10 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 3, 85
11 See PRO SP, 53/18, 35–6
12 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 8, 208
13 See Gore-Browne, Lord Bothwell, 246. See Guy, My Heart, 256
14 Labanoff, Lettres, VII, 65
15 PRO SP 59/13, 25
16 Nau, Memorials, 252
17 Gore-Browne, Lord Bothwell, 302
Chapter Thirty-One
1 Fraser, Mary Queen of Scots, 501
2 PRO SP, 59/13, 222
3 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 85
4 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, VII, 17
5 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, VIII, 57
6 Whitelock, Elizabeth’s Bedfellows, 92
7 PRO SP, 58, 65/13
8 PRO SP, 58, 65/12
9 PRO SP, 59/12, 25
10 Labanoff, Lettres, VII, 54; Nau, Memorials, 335
11 Nau, Memorials, 336
12 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 85
13 See Peck (ed.), Leicester’s Commonwealth, 5, 13, 65, 86
14 PRO SP, 12/174, 1–11
15 Labanoff, Lettres, VII, 202
16 Labanoff, Lettres, VII, 202
17 Cecil, Papers, 55/82, 10
Chapter Thirty-Two
1 PRO SP, 53/18, 32
2 Teulet, Lettres, I, 85
3 PRO SP, 53/19, 9
4 Teulet, Lettres, I, 89
5 PRO SP, 53/18, 25–6
6 Morris, Paulet, 182
7 PRO SP, 53/18, 53
8 PRO SP, 53/18, 53
9 PRO SP, 53/18, 53
10 PRO SP, 53/18, 55
11 PRO SP, 53/18, 59
12 Nau, Memorials, 381
Chapter Thirty-Three
1 Nau, Memorials, 382–3
2 Morris, Paulet, 225
3 Nau, Memorials, 88
4 Morris, Paulet, 277
5 Nau, Memorials, 390
6 Nau, Memorials, 392
7 Morris, Paulet, 330
8 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 460–3
9 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480
10 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 482
11 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 488
12 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 490
Chapter Thirty-Four
1 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 492–3
2 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 492–3
3 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 510
4 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 471
5 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480–85
6 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 482–9
7 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 495–500; BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480–95
8 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 550
9 BL, Add. MS, 48196, 540–45; BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480–90
10 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480–95
11 Morris, Paulet, 85
12 Bourgoing, Marie Stuart, 182
13 BL, Harleian MS, 290
Chapter Thirty-Five
1 See BL, Add. MS, 48027, 651–3
2 Morris, Paulet, 223; BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 85
3 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 366
4 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 387
5 See BL, Add. MS, 48027, 642–50
6 Cecil, Papers, 55/183
7 PRO SP, 53/18, 110
8 CSP, Foreign, 1586–8, 241
9 Lambeth Palace Archive, 4267, 19–20
10 Lambeth Palace Archive, 4267, 19–20
11 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 9, 480; Morris, Paulet, 268
12 Beale in BL, Add. MS, 48027, 650–58
13 See Beale, BL, Add. MS, 48027, 650–58; CSP, Scotland, IV, 291–4
14 CSP, Scotland, IV, 294
Chapter Thirty-Six
1 See Beale, BL, Add. MS, 48027, 639–41
2 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 646–7; also Bourgoing, 285
3 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 648–9
4 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 649
5 Bourgoing, Marie Stuart, 358
6 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 647
7 NLS, Advocates MS, 54.1.1
8 NLS, Advocates MS, 54.1.1
9 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 636–40
10 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 640
11 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 642–3
12 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 649–50; Labanoff, Lettres, VI, 491; Morris, Paulet, 388
13 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 649–50
14 BL, Lansdowne MS, 51, 99–100
15 Bourgoing, Marie Stuart, 388; Fraser, Mary Queen of Scots, 662–70
16 BL, Add. MS, 48027, 649–50
Chapter Thirty-Seven
1 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 10, 53–4
2 BL, Cotton MS, Caligula, C 10, 85
3 Strype, Annales, II, ii, 407
4 Green, ‘I My Self’, 421–55. The cadences fit, the army was definitely there and it does seem as if Sharpe was there as chaplain to the Earl of Leicester. On 9 August, the queen ‘made an excellent Oration to her armie, which the next day after her departure, I was commanded to deliver to all the Armie together’.
5 King James I, Works, Chapter 20
It is an incredible privilege to read the original letters and documents of Mary, Queen of Scots, Elizabeth, and men and women who crafted the age. I am thus grateful to all those archives and museums which made it possible for me to turn the pages of the letters in which Mary pours out her heart – and made me so close to the words that it was almost as if I was there.
Archive Sources
Bodleian Library Manuscripts, Additional and Ashmole Manuscripts
British Library Additional Manuscripts, Egerton Manuscripts, Harleian Manuscripts and Lansdowne Manuscripts, Royal, Sloane Manuscripts. Maps. Cotton Manuscripts, particularly Caligula, Claudius, Nero and Vitellus and Vespasian Manuscripts.
British State Papers Online
Cecil Papers, Hatfield House (microfilm)
Lambeth Palace Archives
National Archives, Paris
National Archives of Scotland
National Library of Russia
Public Record Office, Kew
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The Betrayal of Mary, Queen of Scots Page 42