body seemed to be tense, on alert and she wasn’t sure if he was trying to rein his emotions in or not, nothing showed on his face.

  Cassidy stared back at him with a calm interest. She didn’t feel threatened, she felt drawn. There wasn’t a part of his body that her eyes didn’t take in. This was him, her mate in all of his glory. The pull on her womanhood was so strong that to deny they were mates would be insanity. Right now she wanted nothing more than to feel those steel arms around her. Look up into those eyes that could melt her heart, and to feel his lips on hers. It was like having a fever and a craving all at once.

  She had wanted to push him, test him. Now she just wanted to melt into him. Was this what having a split personality was like? Or was this just what being mates meant? And why the hell was he just standing there? It took drip drying to a whole new level.

  Cassidy let her eyes roam over his face. Even a day’s growth of dark stubble looked damned sexy on him. It made him look darker, and she was beginning to like dark… a lot.

  Still he hadn’t moved a muscle, and she would have noticed, even a flicker. Just having him standing there looking at her was making her hotter, and not just temperature wise. Although, she was sure that if someone took her temperature now, it would show she was running a fever. But it wasn’t medical it was lust, desire, want and need.

  Then he moved. Well, one part of him moved. Her eyes travelled down to his manhood and the life that blossomed there. Had he scented her arousal? Or seen something in her reaction to him? Maybe she was just giving off that kind of a vibe.

  She saw his hands twitched, slowly tighten into loose fists. It was the only outward show of emotion that he was giving her. Was he trying to hold himself back?

  She reached for the bottom of her sweat top and yanked it over her head, discarding it on the floor beside her, her breasts naked for his eyes. But his eyes didn’t move down to take her in. He was still looking at her face. She noted that his fists tightened until his knuckles were white at his sides. But still he didn’t move.

  Cassidy’s fingers snagged the waistband of the jogging bottoms and she pushed them down her thighs. This was no slow, seductive striptease, she wanted to be naked and so she was.

  She had no underwear to peel off, because they were still drying after he had put her in the shower in them. But even if she had been wearing them, she would have disposed of them in the same manner. Her clothes were not props to seduce him, but barriers to be discarded.

  She kicked her feet out of the material and stood there naked in front of him. Still he didn’t move, but she did. She crossed the room towards him in haste, stopping in front of him. She had to tip her head up to see those eyes, still on her face, just looking down at her.

  Her hands reached for his chest, her palms flat against the still damp skin, so hot under her touch. Her fingers took on a life of their own, and she couldn’t help but run them over the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen. He could have had steel canisters under the surface.

  “You want sex.” His tone was deep and husky and it drove her need for him.

  “I want you.” She shot back quickly, before her brain had even kicked in. “I want you, but I don’t know if I want to be bonded.”

  There was a flicker of something in his eyes, but it was too fleeting for her to pin an emotion on it. Her fingertips were still exploring him. The ridge of muscles over his hips that led downwards, pointed the way to the base of his penis and she brushed her thumbs down either side of his thick shaft.

  The growl rolled through his chest like thunder. His lids slid down over his eyes so slowly. Cassidy wrapped his shaft in her fist as best she could. He was large enough that she couldn’t close her hand around him. On another growl he opened his eyes in time to see her bend over him, the instant jolt inside him, when she ran her tongue around the prominent ridge, had him digging his nails into the palms of his hands.

  He had managed to stand damn still and wait for her to come to him, even though it had
taken every ounce of willpower he possessed. But she had, she had come to him. But he had not expected this. But it felt so good, her loving him like this.

  When she closed her lips around him, just under the ridge and moved over his glands with her tongue, the ache to pull her down onto the tiled floor and bury his shaft deep into her wet core, was almost too much to take. What she was doing to him felt like a gift, one he wanted to slowly open.

  He let out a dark curse when she slid her lips down his shaft as far as she could take him into her hot mouth, the warmth of her inner cheeks closing around him as she sucked hard, a slow slide back up until she was tonguing him again.

  Chase’s hands reached for her hair, fisting the silken strands between his fingers, as she took him back in, deep inside her mouth. The feel of her cheeks massaging him, with the consistent pull around him from just how hard she was sucking against him, made his sack tighten. When she palmed him, her fingers massaging his testicles, damn, he wanted to explode right then and there.

  The way she was devouring him was just too damn good to waste in haste, and he thought about every mundane thing that his tortured mind could grasp. Even his brother’s damn stew that was probably ready to be eaten. Eaten, she was certainly making a meal of his manhood. He cursed again. His mind was back to the feel of her working up and down his shaft.

  He couldn’t help it when his hips pushed towards her, or when they pulled back again. He couldn’t help it when his hands tightened in her hair. Hell, he couldn’t help it when he held her still and took his pleasure in her mouth. Just like he couldn’t help the sounds of enjoyment she was making around his shaft. Her hands were welded to his hips, encouraging him to take her like this. Not that he needed any encouragement. He would have ripped his own arm off just to experience the pleasure of her mouth around him.


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